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合同翻译培训合同翻译培训2-经典表达经典表达1合同专用名词合同专用名词-Brainstorming Exercises(1)合同相关的名词合同相关的名词 Contract 合同 Agreement 协议 Annex/Exhibit/Appendix/Attachment to the Contract合同附件/附录 Contract terms and conditions(or contract clause)合同条款 Article 1/Section 1 Article 2/Section 2 第一条 第二条 Contract provisions/stipulations 合同规定 Contract validity period(or contract term)合同期限/有效期 Originals of the Contract 合同正本 Copies of the Contract 合同副本 3合同中的法律术语合同中的法律术语 权利和义务权利和义务rights and obligations 仲裁仲裁 arbitration 终止终止termination 不可抗力不可抗力force majeure 管辖管辖jurisdiction4容易混淆的词组容易混淆的词组shipping advice装运通知装运通知 shipping instruction装运指示装运指示shipment date“装货日期装货日期”,指的是货,指的是货物装船启运(离港)日期物装船启运(离港)日期delivery date货物的到货(到港)日期货物的到货(到港)日期5合同中的动词词组合同中的动词词组-Brainstorming Exercises(2)合同相关的动词词组合同相关的动词词组-超级实用超级实用 Get a contract 拿到合同拿到合同 Draft a contract 起草合同起草合同 make a contract/enter into a contract/execute/conclude/sign a contract 签订合同签订合同 Come into force/take effect/be effective合同生效合同生效 Implement/fulfill/perform a contract 执行合同执行合同 perform the obligations/effect the obligations/fulfill the obligations 履行义务履行义务 The performance of obligations义务的履行义务的履行 During the performance of the Contract 在合同的执行过程中在合同的执行过程中 In connection with the performance of the Contract与合同(履与合同(履行)相关的行)相关的6合同中的动词词组合同中的动词词组-Brainstorming Exercises(2 continued)合同相关的动词词组合同相关的动词词组-超级实用超级实用 Alter/change the contract Alteration/change to the Contract修改合同修改合同 Interpret/construe the Contract/Interpretation/construction of the Contract 合同的解释合同的解释 Abide by/comply with the Contract 遵守合同遵守合同 Breach the Contract(breaching party,non-breaching party;defaulting party,non-defaulting party)违反合同违反合同 Cancel the contract Cancellation of contract 撤销合同撤销合同 The Contract will expire expiration of the Contract 合同期合同期满满 Terminate the Contract Termination of the Contract 解除解除/终止合同终止合同 Renew the Contract renewal of the Contract 续签合同续签合同7 现场巩固练习-原文(1)1.本合同由甲已双方于本合同由甲已双方于2009年年8月月1日签订并生效。日签订并生效。2.合同双方应该按照合同附件合同双方应该按照合同附件1的规定履行各自的义务。的规定履行各自的义务。3.本合同按照中华人民共和国的法律进行解释,并按照其进行管本合同按照中华人民共和国的法律进行解释,并按照其进行管辖。辖。4.本合同经双方签字盖章后生效,于本合同经双方签字盖章后生效,于2009年年12月月1日终止。日终止。5.本合同一式本合同一式6份,甲乙双方各执三份。份,甲乙双方各执三份。6.对本合同的任何修改,需取得乙方的事先书面同意。对本合同的任何修改,需取得乙方的事先书面同意。7.甲方应该严格按照合同条款第八条执行合同。甲方应该严格按照合同条款第八条执行合同。8 现场巩固练习-双语(1)1.本合同由甲已双方于本合同由甲已双方于2009年年8月月1日签订并生效。日签订并生效。The Contract is made and entered into effective as of August 1st 2009.2.合同双方应该按照合同附件合同双方应该按照合同附件1的规定履行各自的义务。的规定履行各自的义务。The Parties to the Contract(hereto)shall perform their obligations in accordance with the provisions in Exhibit 1 to the Contract.3.本合同按照中华人民共和国的法律进行解释,并按照其进行管辖。本合同按照中华人民共和国的法律进行解释,并按照其进行管辖。The Contract shall be interpreted and governed by the law of the Peoples Republic of China.4.本合同经双方签字盖章后生效,于本合同经双方签字盖章后生效,于2009年年12月月1日终止。日终止。The Contract shall take into effect upon being signed and chopped by the Parties and expire on December 1st 2009.5.本合同一式本合同一式6份,甲乙双方各执三份。份,甲乙双方各执三份。The Contract is made in Six originals,three for each Party.6.对本合同的任何修改,需取得乙方的事先书面同意。对本合同的任何修改,需取得乙方的事先书面同意。Any change/alternation to the Contract shall be subject to the prior written consent of Party B.7.甲方应该严格按照合同条款第八条执行合同。甲方应该严格按照合同条款第八条执行合同。Party A shall strictly implement the Contract as per Article 8 hereof.9Brainstorming Exercises Related to Contract(3)合同做定语的搭配词组合同做定语的搭配词组-超级实用超级实用 contract law 合同法 contract parties 合同当事人 contractual dispute 合同上的争议 contractual practice/usage 合同惯例 contractual claim 根据合同的债权 contractual liability/obligation 合同规定的义务 contractual income 合同收入 contractual specifications 合同规定 contractual terms&conditions 合同条款和条件 contractual guarantee 合同规定的担保 contractual damage 合同引起的损害 10合同中的介词结构合同中的介词结构-Brainstorming Exercises(3)按合同规定按合同规定/在合同中在合同中规定的超级表达规定的超级表达按照合同规定按照合同规定/符合合同要求符合合同要求In accordance with/in conformity with/in compliance with/pursuant to/in line with Note:According to 比较口语话,没有in accordance with 正式 例证p We ship our goods in accordance with the terms of the contract.我们按合同条款交货p We sincerely hope that both quality and quantity are in conformity with the contract stipulations.我们真诚希望质量、数量都与合同规定相吻合。11Brainstorming Exercises Related to Contract(4)to be Continued 按合同规定按合同规定/在合同中在合同中规定的超级表达规定的超级表达 在合同中在合同中.规定规定lto be laid out/specified/set out in the Contractlas laid out/laid down in the Contract;las specified/stipulated in the Contract;las set forth/set out in the Contract;las described/provided/defined in the ContractNote:这里给出了两种表示方法,第一种是直接用于句子谓语中,第二种是作为一 个定语从句形式出现,这里的as 引导的一个定语从句,动词省略掉了。例证p 合同的通用条款在本合同中第12条有具体阐述。The general terms and conditions are laid out/laid down/set out/set forth in Article 12 of the Contract.p 乙方应严格遵守合同附件2中规定的条款。Party B shall be in strict accordance with(abide by)the terms and conditions as laid out in Exhibit 2 to the Contract.12巩固练习(2)C-E translation1.甲方应根据上文表甲方应根据上文表B所示的价格付款。所示的价格付款。2.所有通知及函件应按以下地址发送所有通知及函件应按以下地址发送。3.项目管理承包商有义务继续按合同规定实施工程项目管理承包商有义务继续按合同规定实施工程。4.业主应按照附件业主应按照附件H的规定,项目管理承包商付款。的规定,项目管理承包商付款。E-C translationa.In addition to payment of the prices as set forth above in this Article 5,Owner shall make all other payments required to be made by Owner to Contractor pursuant to this Agreement in accordance with the terms specified in this Agreement.13巩固练习(2)C-E translation1.甲方应根据上文表甲方应根据上文表B所示的价格付款。所示的价格付款。PARTY A shall make the payment according to the prices_.2.所有通知及函件应按以下地址发送所有通知及函件应按以下地址发送。All notices and communications shall be sent to the appropriate address_.3.项目管理承包商有义务继续按合同规定实施工程项目管理承包商有义务继续按合同规定实施工程。The PMC Contractor is obliged to continue with the Work _(in accordance with the Contract)4.业主应按照附件业主应按照附件H的规定,项目管理承包商付款。的规定,项目管理承包商付款。The Owner shall make the payment_.(pursuant to/subject to/as per/the provisions stipulated in Annex H).as shown in Table Bset forth below as set forth in this Contract in accordance with Annex H14巩固练习(2)E-C translation:a.In addition to payment of the prices as set forth above in this Article 5,Owner shall make all other payments required to be made by Owner to Contractor pursuant to this Agreement in accordance with the terms specified in this Agreement.除了上述第5条规定的上述付款价格外,业主应该根据合同中相关条款的规定,向承包商支付要求的所有其它款项。151.May,shall,should,will,may not,shall notMay法律文件中翻译为法律文件中翻译为“可可”,比,比Shall弱,弱,不具有强制性,隐含选择不具有强制性,隐含选择的意思的意思shall在合同中并不是单纯的将来时,一般用它来在合同中并不是单纯的将来时,一般用它来表示法律上可以强制执行的表示法律上可以强制执行的义务义务(Obligation)。如未履行,即视为违约,并构成某种赔偿责任。所)。如未履行,即视为违约,并构成某种赔偿责任。所以,以,shall在译文里,通常表示在译文里,通常表示“应该应该”或或“必须必须”,当然,也有不翻译当然,也有不翻译的时候的时候。should在合同中通常只用来表示语气较弱的假设,相当于在合同中通常只用来表示语气较弱的假设,相当于“if”,多翻译成多翻译成“万万一一”或或“如果如果”,极少译成,极少译成“应该应该”Will一般使用在没有法律强制的情况下一般使用在没有法律强制的情况下,也用做表示承担义务的声明,但语,也用做表示承担义务的声明,但语气和强制力比气和强制力比Shall弱弱May not用于禁止性义务用于禁止性义务,即,即“不得做什么不得做什么”。Shall not用于禁止性义务用于禁止性义务,即,即“不得做什么不得做什么”。171-1.Shall,should,may举例1.The board meeting shall be called and presided over by the Chairman.Should the chairman be absent,the vice-Chairman shall,in principle,call and preside over the board meeting.董事会会议应由董事长召集、主持;如董事长缺席,原董事会会议应由董事长召集、主持;如董事长缺席,原则上应由副董事长召集、主持。则上应由副董事长召集、主持。2.Should PMC Contractor at any time refuse or neglect to supply a sufficiency of properly skilled personnel,Owner may so advise PMC Contractor in writing,stating the deficiencies of the PMC Contractor.如果项目管理承包商在任一时间拒绝或未能提供足够数如果项目管理承包商在任一时间拒绝或未能提供足够数量的熟练技术人员业主可就此向项目管理承包商发出书量的熟练技术人员业主可就此向项目管理承包商发出书面通知,指出项目管理承包商的不足面通知,指出项目管理承包商的不足。181-2.Shall 和should,may巩固练习1.如果甲方决定不再需要第二个阶段的服务如果甲方决定不再需要第二个阶段的服务,则甲方将不得享有表则甲方将不得享有表B所示的所示的折扣价格。折扣价格。Should PARTY A decide not to having the second cycle of the services performed,PARTY A shall not enjoy the discounted prices shown in Table B.2.乙方可以将从业主所提供的数据与技术信息中得出的数据进行使用并予乙方可以将从业主所提供的数据与技术信息中得出的数据进行使用并予以保留以用于统计目的。以保留以用于统计目的。PARTY B may use and retain the data derived from data and technical information furnished by OWNER for statistical use.3.The quality and prices of the commodities to be exchanged between the ex-importers in the two countries shall be acceptable to both sides.货物的质量和价格必须使进出口双方都能接受。货物的质量和价格必须使进出口双方都能接受。4.The formation of this contract,its validity,interpretation,execution and settlement of the disputes shall be governed by related laws of the Peoples Republic of China.本合同的订立、效力、解释、履行和争议的解决均受中华人民共和国法本合同的订立、效力、解释、履行和争议的解决均受中华人民共和国法律的管辖。律的管辖。19 2.Unless(otherwise)的活用 例句演示例句演示在本协议中,除上下文另有解释的除外u For the purposes of this Agreement,unless the context otherwise requires,u For the purpose of this Agreement,unless it is otherwise required in the Context,u For the purpose of this Agreement,unless otherwise required in the Context,u Please fill out this application in Chinese,unless otherwise stated.(除非另有标明,请用中文填写本表)Unless 引导的条件状语从句经典用法u Unless+名词名词+otherwise+动词动词u Unless it is otherwise+动词过去动词过去分词分词+名词名词u Unless otherwise+动词过去分词动词过去分词+介词介词+名词名词(最普遍)(最普遍)u Unless otherwise+动词过去分词动词过去分词l 其中这里的名词一般是指:其中这里的名词一般是指:合同合同(Contract)、上下文、上下文(Context)等字眼等字眼l 动词一般是:说明(动词一般是:说明(state)、要求、规定要求、规定(required,specified,stipulated,agreed,described)202-1.Unless 口译巩固练习 Unless 口译巩固词组练习口译巩固词组练习1.但法律另有规定的除外但法律另有规定的除外Unless(it is)otherwise prescribed by any law2.除非甲方和乙方另行约定除非甲方和乙方另行约定Unless otherwise agreed by Party A and Party B/Unless Party A and Party B otherwise agrees,3.除非另有明确规定外,除非另有明确规定外,unless otherwise explicitly(expressly)stipulated 4.在本附表中,除文意另有所指外,在本附表中,除文意另有所指外,In this Schedule,unless otherwise required in the Context/Unless the Context otherwise requires,212-1.Unless 笔译巩固练习 Unless 笔译巩固练习1.除非合同中另有规定,合同设备应由卖方用新的坚固的木箱进行包装。Unless otherwise specified in the Contract,the Contract Equipment shall be packed by the Seller in new and strong wooden cases.2.除非根据第12条规定提前终止,本合同自生效日起生效并直至合同到期时终止。This Contract shall become effective as of the effective date and be terminated on the expiration date,unless otherwise sooner terminated as provided in Article 12 hereof.22 3.Notwithstanding 的用法释义:in spite of(prep.)尽管;nevertheless(adv.)仍然用法:法律文件常用词,比although正式。语法:作介词用时,放在要引导的让步状语前,使用的时候直接加名词;做副词用引导一个句子,翻译为即使,尽管,虽有23 3.Notwithstanding 介词用法实例pnotwithstanding any other provision of the Contract尽管本合同有其它规定 pNotwithstanding the stipulations in Article 27 of this Agreement虽有本协议27条规定pNotwithstanding any other provisions to the contrary herein即使存在与合同相悖的规定 243-1.Notwithstanding 巩固练习-口译口译练习p 即使存在与合同相反悖的规定Notwithstanding any other provisions to the contrary herein;notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein p 即使本合同第12条有规定 Notwithstanding Article 12 in the Contractp 虽有本条上述规定Notwithstanding the preceding provisions of this Article 253-1.Notwithstanding 巩固练习-笔译笔译练习笔译练习p This Clause shall remain binding on Consultant notwithstanding the termination of the Contract for any reason.不管本合同因何种原因终止,本条款对咨询方一直具有约束力。p 货物的价格保持不变,即使生产成本发生变化。The price for the goods will remain firm notwithstanding any variation in the production cost.264.Without prejudice to的正式用法p Without prejudice to the operation of subsection(3),where-在不损害第(3)款的实施的原则下,凡p Notwithstanding section 7 but without prejudice to section 7A(4),where-尽管有第7条的规定但在不损害第7A(4)条的原则下,凡p without prejudice to the other provisions of this Regulation,no person shall-在不损害本规例的其他条文的原则下,任何人不得uWithout prejudice to翻译为“在不损害的原则下/前提下,“u后面连接的名词通常为:权利、义务、条款、规定等字眼u可直接用be 引导做谓语或做状语274-1.Without prejudice to 巩固练习英-中翻译pSuch actions shall be without prejudice to the rights and obligations of the two Parties under the Agreement.此类措施不得损害双方在本协议下的权利和义务 中-英翻译p在不损害本规例的其他条文的原则下,任何人不得擅自进入ERP系统。Without prejudice to the other provisions of this Regulation,no person shall access to ERP system.285.Be subject to的活用第一种用法pSubject to the provisions of Clause 4.2,Party A shall make the payment to Party B within five(5)days upon receipt of payment notice.根据条款4.2的规定,甲方在收到付款通知后的5天内,应向乙方支付款项。u以介词短语形式出现,后跟“agreement”,“contract”“regulations”等法律文件名或文件中特定条款名等名词配合使用;通常可翻译成“根据规定”及“在不抵触的情况下;适用295.Be subject to 活用(continued)第二种用法u以介词短语/动词短语(be subjected to,较少见)出现,后接法律文书或条款以外的其它名词;一般译为“使.面临/遭受.”或“.服从或接受 或“进行,实行”p The Employee shall be subject to the reasonable arrangement and direction by appropriate officers of the Company员工应服从公司有关部门领导的安排与指导 p Being subject to a criminal punishment and an administrative punishment;受到刑事处罚、行政处罚p The fine or detention shall be subject to approval of the president of the court.罚款、拘留必须经院长批准。p The equipment must be subject to pressure test before ex-work.设备在出厂前必须进行压力试验。305-1.Be subject to 巩固练习 E-C Translation:p The following items shall be subject to other accounting standard:p Circumstances not subject to Article 6 of the present Measures;and C-E Translationp 其它需要单项统计的货物其它需要单项统计的货物p 受到刑事处罚、行政处罚受到刑事处罚、行政处罚 p 本办法由人力资源部负责解释。本办法由人力资源部负责解释。p 服务费用清单在递交财务部之前,需经总经理审批通过。服务费用清单在递交财务部之前,需经总经理审批通过。315-1.Be subject to 巩固练习 E-C Translation:p The following items shall be subject to other accounting standard下列各项适用其他相关会计准则:下列各项适用其他相关会计准则:p Circumstances not subject to Article 6 of the present Measures;and不存在本办法第六条规定的情形不存在本办法第六条规定的情形 C-E Translationp 其它需要单项统计的货物其它需要单项统计的货物Other goods that shall be subject to single statisticsp 受到刑事处罚、行政处罚受到刑事处罚、行政处罚 Being subject to a criminal punishment and an administrative punishment;p 本办法由人力资源部负责解释。本办法由人力资源部负责解释。The Measures shall be subject to the interpretation of Human Resources&Administration Department.p 服务费用清单在递交财务部之前,需经总经理审批通过。服务费用清单在递交财务部之前,需经总经理审批通过。The list of Service Fees shall be subject to the review and approval of GM before being submitted to Finance Dept.326.三个经典的介词结构u Arising out of/arising from 由.发生的,表示原因 比because of 正式u in connection with+.与相关的;正式用语u In respect to(of);with respect to关于;就来说 比about/as for 正式 例句p 因执行本合同所发生的或者与本合同有关的一切争议将由双方当事人通因执行本合同所发生的或者与本合同有关的一切争议将由双方当事人通过友好协商解决。过友好协商解决。All disputes arising from,or in connection with the performance of the Contract,shall be settled through friendly discussion between the two Parties.p If delays in the performance of the Work with respect to the Schedule are likely to occur or have occurred,PMC Contractor shall inform Owner thereof immediately in writing and,subject to Article 4.3,promptly take appropriate measures to maintain the Schedule.如果可能发生工程进度延误或者已经延误,项目管理承包商应立即书面如果可能发生工程进度延误或者已经延误,项目管理承包商应立即书面通知业主,并根据第通知业主,并根据第4.3条迅速采取适当的措施保证工程进度条迅速采取适当的措施保证工程进度336-1.经典的介词结构巩固练习C-E Translationp在中国境外发生的与执行合同有关的一切税费,均由卖方负担。All taxes and duties arising outside PRC in connection with the performance of the Contract shall be borne by the Seller.p上述关于保密信息方面的义务不适用于项目管理承包商所接收的以下性质的保密信息。The foregoing obligations in respect of Confidential Information shall not apply to Confidential Information received by PMC Contractor 347.条件状语从句:如果/若/但1.In case that no agreement is reached,如果不能协商一致如果不能协商一致2.Should the effect of the event of Force Majeure last for more than one hundred and eighty(180)Days,either party has the right to terminate the Contract by a written notice.如果不可抗力事件的影响持续超过如果不可抗力事件的影响持续超过180天,任何一方当事人均天,任何一方当事人均有权以书面通知终止合同。有权以书面通知终止合同。3.In case of any discrepancy between the two versions,the Chinese version shall prevail.若对两个版本解释产生异议,则以中文文本为准。若对两个版本解释产生异议,则以中文文本为准。4.Either Side can replace the representatives it has appointed provided that it submits a written notice to the other Side.任何一方都可更换自己指派的代表,但须书面通知对方。任何一方都可更换自己指派的代表,但须书面通知对方。357.条件状语从句:如果/若/但合同中假设条件的表达:If.In the event that/in case that In case of+名词名词 Should+主语主语+动词原型动词原型 Provided that:但规定,规定;但是,等意。对合同的某一条款需要作进一步规定时或在作规定时语气转折时常用此词组。在中译英时,要学会使用此词组,有时中文字面上并未见“但规定”,或“进一步规定”的字辞,但内含此义,可先将中文作“语内译”,若含有上述两义,应运用“provided that”词组。36Provided that例句 Notwithstanding the foregoing,Contractor shall have the option to declare,from time to time,alternate title passage points for some or all of the Parts,provided that(i)title shall pass to Owner no later than the time of installation in a Covered Unit and(ii)the Contractors delivery and risk of loss responsibilities shall remain as specified in Sections 6.1.3 and 6.3.尽管有前述规定,承包商随时有权宣称变更部分部件或所有部件的所有权转移点,但规定:(1)所有权应在不迟于保修机组安装部件的时间转给业主,(2)根据第6.1.3和6.3款之规定,承包商应继续承担交付和货物损失风险的责任。377-1.“如果,若”巩固练习 Fill in the blanks with the proper wordsp 如果任何一方因不可抗力事件而无法履行合同项下的任何义务的如果任何一方因不可抗力事件而无法履行合同项下的任何义务的_ either party be prevented _ any of its obligations under this Contract due to the event of Force Majeure.p 各方就本协议的有效性、解释或实施发生争议、争执或索赔(各方就本协议的有效性、解释或实施发生争议、争执或索赔(“争议争议”)时,应首先通过友好协商的方式予以解决。时,应首先通过友好协商的方式予以解决。_a dispute,controversy or claim(a“Dispute”)arises _the validity,interpretation or implementation of this Agreement,the Parties shall attempt in the first instance to resolve such Dispute through friendly consultations.p 任何乙方可对合同进行修改,但须书面通知对方。任何乙方可对合同进行修改,但须书面通知对方。Either Side can amend the Contract _ it submits a written notice to the other Side.p 若因交货延迟导致的乙方损失,乙方可向制造方索赔。若因交货延迟导致的乙方损失,乙方可向制造方索赔。_ In case of any loss caused by the delay in the delivery,Party B can claim a compensation from the manufacturer.In the event thatShouldfrom performingIn connection withprovided thatIn case of7-1.“如果,若”巩固练习 采用四种方法翻译下列句子p 如本合同正文的条款与附件有冲突的,以最新签订的附件条款为准。a.In case of any conflicts between the Principal Document of the contract and the attachments to the contract,those of the latest attachment shall prevail.b.In the event that there are any conflicts between the Principal Document of the contract and the attachments to the contract,those of the latest attachment shall prevail.c.In case that there are any conflicts between the Principal Document of the contract and the attachments to the contract,those of the latest attachment shall prevail.d.Should any conflict between the Principal Document of the contract and the attachments to the contract arise,those of the latest attachment shall prevail.398.未经(需经)书面同意/许可例句:1.所有分包商应事前取得业主的书面同意。All Subcontractors shall be subject to prior written consent by Owner.2.PMC Contractor shall not replace any of the Key Personnel without the prior written consent of Owner.未经业主事前书面同意,项目管理承包商不得擅自更换任何核心人员。需经的书面认可/授权/同意常用表达(事)+be subject to the prior written consent/approval/authorization(事)+request/require/obtain the approval/consent.未经.的书面认可 Without the prior written consent/authorization of.Before being authorized by.408-1.“事先同意”巩固练习 C-E Translation(fill in the blank)没有另一方当事人的事先书面同意,任何一方当事人不得将合同项下的任何权利和义务转让给第三方。No assignment of any right or obligation under the Contract shall be made by either party to a third party_ _.E-C TranslationAny request of the Seller to subcontract any of his obligations under the Contract to any third party shall be subject to the prior written consent of the Buyer.如卖方要求将本合同项下的任何义务分包给任何第三方,_。41必须经买方事先书面认可without the previous writtenconsent of the other party9.不能解除责任、义务 relievefrom主动表达Sth shall not relieve sb from(of)any obligation hereunder(under the Contract)No+肯定表达relieve/discharge sb from被动表达Sb+shall not+be relieved from 例句:1.卖方的任何分包均不能解除卖方在合同项下包括但不限于质量控制和质量保证在内的任何义务和责任。(用主动表达两种翻译)2.项目管理承包商项目管理承包商不得以任何分包的原因来免除其在本合同合同下应承担的任何义务。(被动表达)429.不能解除责任、义务 relievefrom例句:1.卖方的任何分包均不能解除卖方在合同项下包括但不限于质量控制和质量保证在内的任何义务和责任。Any subcontract shall not relieve the Seller from any liability or obligation,including but not limited to quality control and quality guarantee under the Contract.No subcontract shall relieve the Seller from 2.项目管理承包商项目管理承包商不得以任何分包的原因来免除其在本合合同同下应承担的任何义务。PMC Contractor shall not be relieved from any obligation under this Contract by reason of any subcontracting.439-1.Relieve.from 巩固练习 C-E Translationp 这一许可不得解除本合同项下的乙方义务。p 对质量保证体系的遵守不免除或减轻乙方在本合同下承担的任何责任、义务或职责。E-C Translationp Any subcontract shall not relieve the Seller from any liability or obligation,including but not limited to quality control and quality guarantee under the Contract.449-1.Relieve.from 巩固练习 C-E Translationp 这一许可不得解除本合同项下的乙方义务。Such approval shall not relieve Party B from its obligations hereunder.p 对质量保证体系的遵守不免除或减轻乙方在本合同下承担的任何责任、义务或职责。Compliance with the quality assurance system shall not relieve Party B from any responsibility,obligation or duty under the Contract.E-C Translationp Any subcontract shall not relieve the Seller from any liability or obligation,including but not limited to quality control and quality guarantee under the Contract.卖方的任何分包均不能解除卖方在合同项下包括但不限于质量控制和质量保证在内的任何义务和责任。4510.Indemnify,defend and hold sb harmless from and againstu Indemnify,defend and hold sb harmless from and against向赔偿、为其抗辩并保证免受伤害pPMC Contractor shall indemnify,defend,and hold Owner harmless from and against any and all liability which the Owner may suffer or incur as a consequence of or in connection with,in each case,whether direct or indirect:在下列情况下,无论是直接还是间接的导致


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