Unit 7 单元测试

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Unit 7 单元测试题Written test part (共95分). 单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。( )21. Joe, whats your prediction _ the weather? I think its going to rain.A. about B. in C. from D. at( )22. Mr. Wang will come back from Guangzhou _.A. for two days B. in three hours C. during a week D. three hours ago( )23. There _ a book sale in our school next month.A. will be B. will haveC. was D. has ( )24. To save money, we have to ask _ people to do _ things. A. more; more B. fewer; more C. more; fewer D. fewer; fewer( )25. Will you go boating this Saturday?_. We will camp by lake.A. Yes, we will B. No, we wont C. Yes, we do D. No, we dont ( )26. Last year we found that lots of fish died because of river _.A. reason B. question C. pollution D. discussion( )27. Dont drive so quickly on this road. It is very _.A. dangerous B. fantastic C. comfortable D. meaningless( )28. Many houses _ in the heavy rain in some villages last summer. A. wrote down B. sat down C. fell down D. cut down( )29. Dale, come on! There are two people _ for us outside. A. wait B. waitingC. to wait D. to waiting( )30. It seems like _ a long way to drive for just one day. A. so B. such C. too D. enough( )31. At first I was interested in the movie but later I _ bored.A. took B. made C. got D. lost( )32. The 2014 World Cup was interesting and exciting. It was fun _.A. watching B. to watchC. looking D. to look( )33. The police helped _ the lost boy, but didnt find him.A. look at B. look likeC. look for D. look up( )34. Mr. Liu usually _ to work, but next week he _ to work.A. walks; drives B. will walk; will driveC. walks; will drive D. will walk; drives ( )35. I think everything will be free in the future._. I think everything will be more expensive.A. Sounds cool B. I disagree with youC. I hope not D. Of course, I know. 完形填空(每小题1分,共10分) 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。I am a boy in South Korea. My English name is Tony. Recently (最近), a 36 named Engkey became my new teacher. Engkey teaches us 37 . It looks like a human. It can 38 around our classroom when it reads books and 39 with us. However, Engkeys voice (声音) is not its own. An English teacher controls (控制) it. 40 the help of a special camera (摄像头) in the body of Engkey, the English teacher can 41 us and help us learn better.My robot teacher doesnt need to have a rest 42 it never feels tired or gets ill like humans. Also it 43 gets angry with us. I like talking with it, because I think it is very interesting. Everyone in my class likes Engkey. Now it is very 44 in my class. Most students in my class are more interested in English and spend more time on 45 after Engkey became our English teacher. Now most of them get better grades. I believe there will be more robot teachers in my school.( )36. A. woman B. man C. robot D. computer( )37. A. math B. English C. art D. music ( )38. A. send B. practiceC. share D. move( )39. A. disagrees B. talks C. fights D. eats( )40. A. With B. Under C. From D. For( )41. A. invite B. hear C. see D. believe ( )42. A. because B. or C. though D. so( )43. A. already B. even C. just D. never ( )44. A. popular B. possibleC. educational D. dangerous ( )45. A. him B. it C. her D. them. 情景交际(每小题1分,共5分)根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。A: Hi, Sue. (46) B: Hi, Ben. Ill find a part-time job to make some money. I need money.A: (47) B: I want to buy a new computer. My computer doesnt work.A: (48) B: I want to work as a saleswoman. (49) A: Sounds great. It will teach you more about computers.B: I think so.A: (50) B: Thanks a lot.A. What kind of part-time job do you want to do? B. What will you do during your winter holiday?C. What did you do last weekend? D. How much money do you need? E. What do you need money for? F. I want to sell computers. G. Lucky you. 阅读理解(每小题2分,共20分)A Grace was going to have a test. She studied hard, but she was still worried, because she was not good at math. “Whoa!” said Adam. “You walked under a ladder (梯子)!” Grace looked at Adam and asked, “So what?”“Its Friday the 13th. Thats bad luck already and you just made it worse by walking under a ladder.”Bad luck? Grace didnt need bad luck before her test.“Do you really believe those things?” asked Grace.“There must be a reason why so many people are superstitious (迷信的) about them, right?” said Adam. Grace walked into the classroom and sat in her seat. She thought she couldnt do well in the test because of the bad luck. The test began. Grace read through the problems, and to her surprise, they didnt look too hard. She worked out each problem carefully. When she finished, she brought her paper up to Mr. Saunders desk.Mr. Saunders started to grade it. Grace went back to her seat and was still worried about her bad luck. “Grace, could you come here?” asked Mr. Saunders.Grace walked up to Mr. Saunders desk. She expected to see a lot of red marks (符号) on her paper. But she saw a big A. “I got an A?”“Yes,” said Mr. Saunders. “Im very glad with your improvement.”Grace was happy for the rest of the day, and when a black cat walked in front of her on the way home from the bus stop, she just smiled. Friday the 13th wasnt bad luck for her. 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。( )51. At first, Grace was worried about her _ test. A. English B. math C. history D. geography ( )52. What did Adam mean by saying the underlined sentence in Paragraph 6? A. He believed the things about bad luck. B. Some things really bring bad luck to people. C. Grace should learn from superstitious people. D. He knew why many people were superstitious.( )53. Which of the following is TRUE about Graces test? A. She did well in it. B. It was hard for her. C. She had it on a Monday. D. She finished the problems quickly. ( )54. The underlined word “grade” means “_” in Chinese. A. 分阶段 B. 分年级C. 标记 D. 评阅( )55. Which of the following would NOT bring bad luck according to superstitious people? A. A black cat. B. Friday the 13th. C. Having a test in Room 5. D. Walking under a ladder.B We all know the sun is important. (56)_ But how does the sun do that? Its the suns energy (能量) that makes life on our planet possible.Energy from the sun is called solar energy. (57)_ People have used solar energy for many years. They built houses with windows so that the sunlight could get inside and make them warm. (58)_ It has something to do with solar panels (太阳能电池板). Solar panels collect (收集) energy from sunlight to make electricity (电能).(59)_ Solar panels cannot collect energy from sunlight. But it doesnt mean we can only use solar energy on bright sunny days. Solar panels can have batteries (电池) in them to keep electricity for a rainy day. We can use the kept electricity at night or on cloudy days.(60)_ So we should try our best to find more good ways to use it in our life.根据材料内容将方框中AE五个句子填入文中空缺处,使短文内容完整、正确。A. We can also turn the suns light into electricity.B. The sun gives off more energy than people use now.C. It gives sunshine to plants, animals and people on the earth.D. Solar energy makes us feel hot when we sit in the sunlight.E. But what happens when it is cloudy or rainy?. 词汇运用(每小题1分,共10分)A) 根据句意,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,有的需要变换形式。apartment, paper, even, shape, environment61. _ a child can answer the question easily.62. The office is big and clean its a good working _. 63. Please give me some _. I need to write some words on it.64. There are lots of trees in all _ and sizes along the road.65. Ill give you the keys to my _. You can stay there and have a rest (休息).B) 根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。66. There are more than ten _(factory) in this city.67. The question is too difficult. Its _(possible) for a primary school student to answer it.68. He _(believe) robots will be able to do the same things as humans.69. No fish can live in that river. What _(pollute) it?70. Alice, dont forget to water these _(plant) once a week. 完成句子(每小题2分,共10分) 根据各题后括号内的要求完成下列各题,每空一词(含缩略形式)。71. Joe and his cousin will climb a mountain next week. (改为一般疑问句)_ Joe and his cousin _ a mountain next week?72. The students will visit a fire station. (改为否定句)The students _ _ a fire station.73. They are going to the zoo tomorrow morning. (改为同义句)They _ _ to the zoo tomorrow morning. 74. We will see some paintings this afternoon. (对划线部分提问)_ _ you see any paintings? 75. Tony will ride his bike to the countryside. (对划线部分提问)_ will Tony _?. 综合填空(每小题1分,共10分)阅读短文,从方框中选择恰当的词并用其适当形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每词限用一次。however, in, win, money, America, spend, improve, prize, work, realJoseph Pulitzer was born in 1847 in Hungary. He went to the United States when he was 17 years old. He (76)_ his life in journalism (新闻业). In later life, Joseph Pulitzer was in bad health, because he (77)_ too much. But he still worked hard on (78)_ the quality (质量) of journalism in America. He gave a lot of money to Columbia University to start a school of journalism. (79)_, his most important contribution (贡献) was the Pulitzer Prizes.Pulitzer Prizes were started in 1917. Those (80)_ are given to those who do excellently (81)_ journalism, photography and so on every year by Columbia University. There are 21 different Pulitzer Prizes. In 20 of those prizes, every (82)_ gets $10,000 and a certificate (证书). But the winner of the Public Service can only get a gold medal (金牌). However, the (83)_ meaning of the prize is that it shows that the winner of the prize is the best (84)_ journalist of the year. That is much more important than the (85)_ for the journalist and the newspaper he or she works for. . 书面表达(15分)为了提高同学们的英语口语表达能力,学校决定举行一次题为My life in ten years的演讲比赛。请你用英语写一篇短文为此次演讲比赛做准备。80词左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数。My life in ten yearsHello, Im a middle school student now. What will I be in ten years? What kind of life will I live?_参考答案. 21-25 ABABB 26-30 CACBB 31-35 CBCCB. 36-40 CBDBA 41-45 CADAB. 46-50 BEAFG. 51-55 BAADC 56-60 CDAEB. 61. Even 62. environment 63. paper 64. shapes65.apartment 66. factories 67. impossible68. believes 69. polluted 70. plants. 71. Will; climb 72. wont visit 73. will go74. When will 75. What; do. 76. spent 77. worked 78. improving79. However 80. prizes 81. in 82. winner83. real 84. American 85. money.One possible version:My life in ten yearsHello, Im a middle school student now. What will I be in ten years? What kind of life will I live?In ten years, Ill be a computer programmer because Im interested in computer science. Ill use computers more to do lots of interesting things. Ill work hard to make more money to buy a big apartment. Ill live inShanghaibecause I love the big city. I like traveling and Ill travel around the world. Ill have a robot at home. It will help me do the housework, so Ill have more free time to relax.I believe Ill live a happy life.


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