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Unit 2The United Kingdom课时跟踪一练而就.完形填空(2020届江西省八校高三联考)My first night in my college dormitory room finally came! Several months ago, I was always prepared for finals, 1 , and the day when I would keep my promise 2 out as soon as I had the chance. I 3 used it for threat when I was angry or couldnt get my way. 4 , my parents just grinned.Now, sleeping on the once desired bed, I 5 the TV programs enjoyed together with my parents, the time they spent with me, the home videos I 6 with my brother and sister. Now, those moments are only memories. Sitting at my desk with my laptop open, I 7 an email to a radio station my mom listens to every morning before work. I 8 a special song called Dont Forget to Remember. The next morning, my mom got out of bed and 9 the radio as usual. She was really amazed by the speakers 10 , “You know how 11 I was weeks ago because I sent my little girl to school for the first time? A college student 12 us and said that she misses her parents and 13 they have done for her. She also chose a special song in 14 of them. So we want to thank Vickey for that email, 15 it really eased my worry about my little girl growing up and 16 about things parents do for them.”The song began to play while my mom ran over to my dad and 17 him up. “Honey! Did you hear that? Was that our Vickey? Our daughter who couldnt wait to 18 home?” My dad, just barely opening his eyes, replied with, “If it is, that is very 19 of her.”I got a call from my mom that night. I was so excited to tell her that I 20 my first day of college and we talked for about an hour. Just when we were about to say our goodbyes, I added one last plea: “Mom, dont forget to remember me.”【语篇解读】文章主要讲述上大学前作者迫不及待想要离开家,可是在大学的第一天夜里就开始想家了,于是通过广播电台给自己的父母点了一首歌,并告诉他们自己没有忘记他们所做的一切。1A.revision BvacationCgraduation Ddecision解析:选C根据上一句“My first night in my college dormitory room finally came!”可知,“我”在大学宿舍的第一个夜晚终于来了,由此可推知,几个月前“我”一直在为期末考试和毕业做准备。C项意为“毕业”,符合语境。A项意为“修订”;B项意为“假期”;D项意为“决定”。故选C。2A.burst BgoCget Dmove解析:选D根据上一句“My first night in my college dormitory room finally came!”和本空后的“as soon as I had the chance”及下文可推知,“我”将兑现诺言一有机会就搬出去。move out意为“搬出去”,符合语境。 burst out意为“迸发”; go out意为“出去”; get out意为“出去”。故选D。3A.still ByetCeven Dever解析:选C根据上一句中的“I would keep my promise”及下文中的“used it for threat when I was angry or couldnt get my way”可知,当“我”生气或不能随心所欲时,“我”甚至还用这件事来威胁父母。C项意为“甚至”,符合语境。A项意为“仍然”; B项意为“还”; D项意为“曾经”。故选C。4A.Therefore BMoreoverCHowever DOtherwise解析:选C根据下文中的“my parents just grinned”及语境可推知,然而对于“我”的威胁,爸妈只是咧嘴一笑。C项意为“然而”,符合语境。A项意为“因此”; B项意为“此外”; D项意为“否则”。故选C。5A.remembered BavoidedCmissed Dimagined解析:选C根据语境及第三段第三句“A college student 12 us and said that she misses her parents and 13 they have done for her.”可推知,现在“我”躺在床上,怀念着和父母一起看的电视节目。C项意为“想念”,符合语境。A项意为“记得”; B项意为“避免”; D项意为“想象”。故选C。6A.sold BmadeCfound Dsaved解析:选B根据语境可知,“我”还怀念和兄弟姐妹一起制作的家庭视频。B项意为“制作”,符合语境。A项意为“卖”;C项意为“找到”;D项意为“节省”。故选B。7A.addressed BdownloadedCdeleted Dreceived解析:选A根据本句中的“an email to a radio station my mom listens to every morning before work”及下文中的“So we want to thank Vickey for that email”可推知,“我”给妈妈每天早晨上班前听的广播电台寄了一封电子邮件。A项意为“寄给”,符合语境。B项意为“下载”;C项意为“删除”;D项意为“收到”。故选A。8A.requested BsangCproduced Dwrote解析:选A根据本句“I 8 a special song called Dont Forget to Remember.”可推知,此处表示“我”要求点了一首特别的歌Dont Forget to Remember。A项意为“要求”,符合语境。B项意为“唱”;C项意为“生产”;D项意为“写”。故选A。9A.turned up Bturned onCturned down Dturned off解析:选B根据本句“The next morning, my mom got out of bed and 9 the radio as usual.”可知,第二天早晨起床后,妈妈像往常一样打开广播。turn on意为“打开”,符合语境。turn up意为“调大”;turn down意为“调小”;turn off意为“关掉”。故选B。10A.conversation BannouncementCrecommendation Dargument解析:选A根据第四段中的“The song began to play while my mom ran over to my dad and 17 him up. Honey! Did you hear that? Was that our Vickey? Our daughter who couldnt wait to 18 home?”可推知,第二天早晨起床后,妈妈像往常一样打开广播。并且她被广播里的谈话惊呆了。A项意为“谈话”,符合语境。B项意为“通告”; C项意为“推荐信”; D项意为“争论”。故选A。11A.excited BupsetCannoyed Dcold解析:选B根据本句中的“because I sent my little girl to school for the first time”及常识可推知,此处应表示难过,B项意为“沮丧的”,符合语境。A项意为“兴奋的”;C项意为“恼怒的”;D项意为“冷淡的”。故选B。12A.telephoned Binformed Cmessaged Demailed解析:选D根据上文内容可知,“我”给广播电台发了一封电子邮件,于是广播电台说一个大学生发来邮件说想念自己的父母。D项意为“发邮件”,符合语境。A项意为“打电话”;B项意为“通知”;C项意为“发信息”。故选D。13A.something BanythingCeverything Dnothing解析:选C根据本段最后一句中的“ 16 about things parents do for them”可知,她很想念她的父母以及他们为她所做的一切。C项意为“一切”,符合语境。A项意为“某事”;B项意为“任何事”; D项意为“什么都没有”。故选C。14A.defence BmemoryCcelebration Dhonor解析:选D根据本句“She also chose a special song in 14 of them.”可推知,为了表达对父母的敬意,她还点了一首特别的歌。in honor of意为“向表示敬意”,符合语境。in defence of意为“保护,防护”;in memory of意为“为了纪念”;in celebration of意为“为庆祝”。故选D。15A.though BbecauseCunless Duntil解析:选B根据上文“You know how 11 I was weeks ago because I sent my little girl to school for the first time?”可推知,广播员说:“我要感谢Vickey的这封邮件,因为这封邮件减轻了我对女儿成长的担心”。B项意为“因为”,符合语境。A项意为“尽管”;C项意为“除非”;D项意为“直到”。故选B。16A.quarreling BcomplainingCbothering Dforgetting 解析:选D根据本句中的“it really eased my worry about my little girl growing up”可知,父母担心女儿的长大并觉得她会忘记父母为她所做的一切。D项意为“忘记”,符合语境。A项意为“争吵”;B项意为“抱怨”;C项意为“打扰”。故选D。17A.picked BliftedCraised Dwoke解析:选D根据下句中的“My dad, just barely opening his eyes”可推知,当开始播放“我”点的那首歌时,妈妈就跑过去叫醒还在睡觉的爸爸。D项意为“叫醒”,符合语境。A项意为“捡”; B项意为“举起”; C项意为“提升”。故选D。18A.leave BgetCreturn Dflee解析:选A根据上文中的“I would keep my promise 2 out as soon as I had the chance”可知,“我”曾说一有机会就搬出去,所以妈妈叫醒还在睡觉的爸爸,问爸爸这是我们迫不及待要离开家的女儿吗。A项意为“离开”,符合语境。B项意为“到达”; C项意为“返回”; D项意为“逃走”。故选A。19A.selfless BhonestCpatient Dsweet解析:选D根据语境可推知,爸爸在听到妈妈的话后说道:“如果这是我们曾经迫不及待要离开家的女儿,那真是太好了。”D项意为“甜蜜的”,符合语境。A项意为“无私的”;B项意为“诚实的”;C项意为“有耐心的”。故选D。20A.wasted BhatedCsurvived Dexpected解析:选C根据语境可推知,当接到妈妈的电话时,“我”兴奋地告诉她“我”度过了大学的第一天。C项意为“幸免于,挺过”,符合语境。A项意为“浪费”;B项意为“讨厌”;D项意为“期望”。故选C。.语法填空(2020届贵州省贵阳市高三摸底考试)In San Francisco, I had this amazing experience. While 1._ (wait) for the bus, I saw a homeless person carrying a sign 2._ said that he would like a cup of hot coffee. Once I read it, I knew this task was meant for me. I 3._ (joy) ran across the street thinking that getting him a cup of hot coffee would be great. I bought the coffee and as I approached him slowly, I could see that the 4._ (close) I got, the more joy in his 5._ (eye) I could see. When I handed him the hot coffee, I simply said “This is for you, my dear.” I could see so much joy in his face and even a tear. He kept 6._ (thank) me and holding his coffee like the biggest treasure and souvenir in his life. It made me cry that a simple gesture can bring so much joy and 7._ (make) someone thrive (成长)I walked back to my bus stop with such a happy hop, and when 8._ bus driver opened the door and I wanted to pay the bus fee, he waved me through and said “Honey, this is on me.” He mentioned it touched his heart to see that I 9._ (give) away free coffee. This amazing moment was the warmest in my heart because it gave my day 10._ my life a brandnew start.【语篇解读】“我”在等公交车时看到一个无家可归的人举着一个写有“想要一杯热咖啡”的牌子。然后“我”为他买了一杯咖啡,最后上公交车时,公交车司机因为看到了“我”做好事,主动提出要为“我”支付车费。1解析:句意:在等公交车的时候,我看到一个无家可归的人拿着一个写有“想要一杯热咖啡”的牌子。分析句子结构可知,此处while引导时间状语从句,省略了I was。故填waiting。答案:waiting2解析:分析句子结构可知,空处引导定语从句,先行词是sign,且关系词在从句中作主语, 应用which或that引导该从句。故填which/that。答案:which/that3解析:句意:我高兴地跑到街对面。此处应用副词修饰动词ran。故填joyfully。答案:joyfully4解析:此处是“the比较级.,the比较级.”的结构,意为“越越”,应用比较级形式。故填closer。答案:closer5解析:此处指“我”越接近他,就越能看到他眼中的快乐。eye是可数名词,人有两只眼睛,应用其复数形式。故填eyes。答案:eyes6解析:keep doing sth.是固定用法,意为“一直做某事”。故填thanking。答案:thanking7解析:此处是由and连接的两个并列结构,空处和前面的bring都是从句的谓语动词,根据bring前面的情态动词can可知,make应用动词原形。故填make。答案:make8解析:根据上文可知,“我”在公交车站等公交车。空处指“我”等的那趟公交车的司机,表示特指,应用定冠词the。故填the。答案:the9解析:根据语境可知,“我”赠送咖啡是过去发生的事情,应用一般过去时。故填gave。答案:gave10解析:句意:这个美妙的时刻是我内心最温暖的时刻,因为它给了我这一天以及我的人生一个全新的开始。根据句意可知,此处my day和my life是并列结构,应用并列连词and。故填and。答案:and.短文改错(2020届重庆一中高三月考)Tea has a long history in China, dated back to 5,000 years ago. Obvious, it plays an important part in Chinese culture. A good many of distinguished poets and writers had written many masterpieces in appreciate of tea and about the love for it, among them was Lu Yu in the Tang Dynasty. He wrote Cha Jing, a first book on tea, but he was regarded as the “Tea Saint (圣人)”Chinese people take delight in teadrinking. It served almost everywhere. Whenever guest visit, offering a cup of tea to them is a basic social custom. Tea is part of Chinese peoples daily life.答案:Tea has a long history in China, back to 5,000 years ago., it plays an important part in Chinese culture. A good many distinguished poets and writers written many masterpieces in of tea and about the love for it, among was Lu Yu in the Tang Dynasty. He wrote Cha Jing, first book on tea, he was regarded as the “Tea Saint (圣人)”Chinese people take delight in teadrinking. It served almost everywhere. Whenever visit, offering a cup of tea to them is a basic social custom. Tea is part of Chinese peoples daily life.书面表达(2020届江西省八校高三联考)假如你是李华,你的笔友Tom想来中国旅游,体验中国高铁,请你根据以下内容回一封电子邮件。1对于他此行表示欢迎;2鉴于中国地域辽阔、人口众多的特点,简单介绍高铁在中国大城市的施建,以及相比较其他交通方式所具有的优势。注意:1词数100左右;2可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。参考词汇:中国高铁China Railway Highspeed(CRH)Dear Tom,_Yours faithfully,Li HuaOne possible version:Dear Tom,Welcome to China! You cant imagine how delighted I feel when I know that you are traveling in China on CRH. Im honored to have the chance to introduce CRH to you.As you know, China is developing at a high speed. CRH has developed rapidly these years due to Chinese vast area and large population. In many cities, CRH stations are much closer to our living area, which makes it more convenient to transport people and goods. Compared to coaches and planes, people prefer CRH because of its high speed, great comfort and ensured safety. Thus, CRH is the best means of transportation in China. Its wise of you to choose CRH when you travel in China. Additionally, booking a ticket online in advance can save you much time and energy.Hope you will enjoy your trip on CRH.Yours faithfully,Li Hua


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