冀教初中英语七上《Lesson 5 May I Have a Book》PPT课件 (1)

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冀教初中英语七上《Lesson 5 May I Have a Book》PPT课件 (1)_第1页
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Lesson 5May I Have a Book?A:May I have?B:Sure./Sorry.I dont haveA:Whats this?/What are they?B:Its/They areHere you are./Yes,you may./Sorry,I dont have._ _ _mayexcuseOKborrowtwothreestorelater v.aux.可以可以;可能可能 v.原谅原谅 adj.&adv.&int.好好;可以可以 v.借借 num.二二 num.三三 n.商店商店 adv.后来;以后后来;以后Words and expressions Listen to the tape carefully and fill in the blanks.A:Excuse me.May I have a _,Jenny?B:OK!_.A:Thank you.B:_.book Here you are Youre welcomeRead and fill in the blanks.A:May I _ two pencils,Jenny?B:_.Here you are.A:Thanks.May I have _ _,Jenny?B:Sorry,Danny.I dont _ _ crayons,Jenny.A:_ _.I can _ some at the store.I can get some for you,too.Goodbye!borrow Yes,you maythree crayonshave anyThats OK go and buyReading 1.Does Jenny have any crayons?2.Where can they buy the crayons?1.Does Jenny have any crayons?No,she doesnt.2.Where can they buy the crayons?At the store.1.May I have a book,Jenny?我可以要一本书吗我可以要一本书吗,詹妮?詹妮?当你向别人借东西的时候可以说当你向别人借东西的时候可以说:May I have _,?比如:比如:May I have some tea,please?请给我一些茶好吗?请给我一些茶好吗?Language pointsone,two,tree是数词,表示数量。是数词,表示数量。one book two books three books一本书一本书 两本书两本书 三本书三本书book 是是可数名词可数名词,两本书以上要用复数,两本书以上要用复数形式,形式,即在词尾加上即在词尾加上-s。又如又如:two shoes 两只鞋两只鞋 three trees 三棵树三棵树2.May I borrow two pencils,Jenny?我能借两支铅笔吗,詹妮?我能借两支铅笔吗,詹妮?one bookWork with a partner.Look and say the name of each thing.Make a dialogue.A:May I have _?B:Sorry,I dont have any _.A:May I have _?B:Yes,you may.one penciltwopencilsthreemarkers twomarkerstwobooksChain GameA:May I have?B:Sure.Here you are.May I have?C:Sorry,I dont have any May I have?D:Sure.Here you are.一、选择填空。一、选择填空。1.May I have three books?OK!_A.Youre welcome.B.Thanks!C.Here you are.2.May I have two erasers?Sorry._A.Here you are.B.I dont have any erasers.C.Youre welcome.3.May I borrow a pencil?_A.Yes,you are.B.Yes,you may.C.Yes,youre welcome.Listen and do the actions.Stand up,Sit down and Show us one.Look up,Look down and Show us two.Reach up,Reach down and Show us three.Jump up,Jump down and Show us four.Point up,Point down and Show us five.HomeworkComplete Lets Do It!No.2.Draw a picture of the things you keep in your schoolbag.Label those things.


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