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第三部分 概括大意与完成句子第一篇 US Signs Global Tobacco Treaty 1The United States has taken the first step toward approving a global tobacco treaty that promises to help control the deadly effects of tobacco use throughout the world Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson signed the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC)this week at the United NationsThe Senate must still approve the treaty before the US can implement its provisions 2The FCTC was developed by the World Health Organization an,d approved by members of the World Health Assembly,including the United States,last yearCountries that ratify it would be required to enact strict tobacco control policies 3For instance,cigarettes sold in those countries would have to have health warnings on at least 30of t11e front and back of every packThe treaty calls for higher tobacco taxes,restrictions on smoking in public places,and more promotion of tobacco prevention and cessation programsIt also requires bans on tobacco advertising,though there are some exceptions for countries like the United States,where the Constitution prohibits such an outright ban 4The impact of the treaty could be hugeThe World Health Organization estimates that tobacco use kills nearly 5 million people worldwide every yearIn the US alone,about 440,000 people die each year from tobacco-related illnesses;about onethird of all cancers in the US are caused by tobacco useIf current trends continue,WHO estimates,by 2025 tobacco will kill 10 million people each year 5The treaty must be ratified by at least 40 countries before it Can take effectSo far,109 countries have signed it,and 12 have ratified it词汇:ratify vt批准;认可 cessation n停止,休止 advertising n做广告,登广告enact vt使(法案等)成为法律;通过(法案等);颁布(法令等)prohibit n禁止;不准 outfight adj完全的,彻底的注释:1The United States has taken the first step toward approving a global tobacco treaty that promises to help control the deadly effects of tobacco use throughout the world美国朝着批准一项全球性烟草协议迈出了第一步。该协议有望在世界范围内控制使用烟草所产生的致命性影响。2Countries that ratify it would be required to enact strict tobacco control policies批准该协议的国家将被要求制定严格的烟草控制政策。 3For instance,cigarettes sold in those countries would have to have health warnings on at least 30of the front and back of every pack例如,在那些国家出售的香烟将必须在每包烟正反面至少30的地方注明吸烟有害健康的警告。练习:1Paragraph 12Paragraph 23Paragraph 34.Paragraph 4 A、at the FCTC Demands B US Signing of the FCTC C Opposition to the FCTC D How the FCTC Came into Being E Ratification of the FCTC F Ratification of the FCTC5Signing the FCTC is only the first step toward6Countries that ratify the FCTC will have to,among other things,.7It is hoped that the FCTC will greatly help tO reduce deaths_8Much more countries have signed the FCTC than those that一 A have ratified it B approving it C implement its provisions D restrict smoking in public places E caused by tobacco use F including higher tobacco taxes答案与题解:1B文章第一段主要讲美国朝着批准一项全球性烟草协议迈出了第一步,这一步指的就是美国本周在联合国签署了烟草控制框架性协议(FCTC)一事。 2D文章第二段简要介绍了烟草控制框架性协议的形成过程。3A文章第三段列举了烟草控制框架性协议的一些具体要求。4E文章第四段通过列举吸烟所造成的危害旨在说明实施烟草控制框架性协议将产生的影响。5B通过文章的第一句可知,签署烟草控制框架性协议只是批准该协议的第一步。 6D文章第二段说,通过烟草控制框架性协议的国家必须实施严格的烟草控制措施,而文章的第三段便列举了具体应实施的措施,其中便包括限制在公共场所吸烟。7E文章第四段的第一句说,实施烟草控制框架性协议将产生巨大的影响。接下来便列举了吸烟所造成的巨大危害。可见人们希望该协议的实施将大大减少吸烟所造成的危害,尤其是大量的死亡。8A从文章的第五段可知,签署烟草控制框架性协议的国家的数量大大超过批准该协议的国家的数量。第二篇 Napping to a Healthier Heart? 1Researchers say they have developed a simple test that can tell if a person with heart disease is likely to suffer a heart attackThe test measures levels of a protein in the bloodThe researchers say people with high levels of this protein are at high risk of heart attack,heart failure or stroke 2Kirsten BibbinsDomingo of the University of Californiain San Francisco led the teamFor about four years,they studied almost one thousand patients with heart diseaseThe researchers tested the heart disease patients for a protein called NTproBNP4Patients with the highest levels were nearly eight times more likely than those with the lowest levels to have a heart attack,heart failure or stroke 3The researchers say the presence of high levels of the protein in t11e blood shows that the heart muscle is under pressure in some wayThe study involved mostly men,so the researchers could not say for sure.that the results are also true for womenThey say the patients with the highest levels of NTproBNP were older and had other problems like diabetes or high blood pressure 4Other researchers say more studies are needed to confirm if knowing the protein levels of a heart patient should affect that persons treatmentThey also would like to know if more aggressive treatment could reduce the patients chance of a heart attack or strokeThe study appeared in the Journal of the American Medical Association 5Could a little sleep during the middle of the day reduce the risk of a heart attack?An unrelated study earlier this month in the Archives of Internal Medicine suggests that the answer may be yesIn countries like the United States,afternoon naps are mostly for childrenBut they are common for adults in Mediterranean countriesAnd these countries generally have lower rates of eart diseaseSo scientists in the United States and Greece wondered if naps could play a partTwentythree thousand healthy adults took part in the study by Harvard University and the University of AthensThose who took thirtyminute naps three times a week had a thirtyseven percent lower risk of death from heart problems than people who did not take naps 6The researchers say napping may improve heart health by reducing stressThey say the research suggests that naps are especially good for working menBut they say not enough femalesubjects died during the study to judge the benefits for women 词汇:nap nvi(白天)小睡,打盹;睡午觉 archive n(常用复数)档案;档案attack n(疾病)发作 室failure n衰竭 Mediterranean adj地中海的Stroke n中风 Muscle n肌肉 Greece n希腊diabetes (=diabetes melhtus)n糖尿病 stress n压力subject n受实验者confirm vt确证,进一步证实注释: 1Napping to a Healthier Heart?午睡可以使心脏更健康吗?to在这里表示达到某种结果或效果。 2heart attack:心脏病发作 3heart failure:心力衰竭 4NTproBNP:N端脑型利钠肽原(或:N末端前脑利钠肽)。它是心肌中的一种压力指示因子,有望成为预测冠心病转归的生化标志物。 5for,su,re:确实,毫无疑问地 6aggressive treatment:损伤性治疗(aggressive原意是“有攻击性的,侵略的”) 7American Medical Association(AMA):美国医学会 8Archives of Internal Medicine:内科医学档案 9Harvard University:(美国)哈佛大学 University of Athens:(希腊)雅典大学 练习:1Paragraph 22Paragraph 33Paragraph 54Paragraph 6 A Effects of Napping in Females Still Uncertain B Older Males Have Higher Levels of NTproBNP C Development of a Simple but Important Test D Evidence of Positive Relationship Between Napping and Heart Disease E How to Control the Levels of NTproBNP F Effects of NTproBNP on Heart Disease5According to some researchers,by measuring the levels of NTproBNP in the blood people may know 6If a person has a high level of NTproBNP7People who take regular afternoon naps8So far there have not been definite data to confirm A where fewer people die from heart problem B whether they have the risk of heart attack,heart failure or stroke C would probably have lower rates of heart disease D how to test a persons NTproBNP level in the blood by himself E his heart muscle would be under pressure in some way F that napping is of great benefit to women too答案与题解: l.F本段后面两句说到,通过检查心脏病人的NTproBNP水平,发现水平最高的病人与水平最低的病人之间患心脏病的可能性相差近八倍。2B本段说到,他们所查的是男性,并发现老年男性且患有糖尿病和高血压者NTproBNP的水平最高。3D本段说到,地中海国家的成年人普遍都午睡,而且患心脏病的比率较低。哈佛大学和雅典大学的研究证明,每周午睡三次、每次30分钟的人比完全不午睡的人死于心脏病的比率少37。4A最后一段说,午睡对工作的男性尤其有益,调查时死亡的女性并不多,因此,午睡对女性的益处尚不能得出一个明确结论。5B答案来源于第一段的第二、三句。6E答案来源于第三段第一句。 7c答案来源于第五段第三、四句和该段最后一句。8F答案来源于第三段第二句和文章的最后一句。第三篇 Many Benefit from Cancer Organization 1Do you know a child who survived leukemia?Do you have a mother,sister or aunt whose breast cancer was found early thankstO a mammograrn?Do you have a friend or coworker who quit smoking to reduce their risk of lung cancer?Each of these individuals benefited from the American Cancer Societys research program 2Each day scientists supported by the American Cancer Society work to find breakthroughs that will take US one step closer to a cureThe American Cancer Society has long recognized that research holds the ultimate answers to the prevention,diagnosis and treatment of cancer 3As the largest source of nonprofit cancer research funds in the United States,the American Cancer Society devotes over$100 million each year to researchSince 1946,theyve invested more than $2.4 billion in research.The investment has paid rich dividends:In 1946,only one in four cancer patients was alive five years after diagnosis;today 60 percent live longer than five years 4Investigators and health professionals in universities,research institutes and hospitals throughout the country receive grants from the American Cancer SocietyOf the more than 1300 new applications received each year,only 1 1 percent Can be fundedIf the American Cancer Society had more money available for research funding,nearly 200 more applications considered outstanding could be funded each year 5You Can help fund more of these applications by participating in the American Cancer Society Relay for Life,a team event to fight cancerMore funding mealls more cancer breakthroughs and more lives being savedTo learn more,call Donna Hood,chair with the Neosho Relay for Life of the American Cancer Society at 451*4880.词汇: leukemia n白血病 nonprofit adj非营利的breast n乳房;乳腺 dividend n回报,效益mammogram n乳腺x光照片coworkerkouwa:ka(r)n一起工作的人;同事 relay n接力注释: 1Each day scientists supported by the American Cancer Society work to find breakthroughs that will take US one step closer to a cure每天,得到美国癌症协会资助的科学家们都在为更进一步接近有效疗法而不停地工作。2The American Cancer Society has long recognized that research holds the ultimate answers to the prevention,diagnosis and treatment of cancer美国癌症协会很久以来便认识到,预防、诊断与治疗癌症的最终答案取决于科研。3has paid rich dividends:产生了丰厚的效益练习:1Paragraph 2一2Paragraph 33Paragraph 44Paragraph 5 4 What Could Be Done with More Money B Establishment of the American Cancer Society C Significance of Funded Research D Other Sources of Funding for Cancer Research E Benefits Achieved Through Investment F How Y6u Can Offer Help5The American Cancer SocietyS research program has benefited_6The survival period for 60of cancer patients today is_7Many outstanding applications are tumed down each year for_8More cancer breakthroughs can be made with_ A lack of funding B many cancer patients C more lives being saved D more than five years E the ultimate answers F more funding答案与题解:1C文章第二段主要讲得到美国癌症学会资助的科学家们El复一Et地工作,以便早日找到攻克各种癌症的答案,而该学会之所以资助这些科学家们是因为其很久以来便认识到科研在攻克癌症方面无可取代的重要性。2E文章第三段主要讲美国癌症学会多年投资所取得的成果。3A文章第四段主要讲的是,虽然每年有l,300多个科研项目申请美国癌症学会的资助,但只有11的项目得到资助。如果有更多资金的话,许多被认为是相当杰出的项目就不会被放弃了。4F文章第五段主要讲读者个人怎样出把力,使更多杰出的项目获得资助。5B从文章的第一段可以得知,美国癌症学会科研项目已经造福了许多癌症病人。6D文章第三段提到,如今60的癌症病人的存活时间在五年以上。7A文章第四段提到,由于资金有限,每年有将近二百项申请虽然很有潜力,但却得不到资助。8F文章第五段提到,更多的资金意味着癌症研究会有更多的突破,更多的生命会得以挽救。第四篇The Paper Chase 1“Running a house is a lot like running a business,”says Stephanie Denton,a professional organizer based in Cincinnati,Ohio,who specializes in both residential and commercial paperwork and record keepingTo get a successful grip on organizing documents,bills,and other materials,Denton suggests the following tips: 2Create a space in which you Can always do your paperworkThis is perhaps the most important element of a successful systemIf you Cant devoan entire desk to the task,at least invest in a rolling file cart to store active paperwork and a twodrawer file cabinet for family recordsStore the rolling file cart wherever it is most convenient and comfortable to do your work,whether that is the kitchen,office,or family room. 3When in doubt,throw it outThe first step for implementing a workable filing system is to eliminate paper you dont use,dont need,or that you could easily access again elsewhereThrow out duplicate statements,old catalogs,and all of the coupops,mailings,or offerings you11 never have an opportunity to use or even read 4Set aside two days a month to pay billsIf a monthly due date doesnt fit into your cycle,call up the creditor and suggest a more convenient dateKeep two manila folders at the front of your system for current bills_one to correspond with each bill-paying dayand file all incoming billsKeep a list in the front of each folder of what needs to be paid in case the invoice never arrives or gets misplaced 5Think of your filing system not as a rigid tool,but as a living,breathing system that can accommodate your changing needsA good filing system。is both mentally and physically flexibleEveryoneS needs are different,says Denton,but when devising a filing system,ask yourself:“Where would I look for this?”Create main headings for your filing system,such as Investments,Taxes,Children,and SO forth,and file individual f01ders under the main headingsNever overstuff your files.词汇: paperwork n文书工作 incoming adj.将要或正要进来的overstuff vt把塞得过满 statement n账目 creditor n债权人duplicate adj.复制的 misplace vt把放错地方correspond vt与一致、和 谐或相配 invoice n发票heading n标题mailing n邮件 rigid adj呆板的,僵硬的注释:1running a house:打理一所房子。“run在这里是“管理”的意思。又如:HeS been running a restaurant since he left school2basein:在为设立基础、提供基础。又如:They based the new company in Portland3get a grip on:抓住,控制,掌握。又如:getting a grip on the new technique4family room:家庭游艺室,指用于家庭成员娱乐的房间 5manila folders:马尼拉折叠夹6in case:万一。又如:Take a hat with you in case the sun is very hot练习:1Paragraph 22Paragraph 33Paragraph 44Paragraph 5 A Find a Place to Work on B Implementing a Workable Filing System C whmat Is a Good Filing System D How to Invest in a Rolling File Cart E Get Rid of Unimportant Things F Dealing with Bills5Stephanie Denton is expert6You Can put your file cart anywhere you like,on condition7Coupons should be thrown away because一8“Mentally flexibleindicates the fact_. A they are useless B in Paper chase C that it is easily reached D that different people have different requirements E mev are not comfortable F in investang in coupons答案与题解: 1A这段的第一句是主题句,讲的是要为整理文件找到工作空间。2E这段谈及的是,没有用的文件如各种复印件、旧索引、优待券等,要及时扔掉。 3F这一段讲的是如何处理账单。4C这段讲的是一个好的档案系统应具备的两个条件:既要灵活又要条理清晰。5B Stephanie Denton非常擅长整理档案,所以B是答案。虽然F在语法上讲得过去,但优待券不是可进行投资的东西,所以也就不存在是否擅长做此事的问题。6C文中提到,档案车放在什么地方都可以,前提是使用方便。 7A文章说,优待券没什么用,所以应该扔掉。8D文章的最后一段谈到,好的档案系统要有心理和身体两个方面的灵活性,接下去又说,每个人的需要都是不同的。所以答案是D。第五篇 China Seeks Donors to Narrow Bone Marrow Gap 1China has launched a campaign to recruit more bone marrow donors,amid a shortage of funds as well as of sibling donors who could help the growing number of patients in need of lifesaving transplants,state media reported on Monday 2The Chinese Red Cross began the national campaign over the weekend to find donors for some 4 million patients suffering from leukaemia,thalassaemia and other blood diseases and awaiting bone marrow transplants,the official China Daily saidEvery year China has 40,000 new leukaeIllia patients,most of them under 35 and 50 percent of them children, the newspaper saidOther reports have linked ChinaS growing childhood leukaemia to solvents and building materials,used in interior decoration。 3With a tiny pool of bone marrow donors,weakened by the absence of sibling donors for most children because of ChinaS onechild policy,doctors rely on donors from Taiwan to save many young leukaemia patients,the Be彬ng Evening News said last weekendTaiwan,with a population of 22 million,has 2 10,000 registered donors compared with fewer than 30,000 donors among mainland Chinas 1.3 billion people。the newspaper said 4Yet the lack of registered donors may reflect a lack of funding for testing and recording data on potential donors rather than a lack of volunteers,the newspaper saidChina needs a pool of at least 100,000 donors but testing them would cost more than 50 million yuan,it said. 5The Hong Kong Marrow Match Foundation said it has helped“a handful”of patients in Beijing,Shanghai and other cities“The number of requests is increasing”from mainland China,including direct calls to the charity from desperate patients or relatives,said the foundationS donor coordinator Marven ChinBut the cost of extracting bone marrow from one of the foundations 40,000 registered donors and flying it by courier has to be borne by the patients,and many of them have to be aided financially,Chin said词汇:rriarrow n髓,骨髓leuk(a)emia n白血病pool n储备库 extract vt抽出amid prep在中,在当中thalass(a)emia n珠蛋白生charity n慈善团体 成障碍性贫血,地中海贫血sibling n兄弟(或姐妹),同胞 courier n送急件的人,信使desperate adj绝望的 recipient n接受者transplant n移植物 solvent n溶剂,溶媒coordinator n协调人注释:1the Chinese Red Cross:中国红十字会2most of themchildren-其中大多数为35岁以下,50为儿童这是两个分词独立结构作状语,省去两个分词being。完整的说法应该是most of them being under 35 and 50 per cent of them being children。3interior decoration:(室)内装修4rely onupon:依靠,依赖 5compared with13 billion people:如果与中国内地13亿人口中只有不足3万名志愿者比较起来 (as)compared with:与比较起来 fewer than 30,000 donors:不足3万名志愿者6the Hong Kong Marrow Match Foundation:香港骨髓匹配基金会练习:1、Paragraph 22Paragraph 33Paragraph 44Paragraph 5 A Urgent Need for Both Donors and Funds B Shortage of Donors C Desperate Leukaemia Patients D Seriousness of the Current Situation E Shortage of Funds F Comparison Between Mainland and Hong Kong and Taiwan 5It seems that many of the recipients are not rich enough6At present the number of bone marrow donors in mainland China is7Some solvents and building materials are cortsidered8Obviously,recruiting voluntary bone marrow donors in mainland China is_ A about one percent of the total population B tO be responsible for childhood leukaemia C an urgent and tough task to be accomplished D less than one third of the minimum E an expensive cost to be paid F to afford the cost of bone marrow transplantation答案与题解:1D第二段讲到了目前中国内地有约400万各种需要骨髓移植的病人,而且每年还增加4万白血病患者,故情况非常严重。2B 第三段讲到由于中国内地实行独生子女政策,故缺少同胞来捐献骨髓,而骨髓库在中国内地13亿人口中只登记了不足3万名志愿者,远远低于台湾2,200万人口中的21万名,故中国内地的志愿者奇缺。3E第四段提到缺少志愿者实质上是缺少对可能作为志愿者的人进行检验及建立资料库的费用,此费用约需5,000万元人民币。4A在最后一段,香港骨髓匹配基金会讲到内地的需求越来越多,即使从香港4万名志愿者中寻求帮助,许多接受捐献的人也很难承受这种费用,需要给予资助,故实际上仍是迫切需要志愿者和资金。5F本题的答案在文章最后一句,其中说到许多接受捐献者需要资助。6D第三段说中国内地13亿人口中只有


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