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AB级作文参考1、简历(resume)说明:请根据以下内容,写一份简历。个人情况:黄伟红,女,年月日出生,身体健康,已婚,无子女;现住广西南宁市民族大道号,邮政编码,电话,电子邮件地址huangweihong求职目标:谋求一个能够充分发挥本人计算机专业知识的职位,并可根据表现而获晋升的机会。学习经历:南宁市第三中学中南职业技术学院工作经历:南方电子公司网络技术部经理助理至今南宁阳光计算机公司计算机程序员专长:计算机编程英语Words for reference:1. 个人基本情况应包括:name, date of birth, sex, health, marital status, address, telephone number 和e-mail等。2. 发挥本人的专业:display my specialty in .3. 晋升机会下面是简历的五大部分的标题。填写其他内容时,请注意基本格式!RESUMEPersonal Information:Job Objective:Education :Work Experience:Specialties:参考答案:RESUMEPersonal Information:Name: Wang WeihongDate of Birth: December 12,1981Sex: FemaleHealth: GoodMarital Status: Married, no childAdress: 28 Minzu Avenue, Nanging City Guangxi, 530022e-mail: huangweihongTEL: 0771-5854238Job Objective: Position in which i can fully display my specialty in computer science with advancement opportunities based on performanceEducation :1998-2001Zhongnan College of Professional Technology1992-1998Nanning No.3 Middle SchoolWork Experience: 2003-PresentComputer rogrammer, Nanning Sunshine Computer Company 20012003 Assistant to the Head of Net-work Technology Department, Nanfang Electronics CompanySpecialties: Computer Programming and English Language2、求职信( letter of application)求职信1:假如你是以为即将毕业的大学生。从报上得知一家美国公司正在招聘销售人员。写一封信:1) 简单介绍自己情况(学历,工作经历,业余爱好等);2) 表示有意向进入该公司任职。3) 索要申请表,并告知希望得到的薪水和工作条件等情况;4) 希望能早日得到答复。注意:必须包括称谓,写信日期,发信人的签名等基本格式。 参考答案: May 2, 2003Dear Sir, I read your advertisement for salespersons in the newspaper and I would like to apply for this position. I am a college student, majoring in Marketing and I am going to graduate this summer. I had some part-time job working experiences. I would be grateful if you could send me an application from and give me further information about the salary and working conditions. I look forward to hearing from you in the near future. Yours sincerely,Zhang Hong求职信2:说明:请根据以下内容,写一封求职信。1 看到十一月二日人民日报招聘文秘的广告,你想申请这份工作。2 有在ABC公司(a large food manufacture)三年的工作经验,具备较高的文秘工作技能和丰富的实践经验,打字速度快为每分钟词并且每分钟听写词,自认为能胜任这份工作。3 期待答复。4 申请人:李虹5 时间:年月日参考答案:November 5, 2006Dear Sir, I have read your advertisement for a secretary in the China Daily of 2nd November, and I would like to apply for this job. This job sounds particular interesting to me because it is just the kind of work i have wanted to do for years. I have been working as a secretary for three years in ABC Company, a large food manufacturer, and have high secretarial skills and rich practical experience. I can type ninety words per minute and take dictation at one hundred and thirty words per minute. So I feel that I am the ideal person for the job! I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.Yours sincerely,Bob3、申请表(application form)说明:请以中国学生张锦秋(女)的身份填写下列表格。具体信息如下:出生年月:1982年10月16日联系地址:燕京市虹桥路496号电话:00067289879个人详细情况:本人目前学历,学习英语的目的和经历,我的英语强项和弱项,希望在哪方面加强,等等。Test preparation Course Application FormFamily Name:_ First Name(s):_Date of Birth:_ Nationality:_Sex: _ Telephone Number:_Address:_ Please write your current education, your strengths and weaknesses in English and your experience in English learning. (about 30 words)_参考范文 Test Preparation Course Application FormFamily Name: Zhang First Name(s): JinqiuDate of Birth: Oct. 16, 1982 Nationality: ChineseSex: Female Telephone Number: 000-67289879Address: 496 Hongqiao Road, Yanjing City I am a sophomore in Liaoning University. I am majoring in international trade. Though I have little difficulty in reading English materials, I am totally at a loss when I attend my American teachers lecture. Im eager to improve my listening ability in your seminar. I look forward to hearing from you soon.4、邀请函及回复(letter of invitation & reply)Letter 1 (letter of invitation)发信人:张玲内 容:1.邀请Jane暑假期间到北京来度假。 2.陪同他游览长城,故宫,颐和园等。 3.请他回信告之是否能来。写信日期:2003年6月25日Letter 2 (reply)回信人:Jane内 容:1.感谢并接受张铃的邀请。 2.决定7月初来北京。回信日期:2003年6月30日Words for reference:长城 the Great Wall 故宫 the Imperial palace 颐和园 the Summer palace参考答案:(1) June 25,2003Dear Jane, I would like to invite you to come to Beijing during your holiday. I will show you around the Great Wall, the Imperial Palace and the summer Palace. I look forward to hearing from you to know whether you can come or not. Yours, Zhang Ling(2) June 30th, 2003Dear Zhang Ling, Thank you for your invitation. I am very pleased to accept your invitation and plan to go to Beijing in early July. Yours, Jane5、电话留言(telephone message)说明:按电话留言的格式和要求,以秘书Helen的名义,给Mr. . White 写一份电话留言,包括以下内容。1. 来电人: 霍尼韦尔 (Honeywell )公司的 Mr. . Johnson 2. 来电时间:2001年6月25日上午10时事由:Mr. Johnson明天要出差去北京,因此原定与Mr. . White后天上午的约会只能取消,等出差回来后再与Mr. . White约时间会面。参考答案:To: Mr. WhiteTime: 10 a. m., June 25, 2001Message: Mr. Johnson of Honeywell Co. is going to Beijing on business tomorrow. His appointment with you on the morning of the 27th has to be cancelled. Mr. Johnson will contact you for another appointment when he is back. From: Helen (secretary)6、请假条(病假条-a certificate for sick leave )说明:根据所给信息以Jack Hopkins的名义给Smith教授写一张请假条。1. 本人因患急性阑尾炎,于2004年6月9日住院;2医生建议立即手术,估计将于2004年6月19日出院;3请病假两周。Words for reference:急性阑尾炎 acute appendicitis住院 be admitted into the hospital参考答案:Dear Professor Smith, I was admitted to the hospital on June 9, 2004 because of acute appendicitis. My doctor has suggested an immediate operation. It is expected that I will be well in about 10 days and discharged on June 19, 2004. I am writing this note to ask for sick leave for the coming two weeks. Thank you. Yours sincerely, Jack Hopkins 7、备忘录(memo)备忘录的内容可以分为以下几项:书端(Heading)收文人的姓名、头衔、地址(Addressees Name, Title, Address)称呼(Salutation)事因(Subject)正文(Body)结束语(Complimentary Close)署名(Signature) 可以不写,看要求例: Directions: Write a memorandum of about 100 words to the student service department (宿管科)and ask them to fix a telephone for each dormitory.MEMOAugust 16, 2005To: The leader of student service departmentFrom: Li MingSubject: TelephoneDear Sir,I would like to remind you that we are in want of a telephone for each dormitory. As a university student,we need to cope with the daily increasing communications with teachers,friends and people outside the campus.We need a telephone to get and send message,which is important for us. Though most of us have mobile phones and e-mail address,a telephone in the dormitory is after all the most convenient and cheapest tool of communication. I hope that you will pay attention to this problem and solve it as soon as possible.Regards.Yours,Li Ming8、传真说明:以Mr. Smith 的名义,按下列内容给Miss Karen Thompson发一份传真。收件人:Miss Karen Thompson发件人:Mr. John Smith, WEH Company传真号:94816-18-20日期:2003年4月3日抄送:销售部Mr. Allan Broad事由: Mr. John Smith 所在的WEH Company欲购买两台贵公司生产的打印机,型号为MH387BC和MI989AE, Mr. John Smith想进一步了解一下这两种型号的打印机的情况以及最新的报价,希望能够予以答复。FaxTo:Fax:94816-18-20From:Date:Re:Pages:1CC:Mr. Allan Broad, Sales Dpt.urgentFor ReviewPlease CommentPlease ReplyPlease RecycleDear Miss Karen Thompson,内容Yours sincerely,John Smith参考答案:FaxTo:Miss Karen ThompsonFax:94816-18-20From:Mr. John Smith, WEH CompanyDate:April 3, 2003Re:InquiryPages:1CC:Mr. Allan Broad, Sales Dpt.urgentFor ReviewPlease CommentPlease ReplyPlease RecycleDear Miss Karen Thompson,We intend to buy two printers, Model MH387BC and Model MD989AE, produced by your company. Will you please kindly send me detailed information about the two models, as well as your latest quote?Im looking forward to your reply.Yours sincerely,John Smith9、借条(I.O.U Form)和收条(Receipt Form)说明:根据下列信息写一张借据和一张收条。1. 借据:时间: 4月10日内容:计算机系学生会向计算机系办公室借IBM品牌的型号为MXH987C计算机一台和Canon 品牌的型号为KJ908打印机一台,言明一月后归还。此据。2、收条:时间:5月10日内容:计算机系办公室收到计算机系学生会归还的IBM品牌的型号为MXH987C计算机一台和Canon 品牌的型号为KJ908打印机一台。参考答案:1、I.O.U FormApril 10Borrowed from the office of Computer Department a computer of IBM Model MXH987C and a printer of Canon KJI908 to be paid back within one month.The Students Union of Computer Department、Receipt FormMay 10Received from the Students Union of Computer Department the computer of IBM Model MXH987C and the printer of Canon KJI908.The Office of Computer Department10、电子邮件(E-mail)说明:根据下列信息拟一份电子邮件。发件人:方大伟发件人电子邮件地址:fangdawei收件人:Miss Amy Brown收件人电子邮件地址:sales抄送:reservation电子邮件内容:(1)HLD通讯公司(Telecommunication Company)希望在Radisson Hotel举办一次通讯技术研讨会(seminar)(2)参加研讨会的共有30人,需要预定18间带浴室的双人房,并需借用酒店可容纳30人的会议室3天;(3)入住时间:2003年5月10日;离店时间:2003年5月15日;(4)方先生需要了解酒店的房价、租用会议室的费用、以及用餐等情况,希望尽早得到回复。E-mail MessageFrom:To:CC: reservationSubject: Inquiry about Reservation and PriceDate:Dear Miss Amy Brown:参考答案: E-mail MessageFrom: fangdaweiTo: salesCC: reservationSubject: Inquiry about Reservation and PriceDate: May 5Dear Miss Amy Brown:I send this email to inquire about reservation in your hotel.There will a telecommunication seminar held by HLD Telecommunication Company from May 10 to May 15, with 30 candidates attending the seminar. Wed like to make a reservation of 18 double rooms with bath for 5 days and a meeting room of 30 persons for 3 days. I look forward to getting a repley of detailed information about the following aspects: (1) the price of the rooms; (2) the rent of a meeting room; and (3) the dining service, etd.Yours sincerely,.Fang Dawei11、海报(poster)欢迎到西部主题公园来! 公园开放时间为4月到9月,每周7天,从上午10点至下午6点。成人票价15美元,儿童7美元,也可以花28美元买家庭票!每周六、周日我们有原始西部表演。表演从下午两点开始,持续两个半小时。星期一至星期五上午8:00,10:00有免费巴士从市区开往公园,节假日和周末全天都有免费巴士从市区开往公园。可以在网上预订门票,也可以打电话订票。演出开始前半个小时可买到半价票。Welcome to Wild West Theme ParkOpening months: From _ to _Opening days in a week: _Opening hours: From _ to _Time of Wild West Show: _Show starts: _Show lasts: _Ticket price: Adults $ _; Children $ _; Family Ticket $ _Additional information:1. Bus service_2. Booking information_参考答案:Welcome to Wild West Theme ParkOpening months: From April to SeptemberOpening days in a week: Seven daysOpening hours: From 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.Time of Wild West Show: every Saturday and SundayShow starts: 2 p.m.Show lasts: 2 hours and a halfTicket price: Adults $ 15; Children $ 7; Family Ticket $ 28Additional information:1. Bus service There are free buses from urban area to the park from eight oclock to ten oclock from Monday to Friday, and the buses are also on service at anytime on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays.2. Booking information You can book tickets on Internet or telephone. There is a 50 percent discount half an hour before the show.12、通知通知1:说明:以学生会的名义于2002年6月10日写一张演讲会的通知:演讲人:著名教授John Smith先生/女士时间:下周五晚上7点地点:报告厅主题:世界经济发展与中国加入WTO后中国轻工业的未来领票时间及地点:每晚7点至9点在5号楼601房间负责人:李明.Words for reference:报告厅Lecture ball; 经济发展economic development:轻工业The light industry; 中国加入WTO Chinas entering WTO参考答案:Notice A well-known professor named Mr. John Smith will give us a talk in the lecture hall at 7 p.m. next Friday. He will talk about the economic development in the world and the future of the light industry in China after Chinas entering WTO. If you are interested in it, pleased ask Li Ming for tickets. He will be available in Room 601 Building 5, from 7 to 9 every evening.The Students Union June 10, 2002通知 2:说明:以公司行政办公室的名义,按通告的格式和要求,写一份于2001年6月30日公布的通知,包括以下内容: 1.时间:7月7日星期五下午2:00 2.会议地点:公司办公大楼会议厅 3.会议内容:讨论财务规划 4.出席人员:各部门的负责人 5.要求:每人准备一份建议书 Words for reference:财务规划:financial program;行政办公室:administrative office; 部门负责人:head of a section.参考答案:NOTICE OF MEETINGJune 30,2001Subject: Financial program of the companyParticipants: Heads of all sectionsTime: 2 p.m., July 7th,FridayPlace: Meeting Hall of Office BuildingNote :Each participant is required to hand in a written proposal.The Administrative Office通知 3:假设你所在的公司由于业务扩展的需要,将于下个月(8月28日)搬迁新址。请草拟一封迁址通知。 内容:搬迁原因.具体搬迁日期及新地址。新址为:西安市长阳路2号18楼1808室,电话:(027)6510228。搬迁期间,照常营业欢迎新老顾客光临。参考答案:Change of AddressOwing to the expanding business, Sunrise Company informs all the customers:On Aug28.2003the Sunrise Company is moving to:1808 18th Floor, No.2Changyang RoadXianTelephone: 027-6510228Still open on movingPlease Acknowledge. You are warmly welcome通知 4:说明:美国加利福尼亚大学Smith教授应邀来你校做报告,内容为:如何选择自己喜欢的职业。下面是一份校方拟好的通知单。请你根据通知单上的内容写一张英语通知。英语讲座内容如何选择自己喜欢的职业报告人美国加利福尼亚大学Smith教授时间6月10日(星期五)晚6:00-8:00地点图书馆第一报告厅要求准时出席,欢迎提问参考答案:NoticeProfessor Smith of California University has been invited to give a talk on how to choose your favorite career in this modern society. The talk will be given in the First Lecture Theatre in the library, on Friday, June 10, from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. All those who are interested are expected to be present on time and questions are welcome. Principles OfficeJune 5, 200313、祝贺信说明: 假设你获悉你的一位大学同学在毕业后工作仅一年,就被提升为公司的销售部经理,你写信表示祝贺。内容包括:1) 消息的来源;2) 表示高兴和祝贺;3) 建议搞一次同学聚会表示庆贺;4) :建议:时间,地点等。参考答案:Dear Ming,I was very pleased to learn from our teacher Mr. Wang that you had been promoted to be the manager of Sales Department in a big import and export company. It has been only one year since we graduated from college. You have made such great progress. You are really our model of excellence.I, together with the rest of classmate, would very much like to meet you and congratulate you personally though I realize you are very busy with your new duties. We are planning to hold a get-together next Sunday. Be sure to come!Were looking forward to the happy day.Yours sincerely,Zhang Xiaojun14、邀请函回复请根据以下中文内容,写一封回信。亲爱的先生:我外出几天之后于今天上午回到办公室,见到你们为六十年校庆(60th anniversary)所发的邀请,对此向您表示感谢。我本愿能够接受邀请,但不巧已同几个国外朋友约好会见,他们正好在那天到达,看来我不能如愿以偿了。这次希望您见谅。我相信今后会有机会见面并结识(make acquaintances with)您的同事。您忠诚的,Michael Anderson2006-05-21参考答案:May 21st, 2006Dear Sir or Madam, On my return to the office this morning after being away for a few days, I found your invitation to the celebration of your colleges 60th anniversary. I would appreciate your kindness in doing this. I would have been able to accept your invitation. But unfortunately due to a prior engagement with some overseas friends, who are arriving on the same date, it seems impossible for me to do so. I hope you will excuse me on this occasion and sincerely trust an opportunity on a later date to meet you and make acquaintances with your colleagues.Yours faithfully,Michael Anderson15、投诉信(letter of complaint)投诉信1:说明:假设上个月你出差去广州,在一家著名的百货公司花了1200元买了一件大衣。洗后发现褪色厉害。你给商厦写一封投诉信。内容包括:1) 情况说明。 2) 要求解决问题(全额退款) 3) 要求尽快答复。注意写信基本格式。参考答案:August 8, 2008Dear Sir, Im writing to make a complaint about the quality of your commodity you sell.Last month, I went to Guangzhou on business. During my stay, I was impressed by the prosperity of the city. And I bought an overcoat, which cost me 1200 yuan. But after I washed it at home, I found it faded a lot, I cannot wear it any more.I understand yours is a famous department store in Guangzhou, so I write to you, in the hope to settle my case. That is, I need a complete refund.I am looking forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely yours,Li Mei投诉信2:说明:1. 9月10日,我们所订的350件全棉女式汗衫如期收到。但很抱歉,58件白色汗衫严重污损。2. 我们立刻就此进行了调查,结果表明是包装不当所致,责任全在供货方。3. 我们无法向顾客出售这批汗衫,无疑已蒙受了巨大损失。请你方进行调查并给予答复。参考答案:Dear sir: On September 10, our order for 350 womens cotton sweaters was duly received, but we regret to say that 58 cotton sweaters in white color were seriously soiled. We had the case investigated immediately, and the result shows the damage was due to improper packing, for which the suppliers are definitely responsible. Needless to say, we have suffered a great loss from this, as we cannot sell the sweaters in this condition to our customers. We ask you to conduct an investigation at your end and reply to us soon. Sincerely yours, Xia Tian16、推荐信(reference letter)说明:请根据以下内容,写一封推荐信。信件内容:你是北京大学的一位教授,刘雷。你的学生张红要申请去澳大利亚大学学习。请你为他写一封推荐信。(必须包括对收信人的称谓、写信日期、发信人的签名等基本格式)Words for reference:学士学位a bachelors degree优异的成绩 outstanding marks勤奋diligence 坚韧不拔 perseverance潜力potentiality学术的 academic参考答案:Reference letterJanuary 23, 2007Dear Sir or Madam, This letter is on behalf of one of my best students, Mr. Zhang Hong, who studied in Beijing University. There he earned a bachelor degree and graduated with outstanding marks. As one of his teachers, i was very impressed with his diligence and his perseverance in his studies. Besides, he was quick in response, able to think clearly and wisely and approached academic problems in a systematic and original way, hence my perfect confidence in his high potentiality for academic study and independent research. I am sure that you will enjoy being in association with him. I think that Mr. Zhang Hong would do well in his future program and that you would enjoy having him as a student. Yours faithfully,Liu LeiProfessor of Computer DepartmentBeijing University Beijing 110031China 17、辞职信(letter for termination engagement)说明:请根据以下中文内容,写一封有关辞职(terminating engagement)的信。1、 写信人:Bob2、 写信日期:2007年月9日3、 收信人: Smith, 销售部经理4、 信件内容:本人在销售部已工作年,一直很满意这一职位。但现有一位朋友介绍去金利来(Goldlion)公司,给我以提升和加薪的更多机会,我已决定接受该职务。为此,我特提前一个月正式告知您我决定辞去您处工作。参考答案:May 9, 2007Dear Mr. Smith, I have worked in the Sales Department as a salesman for six years, and i have been satisfied with this position. However, a friend of mine introduced me to Goldlion Company, and i have decided to accept a post tha


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