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源于名校,成就所托Overview教案撰稿人火艺超完稿时间审 核 人审核时间课程进度第11次课课程标题倒装句、强调句学生对象:高三毕业班(秋季)教学目标1) 准确掌握完全倒装和部分倒装的使用场合;2) 准确掌握强调结构的运用。教学安排一览事项时间1词汇复习20分钟2倒装句、强调结构精讲70分钟3测试巩固30分钟45678910Review - 高考核心词汇(funeral - harvest)1单词拼写1) We parked our car in an underground g_ near the hotel.2) I feel really g_ at forgetting her birthday again.3) After g_ from high school, Jayne went to engineering college.4) The fight started when one of the fans made rude g_ at a player.5) My friend offered to pay my plane fare, which was very g_ of him.6) The f_ (葬礼) will be held at St. Martins Church.7) I helped him choose the f_ (家具) for his house.8) The boy likes eating h_ (汉堡包) in KFC.9) The g_ (政府) has promised to cut taxes.10)Of all the courses, we like g_ (地理) lessons best.2词形变化1) No pains, no _ (gain).2) _ (general) speaking, the more expensive the MP3 player is, the better it is.3) He is a _(gift) musician.4) The chemicals are _ (harm) to the environment.5) The guilty man was _ (hang) for murder6) As the weeks passed, I _ (gradual) accepted the idea of him leaving.7) Money is not the key to _ (happy).8) Vitamins are important for healthy _ (grow).9) I was looking forward to working under her expert _ (guide).10)Ducks, _ (goose), chickens and also pigeons were kept on the farm.3单项选择1. - Do you understand? - Yeah, weve _ it A. got B. gained C. grasped D. guessed2. I missed a _ opportunity to become a millionaire. A. gold B. golden C. handsome D. generous3. As the weeks _, I became more and more worried. A. went on B. went away C. went by D. went out4. Dont be hard _ Jack; after all, hes a child. A. on B. to C. for D. with5.Some people find the idea of relativity difficult to _. I cant understand it, either. A. give B. handle C. seize D. grasp6. Regular exercise is a good habit for kids to _. A. develop B. break C. become D. grow7. Can you give me a _? I need some help. A. hand B. game C. harmony D. gift8. _ it happens, I know someone who might be able to help you. A. When B. As C. With D. Whatever9. Her confidence _, and soon she was able to go out driving on her own. A. gained B. grew C. greeted D. glared10. She had _ sat down when the phone rang. A. nearly B. badly C. generally D. hardly4选词填空hand down hand out give away glance at grow up go about hang up grow into get over give in1)Dont worry about Henry - hell soon _ the problem.2)As the sad news, Sue tried to smile, but her voice _ her _.3)Although I disagreed, I had to _ to dad - hes usually right anyway.4)The man _ his watch and told us the time.5)The ring was _ to her form her grandmother.6)He was _ leaflets to members of the audience.7)At the end of the telephone conversation, I said goodbye and _.8)That little girl _ a lovely young woman.9)Boys, what do you want to be when you _?10)I want to learn German but I dont know the best way to _ it.5句子翻译1)这个女孩对音乐有天赋。(gift)2)两年前他从这个学校毕业。(graduate)3)小孩紧紧地抓住妈妈的手臂。(grasp)4)有些人对钱和权力很贪婪。(greedy)5)我保证你会喜欢这部电影。(guarantee)6)他因没经常去看父母而感到内疚。(guilty)7)Jeff养成了完饭后散步的习惯。(habit)8)Tom准时交作业了吗?(hand)9)我想把这幅画挂在门旁边。(hang) 10)你打电话时我碰巧出去了。(happen)Keys:1单词拼写1. garage 2. guilty 3. graduationgraduating 4. gesture 5. generous 6. funeral 7. furniture 8. hamburgers 9. government 10. geography2词形变化1. gains 2. Generally 3. gifted 4. harmful 5. hanged 6. gradually 7. happiness growth 9. guidance 10. geese3单项填空1 - 5 ABCAD 6 - 10 AABBD4选词填空1. get over 2. gave away 3. give in 4. glanced at 5. handed down 6. handing out 7. hung up 8. grew into 9. grow up 10. go about5句子翻译1) the girl has a gift for music.2) He graduated from the school two years ago.3) The child grasped hisher mothers arm firmly.4) Some people are greedy for money and power.5) I guarantee that youll love the film.6) He felt guilty about not visiting his parents often.7) Jeff has been in the habit of taking a walk after dinner.8) Did Tom hand in his homework on time?9) I want to hang the picture by the door.10)I happened to be out when you called.Introduction - 倒装句、强调结构& 高考真题01. Bill wasnt happy about the delay of the report by Jason, and _.A. I was neitherB. neither was I01. 倒装“Neither / Nor + be / 助动词have / 情态动词主语”表示“也不这样”。C. I was eitherD. either was I02. _ right away, you would arrive there by 5 oclock p.m.A. Would you leaveB. Will you leaveC. Were you to leave02. 倒装 在if引导的虚拟条件句中,若有were, had, should,在书面语中可以省去if,将were等提到主语前,形成倒装。D. If youll leave03. _ homework did we have to do that we had no time to take a rest.A. So much03. 倒装 so形容词副词提到句首,主句要用部分倒装。B. Too muchC. Too littleD. So little04. Not until the motorbike looked almost new _ repairing and cleaning it.A. be stoppedB. did he stop04. 倒装 “否定词状语”时,句子谓语应为部分倒装,语序为“助动词情态动词主语其他”。C. stopped heD. he did stop05. A: Did Linda see the traffic accident?B: No, no sooner _ than it happened.A. had she gone05. 倒装no sooner放于句首时,句子要部分倒装。B. she had goneC. has she goneD. she has gone06. Only when I left my parents for Italy _ how much I loved them.A. I realizedB. I had realizedC. had I realizedD. did I realize06. 倒装 “only状语”放在句首时,句子谓语应为部分倒装。07. _ by keeping down costs will power data hold its advantage over other companies.A. Only07. 倒装“only状语”放在句首时,句子主谓要倒装。B. JustC. StillD. Yet08. It is not who is right but what is right _ is of importance.A. whichB. itC. that08. 强调 在强调结构中that既可以对人强调,也可以对其他的事物强调。D. this09. It was not until she got home _ Jennifer realized she had lost her keys.A. whenB. that09. 强调 强调时间状语。C. whereD. before10. I dont mind her criticizing me, but _ is how she does it that I object to.A. it10. 强调 强调宾语从句。B. thatC. thisD. which11. It _ we had stayed together for a couple of weeks _ I found we had a lot in common.A. wasnt / whenB. was until / that11. 强调 对人强调可以用that / who,对其他任何成分强调只能用that。C. wasnt until / whenD. wasnt until / when12. It is imagination _ makes the world colorful, full of vigor and vitality.A. whereB. whatC. thatD. when13. It was after he got what he had desired _ he realized it was not so important.A. thatB. whenC. sinceD. asTips:12. B强调强调主语。13. A强调强调时间状语。Presentation (1) 倒装句、强调结构& 第一节倒装句一、倒装概述英语的基本语序是“主语谓语”。如果将谓语的全部或一部分放在主语之前,这种语序叫做倒装语序。二、倒装的种类倒装主要有两种:完全倒装和部分倒装。完全倒装是指将句子的全部谓语置于主语之前: Here comes the bus.汽车来了。 “Dont leak the secret out,” whispered Mary.“不要泄密,”玛丽私语道。部分倒装是把谓语的一部分(通常是助动词或情态动词)放到主语之前 Never have I been there before.我以前从没到过那儿。 Only yesterday did I realize what was going on.直到昨天,我才意识到发生了什么。倒装的原因一是语法结构的需要(如某些疑问句),一是修辞的需要。三、语法倒装可以按例句,逐句要求学生判断是全部倒装还是部分倒装疑问句并非所有疑问句都使用到倒装,比如下面这句就没有使用,而是用的陈述语序:Who is singing in the room?是谁在屋子里唱歌?中要用倒装语序 Could you do me a favor to close the window?你能帮忙关上窗子吗?there be结构中要用倒装语序 There used to be a church near our school.我们学校附近曾经有一座教堂。直接引语后注明谁讲的话的句子,主语是名词如果主语是代词时,通常不需要倒装。“Lets set out,” he said.“我们出发吧,”他说。时,常用倒装语序 “What is it all about?” asked the stranger.“究竟是什么事呢?”陌生人问。 某些表示愿望的感叹句用倒装语序 Long live our friendship!我们的友谊万岁! May you succeed!另一种使用wish的说法后接名词:Wish you success!祝你成功!so that和such that引导状语从句,当so或such位于句首时,主句要用倒装语序 So badly did he do his homework that the teacher criticized him.他的作业做得太差,老师批评了他。当表示虚拟语气的条件状语从句省略if时,要将should, had或were置于从句主语之前If he should act like that again, he would be fired immediately. Should he act like that again, he would be fired immediately.要是他再那样做,他会被立即解雇的。把so, neither, nor放在句首,表示前面肯定或否定的内容也适合于后面的人或物,要用倒装语序 I have never been abroad, neither has he.我从没出过国,他也是。as引导让步状语从句常用倒装语序句式一:表语as主语系动词 Old as he is, he works hard.尽管他很老,但他工作很努力。句式二:状语as主语谓语动词 Late as he came, he saw the famous man.尽管来晚了,他还是见到了那个名人。句式三:谓语as主语助动词 Try as we did, we failed again.尽管我们努力了,但还是失败了。四、修辞倒装副词(短语)放在句首时要用倒装语序。以here, there, now, then, up, down, out, in, away等开头的句子如果主语是代词时,则主谓不用倒装:Away he went.他走了。,要用完全倒装表示特别强调的语气 There goes the bell.铃响了。 Away went the boy.那男孩走开了。 否定词放在句首时要用倒装语序。以never, seldom, not, neither, nor, little, hardly when, notonly but also, no sooner than等否定词开头的句子,要部分倒装。通常只把助动词、系动词、情态动词提到主语之前 Never shall I forget it.我永远忘不了这件事。 Hardly had the thief seen the policeman when he ran away.这个小偷还没看到警察就跑了。 No sooner had he been back at home than he realized his mistake.他一回到家就意识到他错了。以only修饰的副词、介词短语或状语从句放在句首时如果only修饰主语,则即使only放在句首,也不用倒装:Only John received my present.只有约翰收到了我的礼物。要用倒装语序 Only then did I realize that I was wrong.只有到那时,我才意识到我错了。介词短语作地点状语放在句首时当主语是代词时,即使介词短语作地点状语放在句首,也不用倒装:At the foot of the mountain it stands.坐落在山脚下。要用倒装语序 By his side stood a little boy.他身旁站着一个小男孩。 Behind the hill is a new expressway.小山的后面是一条新建的高速公路。方式副词(well)或频度副词(often, many a time)放在句首时要用倒装语序 Often did he remind me not to do it.他时常提醒我不要那样做。 有时为了保持句子平衡、衔接,或为了强调表语或状语,而把表语或状语前置 Present at the dancing party were the teachers in our school and some foreign friends.出席舞会的是我们学校的老师和一些外国朋友。& 第二节强调结构一、强调概述所谓强调,就是指要突出句中的某一个部分,使其显得更加重要。强调可以通过强调句型以及单词、词组和某些结构来进行二、通过句型表示强调强调句的基本句型:It is / was被强调部分that / who其他成分原句:I met her in the street last night.强调原句主语:It was I who / that met her in the street last night.强调原句宾语:It was her that I met in the street last night.强调地点状语:It was in the street that I met her last night.强调时间状语:It was last night that I met her in the street.强调句型的疑问句表达方式 Was it in 1939 that the Second World War broke out?二次世界大战是在1939年爆发的吗?强调结构应注意的问题在强调结构中,若强调时间、地点、原因状语时,要用that,而不用where, when, why。注意不要和定语从句混淆 It was during the Second World War that he died.他是在二战中死的。在强调结构中,若强调主语时,动词的数要与被强调的主语一致 It is I who am wrong.错的是我。在用not until的强调句型时,要注意否定须前移 I didnt realize she was a famous singer until she took off her dark glasses. It was not until she took off her dark glasses that I realized she was a famous singer.直到她摘下墨镜我才意识到她是位著名歌星。原句是倒装句时,变成强调结构以后,主谓不用倒装 Not until his son came back did the father go to bed. It was not until his son came back that the father went to bed.直到儿子回来,这位父亲才上床睡觉。 这一句型可以强调原因状语从句注意结果状语从句、条件状语从句、让步状语从句等不能用这一强调句型。,当原因状语从句是由as, since引导时,应改为because引导 She missed the early bus since she got up late. It was because she got up late that she missed the early bus.她是因为起晚了才误了早班车。三、通过词及词组结构表示强调用very, just, single, only或反身代词强调名词或代词 Thats the very person Im looking for.这正是我要找的人。用even, still, much, many, a little, a few, a lot, by far, a great deal, far来强调形容词、副词比较级 The boy runs much faster than the girl.男孩比女孩跑得快得多。 用词组at all, let alone, nothing but, on earth, in the world, no matter 等强调疑问或否定含义的句子 He didnt recognize me at all.他根本没有认出我。 She is nothing but a child.她只不过是个孩子。用do强调谓语动词 Although it was difficult to send a child to a technical school, his family did manage to do it.尽管把孩子送到技术学校很困难,但他家里的确设法做到了。用large, a good, quite来修饰表示数量的词或词组 A good many animals sleep under the snow.许多动物睡在雪下。用well, far, right强调介词短语 They worked far into the night.他们工作到深夜。 She is well past sixty.她远远超过了六十。四、强调句与主语从句、状语从句的区别It is / was被强调部分that / who 中,如果去掉It is / was that / who 这一框架,调整一下语序,剩余的部分仍是一个完整的句子,则我们可以判断该句为强调句式It is a fact that we visited a factory last week. A fact we visited a factory last week. ()It was a factory that we visited yesterday. We visited a factory yesterday. ()It was three oclock that we reached the village. We reached the village three oclock. ()It was at three oclock that we reached the village. We reached the village at three oclock. ()Focused Practice A / B - 倒装句、强调结构& 把下列句子改成倒装句Keys:01. Only after being asked three times did he answer me.02. Not only did he like reading stories, he could even write some.03. Little did the old woman know that she was seriously ill herself.04. Hardly had he sat down when the telephone rang.05. Never will the old man forget the day in 1960 when he first came to the city.06. So loudly did the students read their lessons that people could hear them out in the street.07. Hardly could I believe it was true.08. So frightened was he in the darkness that he did not dare to move an inch.09. Seldom do we hear her reading aloud because she is too shy.10. Had she come earlier, she would have met Professor Wang.01. He answered me only after being asked three times._02. He not only liked reading stories, he could even write some._03. The old woman knew little that she was seriously ill herself._04. He had hardly sat down when the telephone rang._05. The old man will never forget the day in 1960 when he first came to the city._06. The students read their lessons so loudly that people could hear them out in the street._07. I could hardly believe it was true._08. He was so frightened in the darkness that he didnt dare to move an inch._09. We seldom hear her reading aloud because she is too shy._10. If she had come earlier, she would have met Professor Wang._& 单项选择倒装Keys:11-18CBDCABBC11. It was announced that only when the fire was under control _ to return to their homes.A. the residents would be permittedB. had the resident been permittedC. would the residents be permittedD. the resident had been permitted12. _ about wild plants that they decided to make a trip to Madagascar for further research.A. So curious the couple wasB. So curious were the coupleC. How curious the couple wereD. The couple was such curious13. _, his idea was accepted by all the people at the meeting.A. Strange as might it soundB. As it might sound strangeC. As strange it might soundD. Strange as it might sound14. So much of interest _ that most visitors simply run out of time before seeing it all.A. offer BeijingB. Beijing offersC. does Beijing offerD. Beijing does offer15. Never before _ in greater need of modern public transport than it is today.A. has this city beenB. this city has beenC. was this cityD. this city was16. _ that Maric was able to set up new branches elsewhere.A. So successful her business wasB. So successful was her businessC. So her business was successfulD. So was her successful business17. A: How was the televised debate last night?B: Super! Rarely _ so much media attention.A. a debate attractedB. did a debate attractC. a debate did attractD. attracted a debate18. A: My room gets very cold at night.B: _.A. So is mineB. So mine isC. So does mineD. So mine does& 单项选择强调Keys:19-26BBBAAADC19. An awful accident _, however, occur the other day.A. doesB. didC. had toD. has to20. It was in the house which they used to live _ the exhibition was held.A. whichB. thatC. whereD. when21. Who was it _ broke the window?A. whoB. thatC. whichD. whom22. _ must have been his brother that you saw.A. ItB. ThatC. HeD. Who23. It was in New Zealand _ Elizabeth first met Mr. Smith.A. thatB. howC. whichD. when24. It was not until midnight _ they reached the camp site.A. thatB. whenC. whileD. as25. It was with great joy _ he received the news that his lost daughter had been found.A. becauseB. whichC. sinceD. that26. It was _ back home after the experiment.A. not until midnight did he goB. until midnight that he didnt goC. not until midnight that he wentD. until midnight when he didnt go& 找出下列单句中的错误Keys:27. C that28. B when29. A It30. A There is27. It was in 1984 when I graduated from university.A BC D28. It was five oclock that he finished his homework.AB CD29. That was the baby the lady was holding in her arms that was crying for some more milk.A B C D30. It is no need to discuss the problem. It has already been settled.A B CDPresentation (2) AKeys:01-10DDDCDACBDA11-20ACBCBADDCC21-27BCBCADB - 倒装句、强调结构综合测试01. Only _ as an interpreter in the conference last year _ how important it is to have a goodcommand of English.A. when did I work / I realizedB. when I worked / I realizedC. when did I work / did I realizeD. when I worked / did I realize02. A: Li Hua is clever and works hard at his lessons.B: _.A. So is Li MingB. So does Li MingC. It was the same with Li MingD. So it is with Li Ming03. _ that they may eventually reduce the amount of labor needed on construction sites by 90 %.A. Such constructions robots are cleverB. So clever the construction robots areC. Such clever construction robots areD. So clever are the construction robots04. _ is it only the ignorant and ill-educated person who has such faith in the bottle of medicine.A. EitherB. OftenC. NorD. Usually05. _ in 1812, the New Orleans Battle could have been avoided.A. If the peace agreement was signed in AmericaB. If the peace agreement had signed in AmericaC. Was the peace agreement signed in AmericaD. Had the peace agreement been signed in America06. It was too noisy outside. Not until I shouted at the top of my voice _ his head.A. did he turnB. had he turnedC. he hadnt turnedD. he didnt turn07. Its hard to believe that they have lived here for 20 years and never once _.A. they had been to the city centerB. they have been to the city centerC. have they been to the city centerD. had they been to the city center08. A: You forgot your purse when you went out this morning.B: Good heavens, _.A. so did IB. so I didC. I did soD. I so did09. Not only _ interested in football but _ showing an interest in it.A. the teacher


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