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城关小学五年级上册英语基础知识汇总 Unit 1 Get up on time! (按时起床)单词 clock 闹钟 wall 墙 again又、再次 come in down 坐下be late 迟到 play computer games 玩电脑游戏 too many 太多 on time 按时句型1 -What time do you get up/go to school/ go to bed/go to work? 你几点起床/上学/上床睡觉/去上班?-I get up/go to school/ go to bed at .我点起床/上学/上床睡觉.2、What do you do at four oclock ? 你在四点钟做什么?3-What time is it? 几点了? -Its seven.7点。4-Dont play too many computer games and go to bed early.不要玩太多电脑游戏,早点睡觉。5. May i come in? -Come in ,please我可以进来吗?请进。6. Look at the clock on the wall.(看墙上的闹钟)7. You are late again.(你又迟到了)Unit 2 Be helpful at home!(在家很能干) 单词make the bed整理床铺 sweep the floor 打扫 do the dishes 洗餐具 water the flowers浇花 clean the windows擦窗户 cook the meal做饭wash the clothes 洗衣服 sure 当然句型1Can I help you,grandma?我可以帮你吗,奶奶?Sure.当然。2. Can you water the flowers/ sweep the floor/do the dishes? 你会浇花/扫地/洗餐具吗? Yes,of course/sure.3.What can you/he/she do at home?.你/他/她在家会做什么?I/He/She can make the bed.我/他/她会整理床铺。 4.You are very helpful.你真能干 He is very helpful.他真能干。 5.Can you help me cook the meal? 你能帮我做饭吗? 6.I often help my mother do the dishes. 我经常帮妈妈洗餐具。 7.Let me try. 让我试一下。Unit 3 My favorite food is hamburgers(我最喜欢的食物是汉堡)单词China 中国 the USA 美国 fruit 水果 drink 饮料 food 食物 chocolate 巧克力 hamburger 汉堡包 Chinese 中国(人)的Favorite 最喜欢的 delicious 美味的句型1 Whats your favorite food/drink/ color/fruit? 你最喜欢的食物/饮料/颜色/水果是什么?My favorite food/drink/ color is .我最喜欢的食物/饮料/颜色/水果是.I likebest./ I love very much.我最喜欢s favorite is (某某)最喜欢的是, 2,Lishan is good at English.李珊擅长于英语。3.My family are having afternoon tea. Mom is drinking coffee. Dad is drinking tea. He loves it very much. He reads every day. Unit 4 At table(吃饭)单词table 桌子 spoon 勺子 cut 切 knife 小刀 give 给chopsticks 筷子 use 使用 fork 叉子 pass 递 beef 牛肉Would 愿意 with 用、借助 like 像.一样句型1 Use the fork with your left hand and use the knife with your right hand. 左手用叉右手拿刀。 Use the chopsticks with your right hands.2 Would you please pass me the spoon/the chopsticks/fork?你可以把勺子/筷子/叉子递给我吗?-Here you are.给你Would you give me some.?你能给我一些.吗?_Of course ,当然3. Please pass him the knife.(pass sb sth 递给某人某物)4. I want to have some soup.(want to do 想要做某事) I want to cut the beef.5. Here are the chopsticks.这儿是筷子。(here is/are.这儿有。)6. I cant use chopsticks well.(我筷子用得不好) Unit 5 Can you tell me the way to the supermarket?单词supermarket 超级市场 beside 在旁边 behind 在后面 way路线between 在中间 Childrens park 儿童公园 on the left 在左边take a bus 乘公共汽车 get off the bus 下车 get to 到达句型1(问路)Excuse me .Is there a.near here? Can you tell me the way to the supermarket? How can i get to the .? Where is.?(指路)-Go along the street and you can see a hospital on the left. You can take a bus at the bus stop and get off at the Park Road.2Is there a shop near the park? 公园附近有商店吗?3. There is a shop between the school and the park. 学校和公园之间有一家商店。(There is A between B and C)4. Thank you- You are welcome.(不客气)5. A is beside/behide B. (A在B的旁边/后边) Unit 6 How much is it?它多少钱?单词shirt 衬衫 T-shirtT恤 child 孩子 take 买,要,拿 shorts短裤a pair of shorts 一条短裤 a pair of trousers 一条裤子 a pair of glasses 一副眼镜a pair of shoes 一双鞋子 two pairs of socks 两双袜子three pairs of trousers 三条裤子句型1What can I do for you?/Can I help you?需要帮忙吗? I want to buy a T-shirt for our child.我想给我孩子买一件T恤 Id like a dress for my girl .我想给女儿买一条裙子2 How much is it/the shirt?它/衬衣多少钱? Its 50 yuan.How much are they/the glasses?它们/眼镜多少钱?-They are 100 yuan. 3. Ill take them/it .我要它们/它了Well take them/it.我们要它们/它4. Which one do you like ? 你喜欢哪一个?5.They look too big for her .对她来说它们看起来太大了。6.How about this green one? How about these blue ones?-It looks/They look.7.Would you like the green ones?你喜欢那双绿色的吗?Unit 7 She looks tall and thin 她看起来又高又瘦单词aunt 阿姨 uncle叔叔 kid 小孩 friend 朋友 come from 来自thin瘦弱 strong 强壮 old 老的 young 年轻 woman 女人a little少量,少许 right正确的 fast快、迅速的 sport 运动 句型1 Who is the young woman in red?穿红色衣服女人是谁?(in +颜色)2 My aunt looks very beautiful in that red dress.3. She likes sports.She can run very fast. 她喜欢运动,她可以跑的非常快4. She speaks English and she can speak a little Chinese. 她讲英语,她会说一点汉语。5. The man beside her is my uncle.她旁边的那个男人是我的叔叔。6. We often play together after class.我们经常下课后一起玩。7. You are right .你是对的 Unit 8 Where are you from?(你来自哪?)单词visit 参观 city 城市 hotel 宾馆 the UK 英国 autumn 秋天France 法国 Australia 澳大利亚 map 地图 far from 远离 far away 遥远句型 1Where are you from? / Where do you come from? 你来自哪里? Im from Australia . / I come from Australia. 我来自澳大利亚。2 Where is she /he from?-He/She is from.3 Australia is far away.澳大利亚很远。 4 Is it far from here?-Not very far. 它离这远吗? -不是很远。 4. Id like to have a room.我想要一间房。5. Welcome to our hotel. Have a good time.欢迎来我们宾馆. 玩的开心6. Now it is autumn there.现在那儿是秋天。7. I like playing basketball very much. 我非常喜欢打篮球(like doing)8. Sanya is in Hainan. 三亚在海南 5


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