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句子成分转译,定语后置 1 some-, any-, every-, no等构成的复合代词 他告诉我了一件重要的事情。 He told me something important. 2 ible, -able 结尾的形容词作定语,与every, the only或形容词最高级连用来修饰一个名词时,也常需后置。 大夫们已经试过各种可能的办法了。 The doctors have tried every way possible. 3 定语从句和某些分词作定语时,也需后置 这些是我刚收到的新年贺卡。 Here are the New Year cards Ive just received.,4 起表语作用的形容词作定语,也需后置。 出席大会的人都欢迎那个决议。 Everybody present at the conference welcomed the decision. 5 某些成对的形容词作定语需要后置,翻译时需灵活处理 国家不论大小贫富,都应一律平等。 All nations, large or small, rich or poor, should be equal.,状语位置的比较 英语的状语位置不固定,汉语状语通常是放在主语之后,谓语之前。 状语的顺序 汉语的习惯:时间,地点,方式 (从大到小) 英语的习惯:方式,地点,时间 (从小到大) 巴金1904年出生在中国四川省的一个封建大地主家庭。 Ba Jin was born into a big landlord family in Sichuan Province in China in 1904,句子成分的转换 1 主语译成非主语()主语译成介词的宾语 一年有四季。 There are four seasons in a year. ()主语译成动词宾语 这种宾语在意义上跟主语有比较密切的联系,通常是主语的某一部分或某一属性。 汽车的刹车必须高度有效。 An automobile must have a brake with high efficiency.,()主语译成表语 晶体收音机(crystal receiver)的结构不像电子管收音机(valve receiver)那么复杂。 A crystal receiver is a less complicated structure than a valve receiver.,2谓语译成非谓语 ()谓语译成定语 锰(Manganese)对钢的强度的影响和硅相同。 Manganese has the same effect on the strength of steel as silicon.,()谓语译成主语 从这里可以看到富士山。 A view of Mt. Fuji can be obtained from here.,()谓语译成表语 她暗示我能够给我带个信,但是我必须小心谨慎。(谓语译成形容词) The fact that she was able to send a message was a hint. But I had to be cautious. 他跑出去时,忘记了穿鞋。 (谓语译成副词) As he ran out, he forgot to have his shoes on. 这种解释违反自然规律。(谓语译成介词) This explanation is against the natural laws. 我们认为他们能改进这台复杂的机器。(谓语译成介词短语) We were on the supposition that they could improve the complex machine.,3宾语译成非宾语 宾语译成主语 说到功率时,总是把时间计算在内。 When power is spoken of, time is taken into account.,4.定语译成非定语 ()定语译成主语 没有空气,地球的温度会发生极大的变化。 Without air, the earth would undergo extreme changes in temperature.,()定语译成状语 世界上的事情是复杂的,是由各方面的因素决定的。 In this world, things are complicated and are decided by many factors.,5.状语从句译成定语从句 大使只宴请了几个人,因为他特地想和这些人谈谈,听听他们的意见。 (表示原因) The ambassador was giving a dinner for a few people whom he wished especially to talk to or to hear from.,句子结构的转换 1状语从句转译主语法 ,而把它后面处于宾语的名词或答词译成主语 由于工作很忙,回复稍迟了些。 Pressure of work has somewhat delayed my answer.,只要再走一小时,我们就可以到达那个小村。 Another hours ride will bring us to the village. 有了现代化的飞机,世界似乎比以前小了。 Fast modern airplanes have made the world seem a smaller space.,世界上已有了不同的现代化道路。 The world has witnessed different roads to modernization, 成分合译法 温度一低,生长速度就慢下来。 Lower temperature is associated with lower growth rates. 很显然,他的用意是好的。 It is obvious that he means well. 他们人数增加了,力量也随之增加/大 Their power increased with their number. 她坐在那儿双手托着下巴,眼睛凝视着小厨房的一角。 She sat with her hands cupping chin, staring at a corner of the little kitchen.,


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