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第七讲,英译汉技巧指南,一、英语理解中的难点及翻译对策 二、英译汉表达中的四对关系及基本技巧 三、英语名词的译法 四、英语修饰语的译法 五、定语从句的译法 六、状语从句的译法,一、英语理解中的难点及翻译对策,(一)对英语的常用词、常用短语和习惯用法不求甚解,在翻译中望文生义,常被“假朋友”欺骗。如: 1. The girl soon laid the table. 女孩很快放好了桌子。 女孩很快布置好餐桌。 2. He saw a friend in me. 他在我身上看到了一位朋友(的影子)。 他认为我够朋友/ 值得结交。 3. We searched him to no purpose. 我们找他并没有目的。 我们找了他,但一无所获。,4. “What do you think of Tom?” “Oh, he has nothing in him.” “汤姆这人你觉得如何?” “哦,他这人一无所有。” “哦,他这个人一无可取。” 5. “He was really a miser. ” “And how!” “他可真是个吝啬鬼。” “怎么会!” “可不是嘛!/ 没错!”,(二)对英语句子的结构及词与词之间的关系搞不清楚。如: There was greater economy of labor and some use of the system of alternative parts, spares. 原译:人的使用经济得多,而在循环使用制度下,零件的使用也经济得多。 改译:人力更为节约,并且部分采用了互换性配件系统,即备用件互换系统。,(三)不能根据上下文推断多义词的含义,翻译时往往造成错误。 例:We provide a competitive compensation plan with exceptional benefits. If you are interested in a challenging position that requires travel and flexible hours, please mail your resume with compensation details to Pacific Information Company, 22 Fuxing Avenue, Beijing. 原译:我们提供一项竞争的赔偿计划,还有特别的利益。如果你对一个具有挑战性的、需要旅游的位置以及灵活机动的小时数感兴趣的话,请把简历和赔偿细节一道寄给北京复兴路22号太平洋信息公司。,We provide a competitive compensation plan with exceptional benefits. If you are interested in a challenging position that requires travel and flexible hours, please mail your resume with compensation details to Pacific Information Company, 22 Fuxing Avenue, Beijing. 改译:本公司现有一个富有挑战性的职位,需要经常出差,办公时间灵活。工资待遇高,另加优厚奖金。感兴趣者请把简历和工资要求一并寄往:北京复兴路22号太平洋信息公司。 You know a word by the company it keeps. No context, no text.,(四)对英美人的思维方式和逻辑推理不习惯,有时会陷入理解误区。 例:1. I dont think we have asked for anything that they havent done. 我认为我们要求的事情,他们都一一办到了。 2. He never got a new suit from me that she didnt make him come and get on his visits to Grand Rapids. 他来大急流城拜访时,她总是要他到我这儿来做一套新西服。,3. He ought to know better than to come into the house without wiping his shoes. 他应该知道不擦净鞋就走进屋去是不对的。 4. Ill see you dead before that happens! 我绝不同意!,(五)对英文通过各种修辞手段所表达的潜在意义掌握不好,译成汉语时造成形似而神失,或汉语译文词汇搭配不当,概念模糊。 例:1. The ship plows the sea. 原译:轮船犁过海洋。 改译:轮船在海上沉稳地破浪前进。 2. She opened the door and her heart to the homeless boy. 原译:她为这个无家可归的男孩打开了门和心。 改译:她为这个无家可归的男孩打开了自家的房门,同时也向这孩子敞开了自己的爱心。,(六)在翻译中找不出英语被分隔的和相互关联的词语之间的联系,从而造成理解错误。 例:1. News came through on the wireless of a rich oil field near the sea. 原译:从近海某一丰富油田的无线电中传来了消息。 改译:无线电传来了近海发现丰富油田的消息。 2. The reactionary strength thus developed, however, carried within it the seeds of its own disintegration. 原译:然而,反动力量这样发展了,在其内部带有四分五裂的因素。 改译:然而,这样发展起来的反动力量在其内部就带有四分五裂的因素。,(七)对于英语中词与词之间复杂关系的理解,运用“解包袱法”(unpacking)(p.63) 1. 形容词+名词 Clinton is the first black president. Clinton is the first woman president. 2. 名词+名词 The president now is on a poverty tour. 3. 副词+形容词 This is a thought-provokingly different explanation,4. 副词+动词 The areas could be profitably rehabilitated. 5. 介词 of 6. 过去分词和现在分词 drug-induced diseases, heart-breaking news,二、英译汉表达中的四对关系及基本技巧,(一)英译汉表达中的四对关系 再现原文“形”与“神”的关系 译文的可读性与再现原文文化色彩的关系 译文的文采润饰和再现原作语言风格的关系 防止机械主义和防止自由主义的关系 (二)英译汉的基本技巧 p. 71-94,三、英语名词的译法,英语“抽象名词(普通名词)或名词短语+动词”的句型,常常见于论说体裁和科技文体中。简洁洗练,信息包容量大,是英语造句的一大优势。 这种句法逻辑汉语中少见。此类名词译成汉语,往往需要扩展成短语或句子,位置也应做很大调整。,(一)译为条件/ 原因或时间状语 例:1. Shortly after the familys move to Lime Rock, paralysis disabled Captain Lewis. 刘易斯一家搬到莱姆罗克后不久,刘易斯中尉就因中风而瘫痪了。 2. A little forethought would have saved you much trouble afterwards. 你如果事先略作盘算,后来也不至于有那么多麻烦了。 3. The May Fourth Movement of 1919 saw the beginning of the “New Redology”, represented by scholars such as Hu Shi and Yu Pingbo. 1919年五四运动以后,开始了“新红学”时代,代表人物有胡适、俞平伯这样一些学者。,(二)译为短句或短语 例:1. The man in the street scarcely realizes that many forms of business, some major industries and one or two minor professions could be completely abolished without gravely injuring American society; whereas the disappearance or even what we see in some quarters, the continuous neglect and degradation of the teaching profession must mean a disaster to the entire nation. 在美国,许多行业完全可以停业,某些主要工业可以废除,一两个次要职业也完全可以取消,却不会严重影响到美国社会;但如果没有教师这一职业,或者像在某些地区那样,教育事业长期未受重视,因而每况愈下,那么就整个国家而言,必将是一场灾难。关于这一点,一般人是很少认识到的。,2. When I hear that it is up to parents to protect their kids, I laugh at the impossibility of that happening in a culture in which every media source is replete with vulgarity, suggestive images, sex and violence. 在听到保护孩子的责任主要取决于父母的时候,我不禁对此说法哑然失笑,现在所有媒体都充斥着庸俗信息、挑逗图像、色情暴力,在这样的一种文化里,父母又如何能保护好他们的孩子呢?,(三)化“虚”为“实” 将英语中的抽象名词译为汉语时,增加范畴词或引申为具体指谓。 (四)化“实”为“虚” 英语中也有一些意思说得很具体,汉语中没有类似具体说法,可译得模糊一些。 例:1. Theyd tell you! They knew every loophole, every dodge, every back alley. 他们会告诉你的!他们都知道各种钻空子方法,各种障眼法,以及各种狡诈伎俩。 2. Electric power became the servant of man only after the motor was invented. 电动机发明之后,电才开始造福于人类。,Exercises,改译下列句子,注意划线部分译法。 1. If the retired people do not have pension big enough to live on, their children in the sandwich generation will have to bear the financial burden longer. 退休人员如果没有足够的退休金来维持生计,他们在三明治一代的子女将不得不承担更长时间的经济负担。 2. He was a paradox a loner who loved to chat to strangers. 他是个矛盾人物一个喜欢与陌生人闲聊的孤僻的人。,Exercises,改译下列句子,注意划线部分译法。 1. If the retired people do not have pension big enough to live on, their children in the sandwich generation will have to bear the financial burden longer. 退休人员如果没有足够的退休金来维持生计,他们在三明治一代的子女将不得不承担更长时间的经济负担。 退休人员如果没有足够的退休金来维持生计,他们的子女面临上有老下有小的双重压力,将不得不承担更长时间的经济负担。,2. He was a paradox a loner who loved to chat to strangers. 他是个矛盾人物一个喜欢与陌生人闲聊的孤僻的人。 他是个矛盾人物生性孤僻,却又喜欢与陌生人闲聊。,四、英语修饰语的译法,英语的修饰语包括形容词和副词。当这两类词在句中意义载量较大时,应从原来的修饰位置上拿出,译成独立的语言单位。 (一)形容词的译法 1. 意义载量较大的形容词的译法 避免语义含糊、修饰“超载”、语流阻塞 例:1) The farmer had an Ive-already-told-you-so smile on his face. 原译:农夫脸上挂着一副“我早跟你说过”的笑容。 改译:农夫脸上挂着一副笑容,那神情仿佛在说:“不听老人言,吃亏在眼前。”,2) It was at Tarrs that she snatched up gifts for her daughter Biddy: The lovely doll which resembled a plumper Biddy. 原译:她送给女儿蓓蒂的礼物都是在塔尔百货公司买的。那个讨人喜欢的洋娃娃简直就像稍胖的蓓蒂一样。 改译:她送给女儿蓓蒂的礼物都是在塔尔百货公司买的。那个讨人喜欢的洋娃娃简直就像蓓蒂一样,不过比蓓蒂稍胖些。,2. 起“重心修饰”作用的形容词的译法 形容词起重心修饰作用:信息中心不在被修饰的名词上而在形容词本身。如: a young hopeful (n.) 有希望的年轻人 an infant/ child prodigy 神童 eternal/ love triangle 三角恋爱 technological literacy/ illiteracy 通晓技术/ 不懂技术,例:1) The world is still engaged in a massive armaments race designed to insure continuing equivalent strength among potential adversaries. 世界仍在进行大规模的军备竞赛,目的是要在潜在的对手之间继续保持力量的平衡。 2) Choosing a strategy to cope with the grown-up world, then, is the first decision young adults have to make, and usually the most important decision of their lifetime. 刚步入成人阶段的年轻人必须做出的第一个决定,往往也是他们人生中最重要的一个决定,就是选择一个策略来应付这个成人世界。,3. 形容词在矛盾修饰中的译法 矛盾修饰法(oxymoron):英语中有时把意义上相互矛盾或不协调的词(词组)放一起使用。如: glorious defeat 虽败犹荣 sweet sorrow 甜蜜的忧伤 walking corpse 行尸走肉 mercy killing 安乐死 翻译时,看语境决定直译或意译。,例:It (New York) has the poorest millionaires, the smallest great men, the haughtiest beggars, the plainest beauties, the lowest skyscrapers, the dolefulest pleasures of any town I ever saw. 直译:这座城市里有最贫穷的百万富翁,最矮小的伟人,最傲慢的乞丐,最普通的美女,最低矮的摩天大楼,和最让人悲伤的欢乐,比我所见过的任何城市都有过之而无不及。 意译:纽约这座城市里有的是心灵最空虚的百万富翁,人格最渺小的伟人,最目空一切的乞丐,最平庸乏味的美女,最肮脏龌龊的摩天大楼,最令人悲哀的娱乐,比我所见过的任何城市都有过之而无不及。,(二)副词的译法 英语中意义载量较大的副词,翻译时有的宜转换成独立语言单位,有的需加词引申。 例:1. An outsiders success could even curiously help the two parties to get the agreement they want. 说来奇怪,一个局外人取得的成功,竟然能够促使双方达成一项他们希望取得的协议。 2. She was 82 and living in Keokuk when, unaccountably, she insisted upon attending a convention of old settlers of the Mississippi valley. 82岁那年她住在基厄卡克镇时,不知什么缘故,她执意要去参加密西西比河流域老移民的年会。,(三)副词修饰形容词的译法 原则:尽量多地传达信息,同时尽量表达得自然流畅。常常加词或转换词性和语序。 例:1. His story is unchallengedly true. 他讲的是无可辩驳的事实。 2. The unbelievably beautiful scenery of that place attracts a lot of tourists every day. 那个地方的风景无比秀丽,每天都吸引着大量的旅游者。 3. He was a small man, deceptively frail-looking for one of his immense energy. 他个子矮小,样子很虚弱,看不出是一个精力十分充沛的人。,Exercises,翻译下列句子,注意划线部分译法。 1. He is now the proud owner of several cottages in some beautiful cities. 2. She shows a regrettable lack of understanding. 3. This small village is picturesquely situated near the beach. 4. Intels Andy Grove famously said that “Only the paranoid survive.”,Exercises,翻译下列句子,注意划线部分译法。 1. He is now the proud owner of several cottages in some beautiful cities. 现在他在几个漂亮的城市都购置了小别墅,为此他颇为得意。 2. She shows a regrettable lack of understanding. 她显然缺乏理解力,实在令人遗憾。 3. This small village is picturesquely situated near the beach. 这个小村庄离海滩很近,风景非常秀丽。,4. Intels Andy Grove famously said that “Only the paranoid survive.” 英特尔公司的安迪格罗夫曾经有一句名言:“只有偏执狂才能生存。”,五、定语从句的译法,(p.87) 英语中的形容词性从句(定语从句)非常活跃,其语法功能不仅是修饰其前面的名词,还可表达原因、转折、结果等含义。 翻译时往往需灵活处理,首先是位置问题:放在名词之前,或之后,或独立成句。其次是把包含的意思传达出来。,(一)译成前置定语 例:1. This is the reason why I am not in favor of revising the plan. 这就是我不赞成修改计划的原因。 2. How could a great paper like the Washington Post, full of brilliant editors, get so involved in its own conceit and arrogance as to pursue a story which its own staff was saying was fabricated from the beginning? 像华盛顿邮报这样一家拥有许多出色编辑的大报,为何自以为是和高傲自大到如此地步,竟然采用一篇连自己编辑人员从一开始也认为是虚构的报道?,(二)译成并列分句 1. He is a professor, as is clear from his manner. 他是个教授,这可以从他的举止上明显看出来。 2. Thinking that you know when in fact you dont is a fatal mistake to which we are all prone. 自以为知道而实际上并不知道,这是个致命的弱点,我们都容易犯这种错误。 3. Nearly everyone knows the story of “the dog that worried the cat that caught the rat that ate the grain that lay in the house that Jack built.” 几乎人人都知道这个故事:“杰克盖了房,房里堆了粮,耗子吃光了粮,猫把耗子抓伤,狗又追着猫跑。”,(三)倒译法 也是译为并列分句的一种方式,不过是把从句放在主句之前。 1. You compare her with your English women who wolf down from three to five meat meals a day; and naturally you find her a sylph. 你们英国女人每天狼吞虎咽地吃上三餐到五餐肉食,你拿她们来和她比,当然觉得她是个窈窕仙子了。 2. Youve given Feldstyn, who dislikes me anyhow, the chance he was waiting for. 费尔德斯丁反正就是不喜欢我,你给他的机会正是他求之不得的。,(四)译成状语或状语从句 有些定语从句除了起限定修饰作用外,有时还与主句在逻辑上有着明显的状语关系,说明时间、原因、条件、目的、结果或让步等。 例:1. The thief, who was about to escape, was caught by the policemen. 小偷正要逃跑时,被警察抓住了。 2. We support the open trading system which is to the ultimate advantage of all. 我们支持开放的贸易制度,因为它对各方都最为有益。,3. Nothing is difficult in the world for anyone who dares to scale the height. 世上无难事,只要肯登攀。 4. He wishes to write an article, which will attract public attention to the air pollution in this city. 他想写一篇文章,以此来引起公众对这座城市空气污染的关注。 5. He likes Miss Nancy, who despises him. 尽管南希小姐讨厌他,他却很喜欢她。,(五)译成谓语结构、宾语结构等 1. She had a balance at her bank which would have made her beloved anywhere. 她在银行里的存款,足以使她在各个地方都受到欢迎。 2. She knew the sequestered spots where the hens laid their eggs. 她知道母鸡在什么隐蔽的角落里下蛋。,(六)译成解释性或注释性分句(一般使用破折号或括号括起来) 例:No oil spill ever caused suffering on a bar with todays civil war in Yugoslavia, which is a minor episode in human misery. 任何石油泄漏事件造成的灾难,也无法同今天南斯拉夫的内战(它不过是人类苦难史中的一段小插曲)相比拟。,六、状语从句的译法,p. 91 英语的副词性从句(状语从句)分10种类型:时间、地点、原因、目的、结果、条件、让步、转折、比较、方式。 在结构外形上和内涵表意上都与汉语状语从句大致对等。,(一)英语的状语从句译成汉语时,在汉语中的位置可灵活处理。可放在主句前,主句后,插在句子中间,也可译为主句(把原文的主句变为从句)。无一定规律,主要看能不能使译文流畅。 (二)如果条件状语从句或让步状语从句在整个句子中语气较弱,也可把从句放在主句后面,这种欧式句型经借用后,现在也为中国读者所接受。如: 1. 他非坚持把活干完不可,尽管他已连续工作十多个小时了。 2. 明天我们一定去长城游览,要是天不下雨的话。,(三)翻译中对于“连词”的使用能省就省,尽量用汉语的自然表达句式取而代之,发挥汉语的“意合”优势。 如:“虽然但是” “因为所以” “当” “如此以至于” 1. He must be ill, for he is absent. 译1:他肯定是病了,因为他没有来。 译2:他没有来,肯定是病了。 2. As the desert is like a sea, so is the camel like a ship. 译1:正如沙漠像海,因此骆驼就像一只船。 译2:如果说沙漠像大海,那么骆驼就像是一只船。 译3:沙漠似海,骆驼似舟。,3. When we were about to get away a police car came to the front door. 译1:当我们正要离开的时候,一辆警车来到了前门。 译2:我们正准备离开,一辆警车来到前门。 4. Most comets are so dim that they cannot be seen by the naked eye. 译1:大多数彗星是如此之暗,以至于不能为肉眼所见。 译2:大多数彗星都很暗,肉眼是看不见的。,(四)翻译状语从句时有较大的灵活性。有些状语从句也可译为其他成分乃至独立的句子。 1. Although you undoubtedly know it, the Chinese, principally workers, have played a very considerable role in the history of the Western part of the United states. 中国人,主要是中国工人,在美国西部地区的发展史中曾经发挥过很大的作用。这一点您虽十分清楚,仍有必要重申一下。 (状语从句引申译为独立的句子),2. She will never accept any dictates, no matter where they come from. 她决不会接受来自哪一方面的任何霸道行径。 (状语从句译为定语) 3. A writer needs to be a Walt Whitman if his faults of technique are to be rated unimportant beside the vigor of his personality. 一个作家必须有沃尔特惠特曼那样的天才,才能以其磅礴的气魄,使人感到他在技巧方面的缺陷无关紧要。 (条件从句译为表示推论的主句),Exercises,翻译下列句子,注意定语从句和状语从句的译法。 1. We must not pretend to know something when we do not know at all. 2. Until such time as mankind has the sense to lower its population to the point where the planet can provide a comfortable support for all, people will have to accept more “unnatural food”. 3. Efforts to bring industrial development to what was a backward agricultural area caused a population boom and a shortage of housing, which local builders tried to meet with cheap, jerry-built homes, or by adding extra floors to existing houses.,Exercises,翻译下列句子,注意定语从句和状语从句的译法。 1. We must not pretend to know something when we do not know at all. 不懂就是不懂,不要装懂。 2. Until such time as mankind has the sense to lower its population to the point where the planet can provide a comfortable support for all, people will have to accept more “unnatural food”. 人类要树立这样的意识:必须减少人口数量,地球才能为所有人提供舒适的生存条件。否则,人们将不得不接受更多的“人造食物”。,3. Efforts to bring industrial development to what was a backward agricultural area caused a population boom and a shortage of housing, which local builders tried to meet with cheap, jerry-built homes, or by adding extra floors to existing houses. 这里原本是落后的农业区域,政府努力促进其工业发展,结果却导致人口激增,住房短缺。为满足需求,当地建筑商千方百计修建价廉质劣的房屋,或在现有房屋上添加楼层。,18发卡 嫓廰掆,


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