人教版四年级下册英语Unit3 单元测试卷及答案

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人教版四年级下册英语Unit3 单元测试卷及答案_第1页
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Unit3 达标检测卷(人教 PEP 四下) 一、填空题(共 5 题,共 20 分)第 1 题 (4 分):看图,用描述天气的单词填空。Its cold and _ in Harbin. 第 2 题 (4 分):看图,用描述天气的单词填空。Its hot and _ in Sanya. 第 3 题 (4 分):看图,用描述天气的单词填空。Its hot and _ in Beijing. 第 4 题 (4 分):看图,用描述天气的单词填空。Its _ and rainy in Dalian. 第 5 题 (4 分):看图,用描述天气的单词填空。Its _ and cool in Shanghai.二、单项选择题(共 10 题,共 40 分)第 6 题 (4 分):_ it snowy?A Is B Are C Does 第 7 题 (4 分):_ the weather like in London?Its windy.A What B WhatsC How第 8 题 (4 分):_ I go outside now?A Do B Can C Am 第 9 题 (4 分):Its hot. I can _ in the water.A have some bread B fly a kite C swim第 10 题 (4 分):Its 40 degrees. Its _.A hot B cold C cool 第 11 题 (4 分):Today its hot and sunny _ Sydney.A on B in C under第 12 题 (4 分):Its warm in Hainan. _ London?A How B How about C What第 13 题 (4 分):_! The soup is hot.A Be careful B Hurry up C Come on第 14 题 (4 分): Is it cold in Kunming?_A No, it is. B Yes, it isnt.C No, it isnt.第 15 题 (4 分):Have some chicken, Mike._A Hello. B OK. C No. 三、连线题(共 1 题,共 4 分)根据句子选择相应的图片。16. (4 分)(_) (1) Its snowy outside. Lets play in the snow. A.(_) (2) What a cool, windy day! B.(_) (3) Its a sunny day. The weather is hot. C.(_) (4) Its rainy today. I like the rain. D.(_) (5) Today is cloudy, but it is warm. E. 四、句型转换(共 5 题,共 15 分)第 17 题 (3 分):swim, can, outside, I (.) (连词成句)第 18 题 (3 分):cool,Its, cloudy, in, and, Beijing (.) ( 连词成句)第 19 题 (3 分):Is it windy? (作否定回答)第 20 题 (3 分):Its hot and sunny in Hong Kong. (对画线部分提问)第 21 题 (3 分):Can you fly your kite? (作肯定回答)五、补全对话(共 1 题,共 3 分)选择合适的句子补全对话。A. How about Beijing? B. Hello, John.C. No, it isnt.D. Yes, I do.E. Its 10 oclock in the morning.22. (3 分)A: Hello, Ma Chao. This is John.B: (1) _ What time is it in London?A: (2) _ Its sunny today. (3) _B: Its rainy here.A: Is it cold?B: (4) _ Its 20 degrees.A: Do you like the rain?B: (5) _六、阅读理解(判断题)(共 6 题,共 18 分)阅读短文,完成任务。Dear Li Ming,How are you? Im in Sydney now. Its hot and sunny here. There are many beautiful beaches (沙滩). I can swim outside. I have some new friends. We are having fun.Tomorrow I will go to Hangzhou. Its warm and windy in Hangzhou. I can fly kites. Whats the weather like in Beijing? Is it cold and snowy in Beijing? Can you make a snowman?Love,Mike23. (3 分) 根据短文内容,为下列地点选择正确的图片。A. B. C.(_) (1) Sydney(_) (2) Hangzhou24. (3 分) Mike is in Sydney now.25. (3 分) Its cold and snowyydney.in S 26. (3 分) Mike can swim in Sydney. 27. (3 分) Li Ming has some new friends. 28. (3 分) Li Ming is in Beijing.


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