【金识源】九年级英语上册 Unit 1 Progress Check1教学设计2 上海新世纪版

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【金识源】九年级英语上册 Unit 1 Progress Check1教学设计2 上海新世纪版_第1页
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【金识源】九年级英语上册 Unit 1 Progress Check1教学设计2 上海新世纪版_第2页
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最新资料推荐 Unit1 Progress Check1 一、学习目标:帮助学生对本单元所学知识进行巩固;帮助在前面学习的基础上进行更加深入的学习;(一)基础目标:1. 词汇练习及重要短语的正确使用2. 语法练习:Would you mind doing sth?以及.提出建议和提供帮助。(二)发展目标:1结合课文内容复习以前所学知识,2能正确使用Would you mind doing sth?以及.提出建议和提供帮助。3能用学过知识能完成任务.(三)能力目标:检查学生对本课所学知识的掌握情况,复习前面的内容;二、教学资源: Students book page 22-28.三、教学时间:2课时 (每课时3540分钟)Pre-task Preparation Contents: Warming upRevisionReview the words and phrases.Task procedure(1).Look at the screen and complete the sentences. Let the students do it by themselves on their books,and ask one to show his answers to the class. The answers are:1. because of 2. is finished 3. ticket office 4. afternoon flight5. confirm 6. luggage (2). Complete the following sentences;using the word cues;make necessary changes. Let students do it by themselves and the teacher move around the classroom,give them the necessary help. Check the answers:went, delayed, met, were, hadnt seen, asked, Did, have, replied, had, have, waited, amGRAMMARTo choose the best answer. It is easy for the students to complete it. The answers are: BCACCABCCA2. Would you mind?1). “Would you mind doing.?”句型常用于表示请求时,意思是“请你做你是否介意?”“请你做好吗?”是一种比较客气的表达方式。如:Would you mind turning off the light in the room? 请你把房间里的灯关掉好吗?如果要表示“请你不要做你是否介意?”“请你不要做好吗?”只需要在doing前面加上not。如:Would you mind not standing in front of me? 请你不要站在我的前面好吗?2). 如果同意,表示不介意时,可用如下用语来表达:Certainly / Of course not. / Not at all. / No, not at all.3. Read the passage and choose the best answers Tell the students to read the dialogues carefully,and think it over,then complete it. First ask the students talk about his or her answers with classmates.1.France, 1886.2. is located, a small island to the south of Manhattan.3. In Central Park.4. collection of modern art.5. On Fifth Avenue.6. a variety of Chinese food; Chinese culture and customs 4.Listen and choose the best response to what you hear. First listen only, then do it the second time. 5. Work in pairs. In your group, ask them some questions and write down, then report to the class. 四、Homework:write a dialogue about how to meet a foreign visitor at the airport.五、板书设计:Unit1 Progress Check 11). “Would you mind doing.?”句型常用于表示请求时,意思是“请你做你是否介意?”“请你做好吗?”是一种比较客气的表达方式。如:Would you mind turning off the light in the room? 请你把房间里的灯关掉好吗?如果要表示“请你不要做你是否介意?”“请你不要做好吗?”只需要在doing前面加上not。如:Would you mind not standing in front of me? 请你不要站在我的前面好吗?2). 如果同意,表示不介意时,可用如下用语来表达:Certainly / Of course not. / Not at all. / No, not at all.六、教学反思:通过学生们的完成习题情况,可以看出对本课知识掌握的较好。最新精品资料整理推荐,更新于二二二年四月四日2022年4月4日星期一08:46:37


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