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写作常用句型结构,比较结构,1. Comparing with the bike, the car runs much faster. 2. The climate in Walton is colder than other cities.,对两个事物进行比较的句式为: Compared with A, B.,只能用compare的过去分词,不能用现在分词,因为B是分词的逻辑主语,只能被比较;将天气与城市进行比较,而二者没有可比性,只有将后者改为其他城市的天气才符合逻辑,很显然,这种错误是受了汉语表达习惯的影响。,2. The climate in Walton is colder than that of other cities.,1. Compared with the bike, the car runs much faster.,In 1998 we produced as many cars as we did in the previous five years. as much as,比较结构常用的表达方法,1同级比较,Children now enjoy better medical treatment than before. We can live longer without food than we can (live ) without water.,2比较级,This is the most interesting book Ive ever read. Of all his novels I like this one best.,3最高级,The harder you work, the greater progress you will make. The more a man knows, the more he discovers his ignorance.,4the morethe more,1)I prefer staying at home to going out. 2)They prefer to work rather than (to) sit idly. 3)He prefers to work alone.,5选择比较,这里的1)句用的是Prefer A to B结构,to为介词,后接名词或动名词;2)句是以不定式作prefer的宾语;3)句用法同2)。,.,Motion is absolute while stagnation is relative. He is tired out, whereas she is full of vigor.,6对比,while 和whereas均可用于连接两个意义对立的分句,相当于汉语的而字。尤其在图表作文中,要学会使用这一句式。,1. The real reason to our failure is not far to seek. 2.The reason for this is because some people want to earn plenty of money without working hard.,表达原因的结构,1. The real reason for our failure is not far to seek. 2. The reason for this is that some people want to earn plenty of money without working hard. .,掌握好表达原因的结构是十分重要的,几乎所有的写作试题都要求写原因或可以写原因。英语中用来表达原因这一概念的结构有多种。,1. Now that we have seen these great achievements with our own eyes, we feel more proud than ever of our country. 2. Professor Liu is strict with us because he wants us to make rapid progress. 3. Since we live near the sea, we enjoy a healthy climate.,1. Some people think we neednt to worry about fresh water. 2. Nowadays many people dont like to go to the movies, too.,否定结构,1. Some people think we neednt worry (或dont need to worry) about fresh water. 2. Nowadays many people dont like to go to the movies, either.,need作为情态动词时,用于否定句时,后面的动词不带to, neednt worry。need作为实意动词时,可用于肯定句、否定句和疑问句,dont need to worry ;在英语中too, also只能用于肯定句,而either只能用于否定句。,除了在助动词、情态动词,be和have后面加not之外,还有许多不含not的否定结构。若能正确使用他们,文章会显得生动活泼,增加写作的闪光点。,1. 含有否定意义的词汇和短语,介词:against, beyond, but, except, without,.形容词和动词:fail, miss, refuse, used to, reluctant, lack, keep.from, protect.from, prevent.from, let alone, in vain, instead of, out of the question, rather than, too.to, by no means, ,1) Women fail to get the equal rights in some countries. 2) This is by no means the best way to solve the problem of energy crisis. 3) We should protect trees from being destroyed. 4) In old China we could not make a nail, let alone(make) machines.,hardly, few, little, scarcely, seldom, not all, not everyone, not everything 1)We could hardly see any fresh vegetables in winter on market several years ago. 2)These young people know little about how to choose good books to read.,2. 含有半否定意义的词语,1)We cant but face the reality. 我们只有面对现实。 2)They will be replaced by modern apartment buildings in no time.(很快) 3) I didnt go to bed until 12clock last night. 4) No sooner had we left the village than it began to rain (一-就),3. 不含否定意义的否定结构,有时为了强调而把否定词和词组放在句首,这时句子结构应倒装,1) On no account should we follow blindly. 我们决不应当盲从。 2) No where has the world ever seen such great enthusiasm for learning as in our country. 没有任何其他地方有我国这样高的学习热情。,4. 否定结构的倒装语序,1. As is known to all of us that science and technology play an important role in the development of society. 2. It is known to us, practice makes perfect.,含有it的结构,1. It is known to all of us that science and technology play an important role in the development of society. 2. It is known to us that practice makes perfect.,如果用it作形式主语,后面的主语从句必须由that引起;,It is necessary for us to master a foreign language skillfully. It makes difference whether we could purify the air or not.,1. 作形式主语,We find it rather difficult to prevent people from doing that. Modern science has made it possible for people to grow healthily and live longer.,2. 作形式宾语,It is only by this way that we can achieve success. It was then that people began to realize the importance of controlling population.,3. 引导强调句,倍数表示法 1) 倍数+名词 eg. The output of cotton in 1985 was five times that of 1978. (是大小的5倍) 2)倍数 + 形容词/副词比较级形式 + than The output of cotton in 1985 was five times greater than that in 1978. (是大小的5倍),3)倍数+ as + 形容词/副词 + as The output of cotton in 1985 was five times as much as that of 1978. 注:five times asas 是的5倍,与five times more/greater than所表达的含义在英语国家是没有区别的。 4)动词 + (by) + 倍数 / 百分比 The landlord wanted to raise the rent by a third. 房东想把房租提高1/3。,I. 如果要强调特殊疑问句,要采用“特殊疑问词+ is (was)+ it + that +句子”结构。 Where was it (that) you saw the man? Who was it (that) you want to see? How is it (that) your answer differs from his? What is it that you want me to say?,Grammar,II. 双重否定 在这个句子中同时出现两个表示否定意义的词-never 和without,构成双重否定句。这种句子语气较强。又如: You cant make something out of nothing 巧妇难为无米之炊。(谚语) Nothing can be wholly beautiful that is not useful 凡是没有用的东西就不能达到完美。,Unless you tell me,I shall not be able to help you 除非你告诉我,否则我就不会帮助你。 There isnt a mother but faces this problem. 每一个母亲都会碰到这类问题的。 There is nothing so hard but it becomes easy by practice. 再难的事只要不断练习,就会变得简单。,III. 不定式复合结构 Ive sometimes waited half an hour or more for my husband to return from seeing a guest off. 不定式可以带有逻辑主语,构成不定式复合结构,在句中做主语、宾语、定语、表语或状语等。,1. 做主语 It is quite possible for you to catch up with them in a short time. 2. 做宾语 We think it strange for him to say a thing like that. -We think (that) it (is) strange that he should say a thing like that.,3. 做表语 What we want is for you to understand the matter clearly. 我们所希望的是你对这件事有一个清楚地了解。 The most urgent thing is for us to get the preparation done. 最重要的事情是我们要把准备工作做好。 4. 做定语 He is an example for us to follow. 他是我们学习的榜样。,5. 做状语 I sent him some pictures for him to see what Paris is like. 我送他几张画,让他瞧瞧巴黎是什么样子。 My home town has changed too much for me to recognize. 我的家乡变化太大,简直认不出来了。 6. 做同位语 The problem-which way to go - worried him for a long time.,7. 做主语补足语 She was seen to enter the building. The house was found to be empty. The contest was scheduled to have taken place in August. 比赛原计划在八月举行。,IV. 动名词的复合结构 动名词也可以有逻辑主语,一般规则是: 1. 逻辑主语是有生命名词时,用名词或代词所有格(做主语时逻辑主语只用所有格,若做宾语,逻辑主语也可用通格) 2. 逻辑主语是无生命名词时或抽象概念名词时,只用通格。,3. 逻辑主语是以s结尾的名词或是一个以上名词构成的词组,只用通格。 4. 逻辑主语是数词,或是代词或不定代词this, that, somebody, someone, nobody, none, anybody, anyone 时, 一般用通格。,It was quite unexpected _ so soon.,我们料到Tom会来。,他的离开是一个很大的损失。,_ is what we have expected.,母亲不喜欢我工作到很晚。,_ is a great loss.,男女老少都爱她,这我并不奇怪。,Mother disliked _.,学生们这么快就答完考卷,是十分出乎意料的。,I am not surprised at _.,Toms coming,His leaving,me (my) working late,old and young falling in love with her,the students finishing the exam,Mother disliked me (my) working late. 母亲不喜欢我工作到很晚。 I am not surprised at old and young falling in love with her. It was quite unexpected the students finishing the exam so soon. 学生们这么快就答完考卷,是十分出乎意料的。,He is opposed to the idea of money being everything. In spite of the four telling the same story, I couldnt believe it. He was awakened by somebody shouting outside. He disapproved of that being said about Jane.,V. be + 不定式结构 Besides, thats going against Chinese custom, because haste is to be avoided. 这种结构通常可以表达如下的含义: 1. 表示按计划,安排将要发生的事: They are to marry next month. The expedition is to start in a weeks time. 探险队预定在一周后出发.,2. 表示未能实现的计划(后接不定式完成时) I was to have left the next day. 我本应在第二天就离开的。 3. 表示命令或决定: No one is to leave this house without his permission . 未经他的允许,任何人不得离开这所房子。 You are not to speak in this room. The man is guilty and is to undergo ten months imprisonment.,4. 表示事态发展的结果,预期的结果,或不幸的命运: He said goodbye, little knowing that they were never to meet again. He was to perish in a shipwreck and to leave a wife and two children. 后来他在一次船只失事中死了,留下了妻子和两个孩子。,5. 表示目的: You must speak out, if we are to remain friends. 如果我们还想继续做朋友的话,你就必须痛痛快快把话都说出来。 The next step is to make sure that you know exactly what is required. 下一步你要真正弄清楚需要的是什么。,


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