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学习目标。1.掌握一些新单词和词组。tired cause litter meal without smoke2.掌握should和shouldnt的用法。重难点预设:1、学会用Whats wrong? Whats the matter?重难点点击:1、Whats wrong?怎么了?出什么事了?同意句是Whatt the matter?Whats the trouble? 某人某物出了什么事?Whats wrong with sb./sth.或Whats the matter/trouble with sb./sth.你的自行车怎么了?Whatt the matter with your bike?王红怎么了?Lets show:明确活动要求,做好充分预习,对子、小组之间互相PK,解决疑难问题、巩固基础知识、提升听、说、读、写能力。Go疑难探究:(总结自主学习中遇到的疑难问题,集体交流,教师点拨)直击课本:1、Linsen to 1a and fill in the blanks。2、Practice1d中的对话(对子展示),然后write新对话(组内展示。3、角色表演2对话。(组间PK)Lets check( )1. If you have a headache, you _ lie down for a good rest. A. shouldntB. had better notC. had betterD. mustnt( )2. I had a backache. I cant sleep. _A. Dont worry. B. Not so well. C. Im sorry to hear that. D. Why?( )3. You should _ the doctors advice and _ the medicine on time. A. follow; eatB. follow; takeC. take; eatD. eat; take( )4. Im afraid you have a cold. Youd better go to see a doctor. _A. No, I have no time. B. Thats a good idea. C. Its very kind of you. D. Im sorry to hear that. ( )5. Its bad for our eyes to read books _ the sun. A. toB. underC. inD. over 教师复备/学生笔记:教师反思/学生反思:学习过程和方法:Warm-up:1、搜集有关疾病的名词2、背诵并翻译1a.3、记忆P35-36单词。(听录音、师带读纠正发音,对子之间互相听写,组长检查。) Lead-in:同学们,如果你生病了会去看病。用汉语与医生交流大家都会。那么用英语该如何与医生交流呢?Lets have a try: 单词与短语:1.疲倦的 2.原因 3.垃圾 4.垃圾箱 5.一餐 6.没有 7.冠词 8.吸烟 9.头痛 10.胃疼 11.怎么了 12.看医生 13.做早操 14.乱扔垃圾 句型:请写出Whatt wrong?的同意句 Im sorry to hear that.意思是 Staying up late is bad for your health.意思是 Unit 2 I must ask him to give up smoking2


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