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Unit 5 Why do you like pandas New words and phrasesLearning Goals:一、语言知识和语言功能:1.能争取学会使用下列词汇造句子。 panda , zoo , tiger , elephant , lion , giraffe , animal , kind , Australia , south , Africa , pet , leg , cat , flag , place , water , danger , tree , sleep , save , forget , cut , kill , cute , lazy , smart , beautiful , friendly, shy , down , over2. 能争取学会使用下列常用短语造句子。 kind of , South Africa , get lost , be in (great ) danger , cut down , ( be ) made of3. 能认读下列词汇 koala , scary , Thailand , symbol , ivory , Thai4. 理解、翻译并复述运用本节课的新词汇所编写的故事,利用故事记忆单词。二、学习策略:1. 依据图片理解和记忆词汇。(Understand and remember the words and phrases with the help of the pictures.)2. 在语境中理解和记忆词汇。(Understand and remember the words and phrases in the context.)3. 依据读音规则、构词规律理解和记忆词汇。(Understand and remember the words and phrases according to phonetic rules, the structures of the words and phrases.)4. 基于同伴互助的方式学习词汇,并运用新学词汇与同伴交流。(Learn and express with the new words in groups.)三、情感态度: 了解世界各地的典型动物,引起人们对“濒危动物”的关注,从而培养学生的动物保护意识和人文素养。Teaching and learning steps:Step I. Learn how to read the new words1. Lead-inT: Do you know this animal ?Ss: Yes , its a cat .T: Do you know that animal ?Ss: Yes , its a dog .T: Do you like them?Ss: Yes .T: Why do you like them ?Ss: Because they are very cute / interesting / fun / T: Very good ! Most animals are very friendly to us . We like them , they like us , too . OK ?Ss: OK !T: Do you want to know more about the animals in the world ? Ss: Yes .T: Before you want to know more about them , you must learn some new words . Open your books to Page124 . Look at the new words in this unit . 1. Read the new words in Unit 5 by themselves according to their pronunciations and mark the words difficult to read. Read the marked words to your partner. 2. Ask the Ss to listen to the tape. Then ask them to follow and correct pronunciation. 3. Let the Ss work in groups to help each other to correct the pronunciation.4. Ask the groups to show their pronunciation to the class. Other groups can help correct. The teacher walks around the groups to give necessary help. 【设计意图】首先让学生自己根据音标读出单词,然后读给全班听,由老师纠正。再跟读磁带,以获取纯正读音。最后,利用小组互助的形式让每一个学生都能读出单词。等大家熟读后,再让小组中最差的学生读,其他小组予以纠正,老师予以辅助。以保证所有学生都能熟练读出单词。Step II. Learn how to memorize the new words and phrases1. Remember the words and phrases according to the pictures.panda n. 熊猫shy adj. 羞怯的;腼腆的Look ! The panda is shy . Its from China . tiger n.老虎scary adj.吓人的;恐怖的Wow , the tiger is scary . Its from Asia . giraffe n.长颈鹿The giraffe is very tall . It lives on tree (树)leaves .Its from Africa (非洲 ) . elephant n.大象leg n.腿The elephants legs are very strong , its ivory(象牙) is very white . Most of them come from South Africa (南非 ) . But now they are in great danger (处于极大危险之中) , because people cut down (砍倒) many trees , they are losing their homes . And people also kill (杀死)them for their ivory . koala n.树袋熊;考拉 The coala is from Australia (澳大利亚) . I like it very much , because its very cute (可爱的;机灵的 ) . lion n.狮子 The lion eats meat and runs fast . Its the king of the forest. cat n.猫 lazy adj.懒散的;懒惰的The cat is very lazy . It sleeps (睡觉)all day . friendly adj.友好的Look ! They are very friendly . smart adj.聪明的The monkey is taking photos , its smart . water n.水beautiful adj.美丽的;美好的The fish is swimming in the water . Te picture is very beautiful . flag n.旗;旗帜 Look! These flags come from different countries . 【设计意图】先创造情景,让学生理解生词的意义,再使用图片帮助学生形象地记忆词汇。panda Africa 2. Remember the words according to their similar pronunciation./ / / / / / scary cat flag/ e / pet leg forget elephant/ eI / lazy Australia save place/ ju: / cute beautiful/ i: / sleep tree/ aI / lion tiger ivory kind / koala over 3. Remember the words and phrases by conversion(转换),comparison (对比) and derivative(派生)(1) Conversion(转换):一个单词(或短语)由一种词类用作另一种词类 The farmer carried lots of water to water the vegetables . (名词动词) n. 水 v. 浇水 He gets a enough sleep because he sleeps all day . (名词动词) n. 睡觉 v. 睡觉 He is a south man . His home is in the south of China . (形容词动词) adj. 南方的 n. 南方(2) comparison (对比) 两个单词的意思截然相反,也叫反义词。forget (忘记) - remember (记住)scary (吓人的) - cute (可爱的)(3) Derivative(派生): 在词根上加前缀或后缀构成另一个与原意略有变化或截然相反的词名词形容词friend n. 朋友 friendly adj. 友好的scare n. 恐怖 scary adj. 吓人的;恐怖的danger n. 危险 dangerous adj. 危险的south n. 南方 southern adj. 南方的Australia n. 澳大利亚 Australian adj. 澳大利亚的【设计意图】依据读音规则、词的转换,词的派生、对比等构词规则识词,可以帮助学生学会系统的记忆单词。)4. Remember the words and phrases by matching their meanings.a) Say out the new words according to their Chinese meanings.羞怯的;腼腆的_ 地点;位置_ 可爱的 _ 忘记_ 象征_ 睡觉_懒惰的 _ 美丽的_ 聪明的_杀死;弄死_ 动物_ 忘记 _吓人的_ 友好的_ 救助_ 宠物_ 水_ 超过;多于_ (操作说明:在课件中运用快速显现、快速消失功能,让学生快速说出单词,以检测学生对单词的熟练程度) b) Match the phrases according to their Chinese meanings. be in danger 稍微,有点儿cut down 迷路be made of 处在危险之中get lost 砍倒kind of 由制成的【设计意图】运用快闪单词及语义连线既有趣又节省时间,并能够促使学生将英语单词和汉语意思整合为一体。) 5. Remember the words by guessing the meanings of the following underlined words according to the context.(1) She sleeps all day , and her name is lazy . v. 睡觉 adj. 懒惰的;懒散的(2) I like dogs because theyre friendly and smart . adj.友好的 adj.聪明的(3) Elephants can walk for a long time and never get lost . 迷路(4) Elephants can also remember places with food and water . n.地点;位置 n. 水 (5) People cut down many trees so elephants are losing their homes . 砍到(6) People also kill elephants for their ivory . v. 杀死;弄死 n. 象牙【设计意图】这些句子都是选自课本,为学生即将学习新的内容奠定了基础。让学生在情景中记忆单词,克服枯燥性,同时也在情景中体会单词运用的技巧。)Step III. Consolidate the words and phrasesGive the students several minutes to memorize these words first. 1. Read the words by looking at the Chinese. Then look at the Chinese and say English.2. Get them to practice in pairs to spell the words or write down the words with the Chinese given in the guide book. Underline the words they havent grasped.3. Get the students to have a short dictation contest about the important words and phrases. 【设计意图】本环节为巩固单词。通过朗读和使用助学默写来对单词加以巩固。这一环节有少部分的学生不能当堂达标,需要利用自习课或课余的时间让小组长跟踪检查,达到人人过关。Step IV. Learn how to use the new words and phrases in a story1. Get the students to read the two short stories, and underline the new words.2. Translate the stories into Chinese in groups orally.3. Read the stories fluently by themselves.Story OneThere is a beautiful zoo in Zaozhuang. Jenny often goes there on weekends, there are many animals in it. Look! The tiger is sleeping under the tree. She doesnt like him because it is scary. She likes pandas, they are cute and lazy. Her mother likes giraffes very much. They are kind of friendly and smart. There are two lions, they are from South Africa. And the small koala is from Australia. It looks like a big family.Remember the words by looking at semantic map.1. Get the students to read the semantic map and fill in the semantic map according to the story, they can discuss in groups if necessary. 2. Get the students to retell the story using the following semantic map. Story TwoRead the story and translate it orally.An elephant is our good friend. It is a symbol of good luck, and it is one of the symbols in Thailand, Their first flag had an elephant on it. An elephant never forgets, Elephant never gets lost, too. They can remember places with food and water. But now elephants are in great danger, People cut down trees and kill them for their ivory. We must do something to save them and not buy things made of ivory.参考:大象是我们的好朋友,他也是好运气的象征。作为泰国象征标志之一,他曾出现在泰国第一面旗帜上。大象从不会忘记也从不迷路。他们能记得有食物和有水的地方。但是现在,大象濒临灭绝,人们砍伐树木,为获得象牙而屠杀大象。我们必须采取措施拯救他们,不买象牙制品。made ofRetell the story according to the following mind mapkillplace, waterivorysymbol, Thailandget lostforgetin great dangerLets save the elephantscut down【设计意图】本部分意在引导学生在具体的语境(适当的教材内容)中加强对词汇的理解,提高学生的运用能力即提前涉入教材。有助于学生学习理解和使用.避免了学生孤立记忆单词,同时引导学生学会在思维导图的帮助下复述故事,从而强化对新词汇的记忆。Step V. Exercises: the end-of- class test(当堂检测)根据英语意思写出动物名称。1. A very large, grey animal with big ears and a very long nose: _2. An Australia animal like a small bear with grey fur which lives in trees and eats leaves: _3. A large, black and white animal that lives in the southwest of China:_4. A large African animal with a very long neck and long, thin, legs:_按要求完成单词1.zoo(复数)_ 2.forget(反义词) _ 3.friend(形容词)_ 4.south(形容词)_ 5. cute(反义词)_ 6. danger(形容词)_7. beautiful(副词) _ 三、词组互译1. made of _ 2.South Africa_ 3. cut down _ 4.kind of _ 5. 处在(极大)危险之中_ 6. 迷路 _ 7. 忘记去做某事_ 8. 对某人友好 四、用所给单词适当形式填空。1. Our English teacher is (friend) to us.2. Dont forget (practice) playing the guitar.3. We cant buy things (make) of ivory. 4. The cat usually (sleep) all day.5. It has four (leg).【设计意图】设计不同形式的练习题,进一步巩固所学单词,同时检测学生的学习情况,有助于以学定教。Step VI. Homework1. Ask the Ss to review the words and phrases, especially the words and phrases they havent grasped on their notebook. ( )2. Ask the Ss to make sentences with the following words and phrases: ( ) cute , lazy , smart , beautiful , scary , friendly , shy kind of , get lost , be in great danger , cut down , be made of3. Retell the story with the help of the mind map. ( )4. Preview Section A (1a2d ).亮点:本单元重点学习动物名称的单词以及它们的描述性形容词,本着涵盖本单元的单词为原则,有效使用图片教学、构词法教学、英语释义教学等教学形式,尤其是编写的故事,让学生在故事中对单词有了整体理解。利用思维树,更能很好的帮助学生高效、有趣记忆单词,发挥了很大的作用。家庭作业分层布置,让学习能力强的同学做更能体现他们高水平的作业。在单词教学过程中不失时机地融入情感教育即保护环境、保护动物的教育,如对濒临灭绝的大象的描述。不足之处:本课容量较大,在记单词和巩固单词的课堂设计中,通过课上的学习和操练,学生能做到熟练拼读,但是达到准确默写并掌握,还需多加理解和记忆。使用建议:1. 本节课容量大,词汇较多,为保证教学目标的顺利达成,需要提前安排学生进行充分的预习,至少通读词汇,能根据音标认读单词。2. 教师课前要准备充分的图片,利用一体机把单词和图画有效结合起来,有利于学生熟练掌握本单元教学why questions 及where questions,单词教学要为下一节课过渡做好铺垫。并且要注意评价手段的运用,对学习小组及时评价,以保证学生旺盛的积极性。当堂检测参考答案:一、 1. elephant 2. koala 3. panda 4. giraffe二、 1. zoos 2. remember 3. friendly 4.southern 5. scary 6.dangerous 7. beautifully三、1. 由制成 2. 南非 3. 砍到 4. 有点儿5. be in (great )danger 6. get lost 7. forget to do sth. 8.be friendly to sb.四、1.friendly 2. to practice 3. made 4. sleeps 5. legs


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