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UnUnit2 Healthy eating itPeriod one Warming upTeaching aim: To appreciate what a balanced diet is.Teaching procedures:Step 1. Lead inHello, everyone! Today we are going to talk about an interesting topic-Health Eating. Before our beginning, please write down what you each think about making a healthy meal, whether you eat a healthy diet, and whether you know that the food you eat helps you grow in different ways. As youre ready, compare your idea with your partner. And then, well invite some pairs of you to give us your ideas.Classify food according to their functions and fill in the form.Foods to give energyFoods to grow bones and muscle (body-building foods)Foods that give fiber for digestion and health(protective food)Fast energy foodSlow energy foodrice noodlesbreadbutter.meateggsmilk.all vegetablesall fruit.Step 2. DiscussionAsk Ss to work the following questions out in groups and let them become familiar with the contents of each one. Questions: 1. Why do you think the food is divided into different groups?2. How does this information help you make a healthy meal?Step 3. AnalysingNow, please design a meal which they enjoy. And then analyse your meal according to the categories of food set out in the textbook.1. Is their meal balanced?2. Does it include food from each of the three categories? What (if anything) is missing?Step 4. To examine the answers.The first three questions are all persons. But the forth question is not. (What will happen to you if you dont eat a balanced diet?)Suggested answers: if you eat too much energy-giving foods you will become fat and suffer from high blood pressure; if you eat too much body-building food you will grow taller and stronger but not necessarily healthier; if you eat too much protective foods for every meal you may lack energy. However without protective food(over a long period of time) you can get serious illnesses like scurvy(lack of vitamin C) or rickets(lack of vitamin D); if you dont eat enough food of any of the three kinds you may get anorexia(too thin).Step 5. Homework: Write down more you know about diet.Period two ReadingTeaching aims:1. Enable Ss to become more aware of the difficulties associated with prepared foods. 2. Help Ss know the harms of unbalanced diets.Teaching procedures:Step 1. Pre-reading1. Discuss in groupsWork out what nutrition they haveWhich food contains more?Examples of foodsAnswersugarchocolate or grapescakes or bananasfatcream or ricechocolate or chickenfibrepeas or nutsPork or cabbageproteinpotato crisps or hameggs or cream 2. Thinking1) What do you think should go into a good meal?2) Imagine you and your partner are going to invite some friends for dinner. What special food of your place would you offer them? Plan a menu.Answers: 1) A good meal should contain some food from each of the three categories above. 2) Sample dialogue:S1: Now our favourite dishes in my hometown involve noodles. What abut you?S2: Well, I like noodles too, so lets use that for the energy-giving part of our dinner. S1: What do you like to eat with noodles?S2: My favourite sauces are spicy ones. So lets suggest noodles with spicy tofu. Thats very healthy and contains some of the body-building food too. Now we just need to include the protective food.S1: Yes, youre right. Now what about vegetables? Theyre protective food and I think beans are nice with some sour and spicy sliced potato.S2: Sounds fun to me. Lets write it down3. PredictingLook at the title of the reading passage and the pictures. Predict what the passage is about. Step 2. Reading1. Language points1) Wang Peng sat in his empty restaurant feeling very frustrated. 王鹏坐在他那空荡荡的餐馆里,感到很沮丧。feeling very frustrated是-ing形式短语作伴随状语。He placed two tables together spreading all the papers out on them. 他把两张桌子摆在一起,把卷子铺放在上面。Pretending to look frightened, I backed towards the door. 我装出害怕的样子,退到门口。2) By now his restaurant ought to be full of people. 到了这个时候,他的餐馆本该宾客盈门的。ought to应该;应当There is one thing I ought to discuss with you before we start. 我们开始前还有一件事我要和你谈。Something ought to be done about the waste. 得想办法处理这些垃圾了。be full of 充满He was full of curiosity. 他的心里充满了好奇。The house was full of heavy smoke and shouting. 房子里充满了浓烟和喊叫声。3) “Nothing could be better,” he thought. 他想:“再没有比这些更好吃的了。”比较级的否定形式,实际上表示的是最高级的含义。“Did you sleep well last night?” “Never better, like a rock.” “你昨夜睡得怎样?”“从未这么好过,睡得很死。”Nobody loved money better than he did. 没人比他更受财。I think nothing is more pleasant than traveling. 我想没有什么比旅馆更令人愉快。4) Suddenly he saw his friend Li Chang hurrying by. 突然间,他看到自己的朋友李昌匆匆走过。see, hear, notice, watch, feel等动词后面的宾语补足语可以是不带to的动词原形,也可以是-ing形式,但两者的含义不完全相同,前者着重叙述事实的经过,后者着重偶然觉察到的一个正在进行的动作。I saw him put everything in his bag and go out. 我看见他把所有的东西都装进了口袋,走了出去。I saw him putting something in the bag. 我看见他正向口袋里装东西。I watched her step off the sidewalk, cross the road, and disappear into the post office. 我看着她走下人行道,穿过马路,进了邮局。When I glanced out of the window I saw Daisy crossing the road. 我目光转向窗外,看见戴西正在过马路。5) Tired of all that fat? Want to lose weight? 肥腻的东西吃厌了吧?想变瘦吗?这是省略的句子,完整的句子应当是:Are you tired of all that fat? Do you want to lose weight? 因此朗读时应注意用升调。be tired of 对。厌倦。I am tired of the same food every day. Cant we have something different? 天天吃同样的食品让人厌倦,难道我们不能换些花样吗?He has got tired of living abroad. He is considering going back to China. 他厌倦了国外的生活正在考虑回到中国去。6)Wang Peng was amazed at this and especially at the prices. 五鹏对此感到吃惊,特别是对它们的价格。be amazed at 对。感到惊讶;惊愕Everybody was amazed at his design. 大家都对他的设计感到惊讶。You would be amazed at how difficult is was. 要知道这是多么困难,你会大为诧异的。7) He could not have Yong Hui getting away with telling people lies! 他可不能让雍慧哄骗人们后跑掉。have somebody doing something 让某人做某事;让某情况发生Our success in the Athens Olympics has me wondering whether we can win even more medals next time. 我们在雅典奥运会上的成功让我真想知道下一届我们能否赢得更多的奖牌。get away with (做了某事)而不受惩罚,携带。跑掉For that serious accident, he got away with only a fine. 那么严重的事故,他缴了罚款就完事了。They got away with damaging the car. 他们损坏了汽车却逃之夭夭。2. Listening to the tapeHave the following questions read the text silently and identify questions they have about the content and meaning. The questions will help them have a good understanding of the text. The two restaurants supplied the healthy diet. The reason why Yong Huis restaurant was so popular with customers. Wang Pengwei found out why he had lost his customers and decided to win them back.Now please listen to the recording of the text. Pay attention to the pronunciation of each word and the pauses within each sentence. 3. ScanningNext you are to read and underline all the useful expressions or collocations in the passage. Copy them to your notebook after class as homework. Get the main idea of the text.The main idea of:Para 1: Wang Pengs menu and the popularity of his restaurantPara 2: Finding Yong Huis restaurantPara 3: Yong Huis restaurant and menuPara 4: Wang Pengs researchStep 3. ComprehendingFalseTrue1. Read the passage carefully and think about these statements. Tick the correct boxes. Give reasons for your answers.1) Usually Wang Pengs restaurant was full of people. 2) Yong Hui could make people thin in two weeks by giving them a good diet.3) Wang Pengs regular customers often became fat. 4) Yong Huis menu gave customers more energy-giving food. 5) Wang Pengs menu gave customers more protective food. 6) Wang Peng decided to compete with Yong Hui by copying her menu.2. In your own words explain the following sentences or parts of sentences taken from the passage.1) Something terrible must have happened if Li Chang was not coming to eat in his restaurant as he always did.2) He could not have Yong Hui getting away with telling people lies!3) Perhaps with a discount and a new sigh he could win his customers back.3. Read the Warming up and the passage again and write out your answers.1) The weakness of the diet in Wang Pengs restaurant was that it did not give_2) The strength of the diet in Wang Pengs restaurant was that it provided_3) The weakness of the diet in Yong Huis restaurant was that it did not give_4) The strength of the diet in Yong Huis restaurant was that it provided_4. The passage can be divided into 3 parts. Give the main idea in each part and then retell the story in your own words.5. Discuss these questions in pairs. Write down your main points and compare them with those of another pair.1) What do you think Wang Peng will provide to win his customers back?2) How do you think the story will end?6. Many different kinds of cooking are mentioned in the passage. Make a list of them and find out what cooking skills they describe.Answers: 1. 16 TFTFFF2. 1) Li Chang always came to his restaurant so if he did not, it meant that something seious had happened to stop him.2) He did not want Yong Hui to tell lies and people to believe her.3) If he gave his customers cheaper prices and advertised the benefits of his menu, perhaps his customers would return.3. 1) enough protective food 2) plenty of energy-giving food 3) enough energy-giving food 4) plenty of protective food4. 1) Wang Peng is worried because his restaurant is not as full as it usually is. 2) He follows his friend to a newly opened restaurant which is very popular.3) Worried, he does some research to win his customers back.Suggested summary of the story:Wang Peng is worried because his customers are not coming to his restaurant as they usually did. He follows his friend to a newly opened restaurant which offers to make people thin in two weeks. Worried, he does some research and tries to win his customers back.5. 1) Wang Peng will offer more protective food with his meals such as salad.He will cook his food in less oil.He will stop serving ice cream and cola because both of thos have too much fat or sugar.2) Wang Peng will lose his restaurant. Yong Hui will come to his restaurant and become very angry with him.Yong Huis customers will become so tired they will return to Wang Pengs restaurant.6. Kind of cookingWhat skill it describes1 barbecueCook food on a metal frame over a fire, usually outdoors2 roastCook something in an oven of over a fire3 stir-fryCook quickly by moving the food around continuously in very hot oil4 fryCook something in hot fat or oil5 boilCook something in boiling waterStep 4. Homework: 1. Go over what weve learn and finish the exercises in workbook.2. Try to retell the text.Period three Grammarshould 和ought to1. should和ought to表示责任、建议或劝告,翻译为“应该”,后者语气强一些,可用于各种人称。 You should listen to the doctors advice if you want to recover soon. Such things ought not to be allowed. 2. should接动词的完成式,是一种谴责,表示过去应该做而没有做或过去做了而不应该做。I missed the class. I should have come earlier. I shouldnt have made such a foolish mistake.3. 表示要求,命令时,语气由 should(应该)、had better最好)、must(必须)渐强。have to和must1. 两词都是必须的意思,have to 表示客观的需要, must 表示说话人主观上的看法,既主观上的必要。My brother was very ill, so I had to call the doctor in the middle of the night.(客观上需要做这件事)He said that they must work hard.(主观上要做这件事) 2. have to有人称、数、时态的变化,而must只有一种形式。但must 可用于间接引语中表示过去的必要或义务。He had to look after his sister yesterday.3. 在否定结构中: dont have to 表示“不必”; mustnt表示“禁止”You dont have to tell him about it. You mustnt tell him about it.need和have to1. need表示需要,主要用于否定句和疑问句。用于疑问句,肯定回答用must,否定回答用neednt have to表示他人或客观情况要求必须,也可以翻译为不得不,have to否定形式意思是不一定或没有必要。 You neednt come if you dont want to. I dont think you need be so polite to her. You dont have to work so hard if you just want to pass Band 4. Because of the heavy rain, the children have had to get up earlier than usual this week. 2. need后面接动词的完成式,主要用于否定句,表示本可不必做某事。 “neednt+不定式完成式”表示“本来不必做,但实际做了”。注:didnt need to do表示: 过去不必做某事, 事实上也没做。 Neednt have done表示: 过去不必做某事, 但事实上做了。 John went to the station with the car to meet Mary, so she didnt need to walk back home. John went to the station with the car to meet Mary, so she neednt have walked back home.There was plenty of time. She _. A. mustnt have hurriedB. couldnt have hurriedC. must not hurryD. neednt have hurried 答案D。neednt have done. 意为本不必,即已经做了某事,而时实际上不必要。 Mustnt have done 用法不正确,对过去发生的事情进行否定性推断应为couldnt have done, 不可能已经。 must not do 不可以(用于一般现在时)。Period four Learning about languageStep 1. Revision1. Check the students homework.2. Ask some students to retell the text.Step 2. Discovering useful words and expressions.1. Find words and expressions from the text that mean the same.1) _something that you say is not true2) _not to be punished for something3) _uncooked4) _the strong wish to know about something5) _someone who buys things or services from a shop, company, etc6) _a particular quality that gives someone or something an advantage2. Fill in the blanks with words from the left box and paraphrase the italicized parts using the phrases from the right box.lose weight lose heart lose interest lose facebalanced diet raw slim ought to energeticJulie wanted to become thinner. She knew she (1)_ eat more vegetables and fruit but little meat. However, as she was so afraid of being laughed at by her friends, she did not consult a doctor but lived on a (2)_ of rice, (3)_ vegetables, bananas and lemons. Three weeks later, she found she weighed as much as ever. She felt so sad and hopeless about herself and her behaviour changed. She didnt dare to face her boyfriend and she was unwilling to visit her friends any more. Luckily, her best friend Fred came to see her and encouraged her to exercise, eat a (4)_ diet and enjoy life again. Soon Julie became amazingly (5)_ and (6)_! She felt very happy.3. Do the underlined letters in each group have the same pronunciation? Tick the odd one out. Then check if the words in each group refer to the same kind of food. Cross out the odd one and give your reasons.1) peach cream pear bean 2) butter nut sugar mutton 3) bacon ham cabbage lamb 4) lemon eggplant strawberry watermelon4. In pares make up a dialogue about food you like or dislike, using the expressions, below and as many food words as you know.fried chichen smoked chicken roast duckbarbecued mutton lemon beef sweet and sour fishsteamed fish creamed potatoes fried eggplant cucumber salad boiled eggs stir-fried mushroomsMy favourite food/fruit/meat isIm fond of I dont often eatI really hate I cant stand make me gain/lose weight Answers:1. 1) lie 2) get away with 3) raw 4) curiosity 5) customer 6) benefit 2. 1) ought to 2) diet 3) raw 4) balanced 5) energetic 6) slimbecome thinner-lose weight; being laugher at by her friends-losing face; felt so sad and hopeless about herself-lost heart; was unwilling to visit any more-lost interest in visiting3. 1)pear; cream(fat and all the others are fruit)2)sugar; mutton(meat and all the others are energy-giving food)3)bacon;cabbage(vegetable and all the others are meat)4)strawberry;eggplant(vegetable and all the others are fruit)4. S1: Whats your favourite food? Im really fond of roast duck.S2: My favourite food is roast mutton and cold vinegar fish.S1: What do you hate?S2: I really hate spicy food. It upsets my stomach and makes me feel ill.S1: Im so sorry to hear that! I cant stand boiled eggs myself.S2: Really! I love them. If you eat boiled eggs with smoked chicken and cucumber salad, they taste delicious.S1: I dont often eat chicken although I know it has low fat and you wont gain weight.S2: Are you worried about gaining weight too? Thats why Ive stopped eating fried food. Its really sad because I love fried eggplant with fried chicken.S1: Never mind. Itll be worth it when youre elegant and thin!S2: I hope so.Step 3. Discovering useful structuresModal verbs to mean “permission” have not been used here. They are very easy to practice. Encourage Ss to make up some sentences of their own using modal verbs.Step 4. Practice.1. Underline the sentences containing modal verbs in the reading passage and use the function words below to explain the meaning of the modal verbs.Intention Duty Permission possibility Guessing Ability2. Choose suitable modal verbs below to complete the following dialogues. There may be more than one possibility.ought/oughtnt to should/ shouldnt mustnt neednt (dont)have to will can/cant 1) Sam: How can I grow thinner, Mum?Mum: Well, you _ eat food with plenty of fibre that helps you digest better. And you _ stop drinking cola or eating sweet food.Sam: Does it mean I _ eat my favourite fried chicken any more?Mum: Not exactly, if you love fried chicken, you _ give it up. Just eat it less often. You _ worry too much: a little fried chicken _ do you good!2) Doctor: You are sick because youve eaten poisonous mushrooms. Where did you get them?Lucy: I picked them in the forest. I know we _ eat fresh vegetables.Doctor: Oh, but you _ eat them until youve sure they are not poisonous.Lucy: Thank you, doctor. Ill be more careful next time.3) Charles: I wish I could see things clearly in the dark.Tom: Eating carrots _ help you see better. You _ eat some every day.3. Now work in pairs. One of you asks a question. The other answers it. Then swap over. Remember to use modal verbs in your answer.Answers: 2. 1) have to; should; shouldnt neednt; dont have to/neednt/shouldnt; will2) have to; mustnt 3) ought to; should3. 1) I have to take the book to the librarians desk. Then I need to give her my card so she can register the book on her computer. I have to return the book before the date stamped on the cover.2) I must go to the dental hospital and see the dentist. Of course I have to make an appointment first. Then I should clean my teeth before I go into the dentists surgery. It will be more thoughtful for him/her if I can do this.3) First, I ought to arrive in good time at the airport. Second, I must write the name of the person I dont know on a name board and display it so everyone can see it. Finally, I have to wait until the plane has arrived and all the people from that flight have appeared. If I still have not seen him/her I should go to the information centre and ask them to make an announcement.4) To get a discount in a shop I need to find out the original price. Then it is important to laugh and wonder aloud if this price is a joke or not. Finally I should offer a lower price and argue with the salesperson until they offer me a more reasonable price. If the price is sill too high I dont have accept it. I can always walk away. Sometimes if the salesperson is keen to make a sale he/she will offer me a more reasonable price.5) When you meet the hostess in your friends home you ought to greet her politely. You should spend a few minutes talking to her. For example you can thank her for inviting you but you dont need to compliment her on her dress or her house. However you ought not to speak to her too long as she will be busy and have many people to greet. At the end of the party you must thank her for a lovely evening.Step 5. Homework: 1. Review the rules of word formation and the meanings of modal verbs.2. Finish the Using Structures on Page 50.Period five Using languageTeaching aims:1. To famil


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