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Threatened Polar Bears,On Thin Ice The Arctic territory where polar bears roam is literally melting out from under them. ByFelicity Barringer and Andrew C. Revkin,The Interior Department proposed to designate polar bears as a threatened species, saying that the accelerating loss of the Arctic ice that is the bears hunting platform has led biologists to believe that bear populations will decline, perhaps sharply, in the coming decades. The Interior Department:内政部 Propose: v propose to someone 向某人求婚 propose a toast 敬酒;举杯 propose to do 建议做. proposal n. 提议,建议;求婚,The Interior Department proposed to designate polar bears as a threatened species, saying that the accelerating loss of the Arctic ice that is the bears hunting platform has led biologists to believe that bear populations will decline, perhaps sharply, in the coming decades. designate: vt. 指定;指派;标出;把定名为 adj. 指定的;选定的 designate A as B: 指定A为B accelerate: vt 加速 accelerate economic/economical speed Arctic:北极圈;北极的 Antarctic sharply:急剧地,The Interior Department proposed to designate polar bears as a threatened species, saying that the accelerating loss of the Arctic ice that is the bears hunting platform has led biologists to believe that bear populations will decline, perhaps sharply, in the coming decades. 非谓语 The students went out of the hall, smiling and speaking.,The Interior Department proposed to designate polar bears as a threatened species, saying that the accelerating loss of the Arctic ice that is the bears hunting platform has led biologists to believe that bear populations will decline, perhaps sharply, in the coming decades. The Interior Department proposed to designate polar bears as a threatened species-主句 Saying:非谓语 Saying that the accelerating loss of the Arctic ice that is the bears hunting platform has led biologists to believe that bear populations will decline, perhaps sharply, in the coming decades. (that 引导宾语从句,作say的宾语) the accelerating loss of the Arctic ice that is the bears hunting platform (that 引导定语从句修饰the accelerating loss of the Arctic ice) the accelerating loss of the Arctic ice (that is the bears hunting platform) has led biologists to believe that bear populations will decline, perhaps sharply, in the coming decades. (that 引导宾语从句,作believe的宾语),Many experts on the Arctic say that global warming is causing the ice to melt and that the warming is at least partly the result of the atmospheric buildup of heat-trapping gasses from tailpipes and smokestacks./ The plight of the polar bear has been held up by the environmentalists as a symbol of global warming caused by humans.,Many experts on the Arctic say that global warming is causing the ice to melt and that the warming is at least partly the result of the atmospheric buildup of heat-trapping gasses from tailpipes and smokestacks. cause: vt.引起 n. 原因reason The earthquake causes financial problem. cause sb/sth to do sth partly: 部分地,在一定程度上 atmospheric:大气的 atmosphere heat-trapping:吸热的 decision-making:,Many experts on the Arctic say that global warming is causing the ice to melt and that the warming is at least partly the result of the atmospheric buildup of heat-trapping gasses from tailpipes and smokestacks. 主句:Many experts on the Arctic say that global warming is causing the ice to melt and (并列两个that 宾语从句,在宾语从句中,第一个that可以省,第二个that不可以省) that the warming is at least partly the result of the atmospheric buildup of heat-trapping gasses from tailpipes and smokestacks. ( 2个that 引导宾语从句,作say的宾语),The plight of the polar bear has been held up by the environmentalists as a symbol of global warming caused by humans. hold up: 提出 a symbol of global warming that/which is caused by humans. This class will continue to discuss the issue (which is) proposed by Smith.,Polar bears are dependent on sea ice as a platform for hunting seals, and as a pathway to coastal areas. The ice shrinkage has meant that polar bears, which are strong swimmers, have had to cover longer distances between ice and land.,Polar bears are dependent on sea ice as a platform for hunting seals, and as a pathway to coastal areas. be dependent on sb./sth. 依靠某人、某事 Be independent of sb/ sth. 不依靠 depend on coast coastal Australia is a costal country. Polar bears are dependent on sea ice as a platform for hunting seals, and (并列两个as) as a pathway to coastal areas.,The ice shrinkage has meant that polar bears, which are strong swimmers, have had to cover longer distances between ice and land. shrink: 收缩,缩小 shrinkage:n Woolen fabrics(纤维) shrink in the wash. mean, meant, meant mean: vt 意味 what do you mean by saying that? vi 打算 mean to do sth. The ice shrinkage has meant that (that 引导宾语从句,作mean的宾语) which are strong swimmers(非限定性定语从句修饰polar bears) polar bears have had to cover longer distances between ice and land.,They have survived previous Arctic warming periods, including the last warm stretch between ice ages some 130,000 years ago, but some climate experts predict that nothing in the species history is likely to match the pace and extent of warming and ice retreats projected in this century and beyond, should emissions of heat-trapping gasses continue unabated. survive :vt. 幸存;生还;幸免于;比.活得长 The old lady survived her four children. In the traffic accident, only 9 passengers survived. previous:之前的 previous study Ex-boyfriend/ girlfriend/ wife/ husband retreat:撤退,向后退 abate:减轻,减少 Abated: Unabated:,They have survived previous Arctic warming periods, including the last warm stretch between ice ages some 130,000 years ago, but some climate experts predict that nothing in the species history is likely to match the pace and extent of warming and ice retreats (which are) projected in this century and beyond, should emissions of heat-trapping gasses continue unabated.,虚拟条件句的从句部分含有were, should, 或had时, 可省略if,再把were, should或had 移到从句的句首,实行倒装。例如: If they were here now, they could help us. = Were they here now, they could help us. If you had come earlier, you would have met him. = Had you come earlier, you would have met him. If it should rain, the crops would be saved. =Should it rain, the crops would be saved. 注意:在虚拟语气的从句中,动词be的过去时态一律用were,不用was,即在从句中be用were代替。例如: If I were you, I would go to look for him. If he were here, everything would be all right. _ to do the work, I should do it some other day. A. If were I B. I wereC. Were ID. Was I,but 表转折,并列前后两个句子。 They have survived previous Arctic warming periods, including the last warm stretch between ice ages some 130,000 years ago. 主句- They have survived previous Arctic warming periods, 介词短语- including the last warm stretch between ice ages some 130,000 years ago.,but some climate experts predict that (that 引导宾语从句,作predict的宾语) nothing (in the species history )is likely to match the pace and extent of warming and ice retreats projected in this century and beyond, the pace and extent of warming and ice retreats (which are) projected in this century and beyond, (1)should emissions of heat-trapping gasses continue unabated. (2)If emissions of heat-trapping gasses should continue unabated, (3)If emissions of heat-trapping gasses should continue unabated, nothing in the species history is likely to match the pace and extent of warming and ice retreats projected in this century and beyond.,The latest assessment of the species for the international Conservation Union, by a group of experts including Fish and Wildlife Service biologists, did include such activity in a list of threats, including oil and gas activity, toxic contaminants, shipping and recreational viewing. assess: vt.评价 assessment n. Conservation:保存 保护 主干:The latest assessment of the species did include such activity in a list of threats. do+动词原形表强调,如果是过去时用did,如果是第三人称单数,用does。 Do be careful with that vase! 务必小心那个花瓶! Do come with us.,


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