高考英语一轮复习 重点单词填空课件4.ppt

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高考英语重点单词复习专项训练,(四),1. In summer, a sudden change in t_(温度) could bring rain. 2. The_(形势) both at home and abroad is excellent. 3. They had the building_(重建) after the fire. 4. As everyone knows, he is a_(世界著名)expert on DNA. 5. I want to put you on a very_(严肃)subject.,temperature,situation,rebuilt,world-famous,serious,6. Please t _the music down when I answer the phone. 7. How many passengers does this airline f _every week. 8. Nobody can go in without the teachers p_. 9. At p_, about 20% of the smokers have given up smoking. 10.We can read both home news and i _news in the newspaper.,turn,fly,permission,present,international,11. From his _(口音). We can know that hes from Beijing. 12. My son carried my _(行李)to the bus station. 13. I am working at my _(演讲), changing them and bettering them. 14. There are few fish in the_(污染)rivers. 15. She got up and drew the _(窗帘) aside.,accent,luggage,speech,polluted,curtain,16. He s_ to his feet and walked slowly towards the door. 17. This ruler is 50 c_ long. 18. Dont p_ your gun at others. 19. He bought a p_ raincoat yesterday. 20.The policemen q_ him about the stolen car.,struggled,centimeters,point,plastic,questioned,21. His job is to do _(科学) research. 22. All the teachers are _(尊敬) by the students in our school. 23. He has made several _ (发现) in science. 24. Einstein fought for human _ (权利). 25. Do you know by whom this country once was _(统治)?,scientific,respected,discoveries,rights,ruled,26. A c_ is a machine that makes photos. 27. Man-made satellites are carried into space by r_. 28. You are so kind”, said Jim, “Dont m_ it.” 29. “Paul gave me 12 apples” means “Paul gave me a d _apples”. 30.The p_ appeared in the newspaper was very exciting.,camera,rockets,mention,dozen,passage,31. This afternoon he suddenly fell ill and an _(救护车) was called to carry him to hospital. 32. They _(尖叫) for help from the window of the burning hotel. 33. The _(系统) under lying modern physics is not fully worked out. 34. There has recently been _(趋势) towards simple style in womens dresses. 35. It was a _(荒芜的)land and nobody was living on it.,ambulance,screamed,system,trend,deserted,36. This new product is sold _(世界各地). 37. When I went in, he _(假装) to be sleeping. 38. I will never _(宽恕)you for what you have done to your parents. 39. Both our material and _(精神) life has been greatly improved in recent years. 40.He has formed the habit of getting up and going to bed early and does everything _(有规律地),worldwide,pretended,forgive,spiritual,regularly,41. He has 30 _(绵羊) on the farm. 42. _(贫困) prevented the girl from continuing her education. 43. She is wearing a _(破旧的) coat . 44. We have decided to_(牺牲) a trip for a new car . 45. Mary is so _(累) that she cant go with us.,sheep,Poverty,shabby,sacrifice,tired,46. A fence at the back of the garden _(分开) us from the neighbors 47. Millions of people from all over the world have _(参观) the Great Wall. 48. The teacher asked the students to practise _(说) English every day. 49. Its very _(稀罕的) for him to be late for school. 50.Our rice is very _(合情合理), you can depend on us.,separated,visited,speaking,rare,reasonable,


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