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.1Beijing-An unforgettABle cityAn unforgettABle city.2 scenic spots and historic sitesdelicacyguide cards culture.3scenic spots and historic sites.4Tiananmen Square.5Tiananmen Square is one of the largest Tiananmen Square is one of the largest city squares in the world.It is situated city squares in the world.It is situated in in the heart of Beijing.Tiananmen was builtthe heart of Beijing.Tiananmen was builtin 1417 and was the entrance gate to the in 1417 and was the entrance gate to the Forbidden City.Now the square stretches Forbidden City.Now the square stretches 880 meters from north to south and 500 880 meters from north to south and 500 meters from east to west.The total area meters from east to west.The total area is is 440,000 square meters.Thats about the 440,000 square meters.Thats about the size of 60 soccer fields,spacious enough size of 60 soccer fields,spacious enough to accommodate half a million people.to accommodate half a million people.Tiananmen Square.6The Palace Museum.7The Palace MuseumThe Palace Museum,known as theForbidden City in the West,located in the centre of Beijing,covering an area of 72 hectares,was the imperialpalaces of the Ming and Qing dynasties.Now,it is the best preserved palace all over the world and opened to people as a palace museum.8Wangfujing street.9Wangfujing streetWangfujing street is one of Wangfujing street is one of Beijings most famous Beijings most famous shopping shopping streets.Much of the road is a streets.Much of the road is a pedestrian area with several pedestrian area with several shops,malls and shopping shops,malls and shopping plexes.10Gardens of Perfect Clarity.11Gardens of Perfect ClarityGardens of Perfect Clarity originally Gardens of Perfect Clarity originally calledcalledthe Imperial Gardens was a complex of the Imperial Gardens was a complex of palacespalacesand gardens in Beijing.It is located 8and gardens in Beijing.It is located 8kilometres northwest of the walls of the kilometres northwest of the walls of the Imperial City,built in the 18th and early Imperial City,built in the 18th and early 19th century,where the emperors of the 19th century,where the emperors of the Qing Qing Dynasty resided and handled government Dynasty resided and handled government affairs.affairs.12The Great Wall.13The Great WallThe Great Wall was built during the The Great Wall was built during the Spring and Autumn PeriodSpring and Autumn Period.It runs acrossIt runs acrossNorth China like a huge dragon,It windsNorth China like a huge dragon,It windsits way from west to east,across its way from west to east,across deserts,over mountains,through valleys deserts,over mountains,through valleys till at lastit reaches the sea.Its the till at lastit reaches the sea.Its the longest wall on the earth,also one of longest wall on the earth,also one of the wonders in the world.The Great Wall the wonders in the world.The Great Wall has a history of more than 2000 years.has a history of more than 2000 years.14delicacy.15 Peking Duck.16 Peking Duck Peking Duck has the reputation of being the most delicious food in the world.The Chinese have a saying:Visitors to Beijing must do two things:climb the Great Wall and eat Peking Duck.While at Quan JuDe,ducks are roasted directly over flames from fruit-tree wood,at Bian Yi Fang roasting is done in closed containers fired with crop stalks.The best places to go for Peking Duck are Qianmen,Hepingmen and Wangfujing.17Feast of Complete Manchu-Han Courses(Man Han Quan Xi).18Feast of Complete Manchu-Han Courses(Man Han Quan Xi)One evening in early 1993,35 Chinese and foreign tourists clad in clothes that made them the look-alikes of a Qing emperor,his queen,his concubines and court officials filed into the Fang Shan Restaurant.They were the fifth group to sample Man Han Quan Xi,or Feast of Complete Manchu-Han Courses,in the 70-year history of the restaurant.Man Han Quan Xi foods include bears paw,hedgehog hydnum,tiger kidney,Davids deer,ginseng,bracken,camel hump,shark fin,soft-shell turtle and fish skin,to name only a few.As many raw dishes come from wild life now under state protection,these courses are no longer available.19A Beijinger who has long resided abroad says:What miss most are the numerous snacks back home.These snacks all make the mouth water.Folk Snacks.20 Beijing snacks used to be very famous in Beijing in the old days.The kind of snacks is varied,there were approximately more than 200 of them,but the most of the snacks are derived from Chinese Muslims.Bean Soup(豆汁)is one of the distinguished Beijing snacks.In making the bean soup,the only material is the remainings after making Tofu.Because of its low price,it was welcomed by the majority of Beijingers.Bean Soup tastes sour.If you are not familiar with Beijing,you will hate this at the first taste.Folk Snacks.21 Another famous Muslim style snack is Sweet Cake(糖火烧).It is made of flour and red sugar.It is sweet,but with no harm to your health.You will love it at the first bite.If you are not allergic to the viscus of animals,you can try to have some Luzhu.It is made of the tharm and stomarch of the pigs.Though seems to be disgust,it in fact very delicious.Folk Snacks.22 Most of Beijing snacks can be found around Qianmen Gate,but now,with the construction of that area,the snacks are facing great threat.As more and more youngsters pay little attention to the traditional things,they are now only welcomed by senior citizensFolk Snacks.23驴打滚 soybean cake 艾窝窝 Steamed rice cakes with sweet stuffing)炒肝 Stewed Liver 糖卷果 Chinese yam and date rolls 姜丝排叉 Fried ginger slices 奶油炸糕 Fried butter cake 豌豆黄 Pea cake 蜜麻花 Ear-shaped twists with sugar 豆汁 Fermented mung bean juice 油茶 Chatang/Miancha/Youcha 馓子麻花 Crisp noodle 萨其马 Caramel treats 焦圈 Fried ring 糖火烧 Sweetened baked wheaten cake 豆馅烧饼 Bean paste cake/Subsidence fried beans.24culture.25People native to urban Beijing speak the Beijing dialect,which belongs to the Mandarin subdivision of spoken Chinese.Beijing dialect is the basis for Standard Mandarin,the language used in the Peoples Republic of China,the Republic of China on Taiwan,and Singapore.Rural areas of Beijing Municipality have their own dialects akin to those of Hebei province,which surrounds Beijing Municipality.Beijing culture.26单击此处编辑您要的内容,建议您在展示时采用微软雅黑字体,本模版所有图形线条及其相应素材均可自由编辑、改色、替换。Beijing Opera,or Peking Opera(Jingju),is well-known throughout the national capital.Commonly lauded as one of the highest achievements of Chinese culture,Beijing Opera is performed through a combination of song,spoken dialogue,and codified action sequences,such as gestures,movement,fighting and acrobatics.Much of Beijing Opera is carried out in an archaic stage dialect quite different from modern Standard Mandarin and from the Beijing dialect;this makes the dialogue somewhat hard to understand,and the problem is compounded if one is not familiar with Chinese.As a result,modern theaters often have electronic titles in Chinese and English.Beijing culture.27A hutong in eastern Beijing near Dongsishitiao.In this March 2003 photo the left side was still standing,but it has since given way to new construction.The Siheyuan is a traditional architectural style of Beijing.A siheyuan consists of a square housing compound,with rooms enclosing a central courtyard.This courtyard often contains a pomegranate or other type of tree,as well as potted flowers or a fish tank.Siheyuans line Hutongs,or alleys,which connect the interior of Beijings old city.They are usually straight and run east-to-west so that doorways can face north and south for Feng Shui reasons.They vary in width some are very narrow,enough for only a few pedestrians to pass through at a time.。.28Once ubiquitous in Beijing,siheyuans and hutongs are now rapidly disappearing,as entire city blocks of hutongs are leveled and replaced with high-rise buildings.Residents of the hutongs are entitled to apartments in the new buildings of at least the same size as their former residences.Many complain,however,that the traditional sense of community and street life of the hutongs cannot be replaced.Some particularly historic or picturesque hutongs are being preserved and restored by the government,especially for the 2008 Olympics.One such example can be seen at Nanchizi.Beijing culture.29Mandarin cuisine is the local style of cooking in Beijing.Peking Roast Duck is perhaps the most well-known dish.The Manhan Quanxi(Manchu-Han Chinese full banquet)is a traditional banquet originally intended for the ethnic-Manchu emperors of the Qing Dynasty;it remains very prestigious and expensive.Teahouses are also common in Beijing.Chinese tea comes in many varieties and some rather expensive types of Chinese tea are said to cure an ailing body extraordinarily well.Beijing culture.30Beijing cultureThe Jingtailan is a cloisonn metalworking technique and tradition originating from Beijing,and one of the most revered traditional crafts in China.Beijing lacquerware is well known for the patterns and images carved into its surface.31点击此处添加标题Beijingers are stereotypically held by other Chinese to be open,confident,humorous,majestic in manner,enthusiastic about politics,art,culture,or other grand matters,unconcerned with thrift or careful calculation,and happy to take center stage.They are also stereotypically aristocratic,arrogant,laid back,disdainful of provincials,always lording it over others,and strongly conscious of social class.These stereotypes may have originated from Beijings status as Chinas capital for most of the past 800 years,and the high concentration of officials and other notables in Beijing that has resulted.Beijing culture.32Thank


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