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Chapter 8 International StrategyTRUE/FALSE3. A traditional motive for internationalization has been to secure needed resources, especially minerals and en ergy.4. In order to achieve economies of scale, some manufacturing industries in nations (such as Korea) with small domestic markets must globalize.7. To the extent that a firm is able to standardize products across country borders, use the same or similar product ion facilities, and coord in ate critical resource functions, the more likely it is to achieve econo mies of scale.10. The requirement for local repair and service capabilities has discouraged manufacturers of household applia nces, such as Gen eral Motors and Toyota, from diversify ing in ter nati on ally.13. Whe n a firm in itially pursues an intern ati onal bus in ess-level strategy, its home country of operati on may be its most importa nt source of competitive adva ntage.14. Both the size and the n ature of a country s domestic dema nd for a particular in dustry s care important in Porter s model of national competitive advantage.19. A major advantage of multidomestic strategies is the ability to customize for the specific market, although this sacrifices econo mies of scale.20. A global strategy assumes that the strategic bus in ess un its operat ing in each country are in terdepe ndent.22. A transnational strategy is difficult to achieve because the multiple objectives involved are con tradictory.26. Exporting and licensing are the most appropriate ways for smaller firms to first enter international markets.29. Although licensing is the least costly method to enter a foreign market, its disadvantages include high costs of transportation and low control over the marketing and distribution of goods.30. Strategic allia nces tend to in crease the risk associated with intern ati onal expa nsion for the U.S. part ner because of the greater depe ndence on the foreig n firm.31. Establishi ng a wholly-ow ned subsidiary provides the quickest access to a new market.35. International diversification can help to reduce a firm s overall risk through the stabilization of returns.39. Intern ati onal strategies are complex and can therefore produce greater un certa inty for the firm.46. If a firm chooses to expa nd intern ati on ally, it must attempt to compete in all the major world markets, or else lose its competitive adva ntage.MULTIPLE CHOICE1. Shanghai Automotive Industry Corporation (SAIC) exports few cars outside of the Chinese market. Why might established automakers moni torSAIC closely?a. SAIC is prese ntly export ing cars to develop ing econo mies where these firms also compete.b. SAIC is grow ing in the Chin ese market where these firms also compete.c. SAIC is expected to seek en try into these firms home markets in the future.d. All of the above reasons are accurate.2. Chinese firms are becoming more competitive globally due to all of the following EXCEPTa. emerg ing tech no logical capabilities gained from foreig n part ners.b. the development of their own branded products.c. greater ability to export product due to the weakening of their currency relative to the dollar and euro.d. in creased man agerial capabilities.3. International strategy refers to a(an)a. action plan pursued by American companies to compete against foreign companies operating in the United States.b. strategy through which the firm sells products in markets outside the firm s domesticmarket.c. political and economic action plan developed by businesses and governments to cope with global competition.d. strategy American firms use to dominate international markets.7. The motivations for expanding into international markets include each of the following opportunities EXCEPTa. increasing the size of the firm s potential markets.b. increased return on investment.c. gaining a competitive advantage through location.d. favorable tax concessions and economic incentives by home-country governments.11. Moving into international markets is a particularly attractive strategy to firms whose domestic marketsa. demand a differentiation strategy for success.b. are limited in opportunities for growth.c. have developed unfriendly business attitudes toward the industry.d. have too much regulation.15. Firms with core competencies that can be exploited across international markets are able toa. achieve synergies and produce high quality goods at lower costs.b. enter new markets more quickly.c. enhance their market image and brand loyalty among local consumers.d. meet local government requirements more quickly than their international competitors.20. A fundamental reason for a country s development of advanced and specialized factors of productionis often itsa. lack of basic resources.b. monetary wealth.c. small workforce.d. protective tariffs.22. Which pair of industries would NOT be considered as“ related and supporting” under Porterdiamond model?a. Japanese cameras and copiersb. Italian leather and shoesc. U.S. computers and softwared. All of the above are related and supporting27. All of the following are international corporate-level strategies EXCEPT the strategy.a. multidomesticb. universalc. globald. transnational28. International corporate-level strategy focuses ona. the scope of operations through both product and geographic diversification.b. competition within each country.c. economies of scale.d. sophistication of monitoring and controlling systems.31. A multidomestic corporate-level strategy has need for global integration and need for localmarket responsiveness.a. low; lowb. low; highc. high; lowd. high; high33. A global corporate-level strategy emphasizesa. differentiated products.b. economies of scale.c. sensitivity to local product preferences.d. decentralizing control and limited monitoring.36. A transnational corporate-level strategy seeks to achievea. customization for the local market.b. economies of scale and centralized strategic control.c. global efficiency and local responsiveness.d. standardization of products across countries.38. Increasingly, customers worldwide are demanding emphasis on local requirements and companies are needing efficiency as global competition increases. This has triggered an increase in the number of firms using the strategy.a. multidomesticb. transnationalc. universald. global43. Multinational trade agreements such as the European Union, Organization of American States, and the North American Free Trade Association, encouragea. globalization.b. domestication.c. regionalization.d. nationalization.46. Most firms enter international markets sequentially, introducing their first.a. most innovative productsb. largest and strongest lines of businessc. most generic products, which will be more likely to generate universal product demand,d. products customized to the region48. The choices that a firm has for entering the international market include all of the following EXCEPTa. exporting.b. licensing.c. leasing.d. acquisition.49. The problems associated with exporting includea. merging corporate cultures.b. a partner s incompatibility.c. difficulty in negotiating relationships.d. high transportation costs.52. Which of the following is NOT a typical disadvantage of licensing?a. little control over the marketing of the productsb. licensees may develop a competitive product after the license expiresc. lower potential returns than the use of exporting or strategic alliancesd. incompatibility of the licensing partners54. One of the primary reasons for failure of cross-border strategic alliances isa. the incompatibility of the partners.b. conflict between legal and business systems.c. security concerns and terrorism.d. high debt financing.56. Which of the following is NOT a disadvantage of international acquisitions?a. They are very expensive and often require debt financing.b. The acquiring firm has to deal with the regulatory requirements of a host country.c. Merging the acquired and acquiring firm is difficult.d. It is the slowest way to enter a new market.70. The positive results associated with increasing international diversification have been shown toa. continue as the level of international diversification increases.b. level off and become negative as diversification increases past some point.c. become negative quickly.d. be centered in only one or two industries.ESSAY1. What are the motives for firms to pursue international diversification? What are the four basic benefits firms can derive by moving into international markets?2. What are the four factors that provide a basis for international business-level strategies?3. Discuss the three international corporate-level strategies. On what factors are these strategies based?4. Identify and describe the modes of entering international markets. What are their advantages and disadvantages?6. Identify and describe the major risks of international diversification.


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