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英语写作语言特点 (二),Content,非人称表达,词的效果,ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content & Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.,一 非人称表达,汉语思维往往从自我出发来叙述事物,因此在句子开头成分上往往是“人”,如我、他 、小李。以人称或有生命的物体来 展开话题讨论。 英语比较重视客体思维,用无生命的词语作主语。,物称主语或非人称主语是英语的一个表达习惯。,抽象名词 物主代词+抽象名词 一般名词 there be 结构 it is 结构 时地名词,1 抽象名词,Withdrawal from employment to complete domesticity is far less threatening experience for a woman than for a man. Reluctance among men to retire was associated with anticipated deprivations, mainly of money rather than of attachment. Shortness of time has required the omission of some places of natural beauty and of historical interest. These realizations do not dawn until my mid-life.,2 物主代词+抽象名词,His weariness and increasing heat determined him to sit down in the first convenient shade. Dengs good health and bouncing energy is a source of happiness to people across the land. Public awareness of the environment has created a surge of interest in home gardening. My delight knew no bounds when I learned that I had pass the entrance examinations. Because of their intelligence and refusal to conform to societys and intellectual values, many are deprived of a chance to learn adequate social skills and acquire good communication tools.,3 一般名词,After a hundred yards or so I tried to speak, to offer some great words of wisdom and motivation, but my words and my breath failed. Somewhat our path took us toward the park and across a footbridge. The thick carpet on the corridor killed the sound of my footsteps. To most housewives, a shopping trip often serves as an escape from housework as well as a relief from boredom. Within days, panic buying emptied store shelves.,Years later, financial difficulty forced my high school to close its doors for good. An evening with him was an evening spent in listening to a monologue. The slightest hint of disagreement, from anyone, on the most trivial point, was enough to set him off on harangue that might last for hours.,4 there be 结构,There has been an increasing awareness of the inadequacies of our judicial system.,5. it is 结构,However, it is generally accepted among psychologists that most of us fail to do justice to ourselves. Its commonly held that the competitive ethic can be taught in sports. It is widely believed that there is a fear in the minds of most people today. They are afraid of the future. It is a common misconception that if a person is gifted, wonderful ideas will flash spontaneously into mind. It never occurred to him that he and his doing were not of the most intense and fascinating interest to anyone with whom he came in contact.,6 时地名词,The twenty years between 1970 and 1990 witnessed what might be called the industrial revolution in the home. The first decade in space saw accomplishments in science and technology which affected our concept of the entire universe.,不同的人对退休持有不同的态度。 Attitude towards retirement vary from person to person. 我永远不会忘记这个教训。 The lesson will be rooted in my memory forever.,二 词的效果,用词不仅要注意变化,避免不必要的重复,还要注意词所产生的语言效果,即用词要具体、准确、生动,要能给人以强烈的感染力和艺术效果。要做到这点要注意:,1 具体词的运用 2 感官词的运用,1 具体词的运用,什么是具体词和笼统词?试比较以下两组词汇。,几乎所有事物和概念都可以进行不同程度的分类,从最笼统至最具体。笼统词抽象、外延广、弹性大,但容易流于空洞,适合于文章的开头和结尾等概括性部分。具体词针对性强、确切、富有个性,适于段落中细节的刻画、论点的阐述以及事物的描写。如果一个人在行进,你可以笼统地说“He is moving”,具体一点“He is running”,再具体一点“He is jogging”。,1a When Pope Paul VI gave her an expensive car that he had used during a visit to Calcutta in 1964, she sold it without ever stepping inside used the money to build a clinic in West Bengal. 1b. When Pope Paul VI gave her the Lincoln Continental limousine he had used during a visit to Calcutta in 1964, she sold it without ever stepping inside used the proceeds to start a leper colony in West Bengal.,2a. At 50 yards he fell, and I helped him to his feetHe looked like he was going to cry, and said that he wanted to run with the others. 2b. At 50 yards he stumbled and fell, and I helped him to his feetHe began to get teary-eyed and stammered that he hadnt even tired yet.,3a. My father died from the “the poor mans friend”, pneumonia, one hard winter when his usual lung troubles had left him low. 4a. My father died from the “the poor mans friend”, pneumonia, one hard winter when his bronchitis and emphysema had left him low.,4a. She had straight As and scholarship offers from some of the most prestigious universities in the country. 4b. She had straight As and scholarship offers from some of Stanford and Cornell.,5a) You cant tone up your body by pulling on your gym shoes and jogging around the block a couple of times anymore. Why? Because youll be laughed off the street by the “serious” runners the ones who run twenty miles or more a week in their sixty-dollar running suits and fancy shoes. The runners arent t nearly so snobbish as the dancers, however. 5b) You cant tone up your body by pulling on your sneakers and slogging around the block a couple of times anymore. Why? Because youll be laughed off the street by the “serious” runners the ones who log twenty miles or more a week in their sixty-dollar running suits and fancy shoes. The runners arent t nearly so snobbish as the dance freaks, however.,2 感官词的运用,用词要能给人感官刺激,即这些词往往能使人触到,尝到, 闻到, 听到和看到写的东西。,What can you taste?,Sour, sweet, Bitter, salty, peppery,spicy, hot, juicy,2 感官词的运用,用词要能给人感官刺激,即这些词往往能使人触到,尝到, 闻到, 听到和看到写的东西。,What can you smell?,Acrid, fetid, greasy, rancid, stench, pungent, fragrant, moldy, garlicky,The stench of rotting fish/ burning rubber There was a strong/unbearable stench of dead bodies. I sat down to a cup of wonderfully pungent Turkish coffee. 味道很浓的 a pungent political comedy 辛辣的讽刺喜剧,What sound can you hear ?,Roar, scream, shriek, buzz, chatter, chime, crackle, crash, hiss, murmur, rustle, splash, tinkle,We could hear the lions roaring at the other end of the zoo. a plane roared overhead All of a sudden he let out a piercing shriek/scream, and I dashed upstairs to see what the matter was. 他突然发出一声尖锐的叫声 A bee/fly buzzed. I was woken up by the chimes of the cathedral bells.大教堂的钟鸣 The radio/ telephone crackled just then and I missed what was said. 噼啪声 Why do snakes hiss? The leaves rustled in the breeze. 树叶在微风中沙沙作响。 Her skirt rustled as she walked. 她走动时,裙子发出了瑟瑟声。,A stream of coffee splashed over the counter. 好多咖啡溅在了柜台上。 Some small old-fashioned shops still have a bell which tinkles when you push the door open. 当你推门时它会发出叮当声。,What can you see ?,Bloody, blaze, golden, glitter, inky, chalky, muddy, foamy, transparent, foggy, sparkle, glimmer,The garden is a blaze of color at this time of year. 五彩缤纷 All that glitters is not gold. I always have chalky fingers after Ive been writing on the blackboard/ chalkboard. The snow/ sea sparked in the sunlight.雪在阳光下闪烁着。 We could see the lights of the village glimmering in the distance. 远处村庄隐隐发出的灯光。,e.g.1 The man walked down the street. Along the way, he saw a dog. Then he saw a car going past. It just missed a young boy who was crossing the street. He stepped in some water and then turned around and went home.,E.g.2 The frail, elderly tramp hobbled down the sidewalk, his white hair waving in the breeze. Suddenly, he noticed a black-and-white pup waddling in the damp grass by the curb. It barked at him and scampered away. He snorted at the dog in disgust. Then he froze! A blond boy in blue jeans dashed into the street, just as a red Benz roared towards him. The horn of the car blared as the speeding driver swore, narrowly missing the child. Distracted by the accident, the tramp stepped into that large puddle, soaking his shoes. Disheartened and shaking, he turned and plodded slowly toward a house in the distance.,Thank You !,


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