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英语写作中常见的错误,误:Worker can get benefits from working hard. 正:A worker/The worker/Workers/The workers can get benefits from working hard.,可数名词永远不能单独使用。必须在其前面加上限定语(the /an/a/this/that/my/your),否则它后面就必须加复数。,误:The fresh water is the most important thing in the world. 正:Fresh water is the most important thing in the world. 误:He didnt have the lunch at school. 正:He didnt have lunch at school. 误: He left book at home. 正:He left the/his book at home. 误: I wanted to buy bike. 正:I wanted to buy a/the bike.,2. 冠词多添或缺漏:,误:Work at home will become possible in the future. 正:Working at home will become possible in the future.,3.动词原形不能作主语,要用其doing或to do形式。,误: He come up with a new suggestion at the meeting yesterday. 正: He came up with a new suggestion at the meeting yesterday. 误:He is respect by us all. 正: He is respected by us all.,4.动词的被动式或过去式千万别忘了加-ed或-d, 如果是不规则动词一定不要写错.(记熟“不规则动词!),误:The problems that are caused by pollution is very hard to resolve. 正:The problems that are caused by pollution are very hard to resolve. 误:How these factors interact are still unknown today. 正:How these factors interact is still unknown today.,5. 主谓不一致。如果主语较长,就一定要检查谓语的单复数。,误:Many students are like studying English. 正:Many students like studying English. 误:His help like the sun. 正:His help is like the sun. 误:I againsted your suggestion. 正: I was against your suggestion.,6.like(喜欢)是动词,前面不要加be动词(is,are,am,was,were). like(像)/against(反对)是介词,不可以直接作谓语。,误:Cultures around the world were becoming increasingly similar today. 正:Cultures around the world are becoming increasingly similar today. 误: Yesterday we carry out /had carried out a survey about the traffic jams in our city. According to the result, we knew that 正:Yesterday we carried out a survey about the traffic jams in our city. According to the result, we know that,7.除非是描述过去的事情或举过去的例子,否则议论文很少会用到过去时;但描述过去的事情用过去时。,误:Some people are against the practice, other people think highly of it. 正:Some people are against the practice, while other people think highly of it. While some people are against the practice, other people think highly of it.,8. 在任何一个复杂句里,如果句首和句中都没有连接词,而且也并不是连接词被省略的情况或定语从句,那么这句话一定是个病句。,误: He has three sons, all of them are doctors. 正:He has three sons, and all of them are doctors. He has three sons, all of whom are doctors.,误:There is a woman mop the stairs. 正:There is a woman mopping the stairs. There is a woman who is mopping /who mops the stairs. 误:There were many people kill in the incident. 正:There were many people killed/who were killed in the incident.,9.there be句型后面的名词再跟动词时不要用动词原形,要用非谓语动词(doing, done, to do),或定语从句。,误:There are about 50% of the students dont agree with him. 正:There are about 50% of the students who dont agree with him. There are about 50% of the students not agreeing with him. About 50% of the students dont agree with him.,误:There were had many books in the library. 正:There were many books in the library. 误:There have some bikes in the shop. 正:There are some bikes in the shop. 误:There is an old sentence says “Practice makes perfect.” 正:There is an old sentence saying “Practice makes perfect.”,误: I believe I can do it well and I will better know the world outside.正:I believe I can do it well and I will know the world outside better . 误:I very like him. 正:I like him very much.,10.修饰语错位,误:To do well in school, good grades are important.正:To do well in school, a student needs good grades. 误:At the age of ten, my grandfather died. 正:When I was at the age of ten, my grandfather died.,11. 句子前后的逻辑关系混乱不清,误:That day had a English exam. 正:That day we had a English exam. 误:According to the survey, it tells us 正:According to the survey, we know that,误: Unable/Failing to finish the work , the work has to be left undone. 正: Unable/Failing to finish the work , I went to Tom for help.,形容词短语或非谓语动词(doing; done ;to do)作状语时,其逻辑主语需与句子的主语一致。,误:The price of the dictionary is very expensive/cheap 正:The price of the dictionary is very low/high The dictionary is very expensive/cheap 误:His fathers body is strong. 正:His father is strong.,12.汉语式英语,用词搭配不当。,heavy/little traffic a large/small population a large crowd/audience a fast/sound sleep(熟睡),注意一些形容词和名词的搭配:,误:He was disappeared. 正:He disappeared. 误:My purse was missed. 正:My purse was lost. 误:I am agree with him. 正: I agree with him.,13.多用或漏用be动词。,误:I against this practice. 正: I am against this practice. 误:We are very loved him. 正: We love him very much. 误:I was failed in the examination. 正: I failed in the examination.,误: This passage discussesd the importance of 正: This passage discusses the importance of 误:If you lost it, you should called 110. 正: If you lose it, you should call 110.,14.时态。,误:You can dialed 112. 正: You can dial 112. 误:You must keeping it. 正: You must keep it. 误:You can opened it. 正: You can open it. 不要把副词当成情态动词: 误:He only/always get 正: He only/always gets,15. 情态动词(will-would, shall-should, dare-dared, can-could, may-might, need,must,ought to)后不要跟过去式:,误:They will visit GZ in next yeat. 正: They will visit GZ next yeat. 误:I attended a lecture in yesterday/in this morning. 正: I attended a lecture yesterday/this morning. 误:Because the heavy rain we cant hold the sports meeting. 正: Because of the heavy rain we cant hold the sports meeting. Because the rain is heavy we cant hold the sports meeting.,16.多加/缺漏介词等。,练习,1.工人从辛勤劳动中获益。 2.在家工作在未来将成为可能。 3.很多学生喜欢学习英语。 4.一些人反对这种做法,一些人对其高度评价。 5.他有三儿子,全都是医生。 6.有句谚语说 “熟能生巧”。 7.那天有英语测试。 8.那本词典真贵。 9.他总是能得到他想要的。 10.因为大雨,我们举办不了运动会。,Keys:,1.A worker /The worker/Workers / The workers can get benefits from working hard. 2. Working at home will become possible in the future. 3. Many students like studying English. 4. Some people are against the practice, while other people think highly of it. 5. He has three sons, and all of them are doctors. /He has three sons, all of whom are doctors.,6.There is an old sentence say ing “Practice makes perfect.” 7. That day we had a English exam. 8. The price of the dictionary is very low/high./ The dictionary is very expensive/cheap 9. He always gets what he wants. 10. Because of the heavy rain we cant hold the sports meeting./Because the rain is heavy we cant hold the sports meeting.,比较级时用了不同性质的二者比较: 误: The weather here is warmer than Beijing. 正: The weather here is warmer than that of Beijing.,下列形容词表语时通常不用人作主语: possible/impossible possible/ impossible necessary /unnecessary probable/ improbable convenient /inconvenient He is impossible to sleep.() It is impossible for him to sleep.( ) He is convenient to get there. .() It is convenient for him to get there. .( ),


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