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Your Subtitle Goes Here,英国部分专八复习,大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国,The Union Jack,The National Emblem,天佑女王,The National flower the capital,Languages used in Britain,The commonwealth: Commonwealth of Nations,British Empire: The geographic and political units formerly under British control, including dominions, colonies, dependencies, trust territories, and protectorates. At the height of its power in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, it encompassed territories on all continents, comprising about one quarter of the worlds land area and population.,英联邦成员共54个 -53个,安提瓜和巴布达、澳大利亚、巴哈马、孟加拉国、巴巴多斯、伯利兹、博茨瓦纳、文莱、喀麦隆、加拿大、塞浦路斯、多米尼加联邦、冈比亚、加纳、格林纳达、圭亚那、印度、牙买加、肯尼亚、基里巴斯、南非、莱索托、马拉维、马来西亚、马尔代夫、马耳他、毛里求斯、莫桑比克、纳米比亚、瑙鲁、新西兰、尼日利亚、巴布亚新几内亚、圣基茨与尼维斯、圣卢西亚、圣文森特和格林纳丁斯、萨摩亚、塞舌尔、塞拉利昂、新加坡、所罗门群岛、斯里兰卡、斯威士兰、坦桑尼亚、汤加、特立尼达和多巴哥、图瓦卢、乌干达、英国、瓦努阿图、赞比亚、巴基斯坦、卢旺达。,Ben Nevis the Pennine Chain,The Pennine Chain- Backbone of England,Important rivers,climate,Mid-latitude oceanic climate Plentiful precipitation throughout the year Temperature variations throughout the year are relatively small.,London,Famous sight spots in London:,英国历史,1、封建时代以前 1) Early settlers: Iberians-6000 B.C. Bellicose Celtic tribes-2000 B.C. Three waves of invasion from the Celts,Gaels 700 B.C.,Britons 500B.C.,Belgae 100 B.C.,2) The Roman period (55B.C.-410A.D.) Real conquest began in 43 A.D. Major influence: Its system of roads, Church Language and culture-not successful Influence-urban areas + aristocracy Vast majority-untouched,3) Anglo-Saxon period In the middle of the 5th century, Anglo-Saxons settled here. English people owe much of their tradition, language, physical heritage to them (tall, fair-haired). Viking invasion: by the 8th, the Danish began to invade England in a successful way until Alfred the Great defeated them.,4) The Norman Conquest After Edward died, Duke of Normandy-William I, was crowned in London, on Christmas Day 1066. Significance: A. A new dynasty, a new aristocracy B. A strong Norman government, feudal system C. The upper ranks of the clergy were Normanized and feudalized.,2、封建时代,1)Williams rule(1066-1087) A. strong monarchy was established B. French language was used in the court and upper classes C. Domesday Book: great survey of the realm in 1089 2) Henry s reform (1154-1189) A. Established the Plantagenet Dynasty (1154-1485) B. replaced the feudal law with royal or common law, the jury of 12 sworn men 3) Magna Carta (the Great Charter) in 1215 A. signed by king John B. the basis of modern English constitution C. the upholding of individual rights against arbitrary government,4) the parliament in 1265 A. during Henry , Simon de Montfort called the first parliament B. commoners sat for the first time 5) the Hundred Years War (1337- 1453) A. between France and England, French won B. introduced the first standing armies in Western Europe C. bourgeoisie was pushed on a higher rang of social ladder D. fall of French language in England E. England and France was separate from each other entirely forever,6) The back death in 1348 A. spread by rat fleas B. killed 1.5 million out of the total 4 million people C. grain farming turned to sheep farming 7) Wat Tylers Uprising in 1381 A. in fighting against the Poll Tax in 1380 B. marked the beginning of the end of serfdom in medieval England 8) The war of the Roses A. between House of York (white rose) and House of Lancaster (red rose) B. Marked the end of middle ages and beginning of modern world,3. 走向现代英国,1)Henry (1509-1547) A. the Church of England separated from Roman Catholicism B. king of England became both the secular and religious world C. king became the real head of England as a nation state,2) Elizabeth (1558-1603) A. the last Tudor monarch, never got married for the good of the nation B. secure the church of England, compromise between RC and P C. destruction of Spanish Armada showed Englands superiority as a naval power,3) The English Renaissance A. from the beginning of 16th century to the 17th century B. the greatest English humanist:,4) The civil wars (1642-1651) A. parliamentary victory 1651 B. execution of Charles I 1649 C. Protectorate (1653-1659) Oliver Cromwell and his son 5) Restoration (1660) Charles returns with a big welcome and was crowned in April 1660, as the restoration of Stewart Dynasty,6)Glorious Revolution(1688) A. James was overthrown by parliamentarians with an invading army led by the Dutch stadtholder William of Orange B. Bill of Rights, autocratic monarchy-constitutional monarchy C. marked the end of feudalism and the beginning of capitalism Britain came into being in 1707 with the Act of Union which united England and Scotland. 7)Whigs and Tories Whigs favored reform and Tories are monarchists.,8)Enclosure A. a significant rise during the Tudor period B. during 18-19th century, the Enclosure Acts by the parliament C. harms: Peasant Dispossessed of their land D. significance: better farming methods accumulation of capital abundant food cheap and mobile labor,9) Industrilization : Factors favorable to England,Some big innovation,Significance:,A. The new industrialists appeared and industrial production prospered; B. Towns grew up, big cities sprang up in central and northern England, became the source of the nations wealth; C. The class structure was simplified, middle class became the ruling element in society; D. A class of proletariat appeared and relations between capital and labor were aggravated, trade union came into being.,19th century : 1) The Chartist Movement (18361848),2) Parliamentary reforms: (1832-1885) A. The Reform Bill of 1832 B. The Great Reform Bill in 1867 C. The Third Reform Act in 1884 and Redistribution Act in 1885: voting was becoming a right rather than privileged.,3) Colonial expansion Motivation: A. economical motivation; B. industrial revolution and search for new markets; C. Struggle for mastery; D. Maintaining order in profitable areas; E. The moral guardian. “The sun never sets”,20th century :,1. The Labor party 2. First world war 3. between the wars 4. Second world war 5. postwar Britain 6. joining the EEC (1973) 7. Thatcher and her era,Thatcher and her era,“The Iron Lady” (tight control of Britains monetary policy) - the first female Prime Minister in the nations history in 1979.,21th century :,1. Iraq war and a war against Terrorism 2. Blair and Brown 3. Britain and EU,Politics and law: 1) the monarchy,2) Parliament 3) the Prime Minister and the Cabinet 4) the Privy Council 5) Cantral and local government 6) the Judiciary ,Four categories of cabinet members,Festivals in Britain,1. Christmas 2. New Years Day 3. Guy Fawkes Day (Nov. 5th) 4. Edinburgh International Festival (August) 5. Queens Birthday (April 21th, but celebrated on the second Thursday of June),Religion:,1. The state Church of England, or the Anglican church, or the church of England 2. Its spiritual leader is the Archbishop of Canterbury, or also called the primate of all England. the Archbishop of York is the Primate of England.,The Free (or nonconformist) Churches are :,Other major churches are:,日报:,星期日周报,期刊杂志,广播与电视,BBC (founded in 1922), the independent Televison Commission (ITC founded in 1972), the Radio Authority.,通讯社,Reuters, the Press Association Ltd., Extel Financial,Sports,Cricket, soccer, Rugby football, tennis, golf,Transitional Page,Your Topic Goes Here,Your subtopic goes here,Elements,


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