冀教初中英语八下《Lesson 7 Planting Trees》PPT课件 (2)

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冀教初中英语八下《Lesson 7 Planting Trees》PPT课件 (2)_第1页
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Unit2 Plant a plantLesson7 Planting TreesWarm-up1Presentation2Language Points3Exercise4内容结构内容结构1.When is Tree Planting Day in China?2.What are the basic steps for planting a tree?Warm-upTalk about the questionshole n.洞洞Maybe you should make the hole a little bigger.也许你应该把洞再挖大一点。也许你应该把洞再挖大一点。cover v.覆盖覆盖 n.盖子盖子Now,put the seeding inside,cover the roots and fill the hole with dirt.PresentationNew wordscover.with 用用盖住盖住holelargecoverfillstormdirtynorthernbottomn.洞洞adj.大的;巨大的大的;巨大的v.覆盖覆盖 n.盖子盖子v.装满;充满装满;充满n.暴风雨暴风雨adj.不干净的;肮脏的不干净的;肮脏的adj.北方的;北部的北方的;北部的n.底部;最下部底部;最下部Read togetherRead and answer.1.What are Li Ming and his classmates doing on March 12?They are planting trees as a school project.2.Why do many people come to plant trees?Because the environment is changing and they want to do something to help.3.What are the basic steps for planting a tree?Dig a hole,put the seedling inside,cover the roots,fill the hole with dirt,pack the dirt around the tree and put water in the bottom of the hole.Read the lesson and write true(T)or false(F).1.Li Ming and Wang Mei were having a picnic on a farm.()2.They asked a teacher for help.()3.Li Ming saw another group of people on the hillside.()4.Wang Mei really liked the project.()1FFFTFill in the blanks with the words in the box.bottom hole around cover roots1.Put the _ of the seedling into the hole.2.Put a little water in the _of the hole.3._the roots and fill the hole with dirt.4.Pack the dirt _ the new tree with your feet.5.Dig a big_ enough to hold the roots of the seedling.rootsbottomCoveraroundhole21.fillwith 用用.填满填满Fill the pots with earth.在花盆里在花盆里装满装满泥土。泥土。He filled the bottle with wine.他用酒他用酒装满装满了那只瓶子。了那只瓶子。be filled with 被被充满充满/塞满塞满But the new roads and streets will be filled with many cars and buses soon.但是不久,新的道路又将但是不久,新的道路又将被被很多公共汽车很多公共汽车和小汽车和小汽车塞满塞满。Language points2.by the way 顺便说一下顺便说一下By the way,what do you think about this Team?顺便问一下顺便问一下,你认为这个队如何?,你认为这个队如何?By the way,which province are you from?顺便问一下顺便问一下,您来自哪个省,您来自哪个省?3.dust storm 沙尘暴沙尘暴The dust storm often happens in spring.沙尘暴沙尘暴经常发生在春季。经常发生在春季。Cathy wants to buy a scarf to protect herself from the dust storm.凯茜想买一条围巾,以抵挡凯茜想买一条围巾,以抵挡沙尘暴沙尘暴。4.turn into 变成变成The sofa turns into a bed.沙发沙发变成变成了床。了床。In a flash of light,the prince turned into a frog.一阵闪光之后,王子一阵闪光之后,王子变成变成了一只青蛙。了一只青蛙。5.for sure 肯定地;确定地肯定地;确定地No one knows for sure what really happened.没有人没有人确切地确切地知道到底发生了什么事。知道到底发生了什么事。If I talked,I would miss something,for sure.如果我说话了,如果我说话了,肯定肯定会遗漏些什么东西。会遗漏些什么东西。6.in the bottom of 在在.底部底部The bottle is hidden in the bottom of a ton of cotton.瓶子被藏瓶子被藏在在一吨棉花的一吨棉花的底部底部。In the bottom of the river,we can see many beautiful rocks.在在小河的小河的底部底部,可以看见许多漂亮的石头。,可以看见许多漂亮的石头。7.Its+adj.to do sth.做某事做某事Its very dangerous for me to do such things.我我做做这种事是非常这种事是非常危险危险的。的。Its important to do what is comfortable for you.适合自己的才是最适合自己的才是最重要重要的。的。I.Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases.fill with by the way dust storm turn into for sure cover in the bottom of dig large northern1.The _ _often happens in the _ area.2.Please _ the glass _ milk.3.If you only have the name,you cannot confirm the identity_ _.dust stormnorthernfillwithfor sureExercise4.All of us can _ our dreams _ practical reality.5.I noticed there was a hole _ _ _ _ his pail.6.You have 400 words for each question,_ _ _.7._ a _ hole and put the tree inside.8.The clouds had spread and _the entire sky.turnintoin the bottom ofby the wayDiglargecoveredII.Translate the sentences.1.顺便问一下,这是你的书吗?顺便问一下,这是你的书吗?By the way,is this your book?2.明天难保不下雨。明天难保不下雨。You cant say for sure that it wont rain tomorrow.3.烟雾弥漫了房间。烟雾弥漫了房间。The room is filled with smoke.4.渐渐地冻雨似乎变成雪花的模样。渐渐地冻雨似乎变成雪花的模样。The icy rain seemed like to turn into snow.Homework:Write a passage about your experience of planting trees on Tree Planting Day.(50-100 words)


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