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人教版小学六年级上册英语练习题(时间 、动词 、冠词练习)Whats the time?、1Look, speak out and write(看说、写)649 _717 _829 _955 _1020 _1137 _1205 _313 _738 _2Write out the time(写出下列时间)ten to eight _twenty-five to nine _fifteen to twelve _eighteen to eleven _twenty-two to two _seventeen to one _nineteen past twelve _ten past seven _two past two _3Fill in the blanks(用所给词填空)Is it half past seven?Nice to meet you, too.My name is Jim Green.Bye-bye.How old are you?Good morning!1)A: Good morning!B: _.2)A: Whats your name?B: _.3)A: _B: I am twelve.4)A: _B: Yes, it is. Its time for school.5)A: Nice to meet you.B: _6)A: Goodbye!B: _4Please match the time(请把下列时间配对)1)Its half past ten.2)Its twenty to eleven.3)Its two to two.4)Its five past twelve.5)Its thirteen past eight.6)Its ten to one.7)Its one past one.8)Its twenty-five past five.A. 1250B. 158C. 101D. 1030E. 813 F. 1205G. 1040H. 525动词1请在括号中填入动词的正确时态。(1)I am _(make)a toy car for my little brother.(2)Whats the weather like today? It _(be)windy.(3)My sister _(be)at home yesterday evening.(4)What _(do)you do every morning? I _(do)morning exercises in my school.(5)Whos _(call), please? This is Jack _(speak).(6)Im _ to visit a flower show tomorrow afternoon.(7)These cups _(be)very nice.(8)Look ! The kite is _(fly)in the sky.(9)My mother _(like)chocolate.(10)She can _(speak)English very well.(11)I _(watch)TV last right.(12)What _(do)he do?He _(be)a teacher.(13)I _(be)ill yesterday.(14)I _(wait)for Bob now.(15)He _(do)his homework yesterday evening.2根据画线部分答语写出问句。(1) _? Uncle Sam will be back tomorrow afternoon.(2) _? Go down this road, youll see the library.(3) _? I m going to downtown.(4) _? I did my homework yesterday.(5) _? She is reading a story book.(6) _? Well meet at seven at the school gate.冠词练习用冠词a,an或the填空。1I often go to swim in _Summer.2This is _ yellow pencil.3My mother is telling me _ old story, but it is interesting story.4Please give her _ apple.5I have _ hat. _ hat is new.6In _ evening, I often watch TV.7Where is my cap? It is behind _ door.8_ map on _ wall of their classroom is _ map of China.9Tom is _ English. Sam is _American.10Lily And Alice are in _ same class.


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