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东苑小学 英语 学科教师备课活页【教学过程】Step Warm up(1)Sing the song “How are you?” together.(2)Free-talk.T:Hello, boys and girls. Nice to see you. Welcome back to school.【设计思路】以上两个活动既可以营造学习英语的气氛,调动学生学习英语的积极性.Step PresentationShow a picture of a school by CAI.T: Look, what a big school! What can you see in the picture?1. Help the Ss answer the question with the sentence pattern: “I can see a in the picture.”Stick the word cards on the blackboard. Such as:(1) S:I can see a tree.T: You can see a tree. Its a tall tree.(2) Stick the word “tall”on the tree, teach the word “tall”.(3) T: We can see a tall tree in the picture. There is a tall tree in the picture.(4) Write the sentence “There is a tall tree in the picture.”on the blackboard, and read the sentence several times, help the Ss understand the meaning.课题:Unit1 What a big school! Lesson 1 主备人: 李 爽 时间:xx.8.26学习目标:(1) be able to read and write the words primary school, street, middle school.(2)To enable the Ss to understand and speak:there be.(3) To help Ss to understand the text in part Learn to say.个性设计:1. excuse me 2. Guangming Primary School3. my school4. get there5. go along6. turn right7. a tall tree8. in front of9. a middle school10. next to11. this street12. You are welcome.13. go together14. in the river15. near the house16. in the tree17. on the tree18. under the tree19. lazy20. come down2. Follow the same procedure to teach the words and phrases: street, primary school, middle school. Rewrite the blackboard writing to: There is a street/ primary school/ middle school in the picture.3. Stick the small pictures of flowers, grass and bird on the main picture. Ask the Ss to make sentences with the pattern: There is a in the picture.【设计思路】通过创设一种真实的语言环境,让学生能在真实的情景中学习.通过描述图片,可以检查与培养学生运用英语的能力,使学生养成用英语进行思维的好习惯,为进一步学习英语练就扎实的基本功.Step Practice1. Ask the Ss to put their own things under the tree on the blackboard, practice the sentence pattern: There is a under the tree.2. Pair work: Free talk with the sentence: There is a in/on/under/near3. Game: listen and drawDivide the whole class into two or three groups to have a competion.4. Listen to a story.Ask the Ss to find out the sentences with “There is” and answer the following questions.(1) Does the cat want to play with the bird?(2) What does the cat want to do?5. Act out the dialogue.【设计思路】单词的教学本身是比较枯燥乏味的,小学生生性好动,具有好胜心理,采用比赛的形式,让学生在反复操练中巩固本课的学习重点,从而达到语言学习的运用和交流作用.Step ConsolidationAsk one student to come to the front, put his things at some places, the other students make up sentences according to the real situation.【设计思路】“最佳讲解员”的设计,可以让学生把所学知识运用到实际生活,真正达到学以致用的目的。同时它还可以培养学生收集,归纳信息的能力。 Step Homework1. Tell the story to their parents.2. Make up sentences with “There is”to describe the classroom.课后反思:学生一般喜欢在游戏中完成自己的学习任务,所以我主要采取游戏学习方式来调动大家的学习兴趣,让学生乐于学习.同时学习英语的新思想是创设情景进行学习,我尝试去创设各种与教学相适应的情景去教学,达到较好的效果.东苑小学 英语 学科教师备课活页【教学过程】Step Warm up(1)Sing the song “There is a hole” together.(2)Game: T puts some things at differents places and asks the Ss to make up sentences with “There is a”. Such as, “There is a pen on the pencil-box.”【设计思路】以上两个活动既可以营造学习英语的气氛,调动学生学习英语的积极性,拉近师生的距离,又可以复习巩固第一课时所学词汇和句型,为上好本节课打基础。Step Presentation1. Put a pencil on the pencil-box and ask the Ss to make up sentence with “There is”.2.Put some pencils on the pencil-box and say: “There are two/ three pencils on the pencil-box. (Then use pens, rulers and so on to replace pencils)Write the sentence “There are” on the blackboard.3. Ask the Ss to make up similar sentences with “There are” 4. Play the tape and ask the Ss to find out the sentences with “There be”.Write the sentence “There are three buildings in our school.” 课题:Unit1 What a big school! Lesson 2 主备人: 李 爽 时间:xx.9.2学习目标:(1) be able to read and write the words headmaster, library, gym.(2)To enable the Ss to understand and speak:There be.(3) To help Ss to understand the text in part Learn to say.个性设计:1. good morning2. welcome to3. our school4. three buildings5. library6. teaching building7. so big8. grey hills9. in our city10. what else11. have tickets12. wait forHelp the Ss to understand the sentence and read it aloud.5. Listen to the tape again and answer the questions:“Who is the man? What are the three buildings?”Teach the new words “headmaster, library, gym”.6. listen to the tape and read the dialogue.7. Act out the dialogue.【设计思路】通过创设一种真实的语言环境,让学生能在真实的情景中学习.通过造句练习,可以检查与培养学生运用英语的能力,使学生养成用英语进行思维的好习惯,为进一步学习英语练就扎实的基本功.Step Practice1. Draw a simple picture on the blackboard and ask: Whats in the picture?2. Ss answer the questions with “There is” and “There are”.3. Ask the Ss to read the words “hill, river”, help them find the pronunciation of the letter “h, r”.Teach the pronunciation of /h/,/r/, 4. correct the wrong pronunciation.5. Match the words and phonetic symbol.【设计思路】单词的教学本身是比较枯燥乏味的,小学生生性好动,具有好胜心理,采用比赛的形式,让学生在反复操练中巩固本课的学习重点,从而达到语言学习的运用和交流作用.Step Consolidation1. Sum up the differences between “there is” and “there are”.2. Show some words and ask the Ss to make up new sentences with “there are”.【设计思路】让学生自己总结“there is”和“there are”的用法,他们会记得更深刻,然后给学生提供可以利用的词汇和情境,让学生自己造句,把所学知识运用到实际生活,真正达到学以致用的目的。Step Homework1. Act out the dialogue with their parteners.2. Write a small composition with “there is” and “there are” to describe their rooms.课后反思:本课采用活动课教学形式,通过游戏、歌曲、故事等多种活动,对语言进行了多种外在形式的表现,让学生“玩”英语、唱英语、讲英语,在参与各种活动的过程中加强了对语言多种形式的操练与运用。另外,在教学中,教师特别强调短语、句子的运用,鼓励学生组词造句,把单词放入有交际意义的句子或句群中去进行教学。东苑小学 英语 学科教师备课活页【教学过程】Step Warm up(1)Sing the song “How are you?” together.(2)Free-talk.T(put a bag on the students desk): Whats on the desk?Ask the Ss to answer.Step Presentation1.T (put a book in the desk): There is a book in the desk. Is there a book in the desk?Ss: Yes.T: Yes, there is.2. Ask some similar questions, let the Ss have more chance to practice.3. Write the sentence pattern on the blackboard, show different pictures to help the Ss to practice the answers.4. Put the book on the desk, ask: Is there a book in the desk? Ss: No. Help the Ss to answer: No, there isnt.5. Ask some similar questions, let the Ss have more chance to practice.6. Work in pairs. Ask the Ss to ask and answer the questions with “Is there? Yes, there is./ No, there 课题:Unit1 What a big school! Lesson3 主备人: 李 爽 时间:xx.9.7学习目标:(1) be able to read and write the words first floor, basketball court, lab, second floor.(2)To enable the Ss to understand and speak: Is there? Yes, there is./ No, there isnt.(3) To help Ss to understand the text in part Learn to say.个性设计:1. this way 2. a swimming pool3. in your school4. on the first floor5. a basketball court6. how about7. a lab8. on the second floor9. have a look10. in England11. a playground12. not very big13. a librarynear the seaisnt.7. T (show a picture of the teaching building): Is there a swimming pool in the building? Yes, there is. Its on the first floor. Teach the words and phrase “first, first floor”8. Follow the same procedure to teach the words and phrases: lab, second floor.9. Listen to the tape, and think about the questions.(1) Is there a swimming pool in the school?(2) Where is it?(3) Is there a basketball court?(4) Is there a lab? No, there isnt.Step Practice1. Listen to the tape and read the text.2. Discuss the questions in groups, ask a group leader to report the answers.3. Act out the dialogue, and elect the best group.4. T (show some pictures): Whats in the picture? Help the Ss to answer with “there is”and “there are”.5. T: Are there two birds in the picture? Ss: Yes, there are.6. Show the word “birds”, help the Ss to find the pronunciation of the letters “ds”.7. Teach the phonetic symbol /dz/, and follow the same procedure to teach /ts/.8. Play a match game.Step ConsolidationSum up: Today we have visited the Guangming Primary School with Susan and the headmaster, have you learned how to use “Is there” to ask and answer the questions?Step Homework1. Make up a new dialoge about visiting a school with a foreigner.2. Practice the sentence “Is there? Yes, there is./ No, there isnt.” with five different words.课后反思: 本节课的语音教学内容相对枯燥,但由于在教学设计中加入了竞赛、游戏、智力大比拼等环节,使孩子们一扫乏味的感觉,使得语音学习的难自然降低。整个教学设计从简单到复杂,在简单中融合难的部分,在复杂中结合简单的元素,符合学生学习的规律。例如第一部分,是导入设计部分.通过出示学生的用品,复习上节课所学句型,既巩固了以前所学的知识,东苑小学 英语 学科教师备课活页【教学过程】Step Warm upa. (1)Lets chantThere is , there are, Is there , are there,Yes, there is . No, there isnt.Yes, there are. No , there arent.(2)Free-talk.【设计思路】利用小诗的形式既复习了there be 句型的单复数形式,及单数的一般疑问句形式,又引出了新课的知识,复数一般疑问句,使学生对其有了初步的认识.。Step Presentationa. (Design)There are some computers in my school.Are there any computers in your school?T: Boys and girls, can you find out the differences?Ss: yes. T: How to change “there are ” into “are there”?Step1. put “Are”in front of the sentenceStep2. change “some” into “any”Step3. change “my” into “your”课题:Unit1 What a big school! Lesson 4 主备人: 李 爽 时间:xx.9.15学习目标:(1) To enable the Ss to understand and speak: teachers office, children, canteen Are there any computers in your school? Yes, there are./ No, there arent. Make sure that Ss can use these sentences in real situations.(2) To help Ss to understand the text.个性设计:the short chantThere is , there are, Is there , are there,Yes, there is . No, there isnt.Yes, there are. No, there arent.Step4. change “.” into “?” T:Who can answer? S1: Yes, there are. S2: No, there arent.b. Learn the new words. “teachersoffice, children, canteen”teachers教师们的 + office 办公室= 教师办公室 child孩子 + ren =children 孩子们can + teen = canteen 餐厅 【设计思路】本课是在第三课的基础上进行学习的,于是采用了陈述句与一般疑问句对比的形式,让学生去观察总结其变法,使学生从中获得成功的体验。Step Practice and consolidationa. Practice Eg. There are some computers in my school. Are there any computers in your school?1)There are some children in the classroom. _2)There are some balls on the desk._Eg. Are there any toys (toy) in your room?3)Are there any _ (boy) in your classroom?4)Are there any _ (teacher) in the teachersoffice?5)Is there a _ (bike) in the yard?Step Extensiona. learn “Read and Think”this part is a short dialogue, its easy.b. Let students learn by themselves and answer the questions :Is there a computer in Mr Gaos office?What does Susan want to do?课后反思: 本课的内容是在第三课Is there这个一般疑问句的基础上进行学习的,所以,教师主要采取了陈述句与一般疑问句对比的形式,让学生去观察品味其变换方式,总结其方法,不但使学生真正的成为学习的主人,而且培养了学生掌握学习方法的能力。使其在成功的体验中去寻找学习的乐趣。(如有不当,指同行批评指正).东苑小学 英语 学科教师备课活页【教学过程】Step Warm up1.Review some subjects : Chinese, math, art, music, science, PE2.Review the numbers : one one hundredStep Presentation1.Sing an English song 2.T: Children, do you love your family?Ss: Yes.T: Well, who wants to introduce your family?Lead out the new drill: How many are there in your ?Lead out students say : There are (Design: How many + n.s are there in/on/under?)3.Then stick some pictures on the blackboard ,to practice the new drill:How many are there in your ? There are 4.Do the dialogues about our school:T: How many art rooms are there in your school?S: There are two art rooms.T: What a big school! (make students repeat and grasp the 课题:Unit1 What a big school! Lesson5 主备人: 李 爽 时间:xx.9.20学习目标:(1) To enable the Ss to understand and speak: art room, music room, playground . How many classes are there in your school? Therere thirty-six. Make sure that Ss can use these sentences in real situations.(2) To help Ss to understand the text.个性设计:1. how many2. how much3. two art rooms4. two computer rooms5. a big playground6. have a good time 7. the train driver8. a fine day9. at the foot of the hill10. come with a gun11. shoot down12. one of them13. take it home14. calendarmeaning) 【设计思路】首先从介绍自已的家庭入手来引出新句,并在操练过程中,带出课文中的知识点,使学习由浅入深的进行,其贴图操练,有趣的画面,更能吸引学生的视线,调动学生的学习热情,从而使学习变成一件简单而快乐的事.Step Practice and consolidationa. Play the tape to listen the text. Then let students to read it , understand it.b. Fill in the blanks.Susan: How many _ are there in your school?Headmaster: Therere thirty-six.Susan: Really?Headmaster: Yes. We _ two _ rooms, two _ rooms, two _Rooms and a _ playground.Susan: What a _ school! I had a good _ in your school.Thanks a lot.Headmaster: Youre welcome.c. Show the ornaments to let students act the text.【设计思路】将课文放在操练巩固部分,更能加深学生对新知识的理解,升华对新知识的感悟,本环节设计的按课文原文填空,进一步帮助学生掌握课文,为分角色表演课文打下良好的基础.Step ExtensionLearn “Read and Think”,this part is an interesting riddle, Let students learn by themselves and find out the answer : How many rabbits are there now?【设计思路】这部分是一个有趣的智力题,让学生自学,自已找到答案,过程中学生激烈的讨论,真正的达到了新课标所要求的自主学习和探究学习。Step Homework请同学们找出how many , there are 是怎样完美结合的,它的重点是名词要用什么形式【设计思路】通过本课新句的学习,培养学生的观察与总结能力,通过本次作业,让学生更加理解新句的句子结构课后反思: 本节课采用了丰富的教学手段,化解难点,采用自主学习及探究式的学习方式,为学生的语言学习创造条件,使其积极的思考,讨论,使学生在寻找答案的过程中实践语言,表达观点,改变英语课教师一言堂的局面,真正的以学生为主体(如有不当,指各位同行批评指正)


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