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E1.虽然我方想满足你方的要求,但抱歉不能按你方的要求降价。即使我方价格与其他供应商的价格不同,那也是由于我方产品的质量远远超过贵处其他外国牌子。如果从我方购进,你方定会得利。然而,为有助于你方在此行业中发展,我们准备给5%折扣,如果此建议可接受,请早日告知你方定量。供应商:supplier;牌子:brands;定量:orderE5.本公司是专营电器出口业务的公司。我们的业绩在许多国家都很好。现借此机会去信发展贸易。如果贵方有兴趣与我方建立贸易关系,请将贵方的具体要求告知我方。我方将寄送样品和目录供贵方参考。恭候贵方答复。Words for Reference电器:electronic product ; 样品:sample ; 目录:catalogueE9.史密斯先生: 我在人力资源部已经工作了5年,一直很满意这一职位。 但是,一位朋友介绍我去ABC公司,并给我升职和加薪的条件,我已经决定接受此职务。为此,我特提前1 个月正式告知您我决定辞去您公司的工作。对于我在公司工作期间您给予的帮助,在此深表谢意. 敬启Words for Reference升职,提升:promotion 人力资源部: Human resources DepartmentE11.长城集团是一家专门从事计算机及相关产品的大型企业。1986年成立时,长城公司还是一个生产无线电的小型国有企业,工人不过100名。现在,长城集团已经成为全国十大企业之一,拥有员工150 000名。公司在计算机生产、软件开发等方面均处于国内领先水平。公司总部设在深圳,在全国各大城市均设有办事处和分支机构。Words for reference专门从事:specialize in ;办事处:agency; 分支机构:branch 国有:state-ownedE14.人们通常认为品牌只是个名字,但实际上,品牌形象还包含其他方面。名字当然很重要,但品牌不仅仅是名字。品牌理念基于这样一个原则:公司提供某个核心产品,然后赋予它附加值,使之优于类似产品。附加值意味着消费者愿意为此产品支付较高的价格。Words for reference品牌形象:brand image核心的:central附加值:aded valueE15.新产品的开发是一个组织的生命线。对许多公司而言,新产品占了销售和利润的相当打的一部分。如今,大部分新开发的产品的目标是满足某个具体的消费需求。因为营销者采用了系统性的方法来开发新产品,故新产品的开发正逐渐成为一项高效、高利的工作。Words for reference生命线:lifeblood;具体的: specific;系统的:systematic高利的:cost-effectiveE18.夏天,由于天热,人们容易变得情绪不稳定,脾气暴躁,很明显这对身体健康很不利。因此保持一种平静的心态是非常重要的。热天长时间在太阳下锻炼会中暑,建议在凉爽的早晚进行锻炼。然而,也不能做太多的体力活,这并不意味着你应该避免出汗。还是应该鼓励人们参加一些室外活动.Words for reference使不安,不稳定:unsettle;暴躁:short-tempered平静:tranqui/calm;中暑:sunstroke;出汗perspire;E21.由于质地柔软、耐用,我们的棉质床单和枕套倍受欢迎。您在研究我方价格后,自然会感觉到我们难以满足市场需求的原因。但是,若你方订货不迟于本月底,我方保证即期装运。并请早日告知你方定量。Words for reference耐用:durability;即期装运:prompt shipment;枕套:pillowcase;床单:bedsheet订量:orderE24.Dear Sir Currently,we are actively searching for an outside trainer for our new sales representatives in the coming April,and Eastern Consulting Group has been recommended to us as an option。Are you interested in conducting this program? 根据以上安排,两天的销售技巧培训和半天的实际演练,你们的收费是多少?参加培训的都是大学毕业生,均有1至2年的销售经历。总计40至50人。 由于时间紧迫,我们希望在下周确定培训人员,以便我们能够作整体安排。培训员必须会讲一点中文,最好有过在中国培训的经验。 Thanks foryoursupport and cooperation。 Yours faithfully Patty lu Orientation Program CoordinatorE25.我从今天的中国日报上看到你们招聘代表的启事,特此写信。本人有三年销售同类产品的经验,现在担任创维(Skyworth)公司东南地区的销售代表。本人很希望到大公司做海外销售,以求进一步发展。如果贵公司认为我适合做这项工作,本人愿意在你们方便的时间前来面试。E26.Answering machine:hi .you have reached the Whilsons.We cant come to the phone now ,but if you leave your name,number,and a brief message at the sound of the beep,well get backto you as soon as we can.琳达:我是导游琳达,我要给威尔逊先生留言。很抱歉,因为现在不是旺季,所以无法为您提供本周三去泽西岛的船只服务。如果您赶急的话可以改乘飞机前往。价格大约是船票价格钱的五倍。若须提供订票服务再与我联系,号码是22336.E31.您在网上看过家中购物节目吗?您能描述一下在家里网上购物是怎样吗?您是否曾经面临过这样的选择:在周末上街采购还是呆在家里网上购物?如今这两件事可以兼而有之了。网络成了许多人无需走出家门便可购物的途径。网络购物能取代商场购物吗?专家说,将来在家中购物会与商场购物并存,但绝不会取代商场购物。Words for reference网上购物:shopping by Internet并存:exist alongsideE32.了解人们在家中吃什么是很有趣的,而从中也许能了解到很多东西,。世界各地的居民有着各不相同的传统习惯,只有人们走出家门到外面就餐时,他们的饮食习惯才会发生变化,变得相互类似。最近的一项调查向我们展示了许多关于人们在饭店就餐的饮食习惯。Words for reference传统习俗:traditions;饮食习惯eating habits;调查:surveyE33.我是来自澳大利亚的游客,对我来说,北京是一个及其诱人的地方。我想游览一些北京的名胜古迹和风景点,尤其是天安门和故宫,您能告诉我哪个游览线路最方便最经济吗?我住在北京长城饭店,多谢。Words for reference诱人的:exotic;方便的 convenient:经济的:economicalE34.很多人以为减肥就是节食,甚至是绝食,顶多只能喝水或吃点水果。其实营养是所列出来的菜单几乎是什么东西都要吃,而且每天要换不同的菜,品种最好是达到30种。这样做主要是因为世界上除了母猪之外,几乎没有一种食物所含的营养素能完全满足人体需要。故每日摄入的食物要多样化Words for Reference营养师:nutritionist;营养素:nutritious element;母乳:mothers milk;多样化:diversificationE35.世界各地的游客每年都会涌向瑞典北部很远的一个地方,睡在用冰雕琢成的旅馆里。这家名为“冰雪旅馆”的旅馆坐落在北极圈以北200公里处的一个小镇上。它是第一家完全用冰建成的旅馆。有66个房间可供客人选择。旅馆还为那些选择在用冰建成的教堂里结婚的人准备了冰床。Words for Reference冰雕琢成:carved from ice;冰雪旅馆:ice hotel;北极圈:the Arctic Circle;冰床:icy bedE36.我们从上周的中国日报获悉,贵方对丝绸服装感兴趣。本公司是我地服装行业最大的出口商。我们愿意与你方在平等互利的基础上建立贸易关系。我们的真丝服装采用高档真丝面料、传统工艺加工而成。现随附一份插图目录及最新价格单供你方参考,请寄具体询价Words for Reference传统工艺:traditional workmanship;平等互利equality and mutual benefit;插图目录:illustrated catalogue E37.我们对你方在4月份广州交易会上展出的各种型号的数码照相机跟感兴趣。我公司是伦敦地区最大的电器进口商之一,经营该业务已经有10多年了。我们热切希望与你公司建立业务关系。目前我公司正在扩展进口业务,该产品正符合我们的要求。请寄全套产品的插图目录和价格单,并报你们能够现货供应的数码相机的成本、保险费和运费伦敦最低价。Words for Reference数码相机:digital camara插图目录:illustrated catalogues成本、保险费和运费伦敦最低价:the lowest price CIF London(CIF:cost ,insurance and freight) E39.请注意我方包装要求如下:1万瓶苹果酒,每瓶现套一个塑料袋,再装入一个较厚的精美纸盒内,每十盒装入一个点有泡沫塑料的纸板箱中。纸箱应足够坚固,已经得起粗鲁搬运和长途运输。请严格按照我方要求安装,以免运输途中受损。因圣诞节即将来临,务请尽早装运,以赶上旺销季节。E1:Although we are keen to meet your requirements , we regret that we are unable to comply with your request to reduce the price. Even if there is a difference between our prices and those of other suppliers,you will find it profitable to buy from us because the district. However, in order to help you develop business in the line ,we are prepared to allow you a discount of 5%. If you find our proposal acceptable, please let us have your order at an early date.E5:This corporation specializes in the export of electronic products , and we are doing well in various countries .Now we avail ourselves of this opportunity to develop trade with you . If you are interested in establishing business relations with us in the line ,please let us know your specific requirements .we shall be pleased to forward samples and catalogues for your reference .we anticipate your prompt response in this respect.E9:Dear Mr. SmithI have worked in the Human Resources Department for five years ,and I have been satisfied with this job.However ,a friend of mine has introduced me to ABC Company, and offered me the opportunity to get a promotion and increase in my salary , so I have decided to accept it .I therefore write this letter as a formal notice terminate my engagement with you one month from todays date .And please accept my sincere appreciation for your help during my work in this company. Your faithfully, E11;The Great Wall Group is a large-scale corporation , specialzing in producing computers and relevant products .When it was founded in1986 ,the Great Wall Company was a small state-owned company producing radios, with no more than 100 workers . Now ,with 150 000 employees ,the Great Wall Group has entered the list of Top 10 corporations in China.The Group is a market leader in the production of computers and development of software. The Group has its headquart in Shenzhen and branches in all the big cities in China.E14:People often think the brand is only a name ,but there are other aspects of brand image Names are important but brants are much more than names . The idea of brand is based upon the principle that a company offers a central product ,and then gives it added value to make it better than similar products .Added value means that the consumer is prepared to pay a higher price for the product.E15:The creation of new products is the lifeblood of organization. For many firms, new products account for a sizable part of sales and profits. Most newly developed products today are aimed at satisfying specific customer needs or wants . New product development is becoming increasingly efficient and cost-effective because marketers use a systematic approach in developing new products .E18:In summer ,due to the hot weather ,people tend to become unsettled and short-temperedobviously not good for health . therefore .maintaining a tranquil/calm mood is of great importance .Long time exercise in the sun can bring on sunstroke and it is advised to exercise in the cool early morning or evening . However ,people should not do too much physical labor,which doesnt mean you should advoid perspiring. People are encouraged tp participate in outdoor activities.E21:Because of their softness and durability ,our cotton bed-sheets and pillowcases are rapidly becoming popular ,and after studying our prices you will not be surprised to learn that we are finding it difficult to meet the demand. But if you place your order no have your order at an early date .24:Based on the above arrangement ,how much will you change us for the 2-大一sales skill training and a half-day role-play?The attendees are all college graduates with 1-2 years working/selling experience .The total number is up to around 40-45.As time is tight ,I think we need to confirm the trainer within the week so we can go ahead with the whole program ,It is a must that the trainer speaks a little Chinese , preferably with training experience in China.E25:I am writing in answer to your advertisement in todays China Daily for a sales representative.I have 3 years experience of selling the products you outlined, and now have the position of Area Sales Representative in the Southeast with Skyworth Co.,Ltd. I am now keen to advance my career in a larger organization with opportunities to engage in overseas selling techniques .If you think I may be suitable for this position, I should be happy to come for an interview at any time convenient to you .E26:I am Linda ,your travel agent .I want to leave a message for Mr.Wilson .Im sorry to tell you that there is no ship to Zexi Island this Wednesday because its not high season .if youre really in a hurry, you can take a flight .the price is probably five tmes that of taking a ferry. You can contact me at 22336 if you need to book a tocket.E31:Have you ever watched a home shopping program on the internet? Can you describe what it is like to shop at home by Internet ?Have you ever had to decide whether to go shopping or stay home and surf internet on a weekend ?Now you can do both at the same time. Home shopping programs on the Internet have become a way for many people to shop without even having to leave their homes,Will shopping by Internet replace shopping in stores? Experts say that in the future, home shopping will exist alongside store shopping but will never entirely replace it .E32:It would be interesting to know what people eat at home ,and the information probably would tell us a lot .There are different traditions in different parts of the world. When people go outside their homes to eats, their eating habits will change ,and they will become very similar, A recent survey tells us a lot about peoples eating habits in restaurants.E33:Im a tourist from Australia .Beijing for me is a very exotic place ,I would like to visit its scenic spots and historical sites, especially Tiananmen Square and the Imperial Palace. Could you give me some advice? Could you tell me which way is most convenient and economical? I am staying in the Beijing Great Wall Hotel. Thanks!E34:A lot of people belive that to lose weight ,they must go on a diet or go on a hunger strike even ,and they can only drink some water or eat some fruit at most .in fact the menu that nutritionists recommend shows that nearly all kinds of things should be eaten ,and people should change different dishes every day ,for a possible total of 30 kinds. The reason is that except for mothers milk ,no nutritious element contained in the food can totally meet the demands of the human body .so the food eat every day needs variety.E35:Tourists from all over the world rush to Swedens far north to sleep in a hotel carved from ice each year ,Named”Ice Hotel “the hotel is in a tiny town 200 kilometers north of the Arctic Circle which is the first hotel built completely of ice .Guests can select from 66 rooms. There are ice beds for those who choose to get married in the ice church.E36:We learn from China Dally last week that you are interested in silk clothes. We would like to introduce ourselves as a leading exporter here in the line of garments and are willing to establishbusiness relations with you on the basis of equality and mutual benefit. Our silk clothes are made of high quality silk materials with traditional workmanship. For your reference, we are enclosing an illustrated catalogue and the latest price list. If you are interested, please send us your specific inquiry. E 37:We are interested in your various types of digital cameras displayed at the Guangzhou Fair in April. We would like to introduce ourselves as one of the largest importers of electric goods in London ,which has been in this line for over ten years ,we have a keen interest in establishing business relations with you ,At present ,we are enlarging our import business and the price list ,we will appreciate it very much if you will quote us the lowest price CIF London for the digital cameras that can be supplied from stock. E39:Please note our packing requirements as follows:10 000 bottles of apple wine ,each bottle put in a plastic bag first ,then in a thick, exquisite paper box, 10 boxes to a cardboard carton padded with foamed plastic .The cartons should be strong enough to withstand requirements to avoid damage during transit ,As the peak season _Christmas_is approaching ,please expedite shipment for us to catch it.


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