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Unit 3 Topic 3 Section B导学案一、学习目标:1进一步学习过去进行时。2.学会表达赞成与否定。3.加强交际用语的运用。二、学习重难点:、1进一步学习过去进行时。2. 学会表达赞成与否定。一、自学自疑(一) 词汇过关I.看第135页P73-74的单词,试拼读,并小组内相互拼读。II.熟记并默写。1. 同意,应允 2、勇敢的 3.有用的,有益的 4.令人愉快的 5.一般 阅读教材一. 写出下面动词的过去式二. 在文中划出下列短语并翻译1.看电影 2.同意某人 3.一般_3太严肃_ 4.你说得很对_三、在文中划出重点句子并翻译1它不有趣吗?_2、我同意你的看法。_3、我并不这么认为。_4、我认为古典音乐很悦耳。_5、我并不了解。_三. 知识链接1.watch a movie=see a film“看电影”,与其相关的固定短语有:go to the cinema/movie/theater去电影院,watch TV看电视,watch a ball game看球赛。2.agree是不及物动词,意为“同意,应允”agree with sb.“同意或赞成某人的观点”。agree on sth. = agree about sth.“同意某事”。agree to do sth.“同意做某事”。agree + that从句,“为某事见解一致,承认某事”。3.pleasant adj.意为“令人愉快的”,其名词形式为pleasure,意为“愉快”,动词形式为please,意为“使快乐”。辨析:pleasant,pleasedpleasant:形容词,愉快的,特指某事或某物本身令人满意。E.g.a pleasant coatpleased:形容词,喜悦的,指某人(对某事或某物)感到高兴或满意。常用的短语:be pleased with sth./sb.意为“对某事或某物感到满意”。4Isnt it interesting?此句为一般疑问句的否定形式,名为否定疑问句,通常表示肯定的意义。注意:在否定疑问句的回答中,其答语yes的含义为“不”,no的含义为“是”。5I dont think so 的肯定形式是I think so.三、自疑我想问:_ 家长签字_预习等级_组长签三、自主探究活动一:Listen to 1a,read and say do 1b and 2a活动二:practice 1c and 2b.活动三:read 3a and 3b.四、自测一、选择填空( )1.-Hi,Jim!I will be on a visit to Beijing. -Oh,that must be a _trip.A.pleased B.pleasure C.pleasant D. please( )2.Listen!What a beautiful song! _I like it very much.A.I think so B.I hate it C.I dont agree D.I think its just so-so ( )3.I agree_my mother_most things. A.on,about B.with;about C.on;with D.with;at ( )4. -Didnt you go to the library yesterday morning? -_I went to the zoo with my parents.A.Yes,I did. B.Yes,I was.C.No,I wasnt D.No,I didnt.( )5.A dictionary can help us a lot to learn English well.Its_for us.A.careful B.useful C.successful D.beautiful五、自结我想说:_ 六、课后作业。 汉译英:1.我不赞同你。I _ _ _you.2.你难道不喜欢打篮球吗?_you_ _ basketball.3.昨天这时候你在做什么?What were you doing_ _ _yesterday?4.我不了解迈克尔。I dont _ _Michael.5.今天上午8:30我在做作业。I_ _my homework at 8:30 this morning.6.这辆自行车看起来很一般。This bike looks_ _.7.-我认为收集邮票很有趣。-你说的很对。-_ _collecting stamps is great fun.-_ _ _.II.完形填空 Now,people are stressed out(心力交瘁)in weekdays.Free time is important to us.How do we spend our free time?Here is a survery about how people_1_their free time.Trang Pham:I always use my _2_time for reading,playing sports and learning English.I think free time is the best time we feel_3_.We sometimes are really busy,but we should _4_ourselves a little time for relaxation.I think this is the perfect time to continue what we want to do.Vahid Morady:I usually talk with my friends and try to find_5_they need help.I think helping others makes me happy.Christian Morales:I have spent years on the Interent.I meet people from all over the _6_.I also study and play chess over the_7_.As an English teacher.I am also trying to talk with English learners over skype.Nazie:_8_I have free time,I often stay with my family-my husband and my daughter.We go climbing,go shopping and stay at home to watch TV.Sometimes we_9_our friends and sometimes I help my _10_with her homework,too.Free time is really precious(宝贵的)for us.We should use it to do what we want to do.( )1.A.cost B.have C.spend D.pay( )2.A.busy B.free C.good D.bad( )3.A.excited B.relaxed C.worried D.nervous( )4.A.give B.borrow C.lend D.busy( )5.A.when B.unless C.if D.or( )6.A.town B.country C.city D.world( )7.A.TV B.radio C. Internet D.class( )8.A.After B.Before C.When D.Because( )9.A.play B.visit C.look D.listen( )10.A.son B.daughter C.brother D.sister


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