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财务分析师英文简历表格 能不能着重细节的实施简历制作,是判定简历可否发挥出高利用效果的一大原因,针对那些想要取得心仪工作的求职者眼中,个人简历的细节通常会在表示的形式上下功夫,如部分标点符号的使用,是否出现错误,这些原因情况的出现,全部是求职者不期望见到的情况。一旦简历表现出不能够有效发挥出足够效果一面,那么简历即便一再递交,也极难打动招聘方渴求人才的愿望。有没有方向的对简历进行制作,这也是每一位简历书写者全部需要关注的创作方向,实际上,很多求职者即便个人的能力很出众,但她们多会因无法找到可提升能力的方向而促进简历的递交以失败而告终。求职者需要了解怎样让你的个人简历更具吸引力,它不但仅相当于求职者彰显自我能力的名片,在很大程度上,高水准简历还充当着求职成功率的保障。下面是xxxx和大家分享的,更多内容请关注()。Name:xxgender :maleBirth :*telephone :Degree :BachelorProfessional:International AccountingExperience :5yearsnational :HanSchool:* Universityaddress :*Email :Self Introduction:CGA, ACCA, CICPA, CTA. Bachelor of*UNIVERSITY, International Accounting.4+ years financial area experience with MNC. Familiar with ERP software such as SAP, Oracle.Good communicator and team player. Analytical, efficient and welladapted to pressure and diversity.BEC Higher, CET 6: 94.5. Fluent in oral and written English at work, especially financial English.Target Job:Desired Job Category:Financial Manager | AccountingSupervisor/General Ledger Reconciliation | Financial Analysis Manager/SupervisorDesired Job Industry:Fund/Stock/Futures/Investment | Internet/eCommerce | Real Estate Development/Construction and Engineering | Consumer Durables | Consumer Products(FMCG)Desired Salary:NegotiableDesired City:*I can start from:within 1 monthWork Experience:2021.2Now*LIMITIEDFinancial AnalystResponsibilities and Achievements:Performed daily control and review, assisted in consistent improvement of financial process.Developed various forecast and bottomup budget based on analysis of trends and reasonable expectation.Compared actual versus forecast/budget/history, explained key drivers for deviation and fluctuation.Delivered accurate and timely reports including highlights and risk analysis for management review.Held meetings with CFO, summarized major issues and replied to various inquires.Appraised for success transition and took over double workloads.2021.72021.1* CERTIFIED PUBLIC * ACCOUNTANTSEngagement ManagerResponsibilities and Achievements:Clients include fortune 500 MNCs of various industries.Monitored outsourcing and advisory service, maintained longterm relationship and developed new clients.Prepared periodic reports to clients headquarters overseas, summarized major variances, trends and risks.Assisted clients in establishment of monthly/yearly budget and short/long term plan.Coordinated with authorities as SAIC, tax bureau, bank and auditors to ensure compliance in all respects.Replied to clients ad hoc requests and advised on deficiencies of accountingsystem and internal control.Provided booklets and seminars to facilitate clients understanding of accountingstandardsTeamed with other professionals in audit and tax assurance of MNC.Achieved annual revenue of over 1 million and no client complaint.2021.72021.6*PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTSConsultantResponsibilities and Achievements:Prepared accountingdocuments, financial statements and tax returns filling on behalf of clients.Analyzed major financial index and traced variances and exceptions for reporting purpose.Communicated with internal functions to collect financial data for clients decisionmaking.Liaised with external parties such as suppliers, vendors and banks and provided necessary support.Dealt with clients daily requests, identified clients needs and provided feedback to supervisor.Participated in audit, tax assurance and advisory services for MNC.Promoted for excellent performance.Education:2021.92021.6*UniversityBachelorMajor Category:International AccountingCollege InfoOther Awards:Awarded academic scholarship in 2021 and 2021.Campus and Community Activities:Annual report analyst in *Appraisals for the Most Valuable Chinese Public Companies organized by Research Center for Chinese Corporate Governance of *University.


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