专题17 阅读、完形、语法填空、书面表达组合练

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专题17 阅读、完形、语法填空、书面表达组合练_第1页
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语篇专题练习(十七)一、阅读理解A(改编)We all have our favourite music, films or booksbut which are the most popular ever?The most popular albumThriller by Michael JacksonAt the time Jackson started writing his bestselling album Thriller, he hoped that his album would sell 50 million copies. He was wrongit sold over ten million more than that. Even today around 130, 000 copies are sold in the USA every year.The most popular classical musicBeethovens Fifth SymphonyWhen Beethoven was alive, his Fifth Symphony wasnt his most popular piece of music. But now most people know thedadadadah introduction. In the 20th century, the first four notes were used by other musicians to make different types of music like hiphop and rock and roll.The most popular novelA Tale of Two CitiesA TALEOF THIOCITIES双城记wMany people think the bestselling book of all time is one of the Harry Potter books. Its true that all the Harry Potter books together have sold about 450 million copies. But the most popular single novel is much older . A Tale of Two Cities was written by Charles Dickens in 1859 and has sold 250 million copies. The most popular 3The Shawshank RedemptionThe Shawshank Redemption, directed by Frank Darabont in 1994, didnt make much money at the cinema. It only became popular later on video, DVD and TV. It was based on a book by Stephen King. The writer sold the story for only a dollar.( C )1. Jacksons Thriller was sold over million copies as soon as it came outA. 40B. 50C. 60D. 70( D )2. About the most popular single novel, we can know.A. its writer is J. K. RowlingB. it has sold 450 million copiesC. it is one of the Harry Potter booksD. it was written by Charles Dickens(B )3. The best word for the blank is.ApaintingBfilmCpoemDplay(A )4. Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?A. Thriller turned out to be more popular than Michael Jackson expected.B. The Fifth Symphony was used in many other music forms by Beethoven.C. A Tale of Two Cities has sold more copies than all the Harry Potter books.D. The Shawshank Redemption made much money as soon as it came out( C )5 . Which section of a magazine is the text probably from?A . Sports Time.B . Science Study .C Culture WorldD . Nature Watch.B(改编)As a kid, I walked to the library several times a week and stayed up late reading . I checked out many books and returned them so quickly. The librarian once snapped,“ Dont take home so many books if you re not going to read them. ” “But I did read them all, ” I said .In college, when I created my online dating profile, in the “favorite books” section I put One Hundred Years of Solitude, A Moveable Feast, White Fang and so on . But I realized I hadnt read most of those titles for two yearsDavid was my first online date . He read about a book or two a week. When we compared libraries, we had only four titles in commonOn our seventh date, David and I visited the library.“I have a game, ” he said, taking out two pens and Postits . “Lets find books we ve read and leave reviews in them for the next person. ”We stayed there for an hourBefore leaving, I said,“I will tell you something Ive only read one book this year ” “But you like books, ” he said . “You like bookstores. You like libraries. Read a book! ”Back home, Davids charge to “read a book” echoed in my head. I bought books until they sat on everysurface in my house.I picked up one. Whenever I wanted to give up on it, I thought of David. “Hows your day?” David texted.“Good. A little tired, ” I replied. “I stayed up late and finished my book. ”David suggested we visit the library again. He pulled a book from the shelf, dropped to one knee, and opened it Inside, hisPostit read: Karla, it has always been you. Will you marry me?” His proposal had rested in the book for over a year.(C )6. How do the first two paragraphs help develop the story?A. By showing how rude the librarian was.B. By showing Karla was always a reader.C. By proving Karla just liked borrowing books.D. By proving its better to buy books than borrow books.(C )7. Which is the correct order of what happened to Karla?a. She had a game with David.b. She created her online dating profile;cShe was shown the Postit written to herdShe told David she only read one book that yeareShe found they had only four titles in commonA. dbeacB. baecdC. beadcD. dbace(D )8. Which sentence should be in the blank in Paragraph 5 from the bottom?AI just loved the idea of readingBI tried to appear to be a book loverC. I painfully realized most of my books went unread.D I felt him pushing me to be more of the person I used to be(C )9 . What does the underlined word “proposal” mean in Chinese?A.观点B.惊喜C .求婚D .便条(A )10 . Whats the best title for this text?A . Falling in love by the bookB A true lover of books knows no timeC Buying books for yourself not for your shelfD . Love books enough and books love you back二、(模拟改编)完形填空The king thought that it was time to find a wife. At the palace everyone was talking about the 11 . One of the servants asked, “ How will the king 12_his wife?”“The king wont, ” said the kings barber. I will. ” “You, a barber?” the servant asked in 13 .Its true, ” said the barber. I have a _14_mirror . This mirror can see all the faults in a person s qualities. It is impossible to 15 anything from the mirror. For every fault, a dark spot appears on the mirrors surface. If a girl looks 16 the mirror and no dark spots appear, she will be our queen ”Soon a lot of people gathered outside the barber s shop, but no ladies entered.The king became very 17 . “I have heard of a young woman who is highly praised by all who know her, but she is a poor girl 18 spends her days caring sheep in the hillside . Would you _J9marrying such a woman?” asked the barber. “I would, ” said the king. “Tell her about the mirror and see if she is 20 to come. ”The next day, the barber led the girl into the palace. Has the barber 21 to you about the mirror?” the king asked“ Yes, ” the girl answered . Everyone makes mistakes, 22 I am not different. But I love and protect my sheep and they seem to love me 23 . I am not afraid . ” The girl held the mirror, but not a single dark spot appearedOne of the ladies caught the mirror and passed it around to her friends . No dark spots appeared,either . It is a 24 !” the ladies cried . There is no magic in this mirror!”“If you had been as confident about yourselves as this young woman, you would not have been so 25 ,力 the king said . Perhaps there was no magic in the mirror, but it has found me a young woman who is worthy to be my queen . ”B noticeD informationB changeD communicateB silenceD timeB cleanD wonderfulB showD hideB downD around( C )11 . A . message C . news( A )12 A choose C connect( A )13 A surprise C front(C )14 . A . beautiful C magic(D )15 . A . stop C move( A )16 A into C after(B)17. A. scaredBworriedC. relaxedDhappy(D)18AthatBwhatCwhichDwho(B)19AmissBconsiderCpractiseDcontinue(C)20AkindB. crazyCwillingDclosed(B)21ApromisedBexplainedCexpressedDcomplained(D)22AorBbutCyetDand(B)23Ain turnBin returnCin factDin short(B)24AsignBtrickCdreamDwonder(D)25AbraveBproudCexcitedDafraid三、语篇填空 第一节(原创)it actiondecideusemusicin includekindonetopicWorld Water Day is on March 22 every year. The day is 26 to make people pay attention to theimportance of fresh water. The theme focus on _27 of clean water, sanitation and hygiene.This day was 28 put forward in Agenda 21 of the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environmentand Development in Rio de Janeiro. In December 1992, the United Nations General Assembly_2 thatMarch 22 of each year is World Water Day 301993, World Water Day was first celebratedWorld Water Day is celebrated around the world with different _3Lof activities. These can be theatrical and_3 activities. The day can also_3 activities of raising money for water projects. The activities are to encourage people around the world to learn about more problems about water and to take 34 to make a difference.In 2020, there was an additional focus on handwashing and hygiene because of the COVID19 So 35 is time to know more about World Water Day, as well as the importance of saving water26. used27. topics30. In31. kinds32. musical33. include34. action35. it第二节(原创)Da Mao and Er Shun are two giant pandas that have made the Calgary Zoo in Canada their home since 2018. They were expected to live there until 2023. However, they will head back to China earlier 36 expected.The zoo announced the news 37 May 12, 2020, saying the decision was made due to COVID19 travel restrictions. The restrictions have made it more changing for the zoo to get bamboo for the pandas to eat, Global New s reported.According 38 the zoo, 99 percent of a giant panda s diet is made up of fresh bamboo . Each adult giant panda eats around 40kg of bamboo a day“We believe 39 best and safest place for Er Shun and Da Mao to be during these challenging times is where bamboo 40 easy to get, ” said Dr. Clement Lanthier, president of the Calgary Zoo36. than37. on38. to39. the40. is 四、补全对话A: Hi, Jane. You made great progress in English during the long winter vacation 41. How did you learn English/ Can you tell me some learning methods ?B: Just by taking online courses and finishing my homework in time . Sometimes I watched the online classes again when necessaryA: But I didn t make full use of the time. So I can t catch up with my classmates now. I feel worried and hopelessB: 42. Dont worry/ Never give up/ Come on/ .Read a lot and do exercises, and you ll get improved.A: Good idea. 43. Can/ Could you help me/ Can I ask you for help when I have difficulties ?B: No problem. I am always there if you need help.A: Its very kind of you. By the way, what s the title of your tomorrow s speech?B: Only 1. 5C.A: Sounds interesting. But its just a number. 44. What does it mean/ What s the meaning of it?B: It means we need to keep temperature increases below 1 5C.A: If not, what would happen?B: Unexpected disasters would hit the earth again and again.A: True. The forest fires in Australia have given us warnings. 45. How long did the fire last/ Do youknow how long the fire lasted/B: The fires lasted for several months . It is reported that countless wild animals have been killed and thousands of people have lost their homes in the big fires.A: What a sad lesson!五、(原创)书面表达假如你是肖梅,你的好朋友Nancy最近情绪不好,在和父母交流上出现了问题。请你写一封信和她沟 通一下,开导她如何与父母交流。1 .要点:1)安慰Nancy;2)如何与父母交流。2.要求:1)文中不要出现所在学校的校名和师生姓名;2)词数100左右(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词麴。Dear Nancy,I am sorry to hear that you feel bad these days. And you dont want to talk with others. I know how you feel because I had similar problems before. But your parents are worried about you I think you should understand their feelings and let them know yours.First, lets put ourselves in their shoes. Parents love us and often try to prevent us from making mistakes. When we share our problems with them, we often look for a listening ear and an open heart, not a solution. So, what you need to do is to tell them about this difference and trust them.I hope these suggestions will help you and make you feel better soon.Yours,Xiao Mei参考答案一、1-5CDBAC 6-10CCDCA二、11-15CAACD 16-20ABDBC 21-25BDBBD、第一节26. used27.topics28. first29.decided30. In31kinds32. musical33include34. action35.it皿H-弟一节36. than37on38to39the四、41. How did you learn English/ Can you tell me some learning methods ?42. Dont worry/ Never give up/ Come on/ .43. Can/ Could you help me/ Can I ask you for help when I have difficulties ?44. What does it mean/ Whats the meaning of it ?45. How long did the fire last/ Do you know how long the fire lasted/ ? 五、Dear Nancy,I am sorry to hear that you feel bad these days. And you dont want to talk with others. I know how you feel because I had similar problems before. But your parents are worried about you. I think you should understand their feelings and let them know yours .First, lets put ourselves in their shoes. Parents love us and often try to prevent us from making mistakes. When we share our problems with them, we often look for a listening ear and an open heart, not a solution. So, what you need to do is to tell them about this difference and trust them.I hope these suggestions will help you and make you feel better soon.Yours,Xiao Mei


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