八年级英语下册 Module 1 Feelings and impressions Unit 2 I feel nervous when I speak Chinese 外研版.ppt

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八年级英语下册 Module 1 Feelings and impressions Unit 2 I feel nervous when I speak Chinese 外研版.ppt_第1页
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八年级英语下册 Module 1 Feelings and impressions Unit 2 I feel nervous when I speak Chinese 外研版.ppt_第2页
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八年级英语下册 Module 1 Feelings and impressions Unit 2 I feel nervous when I speak Chinese 外研版.ppt_第3页
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Unit 2I feel nervous when I speak Chinese.,.根据首字母及汉语提示补全单词 1.There is a message( 信息 ) on the mobile phone for you. 2.If you want to get good marks( 分数 ),you should work harder. 3.His hobby( 业余爱好 ) is collecting stamps. 4.I often feel nervous( 紧张的 ) when I speak in public. 5.The mother told her child not to go with strangers( 陌生人 ).Its dangerous. .根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空 1.I cant wait to open( open ) the present box. 2.She often spends two hours watching( watch ) TV. 3.Linda is veryexcited( excite ) about winning the first prize. 4.We wearglasses( glass ) in order to see clearly. 5.The music was so loud that it made myears( ear ) ring.,.用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空,hear from,arrive at,be good at,as well,be afraid of,1.Hearrived atthe station at five oclock yesterday. 2.Jackis good atdrawing.He often wins prizes. 3.I like English.She likes Englishas well. 4.Do you oftenhear fromyour friends? 5.My little sisteris afraid ofgoing out at night.,.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词 1.收到你的来信真是太棒了,我特别想与你见面。 It was great tohear fromyou,and I really want to meetyou. 2.玛丽迫不及待地要骑她的新自行车。 Mary cant wait toride her new bike. 3.我们要以祖国为荣。 We should be proud ofour country. 4.你觉得来中国怎么样? How do youfeel aboutcoming to China? 5.我开始不想去,但很快我就改变了主意。 At first I didnt want to go,but I soon changed my mind.,.单项填空 ( A )1.We are so excited about the football match. A.winningB.to win C.winD.to winning ( C )2.Im afraid of her this matter. A.tellB.to tell C.tellingD.told ( B )3.Thank you for me to your party. A.inviteB.inviting C.invitationD.invited ( C )4.Whats your ? I like listening to music. A.jobB.ageC.hobbyD.fan,( C )5.I spent a lot of time English last weekend. A.to practise speakingB.practising to speak C.practising speakingD.to practise speak ( C )6.The girl loves all kinds of sweet food, chocolate. A.specialB.especial C.especiallyD.specially ( D )7.The meat smells .Please throw it away. A.wellB.badly C.goodD.bad ( A )8.Do you take exercise every day? Yes.I always half an hour walking after dinner. A.spendB.take C.costD.pay,.完形填空 Are you nervous when you stand in front of the public?Are you afraid to make a speech? Li Jun,a middle school boy,felt shy when he was making a speech the other day.Li had thought it would be quite easy to speak in front of 1 classmates. “I was wrong.It was very different and much 2 than talking to my classmates during playtime,” Li said.“I tried,but it was really difficult to speak.I felt like a mute( 哑巴 ) and wanted to leave the classroom 3.” Li is not alone.Many middle school students now have the same 4 :they can talk about their ideas freely 5 their best friends after class,but cant speak in public. According to Zhou Hong,a teacher from a university,the main reason is that schools in China pay more attention to writing instead of 6.,Zhou hopes schools can give students more chances to open their 7,such as speech competitions,English corners and class discussions.Students can join in any one they want to.8 he also gives some advice to students.“During your free time you should 9 more.When youre speaking in public,take it easy.Just imagine youre talking to nobody and speak up your ideas clearly,” Zhou said.“That 10 a fine public speech and youll feel confident.”,( D )1.A.herB.myC.yourD.his ( A )2.A.harderB.easierC.betterD.later ( B )3.A.slowlyB.quicklyC.sadlyD.happily ( C )4.A.answerB.subjectC.problemD.question ( D )5.A.exceptB.besideC.fromD.with ( B )6.A.listeningB.speakingC.readingD.singing ( A )7.A.mouthsB.eyesC.mindsD.hearts ( C )8.A.ButB.SoC.AndD.Or ( B )9.A.playB.practiceC.writeD.watch ( D )10.A.reportsB.keepsC.hearsD.makes,.任务型阅读 Anger is a kind of feeling.Many things can make you angry.When your teacher gives you too much homework,when your team loses an important game,when a friend borrows your favourite thing and then breaks it,you may get really angry. Usually,your body will tell you when you are angry.For example,you breathe( 呼吸 ) faster,your face turns red,and you may want to break something or hit( 打 ) someone,but sometimes,you hide( 隐藏 ) your anger.For example,you may hide it in your heart.The problem is that if you do this,you may get a headache or your stomach may hurt. In fact,its not good to hide your anger,and its normal for you to get angry sometimes.But anger must be let out in the right way,without hurting others or yourself.,When you get angry,you can talk about it with other people.Its helpful to talk about your anger with an adult,such as parents,a teacher,etc.When you talk about anger,those bad feelings can start to go away.Here are some other things you can do when you start to feel angry:talk to a good friend,count from 1 to 100,give someone a hug( 拥抱 ),go for a bike ride,think about good things,etc. Remember that how you act when you are angry can make everything better or worse.Dont let your anger control you. 1.How do you know when you are angry?( 不超过5个词 ) Our body will tell us. 2.What will happen if you hide anger in your heart?( 不超过10个词 ) We may get a headache or our stomach may hurt. 3.What is this passage mainly about?( 不超过5个词 ) It mainly talks about anger./It is mainly about anger.,


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