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1.try to do 2. try not to do 3.ask for advice 4. give some advice5.write down 6. Why dont you do7.a foreign teacher 8. Its a good idea to do9. help sb. with 10. the best advice to do 11.a foreign teacher 12.take a long time to do13.take a deep breath 14. forget quickly15.change into 16.a piece of advice17. find it easy to do18. think about 19. practice speaking English20.dont forget to do,Module1,1.enter a competition 2. travel around the world3.invite sb. to do 4. the price of the ticket5.take off 6. a wonderful experience7. the first prize 8. send her a DVD9. land in send a DVD to her11. Italian food 12. more than13. give a concert 14. sold out15. at last / in the end 16. come true17. been to 10. western food,Module2,1.What are you up to?2. Have you heard the latest news?3. Dont panic. 4. Scientists have sent a spacecraft to Mars.5.discover life 6. several months7. space shuttle 8. learn a lot about9. on business 10. show sb. Sth.11. this evening 12. bring back13. arrive at / get to / reach14. make a model of 15. on other planets16. go around 17. an environment with18. be called 19. a small part of20. in the universe 21. solar system22. so many / so much,Module3,1. arrive in Beijing 2. know her3. get on well with 4. a foreign language5. hear of 6. in fact7. all over China 8. an 8-year-old boy9. work on a farm 10. drop out of school11. a few years ago 12. get an education13. with the help of 14. raise money 15. in the countryside16. people in China and abroad17. train teacher 18. a school with no electricity19. live better / have better lives,Module4,1.hear of 2. my favorite composer3.listen to music 4. a fan of football5. on earth 6. an old city7. the capital of 8. be called9. the most famous 10. not onlybut also11.thousands of 12.two pieces of music13.at the age of 14.more popular,Module5,1. sit by the river 2. go past 3.play in the garden 4. sit in the tree 5.on the tree 6. fall into the hole 7. a wonderful world 8. smile at sb. 9.laugh at sb. 10.feel tired 11.read books 12.have nothing to do 13.nothing strange 14.look at the watch 15. run across the field 16. look up new words in a dictionary(P50),Module 6,1.Whats the matter?/ Whats wrong? 2.feel soft 3. smell delicious 4. look happy 5. so much food 6.What does she look like? 7. She looks pretty in her photo. 8.See you later. 9.have a look 10.taste salty 11.be afraid of 12.Thanks for your letter. 13. hear from 14.reach/get to/arrive at the airport. 15.spend a lot of time (in) doing sth. 16.be proud of 17.study hard 18.be angry with 19.a few days 20.be afraid to do 21.feel nervous 22.shake hands 23. each other,M o d u l e 7,1.on the left 2.on the right 3.opposite/across from 4.beweenand 5.kind of quiet 6.turn right 7.Turn left at the second turning. /Take the second turning on the left. 8.Walk straight along this road. 9. Excuse me, how can I get to the post office? Excuse me, which is the way to the post office? Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the ? Excuse me, where is the post office?,Module 8,10.Go across this road, you will see the bank on your left. Its easy to find. 11.Welcome to our school. 12. on a clear afternoon 13. get on the bus 14. get off the bus 15.take the ship/boat 16.on the other side of the river 17.over there,Module 8,1.animals in danger 2. learn about 3.talk about 4. think about5. take away 6.make sb. Sad7. decide not to do 8. live in peace9. have no place to live in 10. dont make the water dirty11.protect animals 12. look after13. live on 14. less and less fewer and fewer 15. enough food 16. for example 17. in the world18. pollute rivers,Module 9,Last night 2. as you know 3.offer to do 4. want to do 5. agree to do 6. try to do 7. plan to do 8. have a good time 9. be famous for 10. next time 11. take place 12. see as 13. give so a warm welcome 14. all over the world 15. The end of the story,Module 10,at the moment 2. the best time to do 3. really cold 4. take photos 5. get colder 6. from time to time 7. remember to do 8. compared to 9. depend on 10. all year= all (the ) year round 11. Whats the weather like ?= How is the weather?,Module 11,Stop chatting =Dont chat. 2. both hands=two hands 3. accept a present ( gift ) 4. do some cleaning 5. bad luck 6. wait and see 7. shake hands (with sb.) 8. Meet sb. for the first time 9. talk loudly 10. be different from 11. get to school on time 12. a few minutes= several minutes,Module 12,make sb. do+动词原形 2. tell sb. not to do 3. find it +adj. to do 4. exciting news / excited boy 5.been there 6.practice doing sth. 7. it takes sb. some time to do sth. 8. moved( ago表示过去时) 9. cloudy / sunny (adj.) 10.11. mustnt /might +do 动词原形,


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