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7B Unit7 Its raining! 第1课时 Section A(1a-2c)一、自主学习1、个人自读、记忆本课单词。1. r_ _n, 2.w_ _dy 3.cl_ _dy, 4 su_ _y, 5 sn_ _ 6 w_ _ther , 7 c_k,2、小组内竞赛,翻译下列单词及短语 下雨_ 下雪_ 多风的_ 多云的 _ 晴朗的_ 天气_ 做饭 _ 坏的,糟的_ 在北京_ 玩电脑游戏_4掌握主要句式 1、学会谈论天气及人们正在进行的活动。句型:-Hows the weather in Beijing?-Its sunny. -Whats she doing?-Shes cooking.5、认真观察a的图画,将词语与图片搭配,并核对答案。二、课堂学习1.完成1a, 并完成1c 的pairwork。2合作学习 1、Hows the weather in Shanghai? 上海的天气怎么样? Hows the weather ? 用来询问天气,相当于Whats the weather like? Whats the weather like in Beijing?= How is the weather in Beijing? 1)、_ is the weather like today? -Its_. A. How, wind B. How, windy C. What, wind D. What, windy 2)weather 不可数名词,不能与不定冠词a, an连用 What good weather! 多么好的天气呀! 用bad, fine修饰 fine weather好/ 晴天 cloudy weather 阴天2.对话练习A: Hi! How is the weather in Beijing? B: Its sunny. 3.小组对话展示(询问天气和你朋友正在做什么?)三、当堂检测 根据句意及汉语提示完成下列句子 1Its _ (有风的)in the Boston today. 2-Hows the _ (天气)in the Moscow? -Its_ (晴朗的)。 3It often _ (下雪)in winter in the USA. 4Its _ (下雨)now.Please take your umbrella(雨伞)。 5Look,My mother is _ (做饭)in the kitchen. 句型转换 6It is cloudy in Shanghai now(对划线部分提问) _ the weather in Shanghai now? _ the weather_ in Shanghai now? 7There is much rain this year.(改为同义句) It _ very _ this year. 8.Tom studies math every evening.(改为现在进行时) _9Hes playing computer games.(对划线部分提问) _ he _ ? 选择填空 1.Look at the _ ! Its _ heavily now. A rain rain B raining raining C rain raining D raining rainy 2.-Do you like _ ? -No,I dont. A rainy weather B a rainy weather C rainy day D rainy weathers 3 _ a cold morning, he went to Beijing by bus. A. In B. On C. At D. Of三、达标检测。用所给词的适当形式填空1、Hows the weather there?Its _ (rain).2、The _ is shining. Its_ .(sun)3、There are a lot of_ in the sky. Its _ .(cloud)4、It often _ (rain) in summer in my hometown.5、The weather is_ (wind)and cold.6、-What_ he _(do)? -He is playing computer games.7、-What are you doing? -Im_ (watch)TV.选择填空。( )1._ Jeff like oranges?A. Is B. Do C. Does( )2. Aunt Sarah _ every day. A.play computer games B.plays computer games C.is playing computer games( ) 3.-Hows the weather in Harbin? -Its _.A. snow B. snowing C. snows( ) 4. Tom is _ lunch. A. have B. haveing C. having句型转换;1. Im playing computer games. (变否定句)_ _ _ computer games.2. They are watching TV. (变一般疑问句)_ _ watching TV?3. Its cloudy. (对划线部分提问)_ is the weather?4. We are playing basketball. (对划线部分提问)_ are you _? 7B Unit 7 SectionA(2d-3b) 第2课时【学习目标】 1、复习谈论天气及人们正在进行的活动。 2.掌握句型:(1)Hows the weather? 2)What are you doing? Im watching TV. 3)-Hows it going?-Great / Pretty good / Not bad / Terrible3.会利用所学语言进行打电话。【自主学习】一)。翻译下列词汇句子。1、今天云南的天气怎么样?:_?相当好!_2.你怎么样?(两人见面时)_? 4.糟糕的_5.不错_6好极了_ _ 7在公园 _ 8一条信息_ 9能,可以_10 回来,回原处_ 11捎口信_ 12给某人回电话_ 13 一道难题_ 14 没问题_ 15再一次做某事 _ 16 我是里克 _17 看望某人_18 参观某地_19 玩得开心_20开心地做某事_ 21. 在家_- -22立即,此时_23 在打电话_ 24 打三小时电话_ 二)。1.说天气Hows the weather in Shanghai?=_the weather_in Shanghai?描述天气的形容词:刮风的 _ 晴朗的_ 下雨的 _ 下雪的 _多云的_晴朗的_ 回答天气也可以用 its+v.-ing,表示天气正处于某种状况。例如:北京天气如何?_在下雨。_ Its _ (rain) now . It is _ (rain).It often _ (rain) There is much _ _ (rainy) here today .练习The weather here is sunny._ _ the weather here? _ the weather _ here?2. 最近怎么样?_? 好极了_.(2)go 在句中的意思是进展。例如: Everything goes well. 一切进展顺利。合作探究照例子,练习对话Hows it going? GreatHows the weather? Its snowing.三):阅读课本38页2d,完成以下内容。1, 近来如何?不太糟糕。_ 2, 听起来你玩的很开心。_ 3, 他正在他朋友家学习。_ 4, 你能为我捎个信吗? _ 5, 你能让他给我回个电话吗? _ 四)、 合作学习 1,完成39页3a,选词填空。 2,练习3b,班级展示。 三、达标检测 A单项选择 ( )1,- Could you help me with my English? - _ ,no problem. A Yes,I could B Of course not C Sorry D Sure ( )2,- Hello!668-37662. Whos that ? - _ Tom. A This is B I am C That is D He is ( )3,My sister is smart.She can solve (解决)the _easily. A question B problem C weather D message ( )4,My father is a _ in a restaurant. A cook B cooker C cooking D cooks ( )5, - _ ?-Great. A Whats it going B Hows it going C Wheres it going D Whens it going B根据句意及和汉语完成句子。 1.Here are three _ (信息)for you . 2.The _ (公园)is a good place to take a walk. 3.I hope I can _ (回来)in a week. 4.Why are you late _ (再一次)? 5.It often _ (下雪)in winter here. C补全对话(一空一词): A: Hello, Lucy. B: _, Jim. A: Hows it going _ you? B: Pretty good, thanks. A: _ the weather? B: Its _.I dont like rainy days. A: Is Aunt there? B: Yes, she _. A: Whats she _? B: She is _.She likes to cook for us. A: How _Kate? What _ she doing? B: She is _TV.D.用所给词的正确形式天空:How _ (be) the weather in Shanghai?It is_ (rain) today.How is it _ (go)?The weather is _ (wind) today? The weather is _(snow).7B Unit 7 SectionB(1a-2c) 第3课时【学习目标】 1.掌握询问天气的句型:1)Hows the weather? Its 询问动作的句型:(2)What are you doing? Im watching TV. 询问人的生活状况的句型: (3) Hows it going? Great! 2.掌握与天气状况有关的词汇,描述在不同天气状况下人们正在进行的动作。 一、自主学习1: 翻译下列单词及短语 干燥的_冷的_ 热的_- 温暖的 _ 参观某地_在夏季_ 坐在游泳池边_ 橙汁,_ 不久 _ 暑假_11) 度假_12)我的一些老朋友_13)做某事很开心_ 14)很高兴地去做某事_15)看望我的姨妈_16 )在欧洲_17)在山中_18)适合于。_19)在你的国家_-20)下个月_ 2. 看教材82页并查找资料,完成下列翻译疑问句。1)Lily cant swim,_?2) My friends never walk in the mountains,_?3) The Greens are watching TV,_?4) They do their homework every day ,_?5)My friend has to be in bed by ten,_?6) The weather is cold,_? 二、课堂学习步骤1.完成1a并用1b中句式结合1a图片做对话。2.听力训练1c,1d3.学习2b,并让学生努力复述。三、达标检测 A根据句意及汉语提示完成下列句子。 1、 Its very_ (冷的)outside.please take your coat. 2、Its very _ (热的)today.Lets go swimming. 3、People often wear_ (暖和的)clothes in winter. 4、If you want to get good grades(成绩),you must study h_ . 5、Dalian is a good place for v_- . B根据中文提示完成句子 1哈尔滨的冬天寒冷而且有风。 Its _ and_ in Harbin in winter. 2.长时间没下雨了,天气非常干燥。 It doesnr_for a long time and its too _. . 3.悉尼的天气怎么样?正下雨而且凉爽。 - _the weather like in Sydney? -Its _ and _ . C选择。( )1. Its too _ outside, You must put on your coat. A. hot B. cool C. cold D. warm( )2. What _ the children _ now? A. is, doing B. does, do C. are, doing D.do, do( )3. _ you _ the window? Yes, I am. A.Do, clean B. Is, cleaning c. Do, cleaning D. Are, cleaning( )4. - How is it _? - Its not bad. A. go B. going C. goes D. is( )5. - _ is the weather like? - Its windy. A. What B. How C. When D. Why( )6- Hows the weather there ? - Terrible. Its _. A. wind B. sunny C. rain D. windy( )7. - Hi! Hows it going ? - _. A. Great B. Its beautiful C. Its cloudy D. Its well( )8.- Hello! _ Ann. Is that Lily speaking ? A. I am B. This is C. That is D. She isD。根据句意写单词1.The children are going swimming now. Because it is so h _ today.2.- Whats the w_ like today? - Its very humid.3. Look at the clouds. Its c _ today.4.Its very c_outside . Please wear lots of clothes.5.The streets are h _after its raining.6. Its very w_ in spring.C.句型转换1. It is cloudy in Shanghai now.(对画线部分提问)_the weather in Shanghai now?_the weather_in Shanghai now? She can dance now,_?(变反义疑问句) They are talking on the phone,_?( 同上 ) My mother takes the bus to work,_?(同上)7B Unit 7 SectionB(3a-Self Check) 第4课时一、自主学习。.写出下列单词或短语并展示1. 在冬季_ 2. 戴帽子_ 3俄罗斯面包_ 4.一些面包_ 5带回家_ 6.在雪中_ 7. 在河上滑冰_ 8.一个雪人_ 9.两个雪人_10.给。拍照片_ 11.想念某人_-12.给。写明信片_ 13.在阴雨的天气里_翻译下列句子 天气是多雪多风的。 _ 人们穿着毛衣戴着帽子,但是她们很高兴。_ 一个女孩在河上滑冰,一个男孩在给雪人照相。_ 我能和Laura 说话吗?_ 二、课堂学习步骤。1. 合作学习, 内容为自主学习部分。2合作学习,完成3a3b .3 完成3c,给你的朋友写一张明信片。4.完成Self Check部分。(注意小组合作)三、达标检测 A单项选择 ( )1-_ the weather?-Its cloudy. A.What is B.How is C.What D.How ( )2._- is it going? A.How B.what C.where D.when ( )3.Everyone having a good time. A.am B.is C.are D.be ( ) 4_. many people on vacation. A.Theys B.There are C.There is D.There be ( )5._- does your father go to work? -_ bike. A.What;On B.How;On C.What;By D.How;By ( )6.-Is Steve watching TV now? _ .He is doing his homework. A.He is watching TV B.He isnt C.No,he isnt D.Yes,he is ( )7.It_ and some children are making a snowman. A.is snowing B.is snow C.snow D.is sunny ( )8.Its very beautiful place.A man is_ photos here. A.take B.taking C.drawing D.draw ( )9.Toms father is a good .He can_ Australian and Chinese food. A.cooker;cook B.cook;cook C.cook;cooks D.cook;cooks ( )10.My grandmother_ young in the red sweater. A.sounds B.looks C.sees D.listens ( )11.-Hello!Is that Mr.Smith?- A.Speaking B.Yes,Im Grace Smith C.Talking D.Who are you ? B根据汉语意思完成句子1. 法国是欧洲的国家之一2. France is _ of _. . 2,这座山上冬天有很多积雪 There is _ the _ . 3.这台电脑不运转了 The computer_ 4. 我能给她捎个信吗 Can I _ for him? 5.我和我的家人在山里度假 _ and I are _ in the mountains. C用所给词的适当形式填空 write take sit play swim fly sun have study draw Dear Bob, My name is Tom. Im fourteen years old. Im _ in a middle school. My school is nice and clean. There are 30 students in my class. Its _today. My classmates and I are _ a good time on the beach. Its a nice place.The water is blue and clean. Many birds are over the sea. Many people are _ .Some boys are _ football. Some people are on the beach. A girl _ is _ pictures on a chair. Another girl is _ photos. Im _ to you.What are you doing ?I hope you can write to me soon.What are you doing?I hope you can write to me soon. Best wishes, Tom 七年级英语导学案Unit7 Its raining 第5课时 一、单词检测1 下雨,雨水 2 多风的 3 多云的 4 晴朗的 5 下雪 6 天气 7 做饭 8 坏的,糟的 9 公园 10 信息,消息 11 能,可以 12 回来 回原处 13困难,难题 14再一次,又一次 15 干燥的 16 寒冷的,冷的 17 热的 18 温暖的 19 拜访,参观 20 加拿大 21 夏天,夏季 22坐 23果汁,饮料 24 很快,不久 25 假期 26 努力地,困难的 27 欧洲 28 高山 29 国家 30 滑冰 31 下雪的 32冬天 33 俄罗斯的,俄罗斯人 34雪人 35 阴雨的,多雨的 二、短语检测1 捎个口信,传话 2 给某人回电话 3 在度假 4 在公园 5 听起来像 6过得愉快 7 在他朋友的家 8 没问题 9 不错 10现在,此刻 11 每个周六 12 做汤 13学习汉语 14 开晚会 15在加拿大 16 在夏天 17暑假 18努力学习 19在度假 20在山里 21在你的国家 22在欧洲 22在冬天 23 喝橙汁 24 在游泳池边 四、句子翻译1、上海的天气怎么样? 2、天气晴朗/ 多云/ 有风的/ 下雨/ 下雪 3、约翰在做什么? 他正在公园里和我的一些朋友玩儿篮球 4、听起来你过得很愉快。 5、我能给他捎个信吗? 6、你能告诉他给我回电话吗 7、丽莎又在打电话吗? 是的,她每天打三个小时电话 8、我过得很愉快在加拿大拜访我的婶婶。- 9、我将要去暑假学校。 10、现在正是下午,我正坐在游泳池边上喝橙汁。 11、你暑假过得怎么样? 12、我的家人和我在山里度假 。 13、我想给你打电话,但我的手机坏了,所以我给你写信。 14、现在在你的国家很热,不是吗? 14、这儿的天气凉爽多云,正适合散步。


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