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Unit 1 How can we become good learners Section B(1a-2b)【学习目标】学习目标:1. 扎实掌握重点单词和短语pronounce; increase; speed; spoken English; reading speed; make mistakes等。2. 通过听力和合作学习,进一步掌握学习英语的技巧和方法,并且学以致用,提高自己的学习效率。3. 遇到问题努力寻找解决方法,并且培养爱学习的好品质。学习重点:通过听力和合作学习,进一步掌握学习英语的技巧和方法,并且学以致用,提高自己的学习效率。【自主学习案】学法指导:认真思考自己在学习英语中遇到的问题以及自己在哪方面做得还不够好,记录下来。再认真寻找解决办法。Task 1. 通过预习,准确翻译下列短语。1. spoken English_ 2. reading speed_3.make mistakes_4. in grammar_ 5. practice writing_6. Join an English club_ Task 2. 我们在学习英语的时候也许会遇到很多困难,我会在1a中勾出我所遇到的困难。然后再想想我在学习中还遇到了哪些困难,列一个清单,并完成1b.Task 3. 汤姆在英语学习中遇到了多困难,我愿意从方框中给他选出好的建议。A. Make word cards.B. Join English club.C. Listen to tapes.D. Take notes and study grammar at home.1. He cant remember the new words.2. He cant get much listening practice.3. He doesnt have a partner to practice with.4. He cant understand grammar.1. _ 2._ 3._ 4._【合作学习案】 Step 1. 和我的搭档一起核对自主学习案Task 1和Task 3答案。Step 2. 结对子。和我的搭档谈论各自在学习英语中遇到的问题和困难,尝试着给对方提出切实可行的解决方法。并记录下来。Step 3. 听力练习。认真听老师播放录音,完成1c, 1d。再和搭档核对答案。 Step 4. 组长带领组员确定最终答案,然后根据小组实际情况大声朗读听力材料,弄懂每个句子的意思。做好随堂笔记。然后组长根据自己的展示方案分配任务,带领组员在组内进行预展,准备在本组展示区进行展示。Step 5. 两人一组,和我的搭档用1c 和1d中的信息编写新对话,然后有感情的表演。Step 6. 知识梳理。(请先自主独立完成,再和搭档讨论。)1. enough 意思是_,放在名词_,形容词和副词_。2. practice意思是_,后面接_。如:我每天都必须练习弹钢琴。I have to practice _ _piano every day.3. have trouble doing sth. 意思是_。意思相近的短语还有_。 4. on the way to 意思是_, 如:on the way to school_。但是当后面接的是副词时,to 要省略。如:on the way home.【巩固训练案】I. 选择最佳选项。( )1. The teacher told us that it was a good habit _ in every class . A. to take notes B. take a note C. take notes D. to take note( )2. Let me _your phone number, and Ill call you when Im free. A. cut downB. write down C. put sown D. look sown( )3. I think two weeks is _finish the task for them. A. enough long to B. long enough to C. long enough D. enough long( )4. I saw a girl crying on the street_work. A. on the way B. on the way to C. in the way to D.in the way( )5. Lets _ about future. A. not to worry B. not worry C. not worrying D. not to worryingII. 完形填空。 Last year my English class was _1_for me. First of all, it wasnt easy for me to understand the teacher when she _2_to the class. To begin with, she spoke too quickly, and I couldnt _3_every word. Later on , I realized it doesnt matter if you dont understand every word, _4_ I was afraid to speak in class because I thought my classmates might laugh _5_me. I couldnt always make complete sentences, either. Then I started to _6_ English-language TV. It helped a lot. I think that doing lots of listening practice is one of the secrets of _7_a good language learner. Another thing that I found very difficult was English _8_. So I decided 9 lots of grammar notes 10 every class.( ) 1. A. lucky B. happy C. difficult D. great.( ) 2. A. talked B. talk C. sing D. sang( ) 3. A. think B. believe C. forget D. understand( ) 4. A. either B. neither C. also D. too( ) 5. A. to B. with C. at D. in( ) 6. A. watched B. watch C. watches D. watching( ) 7. A. making B. becoming C. changing D. turning( ) 8. A. grammar B. words C. pronunciation D. Tests( ) 9. A.take B.to take C.taking D.takes( ) 10. A.in B.on C.at D.of【总结反思】这节课我学到的新知识有:_ _


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