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绵阳师范学院本 科 毕 业 论 文题 目Using Games in Primary English Teaching游戏活动在初级英语教学中的运用姓 名刘 丽班 级2009级4班指 导 教 师尹国杰 副教授专 业英 语院 系 名 称外 国 语 学 院答 辩 时 间2013年6月绵阳师范学院学位委员会办公室制中国绵阳游戏活动在初级英语教学中的运用学生姓名: 刘丽 指导教师:尹国杰摘 要: 新英语课程标准指出小学阶段英语课程的目的是激发学生学习英语的兴趣。而现在由于一些教师对小学生英语教学目的认识不清,对小学生的心理了解不够,在教学中不能有效激发学生的兴趣,使小学的英语教学陷入了困境。而英语游戏教学是英语学习的有效途径且正符合小学生的生理和心理特点,有助与调动学生学习积极性、主动性,从而提高教学效率。本文试对游戏活动在初级英语教学中的运用的意义及教学原则做一点探索。关键词: 兴趣;英语游戏教学;初级英语Using Games in Primary English TeachingUndergraduate: Liu LiSupervisor: Yin GuojieAbstract: The New English Curriculum Standard describes that the aim of primary English teaching is to foster students interest in learning as learning English. However, some English teachers cant precisely realize the aim of English teaching and the development of pupils physiological and mental characteristics, which cant effectively motivate childrens interest. Therefore, it messes up primary English teaching. Playing game in English is one of the effective ways in English study and it is suitable for the development of pupils physiological, which can arouse students positivity and initiative. Thus, teaching efficiency is enhanced. This paper tries to make some exploration of using games in English class on the sense and principles in primary English teaching. Key Words: interest; English game teaching; primary EnglishContents1. Introduction51.1 An introduction to games51.2 The history and present situations of game teaching5 1.2.1 Froebels game teaching6 1.2.2 The theory and the practice of contemporary game teaching6 1.2.3 The problems of game teaching72. The necessity of using games in language teaching82.1 The theoretical background8 2.1.1 Psychological background 82.1.2 Linguistic background.82.2 The advantage of using games93. The principles of using game11 3.1 Purpose11 3.2 Enlightening11 3.3 Diversified12 3.4 Flexibility124. Conclusion12Bibliography14Acknowledgement151. Introduction1.1 An introduction to gamesWhat are games in an EFL/ESL environment? The answer given by the Longman Dictionary of Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics (Richards, Plat, 1995) is: A game (in language teaching) is an organized activity that usually has the following properties: “a. a particular task or objectives; b. a set of rules; c. competition between players d. communication between players by spoken or written language.” Language games are not activities mainly aimed to break the ice between students or to kill time. Byrne (1995) gave the definition to games as a form of play governed by rules. They should be enjoyed and fun. They are not just a diversion, a break from routine activities, but a way of getting the learner to use the language in the course of the game. Similarly, Jill Hadfield (1990) defined games as “an activity with rules, a goal and an element of fun.”From the above, we can safely drawn a conclusion that “game” in language teaching (teaching game) can be defined as an organized activity that usually has the following properties: A. a particular task or objective; B. a set of rules; C. competition between players; D. communication between players by spoken or written language.There is a widely-held lay belief that younger second language learners generally do better than older learners. Children exercise a good deal of both cognitive and affective effort in order to internalize both native and second languages. Moreover, one of most essential thing that teachers teaching childrens English should make all means to motivate their spirit and sustain their interest in learning English. Therefore, most of those teachers chose the method by using games in the teaching process, because games using is closely related to characteristics of children for their age and their features of psychology. However, just as we know, language learning is not easy work. In a word, games can help and encourage many learners to sustain their interest and they play an important role in language teaching:1.2 The history and present situations of game teaching Game teaching is one of teaching activities. Although the theory of game teaching came into being in modern times, from ancient times, practice and exposition on game teaching have existed.1.2.1 Froebels game teaching German educator Friedrich Froebel is the father of childrens education in western countries. Froebel designed special educational materials and activities that formed the core of the kindergarten curriculum. These were called “gifts” “occupations” and “mother plays.” The gifts were a set of geometric shapes such as balls, cubes and cylinders and materials like cut paper and string. Children used these gifts to perform a sequence of highly structured activities called occupations, such as sewing designs with colored threads, folding paper, weaving mats. Using their gifts in the various occupations, children were learning geometric relationships and understanding fundamental principles of knowledge. The mother plays were a series of finger plays, games and songs designed to teach children about their bodies, senses and enabled children to practice self control, cooperation, and taking turns. Froebel is considered the first one who probed into game teaching systematically and he is also the first one who advocated that games should be integrated into learning. Froebels theory was firstly based on scientific knowledge of the childrens psychological and physiological development and laid a strong foundation of making game teaching ripen progressively. But from the point of present game teaching of view, Froebels game teaching was only called teaching practice.1.2.2 The theory and the practice of contemporary game teaching Contemporary game teaching not only became the main activity of Childerss education but also embodied different grades in primary schools. It became one of effective mechanisms of linking up kindergartens and primary schools. Education is the cradle of a talented person. Many countries paid much attention to education, especially elementary education. How to improve teaching quality in the primary school and how to solve the problem of childrens interest have become very urgent and important? Introducing learning games in the primary school has aroused general concern in many countries. In the 1940s, Japan started studying the relationship between kindergartens and primary schools. Some teachers used some useful games in primary schools. American educators also devoted much attention to this research. They used so many games in primary schools. In the 1950s, in the Soviet Union the teachers in lower grades adapted games to reduce the degree of study and create good conditions for learning. From ancient times, Chinese people thought highly of childrens education. In Song Dynasty, private schools paid much attention to the childrens interests. Zhu Xi also stressed the importance of happy teaching. Since 1949 Chinese education has changed greatly. Many childrens educators have achieved great success in game teaching. They have summed up a lot of games or activities such as teaching through childrens songs, teaching in situations, simulating teaching, P E. games and so on. Generally speaking, teachers should design and use rich and varied games according to teaching aims, teaching contents and teaching aids, which provided the abundant sensitive faculty materials for us to tally up the game teaching mode. In the contemporary, Mr. Chen Heqin was one of the greatest educators who made the outstanding contribution to Chinese childrens education and set up the first research center of childrens education-Kindergarten. Many games there were full of creating. He expounded that games were activities that were beneficial to childrens psychological and physiological development. Only games could make children lively and teachers should make good use of all kinds of game materials and give them enough chances to practice according to their age. From modern age to the contemporary, game teaching theory has been improved step by step. Many educators, philosophers or thinkers encouraged children to play games. They presented games should be integrated with learning. Now, more and more people abroad and at home come to realize the importance and the urgency of game teaching in the primary school. As we all know, game teaching is a very useful way to improve primary school English teaching effectiveness.1.2.3 The problems of game teaching From above domestic and foreign game theory, we have discovered that, at present the domestic and foreign game theory had the very big development, in the teaching tested also accumulated many precious experiences, these theories inspected in the education today regarding us the game factor still has the extremely important inspiration significance. But only has such discussion is by far insufficient. These theories looked like in today, still had the deficiency, mainly manifested in following several aspects: First, there are recent years of game teaching and it has been widely applied in the teaching activity, but these games all is aims at the pre-school education and the elementary school lower grade various discipline. The game designs also all are aim lower grade elementary school students. Also lacks the enough research to each kind of age section discipline game teaching. Secondly, its one-sidedness is inevitable. These neglects easily affect the development of game teaching to cause one-sidedness.2. The necessity of using games in language teaching2.1The theoretical background2.1.1 Psychological backgroundAccording to psychology research, young children, say up to the age of seven, find it difficult or impossible to see language as an abstract system, independent of communication or enjoyable sound sequences such as songs and rhymes. They find it difficult or impossible to think in terms of learning goals, although they respond to more immediate objectives such as drawing a picture or making a kite. They also find it difficult or impossible to work at one task for a long time. Their attention span is usually short, and they need frequent changes of activity. A survey (Zhao Chengfu, 2002:202) shows that in a well organized atmosphere, childrens attention last for different time: around age 5 to 7, they can pay attention for 10 to 15 minutes; age between 7 and 10 can pay attention for about 20 minutes; age between 10 and 12 last for about 25 minutes; and the time of attention of those older than 12 may reach to 30 minutes.A famous psychologist Piaget (1967) protested that movement produces “thought”. Movement is the beginning of learning. Cognitive frame is built up step by step whose joint is the movement but not the consciousness. Moreover, some psychologists claim that children should learn through play. Play is an activity performed for its own sake, highly motivated, often involving fantasy and characterized by intense involvement and concentration. In play, children explore and learn about their world. Play is sometimes called the childs work because it is such a significant mode of learning. The essence of play is that it grows from within the child or group of children who engage in it. It is a creative expression of their thoughts and dealings, based in their own life experiences. Play is the most important mode children have for clarifying and integrating all their experiences, both in and out of school.Whats more, children are most moldable in primary schools, during which time they are active and good at imitating but cannot concentrate their attention for long period. Thus, teachers, in view of young learners psychological and physiological features, should try to regulate their affection, arouse their interest, and intensify their motivation, fostering not only their linguistic competence but also social and cultural awareness. Besides, fun-based, activity-oriented and student-centered approach should be adopted so as to ensure that children learn foreign languages in a relaxed atmosphere.2.1.2 Linguistic backgroundStephen Krashens input hypothesis and affective filter hypothesis claim that the process of second language acquisition is influenced by affective factors either positively or negatively. The input hypothesis claims, “We acquire by understanding language that contains structure a bit beyond our current level of competence (i.e. “i+1”).” S. Krashen (1982:21) writes: a necessary (but not sufficient ) condition to move from stage i to stage i+1 is that the acquired understand input that contains i+1, where understand means that the acquirer is focused on the meaning and not he form of the message.Thus, acquisition takes place when the learner understands language containing i+1. Moreover, the affective filter hypothesis claims, “The effect of affect is outside the language acquisition device proper.” “It implies that our pedagogical goals should not only include supplying comprehensive input but also creating a situation that encourages a low filter. The effective teacher is one who can provider input and help make it comprehensible in a low anxiety situation.” Krashen concludes that comprehensible input and the strength of the filter are the true causes of second language acquisition. That is to say, before the acquisition competence, no one can avoid the affective factors influence. The affective factors include motivation, attitude, ego, and anxiety. Here, I would like to focus a great deal attention on motivation, which I think is the most essential factor.Motivation is a basic ingredient of the childs learning. Children are born with an intrinsic motivation to learn and to understand the world round them, an aspect of development which Robert Whit (1959) refers to as competence motivation. A childs motivation for learning can increase or diminish over time, depending, in part, on other peoples reactions to her efforts. However, motivation is not only one of the most important components of learning but also one of the most difficult to measure. Psychologists define motivation as an internal process that activities, guides and maintains behavior over time. (Baron, 1992; Schunk, 1990) In plain language, motivation is what gets you going, keeps you going, and determines where youre trying to go. An English teacher should try to use external stimuli to facilitate students inner motivation transformed into their inner desire. If a student has positive attitude towards English, he will has a strong motivation to grasp this language, and this will help him to be markedly successful.2.2 The advantage of using games An advantage of using games in English classroom is that they add variation to a lesson and increase motivation by providing a plausible incentive to use the target language. For many children between four and twelve years old, especially the youngest, language learning will not be the key motivational factor. Games can provide this stimulus. The game context makes the foreign language immediately useful to the children. It brings the target language to life. Through playing games, students can learn English the way children learn their mother tongue without being aware they are studying; thus without stress, they can learn a lot. Even shy students can participate positively. (Lewis, 1999) Playing games in learning may develop the sense of communication in English of the students. And the combination of the games may help them with a strong communicative ability.Game is not only the most effective means to arouse the students interest of learning; it also can make them all fully concentrate on what they are doing. Therefore, students will get deep impression of what they have learned and gain permanent memory of the content. Because of this, teachers can get the best effect of outcome. Teaching games are various. Teachers can use some new games every time. Then the students will be of an expected and new sense in class. And they will often be enthusiastic and never feel tires. While playing games, students can make a good use of their comprehension, their ability of analyses, judgment, imagination and logical deduction. At the same time, it requires that they have a quick mind, flexibility and creativity. Therefore, games can not only help students master the language points, but also be good for developing their intelligence and all kinds of skills. Students greatly welcome games. They can create a cheerful and light-hearted environment and arouse students interest in learning English. Games are considered one of the most effective ways to improve efficiency in language learning. Games in class appear to be of considerable aid in involving the students in actively trying to utilize or challenge the concepts they are being taught. They are “sloppy” and hardly controlled. They are also a source for insight, for suggesting other types of experiments and for sweetening the intuition.Games make complicated grammatical points come out in simple forms. So it is quite acceptable for students. Take my teaching practice for example, when talking about the relation between a noun and an adjective, I gave the students a noun such as “book”, let one of the groups to tell some adjectives which can modify the noun in turns. Meanwhile, if any student repeats or uses a wrong modifier, the whole group will fail. If this group can not continue giving a new word in three seconds, then, have another group do it. The group which is composed of four or eight student or even more that has got the most adjectives will be winners. After playing the game, the students know how many adjectives can modify the noun and what they are. Later, they get deep impression on the noun and the adjectives. This game not only helps students review the words, but also helps them memorize the new ones. And it stimulates the students enthusiasm as well.Games are also collective activities, and then the relationship between teachers and students will become more harmonious while playing. Because most of the games are played in groups, when doing them they develop the collective spirit of the students. Now, to take certain games during teaching seems more and more important in order to arouse the students interest in learning for getting better results in teaching. The great educator Confucius said, “Teaching students in accordance with their aptitude,” He believed that learning should be a process of exploring and understanding of ones own gift, so it is very important for the students to learn English by themselves, game is a good way to achieve this goal.The role of the teacher in playing game is to guide. I think that to guide well equals to learn well. As long as the students like the teachers new teaching method, they can take an active part in learning something. What is more, Confucius was also skillful in arousing the students interest and eagerness in learning. He thought that only by making students interested in what they were learning, only when they were eager to learn, could they learn the knowledge well.3 The principles of using games3.1 Purpose The game should carry out a certain purpose. Game for teaching services, teaching must be closely related. Designing the game, we should take full account of the heavy teaching difficulties and other teaching requirements. If the review phonetics, we can design such a game: allow two students to wear a headdress phonetic consonant with his hand put up a London Bridge, so th


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