七年级英语上册 Unit 8 Countries around the world Lesson 48 English-Speaking Countires预习 冀教版.ppt

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七年级英语上册 Unit 8 Countries around the world Lesson 48 English-Speaking Countires预习 冀教版.ppt_第1页
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七年级英语上册 Unit 8 Countries around the world Lesson 48 English-Speaking Countires预习 冀教版.ppt_第2页
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七年级英语上册 Unit 8 Countries around the world Lesson 48 English-Speaking Countires预习 冀教版.ppt_第3页
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Unit 8 Countries around the World Lesson 48 English-Speaking Countries,New words,非洲 新加坡 南非 各个;每个 说英语的国家,Africa,Singapore,each,South Africa,English-Speaking countries,Listen and read,New Phrases,阅读课文找出下列短语 1.遍布全世界_ 2.把英语作为他们的第一语言_ 3.有一些在.西边_ 4. 什么方位._ 5.作为 官方语言_,.around the world,.as an offical language,What direction .,Some are west of .,People speak English as their first language.,Language points,He works in the school as a English teacher. 他在学校里当一名英语老师。, as prep. 作为,as 作介词,意为“作为”,强调作为什么(身份或职业)。,My brother works in a restaurant as a waiter. 我弟弟在一家饭店里当服务员。,Language points,【注意】spoken English意为“英语口语”。, English-speaking adj. 说英语的,English-speaking 是由“名词+连字符+v. -ing”构成的合成词,在句中作定语,相当于形容词。,America is an English-speaking country. 美国是一个说英语的国家。,Language points, a list of.的列表清单 a list of.是固定短语。其中list为可数名词,意为“清单;名单;目录”。on the list意为“在列表清单上”。 Here is a list of things you must buy in the supermarket. 这里有一张你必须在超市买的东西的清单。 He writes down his name on the list. 他把他的名字写在列表上。,自主学习要求,学习以上内容,认真完成 1、预习案上的习题 2、老师布置的讨论作业 你知道哪些国家讲英语吗?介绍一个你做熟悉的讲英语的国家。,再见,


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