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小学二年级英语上册期末复习试卷(二)及答案清华大学英语系测试:为中小学生英语量身定做.官方网站: 清华大学英语教授研究组提供小学二年级英语上册期末复习试卷(二)Vocabulary (15 marks)Choose the most suitable answer and write its number in the brackets provided. (15*1=15 marks)( ) 1. The piglets loved the dirty _. A. kennel B. cage C. sty D. coop ( ) 2. She strung the _ into a beautiful necklace. A. marbles B. beads C. balls D. counters( ) 3. Mr Tans _ is driving him to his office. A. chauffeur B. caddie C. housewife D. clerk ( ) 4. Zebras have _ to hide from enemies. A. dots B. stripes C. lines D. strips ( ) 5. Adrian plays the _ very well. A. piano B. violin C. flute D. trumpet( ) 6. The cake which was left in the oven was _. A. ashes B. burnt C. black D. sooty ( ) 7. The girl cried _ when she lost her pen. A. happily B. sadly C. joyously D. curiously ( ) 8. Mrs Selvi looks fabulous in her _. A. uniform B. sari C. qipao D. pyjamas A. uniform B. sari C. qipao D. pyjamas ( ) 9. The dough has to be _ to make the bread. A. beaten B. kneaded C. pressed D. changed ( ) 10. The _ arrested the burglar. A. policeman B. fireman C. chef D. officer ( ) 11. Still water is breeding grounds for _. A. lizards B. mosquitoes C. birds D. tadpoles ( ) 12. Charles woke up at dawn to see the _. A. sunrise B. sunset C. dusk D. clouds ( ) 13. Tim dived into the river to _ the drowning boy. A. flap B. rescue C. push D. flip ( ) 14. The _ is especially round tonight. A. sun B. stars C. moon D. planet ( ) 15. The frogs _ from the rocks into the pond. A. push B. leap C. run D. glide Grammar (35 marks)Underline the correct word in each of the brackets. (15*1=15 marks)16. Reptiles ( is, are, was ) cold-blooded vertebrates.17. ( Which, When, Who ) movie do you prefer, Holy Man or Prince of Egypt?18. Mandy alerted the police when she ( see, sees, saw ) the burglar at her neighbours house.19. Jackson ( is, are, was ) praised by the teacher yesterday.20. The two boys always ( dress, dresses, dressing ) alike.21. We should ( learn, learns, learnt ) to be independent at a young age.22. The bait ( is, are, am ) for attracting the fish.23. Weiming ( hear, hears, heard ) the cries of his brother and ran to the kitchen.24. The leaves rustle when the wind ( blow, blows, blowing ).25. The actors put ( up, on, in ) their make-up behind the stage.26. Irene likes the story ( onto, in, about ) the fox and the cow.27. The culprits have not been ( arrest, arrests, arrested ) yet.28. Would you mind ( pass, passes, passing ) me the sugar, please?29. The baby will cry if you take his toy ( in, off, away ).30. She went to the doctor ( as, in, on ) she was ill.Rearrange the words to form correct sentences and end each sentence with a full-stop. (10*2 = 20marks)31. returned have in They just from a holiday London _ _32. picture the Look at on wall beautiful the _ _33. because forgive an You should him it was mistake unintentional _ _34. aching are the My bones after exercise strenuous _ _35. accompanied to Doreen me yesterday the bookshop _ _36. noodles awful plate tastes of that _ _37. was the Tony water bottle of he so thirsty finished that _ _38. eat the to monkey bananas loves _ _39. lives a hard in snail shell a _ _40. its young kangaroo its pouch carries the in _ _Vocabulary Cloze (10 marks)Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the box.tiredslippedupsetdarkwaytwistedavoidbrokeninjuredjourneyJohn and Mary took a big step to (41) _ the muddy ground as they made their (42) _ home. The sky was very (43) _ as it was a starless night.Plod! Mary (44) _ and fell. She suffered a (45) _ ankle. Suspecting that Mary might have (46) _ her ankle, John put a bandage on her leg. Though (47) _, John decided to carry Mary for the remaining (48) _. When they reached home, their parents were (49) _ to learn that Mary had (50) _ herself.Comprehension MCQ (10 marks)Read the passage carefully. Then choose the correct answer and write its number (A,B,C or D) in the brackets.I was nicknamed dreamer since childhood days. Oblivious to the happenings, surroundings and people, I lived in my own small world.She is very quiet. thats what my primary school teachers wrote on my report card. Indeed, I never talked in class. I always kept to myself. While my sister and brother played and skipped with other children, I dreamt of being an actress. My time was spent in acting out roles I imagined myself to be in. Sometimes my mother would see me talking to the empty air. She would stop at the door and ask, Are you alright May? Feeling sheepish, I would pretend to sing lala Iorli mama.My brother often laughed at my self-invented songs. Stop that! Its horrible. Do you know what youre singsing? he would complain and skip away.( ) 51. The writer was nicknamed dreamer because _. A. she always dreamed at night B. she always had nightmares C. she liked dreams D. she liked to daydream( ) 52. In primary school, the writer _. A. was noisy B. daydreamt a lot C. was very talkative D. was very quiet( ) 53. Which of the following is false? A. The writer did not notice what happened around her. B. The writer spent her time acting roles she imagined herself to be in. C. The Writer sang well. D. The writer did not play with her sister and brother.( ) 54. The writer pretended to sing because _. A. she imagined herself to be a sheep B. she felt embarrassed C. her mother asked her to sing D. she liked to scare her mother( ) 55. The writers brother asked her to stop singing because _. A. he could sing better B. she sang too softly C. her singing was horrible D. her singing was goodComprehension OE (10 marks)Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.It was Tinas birthday. Tina and her friends wanted to have a good lunch. They went to a restaurant named The Flintstones. After they were given the menu by the waiter, they asked for cold water. The waiter came with the glasses, but toppled a glass as he served the group. He did not apologise for what he had done. He merely wiped the spilled water on the table with a cloth.As he stood waiting for Tina and her friends orders, his face was without a smile. Tina and her friends were offended by his rudeness. After a short while, the group placed their orders. They asked for fish and chips which was the cheapest on the menu. They could not afford the other delicacies on the menu. The waiter gave them a disgusted look. He then went off with the orders without a word.56. Why did Tina and her friends go to The Flintstones? _57. Why should the waiter apologise to the group? _58. In what way had the waiter offended Tina and her friends? _59. Why did Tina and her friends order the same food? _60. What was the waiters reaction to their order of fish and chips? _Guided Writing (20 marks)Write a story based on the pictures below. You may use the words and phrases in the box.Story-telling Competitionexcitedpractisednervousstage frightaudienceforgot the storyembarrassedsadcomforted _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ANSWERSPrimary 2 EnglishPractice 331. They have just returned from a holiday in London.32. Look at the beautiful picture on the wall.33. You should forgive him because it was an unintentional mistake.34. My bones are aching after the strenuous exercise.35. Doreen accompanied me to the bookshop yesterday.36. That plate of noodles tastes awful.37. Tony was so thirsty that he finished the bottle of water.38. The monkey loves to eat bananas.39. A snail lives in a hard shell.40. The kangaroo carries its young in its pouch.41. avoid42. way43. dark44. slipped45. twisted46. broken47. tired48. journey49. upset50. injured51. D52. D53. C54. B55. C 56. They wanted to have a good lunch. 57. He had spilled a glass of water onto the table. 58. His rudeness offended them. 59. They ordered the same food because it was the cheapest on the menu. 60. He gave them a disgusted look and walked away with the orders without a word. 小学六年级英语语法总练习 一选择正确答案填空。( ) 1.He is going to the market foot.A. in B. on C.at D. by( )2. Were going there No.12 bus.A. in B.on C. at D. by 姓 名_( )3.Theyre going to visit Zhaoqing Sunday.A. in B. on C.at D. for( )4.Ill stay there two days.A. In B.on C. at D.for( )5.Are you going to have dinner at the restaurant seven?A. in B.on C.at D. by( )6.We often plant trees spring. A.in B.on C.at D.by( )7.He is going to have a party March 12.A. in B.on C.at D.for( ) 8.We often go and see my grandmother Saturday afternoon. A. in B.on C.at D.by( )9.He usually takes exercise the morning. A. in B.on C.at D.by( )10.Theyre going to do some reading this Sunday.A.in B.on C.at D./(不填)二、根据实际情况回答问题:1.How do you go to school?2.Does your family have a car?3.What does your father do ?4.Can you ride a bike?5.Are you going to travel this Sunday?6.When will your summer holiday start ?用动词的适当形式填空:1、The boy (speak)Japanese.2、My sister (be)a doctor, she (work)in a hospital.3、Who (teach)you Chinese? Miss Li .(do)4、Dont forget (clean)your room today.5、My father can (make)this machine.6、What about (listen)to the popular songs?7、(open)it, please.8、Let Li Lei (sing)us a song, OK?9、Kate (like)(make)clothes.10、All of them (have)lunch at school every day.11、Would you like (go)with us?12、Miss Liu (love)her work very much.13、There (be)much milk here. Let us (drink)some.14、Can Ann (speak)some Chinese now?15、That little girl (watch)TV every evening.fvz小学资源网翻译句子:1、我打算下周六参观博物馆。2、他上星期拜访了我奶奶。3、Ben去年不喜欢游泳。4、她上星期四打过 给我。5、他们上一年是小学生。6、Jim不喜欢来这里。7、Janet和Tom得了感冒。8、他通常起床很晚。9、她昨天帮助妈妈。10、我上一年钓鱼了。11、我已经不喜欢紫色和白色了。fvz小学资源网 作 文把上周周末你一天的活动情况写下来。fvz小学资源网小谈美术课教学课程改革给美术课提出了更高的要求,它不仅仅停留在过去的以老师教,学生学为主的教学模式,而是加入了更多小组合作,让学生自己在合作中学到新知识要达到这样的目标,需要美术教师有很高的综合素养、人文素养。我一直在思考:什么样的美术课称得上好?如何更好把小组合作的融入课堂中?在思考的同时,我又在一次次实践的检验中寻找答案。为此,通过平时教学工作以及课外的学习探索、实践与反思,我认为想上好美术课应注意以下几个方面:一、营造开放自由的课堂氛围美术教学是一个预设和开放并存的系统,很多时候我们的教学都属于“封闭教学”,按部就班,缺少开拓精神,随着新课标的落实,由“封闭教学”走向“开放教学”已是一种必然。如三年级下册迷彩服一课老师应打破了常规的课堂教学形式,以请学生做服装设计师,为动物去参加歌唱晚会做服装这样的导入来激发学生活动的兴趣,营造了一个和谐、互动、探究、创新的良好学习环境和氛围,并做到静中有动、动而有序、活而不乱。在情境中,通过多媒体图片的欣赏,老师的提问和引导,学生选择喜欢的材料为喜爱的动物制作迷彩服,并发表“动物模特”演讲参加竞选,在这样一个轻松、活泼的情境中,学生乐于尝试。二、课堂教学是重点,“合作互动”的学习,是一种同伴之间为达到一定的教育目标而展开的学习方式,可以增进同学之间的信息交流,培养学生之间的团结合作,互相帮助的精神,促进学生自主学习的积极性。 这样的课安排得当容易激起学生的学习热情,也使他们开阔了视野,激发起学生学习美术的兴趣,从而促进了小学美术的教学效果,提高了他们自觉的艺术创造力三年级英语月考卷(一) 班级 姓名 1、 Look and number.(看一看,标一标)2、 Listen and match.(听一听,连一连)3、 Read and tick.(读一读,勾一勾)4、 Read and tick.(读一读,勾一勾)5、 Listen and tick.(听一听,勾一勾)6、 看图写单词比和比例单元质量检测试卷一 填空(每题1.5分,共30分)1、0.6=3:( )=( )15=( )成=( )2、1: 0.75的比值是( ),把它化为最简的整数比是( )3、比例4:9=20:45写成分数形式是( ),根据比例的基本性质写成乘法形式是( )4、 18的约数有( ),选出其中四个数组成一个比例是( )5、在比例尺1:2000000的地图上,图上1厘米表示实际距离( )千米。6、在一个比例中,两个内项互为倒数,一个外项是2/3 ,另一个外项是( )7.甲数除以乙数的商是4,甲数与乙数的最简整数比是( )8、我国规定,国旗的长和宽的比是3:2,学校的国旗宽是128厘米,长应该是( )厘米。9、三角形底一定,它的高和面积成( )比例。10、用0.2 、 6、 30、 1这四个数组成两个比例式是( )和( )11、某厂男职工人数是女职工的4/5,女职工与男职工的人数比是( )12、两个正方体的棱长比是3:4,它们的体积比是( )13、如果3a=2b,那么a:b=( ):( )14、从A地到B地,甲用12分钟,乙用8分钟,甲乙的速度比是( )15、小圆的半径是2厘米,大圆的半径是3厘米,小圆和大圆的周长比是( ),面积比是( )16、甲乙两数之比是3:4,它们的和是1.4,则甲数是( ),乙数是( )17、一个比8:15,如果后项增加60,要使比值不变,比的前项应该增加( )18、在比例尺是的学校平面图上,量得教室的长8厘米,宽6厘米,教室实际面积是( )19、男生人数比女生人数少20,男生人数与女生人数的比是( ):( )20、甲数的2/3等于乙数的4/5,甲数与乙数的比是( )21、一种精密的机器长5毫米,画在图纸上长是4厘米,这幅图纸的比例尺是()。22、在一幅比例尺是1:10000000的地图上,量得北京与深圳之间的距离是26厘米。北京与深圳之间的实际距离大约()千米。23、A、B两地之间的实际距离大约是600千米,把它们画在一幅比例尺是1:1000000的地图上,它们之间的图上距离是()厘米。24、解放军进行野外训练,要从甲地到乙地,在一幅比例尺是1:60000的地图上,量得甲、乙两地的距离是40厘米。要求在4小时内到达,平均每小时要行军()千米。25、一张精密零件的图纸的比例尺是10:1,在图纸上量得这个零件的长是6厘米。这个精密零件的长度是()毫米。26、填空:900厘米=()米,2千米=()厘米。二、判断(10分)1、圆柱的底面积一定,它的高与体积成正比例 。 ( )2、圆周率是圆的直径与周长的比值。 ( )3、把16:2化作最简的整数比是8。 ( )4、如果Y=5X,则x与y成正比例。 ( )、一个非0的自然数与它的倒数成反比。 ( )三、选择题(10分)、能与.:.组成比例的是 ()、.:.、:.、:、一克的盐放入克的水中,盐和盐水的比是 ()、;、:、:、53时,:()、:、:、一本书已看总页数的,没看页数与总页数的比是 ()、:、:、:、花生的出油率一定,花生的质量和榨出的油的质量()、成正比例、成反比例、不成比例四、计算、化简比(6分)、求出比值(6分 ).:.:.:、解比例(9分) :.:.:2/3:6/7五、解决问题(29分)、房产博览会上,某楼盘的模型是按照:500的比例尺制作的,该楼盘号楼模型高厘米,它的实际高度是多少?、兰州到乌鲁木齐的铁路长约900千米,在比例尺是:0000000的地图上,它的长是多少?、修一条长千米的公路,开工天修了。照这样计算,修完这条路还要多少天?(用比例解答)、专业户刘大伯家养鸡、鸭、鹅共1800只,这三种家禽的只数比是5:3:1。刘大伯家养鸡、鸭、鹅各多少只?5、把一批书按4:5:6的比例分给甲、乙、丙三个班,已知甲班比丙班少分到24本,三个班各分到多少本书?6、亮亮家造了新房,准备用边长是的正方形地砖装饰客厅地面,这样需要180块,装修老师建议改用边长的正方形地砖铺地。请你算一算需要多少块?(用比例解答)7、甲仓库存粮比乙仓存粮多100吨,而甲仓库存粮的 3/4 与乙仓库存粮的 4/5 相等。原来甲、乙两仓库各存粮多少吨?8、A、B两种商品的价格比是7:3,如果它们的价格分别上涨700元后,价格之比是7:4,这两种商品原来各多少元?10、甲、乙两仓库货物的比为6:5,后来甲仓运进180吨,乙仓运进30吨,这时甲仓与乙仓货物的比是18:11,原来两仓库共有多少吨?11、某校买来A、B两种篮球共100个,已知甲种篮球每个30元,乙种篮球每个20元,且甲、乙两种篮球所用钱数一样多。求甲、乙两种篮球各买了多少个?12、小明从甲地到乙地,去时每小时行6千米,回来时每小时行9千米,来回共用5小时,小明来回共走了多少千米?13、一辆汽车在甲、乙两站之间行驶,往返一次共用4小时。已知汽车去时每小时行驶45千米,返回时每小时行驶30千米,求甲、乙两站相距多少千米?14、甲、乙、丙、丁四个班绿化植树,甲班种树占总数的 3/20 ,乙班占总数的25,丙、丁两班种树的比是5:6。如果甲班比乙班少种12棵,丁班种树多少棵?15、甲、乙两仓库存货吨数比是4:3,如果由甲库中取出8吨放到乙库中,则甲、乙两仓库存货吨数比是4:5。两仓库原存货总吨数是多少吨?16、A、B、C是三个顺次咬合的齿轮,已知齿轮A旋转7圈时,齿轮C旋转6圈。(1)如果A的齿数是42,那么C的齿数是多少?(2)如果B旋转7圈,C旋转1圈。那么 A旋转8圈时,B旋转了多少圈?六、数学思考(10分)一艘轮船以每小时40千米的速度从甲港开往乙港,行了全程的20% 后,又行驶了1小时,这时未行路程与已行路程的比是3:1。甲乙两港相距多少千米?Unit 5 I like biscuits.教学目标:1、 用 “What do you like?”“I like/dont like”询问他人及表达个人的喜好。2、 What do you like?I like/dont like3、 掌握词汇:noodles, biscuit, cake, milk, dumplings, rice, bread理解词汇:a dress, a drum, a dragon, a driver, a drink4、 字母组合dr在单词中的发音。教学重、难点:1、 用 “What do you like?”“I like/dont like”询问他人及表达个人的喜好。2、 教学难点:What do you like?I like/dont like课时安排:教学内容课时安排A部分1课时B、C、D部分1课时E、F部分1课时Period 1Step 1 Warming up师生问候游戏Guess, guess, guess! (猜一猜)分组进行游戏。一组做动作扮演小动物(a beautiful bird, a big elephant, a strong tiger, a tall giraffe, a small squirrel, a fat pig),另一组猜一猜他们演的是什么。Step 2 Presentation and drill1、 T: What time is it now? Oh, its 11 oclock. Its too late. I am hungry now. Are you hungry?板书单词hungry,通过动作让学生明白其含义。带读数次。 Ss: Yes, I am hungry.2、 出示若干食品图片,选择其中的一张。T: What will you do when hungry? Right! Eat something. What do you like?I like cake.(笑脸). I dont like rice. (哭脸)用身体语言让学生理解like和dont like的含义和用法。T: What do you like?S2: I like hamburger/French fried/rice/cake/3、 听课文A部分录音,复述所听内容。4、 听录音,跟读。5、 分小组练习。6、Step 3 Practice游戏Quick response (快速反应)出示多张水果(oranges, apples, pears)图片,学生以最快的速度说出句子“I like/I dont like”。还可将水果单词换成动物、颜色、文具、人物等单词。Step 4 ConsolidationPeriod 2Step 1 Warming up1、师生问候。2、男女分组。让学生用“What do you like? I like/dont like”造句。可进行比赛。Step 2 Presentation and drill1、 出示课件。T: Look, this is my restaurant. There are many foods in it. Do you want to eat something? What are they? Do you like them?食品逐个出现,并展现单词noodles, dumplings, biscuit, rice, cake, bread, milk, jam及其读音,让学生跟读。解释noodles, dumplings, rice是中式食品,而jam, cake, bread, milk是西式食品。2、 T: Do you still remember the food in my restaurant?鼓励学生说出自己所能够记住的食品名称,或者使用中文,老师将其翻译成英语。同时,将食品的单词卡片贴在黑板上。3、听课文B部分单词,跟读。Step 3 Practice游戏Apple and pear(苹果和梨)在黑板上画好苹果与梨子的笑脸,分别代表教师(苹果)和学生(梨子)。让学生跟读所学单词。当教师读对时,学生必须大声地跟读;当教师读错时,所有的学生必须保持沉默。如果学生出错,代表学生的梨子将被擦去五官中的一个,反之,则擦去代表教师的苹果的五官其中的一个。


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