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词多义词(R-Y)知识点常用的一词多义词(R-Y)教学目标掌握常用的一词多义词,灵活根据不同的情境去运用,突破各个考点。教学重点常用的一词多义词(R-Y)教学难点常用的一词多义词(R-Y)教学过程一、 课堂导入首先同学生进行简短的课堂问候,以一个话题展开相应的英语口语问答,充分锻炼学生口语的能力。之后,对常用的一词多义词进行概述,让学生知道其重要性和相关记忆的技巧,之后引入我们今天学习的重点知识常用的一词多义词。二、复习预习教师引导学生复习上节课所学知识点,(以提问、回顾的形式进行),针对上节课的作业进行讲评、订正、答疑。准备好错题提炼本,除了总结自己今天课上答错的习题还要分析出自己出错的原因,同样的错误严格把控自己不再重犯。三、知识讲解知识点:常用的一词多义词(R-Y) R1. race (n) 比赛,赛跑 He won the 100-meter race at last.(v)进行速度竞赛 Ill race you to school. 2. raise (v) 举起,提起 Please raise your hand if you want to say something.(v) 召集或集结(某事物)The volunteers hold a party to raise money for the poor children.3. reach (v) 到达 We reached the station in time and caught the train.伸手够到 The apple is too tall for the girl to reach.达到 Finally they reached an agreement.4. reason (n) 理由,原因 This is the reason why he was late.(v) 推理 5. receive (v) 收到 We received the letter at the end of the month.招待 He was received as an honored visitor.6. record (n) 唱片 I am looking forward to getting a latest record of Taylor Swift.记录 He hopes to break a record in London in 2012. 7. rest (v) 休息 Its time to rest for a while.(n) 休息 Its time to have a rest.剩余部分 Tonight Ill have enough time to watch the rest of the film.8. return (v) 返回 He returned to his hometown in 1999.归还 Please return the book to me as soon as possible.9. rice (n) 水稻 Rice is grown in the south.米饭 I had some rice and fish for lunch.10. rich (a) 富有的 He is very rich but he is very unhappy.丰富的 Chinese is a very rich language. Im sure youll fall in love with it.11. ride (v) 骑 Can you ride a horse?(n) 乘骑,乘坐,搭乘 We went for a ride in her new car.12. right (a) 右边的 Show me your right hand. 正确的 You are right. I am really from Shenyang.(n) 右边 On the right you can see the museum.(n) 权利 You have no right to do that. 13. ring(n) 戒指,环形物 She loves her wedding ring very much.(v) 发出清晰响亮的声音 (尤指铃声)The bell is ringing. Lets hurry.14. room(n) 房间 -Which room do you like? The one on the left.空间 Who can make room for this old man?15. row (n) 排 He is in Row One.(v)划 We rowed the boat happily.16. rule (n) 规则 You must obey the rules.(v) 统治 He ruled the country and people all loved him.17. run (v) 跑步 Every day we practice running on the playground.经营 He ran the company successfully.S1. save (v) 拯救 The doctor saved the patient in the end.节约 We must try our best to save water. 2. serve (v) 为服务 He served in the army.送上,端上 What time is breakfast served in this hotel.3. set (v) 放,放于某处 Set your heavy bag down here. 安置,放好 Set the table for dinner.制定,确定,建立 He set a new world record.专心,倾注 The child has set his heart on it. Ive set my mind on it.(太阳)下沉,落下 In the winter the sun sets early .使成为 I open the cage and set the bird free.使开始 Your words have set me thinking. set (n) 一组,一套 a set of tools 装备 a TV set固定的,安排好的 I have to study at set hours each day.(adj.) 4.shop (v) 购物 I shopped for some clothes, but I couldnt find anything. (n) 商店 Where is the shop? Its over there.5. short(a) 矮的,短的 The boy is too short to reach the box.That ruler is not long enough. Its a bit short. 6. show (v) 出示 Can you show me your ticket?带引 May I show you to your seat?(n) 展览 There is a flower show in the park every spring.7. since (conj) 自以来 I have been a teacher since In graduated from the college.既然,由于 Since everyone is here, lets begin our class.8. smart (a) 聪明的 He is smart and his parents likes him very much.漂亮的 The gift he received on his birthday was a smart shirt.9. smoke (v) 吸烟 My father used to smoke.(n) 烟 The smoke from the chimney is very terrible. 10. snow (n) 雪 I like to play with snow very much. (v) 下雪 It is snowing heavily. Youd better not go out.11. so (conj) 因此 It was dark, so I couldnt see what was happening. (adv) 那么,如此He was so happy that he couldnt believe his ears when he heard the news. 12. sort (v) 挑选 Can you sort these apples into two parts?种类 What sort of food do you like best?13. sound (n) 声音 Listen! Can you hear a strange sound?(v) 听起来 The music sounds beautiful.14. spare (v)留出 Can you spare me five minutes?(a)备用的 There is a spare bedroom on the second floor.多余的,空闲的 I often read books in my spare time.15. spring (n) 春季 People often fly kites in spring.泉 There is a spring in the village.16. stand (v) 站立 Please stand up!忍受 I cant stand getting up early.17. step (n) 步 Take two steps forward and two steps back.台阶 Mind the step outside the door.18. stick (v)粘住 Stick a stamp on the letter.(n) 枝条;棍 The old man needed a walking stick.19. still (ad) 还 He still kept the photo which was taken ten years ago.(a) 静止不动 Stand still! Dont move!20. stop (n) 站 Lets meet at the bus stop.(v) 停止 Stop talking! Its time to listen to the news.21. store (n) 商店 I went to the bookstore and bought the book I wanted.(v) 贮藏 Many animals like to store food for winter. 22. strange (a) 奇怪的 Its strange youve never met him.陌生的 He stood in a strange street.23. strong (a) 强壮的 She is not very strong after her illness.坚固的 He had strong beliefs so he succeeded in the end.(尤指饮料)烈性的,浓的 The tea is too strong.24.study (v) 学习,研究 She studies French.书房 She is studying French in her study.25. swing(v)摇荡 The sign was swinging in the wind.(n)秋千The children are playing on the swings in the park. T1. table (n) 桌子 Cover the table with the cloth. 表格 First, you need to complete the table.timetable 时刻表2. take (v) 获得,享有,使用 take the bus take a walk拿走 Who has taken my pen?携带,带领 We usually take the children to school in the car.3. talk (v)讲话 I want to talk to you about something. (n)谈话 I had a long talk with Mr Wang about my son.报告 There will be a talk on modern films. 4. tell (v) 告诉 I will tell him the news as soon as he comes back. 分辨 -Which team will win? -Who can tell?5. terrible(a) 可怕的 This was a terrible war.糟糕的 To tell you the truth, its really a terrible play.6. thin (a) 瘦的 She is very thin.薄的,细的 Dont skate on the thin ice.7. through (prep) 穿过,通过 We cant see through the mist. 经由 She climbed in through the window.(ad) 从头到尾,自始至终 She read the letter through.8. tie (v) 系,扎 Tie the tree to the stick.(n) 领带,领结 He wore a tie before going to the party.9. time (n) 一段时间 Learning English takes quite a long time.钟点 The clock keeps good time. (这个钟时间很准)时刻 Its time to go to bed.次数 I have been there many times. 10. train (n) 火车 Lets travel by train.(v) 训练 She is training to be a doctor.11. treat (v) 对待,看待 She treated us as children.款待 He treated himself to a holiday in Spain.医治,治疗 He tried his best to treat the disease.12. turn (n) 轮流 Its my turn to clean the blackboard.(v)旋转 Turn right at the end of the street.13. twice (ad) 两次 Ive read the book twice.两倍 I work twice as hard as you.U1. undergroundunderground (a) 地下的 underground(n) 地铁2. used (a) 用旧了的, 二手的He bought a used car after his graduation.已适应,已习惯After three weeks he got used to the weather in Beijing.W1. warm (a) 温暖的Its warm in spring.热情的They gave the guest a warm welcome.(v) 使暖和 Please warm the milk.2. watch (n) 手表(v)观察The students watched as the teacher did the experiment.观看Will you watch the match on TV?守卫或保护某人或某物Could you watch my clothes while I have a swim?3. water (n) 水 There is a lot of water in the bottle.(v) 浇水 He watered the tree every morning.4. way (n)路 Can you show me the way to the hospital?(沿某)方向 He went this way.(做某事的)方法What is the best way to clean it?5. weak(a) 弱的She was still weak after her illness.差的She is weak in biology.(指液体)稀的She prefers weak tea 淡茶7. wear (v)穿着Look at the man who is wearing an overcoat! He is Jackie Chen!戴着I dont like wearing glasses.6. well (ad) 好,令人满意地 He can play basketball very well.(a) (身体)好的,健康的 -How is your mother? -Very well.7. when (conj)当时候 When the teacher came in, we stopped talking at once.(ad)何时 When did you return the book?8. while (conj) 和同时 While I was doing homework, my father was reading a newspaper.(n) 一会,一段时间 Please wait for a while.9. wing(n) 翅膀; 机翼 10. wish (v) 祝愿某人有某物I wish you a good journey.怀着愿望I wish I knew what was going to happen.(n)愿望; 祝愿Her wish came true. With best wishes11. with (prep) 和一起She goes to America with her husband.有或带着某物Who is the girl with long hair?用You need to fill in the form with a pen.因为或由于(某事物);She was shaking with laughter (笑得浑身直颤)12. Wonder(v) 想知道 I wonder why he is late. (n) 奇迹 These are books of wonders.13. word (n) 词The word is not spelled correctly.话,话语He didnt say a word about it.14. work (v) 工作He works very hard.运转My watch doesnt work.(n) 工作His hard work leaves me a deep impression. 15. Wrong(a)错误的I am sorry to say that your answer is wrong.不正常的,有毛病的There is something wrong with my computer.Yyard(n)院子He often drinks tea in the yard.码A yard equals to 3 feet.四、例题精析【例题1】_come from_.A. Canada, Canada B.Canadas,Canadian C.Canadians, Canada D.Canadian,Canadian 【答案】:C【解析】Canada意为加拿大,其首都为Ottawa(渥太华)My friend is from Canada.(1)形容词为Canadian.加拿大的,加拿大人的.She is a Canadian girl. 她是个加拿大女孩.(2) Canadian 作名词,意为加拿大人,其复数形式为 Canadians.We are Canadians. 我们是加拿大人.【例题2】Lucy is a girl from _. She can speak _.A French, France B France, FrenchC French, French D France, France【答案】:B 【解析】:French(1) 作名词,意为法语,不可数名词,构成词组 speak French.-Can you speak French? 你会说法语吗?-Yes, a little. 是的, 会一点.(2) 作名词时,还可表示法国人,常与the搭配, 是法国人的总称.The French are said to have a sense of beauty.据说法国人有欣赏美的感受力.(3) 作形容词,意为法国的,法国人的,法语的She is French. 她是法国人.表示一个法国人要用a Frenchman/Frenchwoman.He is a Frenchman. 他是一个法国人.【例题3】Are there any trees _ the river?A for B near C in D on【答案】:B【解析】near(1)作介词,意为在附近,与far from反义My house is near my school. 我家离学校很近.The book is near the pencil-box. 那本书在铅笔盒附近.(2)作副词,意为接近,亲近地,在近处My uncle lives quite near. 我叔叔住得很近.课程小结本节课主要围绕常用的一词多义词(R-Y)来进行讲解,通过本课的学习要求学生除了掌握相关知识点,还能理论结合实际,能灵活运用和举一反三。课下要求学生多做题,多思考。近年考试对语法点的考查往往是与语境相结合,因此,同学在做题时要结合语境来分析题目,灵活地运用语法知识。


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