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一、冠词:(1)a/an 的区分:注意以“U”开头的单词。如果发字母u本身的音/ju:/,前面加a:a useful book, a university, a usual chair;如果发以外的音,前面加an:an unusual chair, an unimportant meeting, an unforgetable experience(2) 球类运动和三餐饭前不加theplay football , play table tennis乐器前加theplay the violin,play the piano(3)a一个,the那个二、介词:(1) 介词+doing 介词+ 代词宾格形式 Neither of us is late.The book is for you. The knife is used for cutting things.Tom is sitting between him and me.(禁用“I”)关联记忆:介意 Mind + doingWould you mind my smoking here?(2) on in at 的用法:表时间:on(天优先,只要涉及天的概念就用on); in(时段); at (时刻)on the morning of April 1st. on a rainy night 在一个雨天的夜晚at the same time(3) 表伴随:with / without ,或doing She is a girl with long hair.She is a girl wearing a new dress.(4)表方式: by bike,on foot 没有冠词“a”或名词复数What time is it by your watch? The boss pays us by week.He beat her with a book.(with后要带a或复数)speak in English Write in ink(5)介词(不加the)+名词at table 在桌旁,且在吃饭(两层意思)at the table 在桌旁,具体干什么不清楚at school in the school三、时态:时态一致:从句与主句时态一致He said he had been there for an hour.He said the sun is bigger than the moon.(自然规律自然现象用一般现在时态)He said the moon is running around the earth.(错误,应改为一般现在时态) 时态一致之时态变异(必考):A瞬间动词的-ing形式表将来The plane is taking off in an hour. The old man is dying.(将要死了)B条件状语从句:一般现在时表将来I dont know if he will come tomorrow. If he comes, I will call you.I will ring you as soon as I finish my work.I wont go out until my homework is done.四、感叹句:考生须掌握how和what引导的感叹句的基本句型,并且熟悉一些常用形容词和副词的拼写。要点归纳:1、 what + a / an +adj. +单数名词(+ 主语+ 谓语)!2、 What +adj. +复数名词(+主语+ 谓语)!3、 What+adj. +不可数名词(+主语+谓语)!常考的几个不可数名词:food,news,weather,fun,music,work,information,advice,suggestion。注意:what引导的感叹句,主语+谓语可以省略。4、 How + adj. +a / an + 单数名词(+主语+谓语)!5、 How+adj./adv.+主语+谓语!6、 How + 句子!五、连词:(1) 连词现象:Although ,though 与but通常不连用because 与 so 不连用 if (如果)与then 不连用(2) 就近一致连词neither.nor , either.or ,not only.but also not.but.(3) 连接句子与to do 形式because +句子(有完整主谓结构)because of +介词宾语(名词等)in order to do (in order not to do ) in order that +句子so as to so as that +句子 so.that +句子too.to do enough to do so good a book that +句子such a good book that+句子 so good that+句子(4) 重要联词的应用unless(=if not)除非 or 否则(威胁,劝告) as if / as though (仿佛)even if / even though (即使) not.until (直到.才)六、宾语从句:考查形式:单项、完成句子考察难度:考察全面,考查必须掌握引导词、时态和语序这三个要素。要点归纳:1、 陈述语序2、 时态:主句为一般现在时,_时态:主句为一般过去时,_3、 that, whether, if, what, who, which, whose, when, where ect.4、 宾语从句的简化:但主句的主语和从句的主语为同一人时, 从句可以简化为疑问词+不定式。七、动词:考查形式:时态、情态动词、动词短语、分词做形容词、非谓语动词考查难度“动词是词法的核心,考查范围较大,难度较大一、 时态要点归纳考点一:主将从现(在状语从句已经提到)考点二:现在完成时4大用法:结果,延续,经历,移位时间标志:for + 时间段、since+ 时间点/一般过去时的句子、already、yet、every、never、“How long?”、含有“time”表示次数的句子中要点归纳:区分: have been to + 地点 _ have gone to + 地点 _ have been in + 地点+ for + 时间段 _瞬间动词与延续性动词间的转换: die be dead buyhave borrowkeep leave/gobe away(from) make friendsbe friends begin/startbe on arrive/get to/reach/comebe in/be at/stay join (the Party)be a (Party) member /be in (the Party)核心句型:It is + 时间+since+一般过去时的句子考点三:过去进行时(在时间状语从句中考查)考点四:一般现在时(客观真理)、一般过去时(在宾语从句中考查)二、 情态动词归纳情态动词有:must, have to, had better, can, could, be able to, may, might, need, will, would, shall, should + 动词原形考点一:must can 表示推测的运用考点二:mustnt的运用,意思是_考点三:情态动词一般疑问句的回答Must ? Yes, S + must. No, S +needntNeed.? Yes, S + may No, S + musnt八、非谓语动词归纳:和介词一样非常灵活,在句法中,不作谓语,所有句子成分都可充当。只考查动词不定式、动名词作宾语 To + do ( 否定式not + to + do)1、 只能接to +do的动词有:decide, agree, hope, want, refuse, plan, need, wish +to do2、 有些动词加 to do 做宾语补足语,常见的有:Ask, tell, want, teach + sb. +to do +sth.3、 加 to + do 的重点句型有:(1) It takes sb. Some time/money to do sth. 做某事花费某人多少时间、金钱(2) It is + adj. + for/of sb. to do sth. 做某事怎样(3) Would you like to.?4、后接省略to的动词不定式的动词有 一感(feel)二听(hear, listen to)三让(have, make, let)五看(watch, ,see, look at, notice, observe),半个帮助(help可以带to,也可以省略)改为被动语态时,to要还原例如:This little boy is made to clean his bedroom every week.1、 省略to的情况有(1) 情态动词后(2) Why not/why dont you(3) Would ratherthanDoing (否定式not doing)1、 加doing作非谓语动词常考的有:enjoy,mind,suggest,miss,admit,deny,imagine,practice+doing sth.2、 加doing的情况有:(1) 介词后+doing 例如:give up doing sth., be interested in doing sth.等(2) Feel lilke + doing (喜欢做某事)/prefer doing sth. to doing sth.(更喜欢.)(3) To作介词时的几个常用短语:look forward to/be used to/pay attention to + doing3、 既可加to do 也可加doing,并意思相近的动词有:begin, start, like, love, hate4、 既可加to do 也可加doing,但意思不同的动词有:Forget to do 忘记去做某事(事情还没有做)Forget doing 忘记做过某事(事情已经做了,但是忘了)Remember to do 记得去做某事(事情还没有做)Remember doing 记得做过某事(事情已经做了)Regret to do (对将要做的事)遗憾Regret doing (对已经做过的事)遗憾Stop to do 停下来去做某事(去另外一件事情)Stop doing 停止做某事(停止正在做的事情)归纳记忆:stopfrom + doing = prevent from doing Try to do 尽力做某事 (区分:manage to do 设法做某事) Try doing 尝试去做某事 Keep/go on to do 继续去做某事(停止原来做的事情而继续另一件事情) Keep/go on doing 继续做同一件事情 Mean to do = plan to do 打算/计划去做某事 Mean doing 意味着做某事重点区分下列搭配:See / watch sb. do sth. 看到、看着某人做某事(已做了)See / watch sb. doing sth. 看到、看着某人正在做某事(在做)Hear / notice sb. do sth. 听到/注意到某人做某事(已做了)Hear / notice sb. doing sth. 听到/注意到某人正在做某事(在做)关注:have sth. done/ get sth. done need doing / want doing九、情景交际:纵观近几年中考,情景交际题都位于单选最后一题,所占分值一分。We can invite Nick and Nora to Shanghai Disneyland with us ?Ill give them a call right now(2014苏州中考)AWhy notBWhat forCWhyDWhat Shall we go fishing at six oclock tomorrow morning?(2015苏州中考) _.Will seven oclock be OK?A.Sure, its up to you B. Sure, no problemC.Sorry, I cant make itD. Sorry, Im not available Id like to choose yellow as the colour of our bedroom .(2016苏州中考) . The colour brings me a warm and comfortable feeling .A. No way B. Sounds great C. In your dreams D. I cant decide十、形容词 副词1. A+ as +adj / adv的原级+ as +B 表示 “A和B一样”A +not+as/so+形容词原级+as+B 表示 “A不如B”2. “甲+形容词/副词的比较级+than+乙”表示“甲比乙”(可以修饰比较级的词.much,a lot,far,的多a little,a bit,一点儿even甚至,still仍然)3. the +序数词+形容词的最高级+单数名词4. one of +the +形容词的最高级+复数名词5.“the+比较级,the+比较级”表示“越,越”十一、名词辨析instruction introduction invitation invention direction feeling sense view scene 十二、动词词组turn on turn off turn up turn down turn output on put off put up put in put out put away put through break down break out break intocut in cut out cut down get up put up turn up stay up make up set up tidy up pick up look up take up wake up eat up come up with grow up give upbreak out put out find out come out carry out hand out work out turn out try out for run out look out break down come down calm down write down cut down turn down 十三你、代词1. 人称代词(belong to)2. 物主代词3. 反身代词(help oneself to sth,make oneself at home, enjoy oneself)4. 指示代词(that、those)5. 不定代词one、ita few, few , a little, littlenone, nothing, on oneboth /neither /either /all / none / anyother /the other /others /the others/anothersomeany noeverythingsomethinganythingnothingeverythingonesomeoneanyoneno oneeveryonebodysomebodyanybodynobodyeverybody十四、特殊疑问词How longHow soonHow farHow oftenHow many/much十五、反义疑问句1. 前肯后否,前否后肯2. 注意回答3. 否定词:never , few , little , hardly ,no ,seldom ,nobody ,nothing,tooto (反义词不是否定词如dislike,unhappy)4. 祈使句的反意疑问句为 will you ? Lets 的反意疑问句为 shall we ?十六、被动语态1.一般现在时的被动语态:am /is/ are +动词的过去分词2.一般过去时的被动语态:was /were +动词的过去分词3.一般将来时的被动语态:will be +动词的过去分词4.现在完成时的被动语态:have /has +been +动词的过去分词5.情态动词的被动语态:情态动词 + be +动词的过去分词6. 有些词组没有被动语态:sell well , write well ,ride well ,drive well 7. 系动词是没有被动语态: look, feel ,sound ,smell ,taste .8.need表示需要时,后面常接doing 形式表示被动意义,相当于to be done .9. 动词:make / let /have /see /hear /feel /watch ,改为被动语态时加to。十七、数词1. 逢十词尾加-ty :twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety 2. 表年龄: in ones + 整十的复数 表示在某人几十岁时3. 若hundred / thousand /million /billion 前有基数词时,其后不加s,也不加of .若没有时 ,既加s 也要带of .4. 几个半的表达法: two and a half hours = two hours and a half 5. 分数词的表达法: a).分子用基数词,分母用序数词. b).当分子大于1时,分母加复数.c)分数词作主语时, 谓语动词根据分数词后面的名词来确定.十八、主谓一致1. 由并列结构或连词(eitheror, neithernor,notbut, not onlybut also, or等)连接的并列主语,谓语动词与较近的那个名词或代词保持一致。2. 当主语与谓语动词之间插入along with,with,as well as,together with, besides,except, but, including等短语时 ,谓语动词与第一个主语保持一致。3. 词组“a number of”作主语时,谓语动词应用复数;“the number of”作主语时,谓语动词用单数。4. 英语的集体名词(family, public, group, team, class等词),指代“整体”时为单数;指代“其中的各成员”则为复数。5. 表示时间、距离、金额、度量等词语作主语时,通常被视作整体,谓语动词用单数。6.“the +姓氏名词的复数”表示“一家人、.夫妇”,作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。7.“the +形容词(old /young /rich /poor )”表示“一类人”,作主语时,谓语用复数。十九、状语从句1.时间状语从句1).由when 、 while、as(当时候)引导的时间状语从句。2).由after/ before (在.之后/ 前)引导的时间状语从句。3).由as soon as (一.就)引导的时间状语从句。4).由not.until(直到.才.)引导的时间状语从句。2.原因状语从句 由because 、since 、as(因为、既然、由于)引导的原因状语从句。3.目的状语从句 由so that (以便、为的是)引导目的状语从句。4.条件状语从句 由if或unless 引导条件状语从句。5.让步状语从句 由though 、even though/ if 、although引导让步状语从句。6.结果状语从句 由sothat、such.that(如此.以致于)引导结果状语从句。中考重点词组(all) over again再;重新a bit有一点a couple of一对;几个,几件a few一些,少量a great deal (of)大量,许多a little一点,少许a lot of(=lots of)许多,大量a number of一些a pair of一对,一双,一副a piece of一块(片,张,件)above all首要的是according to根据action film动作片African American(非洲裔)美国黑人after all毕竟after class下课后after school放学后agree with sb同意某人(的看法)all day long整天地all kinds of各种各样的all ones life一生all over到处,遍及all over the world遍及全世界all right行了,好吧all the best一切顺利,万事如意all the time一直,总是all year round一年到头and so on.等等animal sign生肖any time(=anytime)在任何时候arrive at/in到达art form艺术形式as a result因此as good as和几乎一样,简直是as soon as一就as usual照例;像往常一样as well (as)也,还有as.as像.一样as.as possible尽可能ask for请求,要at a /the speed of以的速度at a time 每次,依次at birth出生时,诞生时at first起初,首先at last最后,终于at least 至少at most最多at night在夜里at present现在,目前at the age of在.岁时at the end of在末尾at the foot of在.脚下at the same time同时at/on weekend (=at/on the weekend) 在周末be afraid of害怕be born出生,出世be crazy about对着迷be full of满是be good at擅长于be interested in对.感兴趣be known/famous for因而著名be late for迟到be made of由.制成be made up of由组成be of sbs age与同龄的be satisfied with对感到满意be strict with sb对某人要求严格be tired out筋疲力尽be worth doing值得做某事beget used to习惯于,适应于because of因为,由于believe it or not信不信由你borrow. from向.借.bothand.和.都;不仅.而且break down(车辆或机器)出故障,坏掉break into强行闯入break out爆发bus stop公共汽车站by hand手工by oneself独立地,独自by the way顺便问一下,顺便说说by train/bus/ship/bike乘火车/公交车/轮船/自行车call sb back回电话cant wait迫不及待car park停车场care about关心,关怀carry on继续开展,继续下去carry out开展;执行catch fire着火catch ones attention吸引某人的注意change ones mind改变主意chat show访谈节目cheer up使振作起来come down崩塌,坍塌come from来自come on 来吧,赶快come true变为现实,成为事实come up with想出(主意)compare to/ with与相比computer game电脑游戏connect to/with与相连,连接country music乡村音乐cut down砍倒cut in(on sb/sth)打断(谈话),插嘴cut out剪出cutshort缩短deal with处理,对付depend on/upon依靠;取决于die of /from死于different from与.不同dining room餐厅divideinto把分成dividing line分界线;界限do some shopping买东西do the dishes洗碗do well in .做得好do/try ones best尽某人最大努力dont mention it不客气dream ofabout梦想,想象dress up装扮,乔装打扮dried food干粮drive sb mad使人受不了each other互相,彼此eat up吃光,吃完eitheror不是就是,或者或者enjoy oneself玩得愉快excuse me劳驾fall behind落后fall in love with sb爱上某人fall over摔倒far away from远离fillwith用填充find ones way out找到出路find out发现first of all首先fit for适合于football field足球场for example例如from then on从那时起from time to time不时,有时,偶尔from.to.从.到.game show游戏表演,竞赛节目get along/ on with与和睦相处get away逃脱;离开get lost迷路get off下车get on上车get ready for sth为准备好get together聚会,联欢get up起床giant panda大熊猫give a helping hand伸出援助之手give up放弃go for sth去从事(某项活动或运动),去参加go into hiding躲藏起来go out出去go over复习;回顾go swimming去游泳go through通过go to bed去睡觉go to hospital去看病go to school去上学go wrong 弄错;犯错;(机器)出故障ground floor底层,一楼=first floorgrow up成长,长大成人guard against sth防范,提防(某事)had better(=d better)最好hand in 上交,递交hand out分发;提出happen to碰巧have a gift for对有天赋have a good time过得愉快,玩得高兴have breakfast/lunch/dinner吃早饭/中饭/晚饭have difficulty (in) doing sth做某事费劲have fun玩得高兴have lesson上课have nothing to do with 与无关have to不得不,必须have/take pity on同情,怜悯hear from收到的来信hear of听说,知道help sb whith sth帮助某人解决某种困难home page主页hurry up 快点,赶快in a hurry急忙,赶快in all总共,总计in all directions四面八方in class在课堂上in danger处境危险in fact实际上,事实上in fear of ones life为生命安全担忧in front of在.前面in general总的来说,大体上in hospital住院in ones way挡住某人的路in order to以便,为的是in place在正确位置in public公开地,在别人面前in some way在某种程度上in the beginning一开始in the form of以的形式in the middle of在中间in the morning/afternoon/evening在上午/下午/晚上in your dreams你做梦,你妄想instead of而不是,代替just a minute稍等片刻keep a secret保守秘密keep fit保持健康keep in touch保持联系keep it secret保密keep sb from sth 保护,使免受keep(on)doing sth继续,重复做某事keep in order使保持井然有序key ring钥匙扣knock on the door敲门kung fu功夫laugh at嘲笑lead to导致less and less越来越少less than少于,小于let me see让我想想let off(=set off)使(炸弹等)爆炸lion dance狮子舞live on 以食为生living room起居室,客厅local colour地方特色look after照顾look at看一看look for寻找look out留神,当心look through浏览,快速查看lose heart泄气,灰心lose ones way迷路main unit(电脑)主机make a difference(to sb/sth)(对)有影响,起作用make a fire生火make up编;编造make up ones mind决定mistakefor把误认为mkae a mistake 犯错误mobile phone手机moon cake月饼more than多于,不仅仅music video=MV音乐视频my pleasure不客气,很乐意效劳neithernor既不也不next door在隔壁next to紧邻,在.近旁no longer不再no problem没问题no way不可能not beileve ones eyes不相信自己的眼睛,非常惊讶not onlybut (also)不仅而且;和都not.any more再也不,不再notat all一点也不of course当然of ones own属于某人自己的office worker办公室职员,上班族on board在飞机(船、火车)上on business出差on foot走路,步行on ones mind挂在心上;惦念on ones/the way在.路上on the phone通电话on time 准时open space开阔的空地open up开启;开创;开辟out of control失去控制,无法管理palce of interest景点pass away(委婉语)去世pay attention to注意pay for为.付款pencil case笔盒,笔袋pick up举起,拿起play the role of扮演的角色plenty of大量,足够pocket money零花钱police station警察局post office邮政preparefor为准备push in插队,加塞=cut input in安装put out扑灭put through给接通(电话)put up搭,竖立reading room阅览室rice dumpling粽子right away立刻,马上run away 逃离,跑开run out用完,耗尽rush hour交通高峰期save.from从.中救出.say to oneself自言自语set up建起,设立shake sbs hand与某人握手share sth with sb与某人合用/分享某物show off炫耀show sb. around领某人参观sit down坐下sleeping bag睡袋so far到目前为止so much for sth(表示就某事讲完了)关于就讲这么多,到此为止sothat如此以至于social worker社会工作者some day将来有一天,总有一天soon after不久以后South African南非人special offer特价优惠spend time on /doing sth花时间做某事stand for 代表stand up 站起身,起立star sign星座stay out待在户外;(晚上)不回家stay up熬夜stop doing sth停止做某事succeed in doing sth成功地做某事such as例如suchthat如此以至于swimming pool游泳池table tennis乒乓球take a look看一看take a message传个话,捎个口信take a walk散步take action采取行动take care保重take care of照顾take notice of注意,察觉take part in 参加take photos拍照take place进行,发生take the lead处于领先地位take up占据(空间);占用(时间)talk about/of谈论text message短信,短消息the day after tomorrow后天the day before yesterday前天the Olympic Games(= the Olympics)奥林匹克运动会the other day 那天,前几天the same.as与同样think about考虑think of认为;考虑think twice(about sth)三思而行thousands of成千上万的tidy up收拾妥,整理好to ones surprise令某人惊奇的是too.to.太.而不能.traffic lights红绿灯trueinto把变成try on试穿,试试看try out for sth参加选拔(或试演)turn around转身;(使)翻转turn off关上(开关)turn out原来是,结果是up to standard达到标准used to曾经wait a minute等一会wait for等候wake up醒来wash away冲走washing machine洗衣机work of art艺术品work out算出;解决worldfamous世界著名的,举世闻名的worry about为担心would like(=d like)想,愿意would rather(=d rather)宁愿,更喜欢write down写下,记下write to写信给youre welcome别客气,不用谢中考重点词汇abilityn.能力able adj.能,能够aboveprep.在上面abroadadv.到(在)国外absentadj.缺席的acceptvt.& vi.接受,收受achieve vt. 实现,达到achievementn.成就,成绩acrossprep.在对面;穿过,横过addressn.地址advantagen.优势,有利条件advicen.建议,忠告,劝告advisevt.&vi.建议,忠告,劝告affordvt.买得起;能做African.非洲Africanadj.非洲(人)的against prep紧靠,碰,撞againstprep.对抗;与相反;违反agen.年龄agoadv.以前agreevt.&vi.同意;应允agreementn.一致,同意alive adj.活着的allowvt.允许all-timeadj.一向的;空前的almostadv.几乎,差不多aloneadj.独自,单独alongprep.沿着,顺着aloudadv.大声地;出声地alreadyadv.已经althoughconj.尽管,虽然American n.美国人ancientadj.古代的,古老的another det. & pron.别的;不用的;又一,另一bamboon.竹brainn.大脑braveadj.勇敢的breakvi.损坏;打破bridgen.桥brightadj.明亮的Britishadj.英国的brokenadj.损坏了的,破碎的buildvt.建造,建筑buildingn.建筑物,房子,楼房care n.照料,照顾care vi.&vt.关心,关注,在意carefuladj.仔细的,认真的;小心的carefullyadv.仔细地,认真地;小心地carelessadj.粗心的carelessly adv.满不在乎地;粗心地carelessnessn.粗心carrotn.胡萝卜carryvt.拿,提,搬cartoonn.卡通片,动画片catchvt.捕捉,捕获causen.原因 vt.导致;造成celebratevi.&vt.庆祝,庆贺chemistry n.化学chessn.国际象棋chocolate n.巧克力choicen.选择choosevi.&vt.选择;挑选chopsticksn.(复)筷子Christmasn.圣诞节circlevi.&vt.围绕;将圈起来classmate n.同班同学communicatevi.&vt.交流,交际communicationn.交流,交际communityn.社区compare vt.&vi.比较competitionn.竞赛,比赛;竞争complete adj.完全的,彻底的complete vt.完成completelyadv.完全地concertn.音乐会conditionn.环境,条件,状况connectvt.连接considervt.认为;考虑dictionaryn.字典die vi.死differencen.差异,不同(之处)differentadj.不同的difficulty n.困难;费力dig vt.&vi.挖(洞,沟等)directadj.直达的,直接的directvt.导演;指导direction n.方向director n.导演discover vt.发现,发觉discovery n.发现;发现物discussvt.讨论,议论discussion n. 讨论dish n.一道菜;盘,碟dividevt.&vi.分开,分DIYn.自己动手做dollarn.美元done adj.完毕,结束doubleadj.双的;两倍的doubtvt.怀疑downprep.沿着,向下drawingn.画画dreamn.梦想;梦dreamvi.&vt.做梦,梦想dressvt.&vi.穿着,穿衣drivevt.驾车送(人); 驾驶,开(车)drop vi.&vt.下降,落下dry adj.干的;干燥的dumpling n.汤圆,饺子duringprep.在期间DVD=digital videodiscabbr.数码影碟Each det.&pron.每人.每个.每件.earth n.地球earthquaken.地震easilyadv.容易地,不费力地east n,adj&adv东,东方easternadj.东部的,东方的education n.教育eitheradv.也eitherdet.&pron.两者之一elder adj.年纪较长的elderly adj. 年老的electronic adj.电子的else adv. 另外;其他European n.欧洲人even adv.甚至ever adv.曾经everybodypron.每人,人人everyday adj.每天的;日常的everyone pron.每人,人人everythingpron.每件事,每样事物,一切everywhereadv.到处exactlyadv.(答语)正是,没错exactlyadv.确切地,精确地exam=examination n.考试,测试examplen.例子,榜样excellentadj.杰出的,极好的exceptprep.除了以外excitedadj.激动的excitingadj.激动人心的excuse vt. 原谅,宽恕expect vi. 期待,指望;预料expensive adj.昂贵的experience n经历,经验explain vi. 解释express vt. 表达face vt.面临;面对fact n.事实factoryn.工厂fail vt.&vi.失败fair n.集市;庙会;展览会fall n.秋天fall vi.落下,掉落;倒famousadj


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