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2017杭州中考英语模拟试卷考试英语卷一、听短对话,回答问题 【原创】1. How many people are there ?A. Four B. Three C. Two 2. Where do you think the dialogue may happen? A. In the police station B. In the museum. C. In the cinema.3. What are they going to do ? A. play basketball. B. go shopping C. stay at home 4. How much will the man pay for two jackets?A. 24 dollars B. 48 dollars C. 45 dollars5. Whats the weather like today ? A. Rainy B. Sunny C. Cloudy 二、听较长对话,回答问题 【原创】6. Whose birthday is it tomorrow ? A. Jeans B. Toms C. the boys7. What is Jean going to do tomorrow? A. bake a birthday cake. B. go to the doctor. C. open a savings account.8. What is the relationship between Jean and Tom? A. wife and husband. B. mom and son C. friends 9. What Henry made a telephone for ?A. ask the weather report.B. make an appointment with his girl friend.C. book the ticket.10. Which performance is he going to watch? A. At 9 pm B. At 5 pm C. At 8:30 pm11. How should he pay ? A. 4.5 pounds B. 5.5 pound C. 9 pounds 三、听独白,回答问题 【原创】10%: both using underground and railmeans of transportationpercentnumberpublic transportationunderground29+ 10405,000rail28%+ 10%391,00bus99,000private transportationcar19%Motorbike/ bicycle12. Whats the total number of commuters into London ? A. 788 ,000 B. 1,023,000 C. 405,00013. Whats the percent of the public transportation? A: 87% B. 57 % C. 77%14. How many people travel by car ? A. 99,000 B. 788,000 C. 197,00015. Whats the percent of people by motorbike or bicycle? A. 4% B. 19% C. 10%四、 单项填空【原创】 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。16. The underlined part in the word “grades”is pronounced as_. A./ts/ B. /dz/ C./des/ D. /diz/17. What _ useful book! And _ book is popular with students.A. a; a B. an; a C. the; the D. a; the 18. Can I help you?Id like a cup of tea _ sugar _ it, please.A. at; in B. with; in C. with; on D. at; on19.You speak good French. Could ou tell me_? Youd better communicate with others in French as much as possible. A. how can I improve my French B.how could I improve my French C. how I can improve my French D. how I could improve my French20. More and more young people are trying to do something _ the disabled. A. served B.to serve C. serve D. serves21. The _ friends you have, the _ youll be. A. more; happier B. many; happy C. more; happy D. many; happier 22. Whats on? The lady there _ me of my English teacher. Her smile is so sweet. A. realizes B. thinks C. misses D. reminds23. _ the workers are very tired, _they keep on working. They are great. We must learn from them.A. Because; / B. Though; / C. Because; so D. Though; but24. The boy must have stayed up late last night, _?A. mustnt he B. hasnt he C. didnt he D. must he25. Excuse me, Can I _ your pen? Sorry. I have _ it to Bob. A.borrow; lent B. borrow;lendedC. lend; borrowedD. lend; borrow26. What do the women in white do? Some of them are _,some are teachersHow I admire them!Awoman doctors B. women doctors Cwoman doctor Dwomen doctor27.Tens years ago, there _ full of fish in the lake .Now there are _ fish. A. used to live; little B. had; a few C. were; many D. used to be; few28. Dont touch anything unless your chemistry teacher_ you to.A. tells B. tell C. to tell D. told29. Betty was feeling pretty blue for a while,but shes better now_ A. Oh,thats kind of you B. Congratulations BIts my pleasure DOh,Im glad to hear that 30. The film _ for ten minutes when we got to the cinema.A. had already begun B. have already been on C.had already been on D. have already begun五、完形填空 【原创】 Once upon a time a teacher and his student 31 down under the big tree near the big grass area. Then suddenly the student asked the teacher. “ Teacher,Im 32 ,how do we find our soul mate? Can you please help me?” Silent 33 a few seconds,the teacher then answered, “ Well, its a pretty 34 and an easy question.” The teacher 35 , “ Look that way,there is a lot of grass,why 36 you walk there? Please dont walk backwards,just walk straight 37 . On your way,try to find a blade of beautiful grass and 38 it up and give it to me. But just one.” The student said, “ Well, OK then. wait for me.” and walked straight ahead to the grassy field. A few minutes 39 the student came back. The teacher asked, “Well, I dont see a beautiful blade of grass in your hand.” The student said, “On my journey,I found quite a 40 beautiful blades of grass,but I thought that I would find a 41 one, so I didnt pick it. But I didnt 42 that I was at the 43 of the field,and I hadnt pick any because you told me 44 to go back,so I didnt go back.” The teacher said, “ Thats 45 will happen in real life.”31. A. lie B. lied C. lying D. lay 32. A. confuse B. confusing C. confused D. confused33. A. at B. on C. in D. for34. A. hard B. hardly C. hardily D. hardness35. A. stopped B. stop C. continue D. continued36. A. not B. dont C. doesnt D. didnt37. A. along B. with C. to D. ahead38. A. put B. grow C. look D. pick39. A. late B. later C. before D. ago40. A. little B. few C. lot D. bit41. A. good B. well C. better D. best42. A. think B. know C. find D. realize43. A. begin B. beginning C. end D. ending44. A. not B. dont C. doesnt D. didnt45. A. how B. where C. what D. which六、阅读理解 【原创】AStress is a bit of a fashionable buzz word. There are similarities and links between stress and anxiety - both can lead to unpleasant, disabling symptoms.So try these ten easy relaxation tips to feel more relaxed and in control.1.Take a short break and leave a stressful situation. If you are at work, offer to run or go for a short walk. A few minutes away can help you think clearly and the walk will get rid of some of the tension in your body.2.Take a break from the activity you are working on and do something different. Sometimes it helps to come back to a stressful task later when you feel more relaxed instead of persevering.3. Listen to relaxing music while you work. Listening to classical or nature music has been shown to lower heart rate and slow breathing. People often report feeling calmer after listening to calming music. Develop the habit of playing music in the background while you work for easy relaxation.4. Take regular breaks during the day. Spend 5-10 minutes to read something uplifting or humorous, or chat with a friend.5. Practice mindfulness. Mindfulness is the ability to be fully aware of the present moment. It is a skill that helps to reduce stress and depression. Start by spending 5 minutes a day just sitting in the quite noticing the sights, sounds and bodily sensations you are having. 6. Change your focus. As people feel more stressed their attention becomes focused on what they believe to be the cause of their stress and they ignore other information. Write down the things that were good about the day. Keep a diary.7. Have a hot bath or shower. This will help to get rid of the tension in your muscles which is a normal result of stress.8. Write down the things that are worrying you. If you are worried it is very difficult to relax easily. Once you have written them down then see how much control you have over them.9. Keep things in perspective. Ask yourself how important is it? How important will it be in a years time? Many of the things that cause stress are not important when we look at the big picture.10.Slow your breathing and purposefully relax your body for quick results. This will be easier if you have learned easy relaxation methods that you can use when you need them. Ill add more relaxation techniques in a future post.46. How many ways are offered to deal with stress?A. seven B. ten C. eleven D. twelve47. Which kind of music isnt helpful to lower heart rate and slow breathing? A. rock music B. country music C. natural music D. classical music48. Which is a good way to get rid of the tension your muscles? A. run or go for a short walk. B. take regular breaks during the day. C. have a hot bath or shower. D. slow your breathing and purposefully relax your body.49. Whats the meaning of the underline word mindfulness in the passage ? A. 漫无目的 B. 聚精会神 C. 三心二意 D. 天马行空50. The passage can most probably be found in a book. A. travel B. math C. history D. scienceBLike many other sports, table tennis began as a mild social activity that you do for pleasure. It was popular in England in the second half of the nineteenth century under its present name and various trade names such as Gossima and Whiff-Whaff. After the name Ping-Pong (an imitation of the sound made by the ball striking the table and the vellum bats that were used) was introduced by J. Jaques & Son, the game became a fashionable craze.The game was popular in Central Europe in 1905-10, and even before this is a modified version had been introduced to Japan , where it later spread to China and Korea. After a period when it had dropped out of favor in Europe, the game was revived in England and Wales in the early twenties. by that time Ping-Pong had been registered as a trademark, so the earlier name of table tennis was re-introduced. National associations were formed and standardization of the rules began, both in Europe and the Far East. Then, over the next sixty years, table tennis developed into a major worldwide sport, played by perhaps thirty million competitive players and by uncountable millions who play less seriously. However, the game itself has not changed in essence since its earliest days, though it is faster, more subtle and more demanding than it was even only twenty years ago.51. Which isnt the name of the table tennis ? A. Gossima B. Whiff-Whaff C. Ping-Pong D. badminton 52. Why the name “Ping-Pong” was so called? A. The Chinese people named it. B. An trademark for business. C. The Japanese named it. D. an imitation of the sound made by the ball striking the table and the vellum bats.53. From where we can infer from the passage was the table tennis spread to China? A. Japan B. Korea C. England D. Wales54. When was the table tennis developed into a major worldwide sport. A. in the second half of the nineteenth century B. in the early twenties C. in the 1910s D. in the late twenties 55. The passage mainly talk about ? A. the name of the table tennis. B. the invention of the table tennis C. the history of the table tennis D. the popularity of the table tennisC你知道吗,其实狗也可以分好几种,有的鼻子灵敏有的奔跑速度赛子弹,有的却是胆小鬼。请用你小狗的日常表现来测验一下吧,你会发现关于人类最好的朋友的有趣事实。56. A dogs nose print is as unique as a humans finger print and can be used to accurately identify them.57. A frightened dog will put its tail between his legs because it cuts off the scent glands in its anal region which a very vulnerable part of the anatomy. Since the anal glands carry personal scents that identify the individual dogs, the tail between the legs action is the dogs equivalent of insecure humans hiding their faces58. An American Animal Hospital Association poll found that 33 per cent of dog owners admit to talking to their dogs on the phone while they are away.59. If you love dogs, but dislike the sound of barking, a possible solution is a Basenji dog. This dog is a breed that does not bark, but instead makes a yodel-like sound.60. Greyhounds are the fastest dogs on earth, with speeds of up to 45 miles per hourA: Nosy dog B: Talkative doggy C: Hush Poppy D: Faster than a Speeding Bullet E: Scaredy Cat F: Dogs on the Big Screen 七、选词填空【原创】either great kind for when green full hard belong please Of all the seasons of the year, I think that spring is the loveliest and most 61 season. In the bitter cold winter, we long for the spring, when the weather is 62 hot nor cold. Everything seems to be fresh and wakening. It is a time 63 going on picnics. It is also the time 64 we Chinese have the 65 festival -the Spring Festival, according to our countrys custom. In spring, there are all 66 of flowers blooming in gardens and parks. Grass and trees turn 67 . Birds sing in the woods. The climate is mild and the air is invigorating. Poets describe spring as a season 68 of hope, as the “years king”. Spring is a splendid picture in our life. Spring 69 to us and we should make good use of it. We should study and work 70 .八、 单词拼写。(每小题1分,共10小题,计10分)【原创】 根据所给单词的首字母,拼写出下列句子中的单词的正确形式,使句子完整、通顺。71Mid-Autumn Day is one of the most t_ festivals in China.72Marcia made up his m_ to go to study abroad when he was 18 years old.73Now teenagers are not interested in h_, they know less about the old days.74People enjoy Chinese food because it has different t_ and is usually very delicious.75Chinese is s_ by the largest number of people in the world76. China is a country with a long history. There are many famous p _of interest.77. The lecture was so b_ that he fell asleep in the hall.78The death of the emperor Kangxi r_ a mystery.79If you dont pay a_ to your pronunciation, its hard to make yourself understood.80These days, many people are trying their best to s money to buy large houses in the city.九、书面表达。(满分15分)【原创】 假定你是李斌,最近你们班就“低碳”生活方式进行了讨论,你的美国朋友Jack来信向你询问讨论情况,请你用英语写封回信,简单地介绍以下讨论结果:1.节水节电;2.垃圾分类;3.少用纸巾,重拾手帕;4.步行,骑自行车或乘坐公交车。参考词汇:低碳low carbon 纸巾tissue注意:词数100以内(不含开头和结尾所给出的字数);可适当增加细节了,以使行文连贯;开头已为你写好,不计入总词数。Dear Jack,Thank you for your letter asking about our discussion on low carbon lifestyle. Here is something about it._Best wishes,Li Bing听力及参考答案一、听短对话,回答问题1. M: Who are they under the tress?W: the one in red is Linda and the other two are her parents.2. M: Excuse me ,how can I get to the nearest post office ?W: Go down this street and turn left at the second crossing. You cant miss it.3. M: What a sunny day! What about going shopping ? W: Well, wed better play basketball instead.M: Sounds good.4. M: How much are these jackets?W: They are 24 dollars each,but you may get two for only 45 dollars.M: OK,Ill take two5. M: What a bad day! It has rained for about one month.W: Yes,we all hope to have a sunny day.二、听较长对话,回答问题 听第一段对话,回答第6至第8小题,对话连读两遍。Tom: Oh, its you, Jean. Sorry I had to rush off this morning. How are the boys? Jean: Im taking them to the doctor at twelve oclock, but Im sure theyre going to be all right. Tom: Thats good. What about you? Jean: Oh, Im fine now. Im going to bake a birthday cake for tomorrow. And . Ive got a camera for Peter and some records for Paul. Tom: You spoil them. Im going to open a savings account for them. They need to learn how to save money. 听第二段对话,回答第9至11小题,对话连读两遍。Clerk: Cambridge Theatre. Box Office. Henry: Have you got any tickets for Romeo and Juliet for this Saturday evening? Clerk: Which performpance? 5 pm or 8:30 pm? Henry: 8:30 pm please. Clerk: Sorry, that perfomp3ance is sold out. Henry: Well, have you got any tickets for the 5 pm performance? Clerk: Yes, we have tickets at 4.50 pounds, 5.50 pounds and 6 pounds. Henry: Id like to reserve two seats at 4.50 pounds, please. Clerk: Right. Thats two tickets at 4.50 pounds. Saturday, 5 pm performance. Whats the name please? Henry: Bishop. Henry Bishop. Clerk: Thank you. Youll collect the tickets before 3 pm on Saturday, wont you? Henry: Yes, of course. Thank you. Goodbye.三、听独白,回答问题听下面一段独白,你可以边听边完成任务,对话连读两遍。Hello boys and girls ! The following table shows the number of commuters into central London between 7:00 am and 10:00 am daily. commuter here means someone who travels regularly from home to work in a cityThe total number is 1,023,000. That means there are 1,023,000 people traveling from home to work between 7:00 am and 10:00 am daily. Of these, 405,000 travel by underground thats 29% of the total, and 28% travel by British Railthats 391,000 people daily. 10% use both rail and underground, and 10%, 99,000 people, travel by bus. That means a total of 788,000 people, 77%, on public transport. public transport means “公共交通” in Chinese .The remainder use private transport. 197,000 come by car and the rest come either by motorbike or bicycle. This means 4% come by motorbike or bicycle, and 19% by car. 一、 听短对话,回答问题 15 B A A C A二、 听较长对话,回答问题68 CAA 911 CBC三、 听独白,回答问题12 15 B C C A四、 单项选择16 20 B D B C B 21 25 A D B C A 26 30 B D A D C五、 完型填空3135 DCDAD 3640 BDDBB 4145 CDCAC六、 六、阅读理解4650 BACBD 5155 DDADC 5660 AEBCD七、 选词填空61. pleasant 62. neither 63. for 64. when 65. greatest66. kinds 67. green 68. full 69. belongs 70. Harder八单词拼写。71. traditional 72. mind 73. history 74. tastes 75. spoken76. places 77. boring 78. remains 79. attention 80. saving 九书面表达。各档次的给分范围和要求:第五档(很好): (15分-13分) 完全完成试题规定的任务。 信息全。 语言可读性强,语言结构基本正确,有少量错误。第四档(好): (12分-10分) 完全完成试题规定的任务。 有主要信息。 语言基本正确,有一些错误。第三档 (还好):(9分-7分)基本完成试题规定的任务。 有主要信息。 语言尚可读,有一些错误,但尚能达意。第二档(较差):(6分-4分) 未能恰当完成试题规定的任务。 信息不全。 只有个别句子可读,语言错误较多,且不能达意。第一档 (差): (3分-1分)未能完成试题规定的任务。 不能表达有关信息。 只有几个有关单词,语言错误很多,不能达意。 注意:凡不写任何内容、抄袭其它内容、所写内容无法看清者一律给0分。 参考范文:Dear Jack,Thank you for your letter asking about our discussion on low carbon lifestyle. Here is something about it.We can do a lot in our daily life to achieve the goal of low carbon life. First, wed better turn off lights if possible and spend less time watching TV or surfing the Internet. Saving water also matters much. Besides, we should sort out the rubbish, hoping that we might recycle some, which will surely benefit us a great deal. ln addition, we suggest using handkerchiefs instead of tissues so that we can prevent more trees from being cut down. More importantly, when we go out, walking, riding bikes or taking buses should be our first choice, which contributes to a cleaner world.


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