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2015中考口语朗读课文复习资料(请保管好,每天读一次)朗读评价标准:评分原则:评分时先从语音是否清晰、准确,语调是否正确、自然,语流是否连贯、流畅等三个方面整体把握,初步确定考生所属档次,然后按该档次的要求做调整,最后给出得分。(注意:只允许考生朗读短文一次,但可以重复个别句子,以修正后的句子评分。) (一)Films are everywhere. We see famous film stars/ in newspapers and on Tv every day. Many young people/ like to go to the cinema, and a new film is often/ an important social event. There are film festivals in many big cities /and some schools have their own film clubs. Films are important for many teenagers. They often tell an exciting or fantastic story /and they can give people/ a lot of pleasure. Films can also tell a complete story /in just a couple of hours. So they are useful /if you dont have time/ to read a long book! Sometimes /they are also important to help young people learn new information. Films can help us understand the cultures of our society /and another countrys society. Many Chinese students/ like to watch foreign films /to help them improve their English.(二)My most excting day /was in December last year, at the New Years party in the city park. The mayor started the party at 11 p.m. There were many students /from different schoolsabout 400 in all. It was very exciting. First, we marched around the streets. After that, we all formed big circles/ and started dancing. A helicopter flew over us /and took aphoto in my classroom now.After that, we took part in some activities. There were nineteen game stalls around the park. Each stall had a different game in it. I played at one of the stalls. In the game, people tried to throw table tennis into big jars. It was good fun. Then I played other games /and I really enjoyed that day.(三) Your brain weighs about 1.4 kilograms. Inside your brain / are billions of cells. Each cell is a thousand times /more powerful than a computer! The active part of your brain /is called the grey matter. This part stores information /and gives instructions to the rest of your body. Certain areas of your brain are not active. The non-active part/ is called the white matter. It passes messages /within the nervous system. Scientists think that some parts of our brains can grow stronger/ if we use them a lot. For example, they found parts of a taxi drivers brain got stronger/ because he had to memorize all the streets in a city !However ,if we do not use our memory regularly, our brains can also get weaker. We need to exercise our brains/ just like we need to exercise our bodies.(四)Ive been in an Australian school/ for just over three weeks. Im here /as an educational exchange student of my school /in China. Ive noticed that /Australian people and Chinese people have very different ideas /about education. In China, /students are often very quiet /in class. They dont think that/ it is impolite to disturb the teacher/ or to shout out answers to questions. My Australian classmates have the opposite ideas. They are often quite loud/ in class/ and like to give opinions /to the teacher. At first /I felt a bit shy/ about speaking English /in front of so many people. I was worried that/ I might say something silly. Although its been hard for me, Ive realized that /this is simply the way/ people are in Australia.(五)Mr Chen was a teacher /in Guangzhou. One summer/ he was offered a job/ as the headmaster of an international school. Unfortunately, /the school was in Shenzhen. After thinking for a long time, /Mr Chen decided/ it would be the best to accept the job/ and move to Shenzhen.But his son, /Huaming, /was very upset /and didnt want to leave his friend/s and said that /he would prefer to live with his best friend /in Guangzhou. Mr Chen hoped that/ Huangming would later change his mind/ and be willing to move.However, /he couldnt find Huangming anywhere /when they began to pack for leaving. In fact, /Huangming was just walking around the neighbourhood. He walked past the park /and the supermarket. He realized that/ being with his parents was more important /than staying in Guangzhou. So he quickly ran home /and apologized to his parents.(六)I know that /we have a short-term memory /and a long-term memory. When people get old, /their short-term memories /get weaker, but they can still remember things /from a long time ago.My granddad told me a joke. /He said, /“when you get old, /three things /start to go wrong. First , /you lose your memory/and I cant remember/ what the other things are.” If you want to remember something. You can try making a picture of it /in your mind. /If the picture is silly, /strange or colourful, /you will remember it better./ For example, /I am trying to/ remember the word “smiles”. An easy way to do this/ is to imagine/ there is a “mile “ between the first letter/ and the last letter. This makes it the longest word /in the world!/(七)Most doctors/ agree on one thing: you need a balanced diet/ to stay healthy. A balanced diet/ means eating different kinds of food/ from each of the five food groups: grains, vegetables, fruit, dairy products and protein. Having different kinds of food in your diet/ is important. In fact, doctors warn us that/ not eating certain kinds of food /is dangerous. Your body cannot work properly /without a balanced diet. On the other hand, having too much of anything, including your favourite food, is dangerous too. Doctors say, for example, if people eat lots of food /such as hamburgers and pizza, they will probably become fat. This may increase the risk of heart attack.In general, we should have fewer dairy products and eggs, and less meat and have plenty of fruit, vegetables and grain products.(八) Now computers are becoming smaller and better.Some computers are tiny. You may be unaware of them. There is probably one inside your TV /or washing machine. You depend on computers/ more than you realize. We can use computers to calculate. They can calculate at a faster speed /than we can and almost never give wrong answers. We can also type and draw things with them. In addition, computers can do important jobs/ like operating railways/ and flying planes /and spaceships.A computer is not cleverer than us. Our brain can produce new idea/ but computers cannot. However, one day /computers may be able to do a better job/ than human beings. For example, they may be better than doctors /at doing their job.(九)Mum do a lot of hard work. They cook and clean for us. They also encourage us /and give us support. Mothers Day is the time for us/ to say “ Thank you” to our mums.In most countries, people celebrate Mothers Day /on the second Sunday in May/ every year. On this day, people like to buy flowers /and make special Mothers Day cards/ for their mums. Mothers Day is not only about gifts. We can help our mums do the housework. We can take them to the park or the cinema. Sometimes a simple hug/ or saying “I love you, Mum” is the perfect gift/ for our mums.Mothers Day is about love. If you love your mum, why not plan a special Mothers Day for her?(十)I did some voluntary work /in a childrens hospital. The children there/ all suffer from serious illnesses. We organized a painting competition for them. I met a girl called Cindy. She wanted to paint a picture of the park/ near her home. I went there /and took some photos of it. Cindy used them for her painting.There are many children without parents. I met some of these children/ with my mother. We taught them to tell stories. This helps them express their feelings. One child said, “my friends dont understand my pain.” We spent time with a girl /called Vivien. Her parents died in a car accident, and she is unhappy/ and very lonely. She needs friendship. My mother and I/ will continue to visit Vivien.(十一)In western counties, using eye contact in conversation/ is very important. If you do not use eye contact, Westerners may think that/ you are not listening. And if you look away, they may also think that/ you are lying.However, in many Asian countries, looking down/ when talking with an older person, like a teacher or a parent, is polite. These differences can cause problems. For example, an Asian person might look down/ while listening to a Western speaker. The Western speaker might think /this person is not interested in/ what he or she is saying.Not using eye contact/ can cause problems, but using too much/ is not polite either. In many countries, watching other people, especially strangers, for a long time is impolite. This may make them feel nervous.of rural drinking water sources, protection of drinking water sources in rural areas by the end of the delimitation of the scope of protection, complete with warning signs, isolating network protection facilities


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