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Topic 2PROJECT MANAGER+PROJECT ORGANIZATIONI.The Nature of Manmodel about human behavior Understanding human behavior is fundamental to understanding how organizations function,whether are profit-making firms,non-profit enterprises,or government agencies.Understanding human behavior is also the fundamental to understanding how person act-game.We will mainly focus on REMM.REMM Resourceful,Evaluative,Maximizing Model Postulates 1-4Postulate 1 Every individual cares,he or she is an evaluator.1)The individual cares about almost everything,knowledge,independent,etc 2)REMM is always willing to make tradeoffs and substitutions.3)Individual preferences are transitive.Postulate 2 Each individuals wants are unlimited 1)If we designate those things that REMM values positively as GOODS,then he or she prefers more goods to less,GOODS can be anything from art objects to ethical norms.2)REMM cannot be satiated.He or she always wants more of some things,material goods/intangible goodsPostulate 3 Each individual is a maximizer:He or she acts so as to enjoy the highest level of value possible.Individuals are always constrained in satisfying their wants-wealth,time,physical laws of nature,limits of their own knowledge about various goods and opportunities,etc can be the constrains-opportunity set-be given and external.Postulate 4 The individual is resourceful:Individuals are creative.They are able to conceive of change in their environment,foresee the consequences thereof,and respond by creating new opportunities-the limitation is is not immutable.Human beings are not only capable of learning new opportunity,they also engage in resourceful,creative activities that expand their opportunities in various ways.REMMs at work:Think about the effects of newly imposed constrains to human behavior.REMMs response to a new constrains is to begin searching for substitutes for what is now constrained,a search that is not restricted to existing alternatives.They will invent alternatives that did not previously exist.Examples.REMM means there are no“needs”-individual is always willing to make tradeoffs,willing to substitute-willing to give up a sufficient small amount of any good for sufficient large amount of other goods(in his or her own sense).There are no need,there only wants,desires.demands.If something is more costly,less will be demanded,than if it were cheaper.-Cost/benefit analysis.Keep in mind:Almost all the people in the world act as REMMs,REMMs are everywhere-GAME between different parties-Try to understand what do your counter-party really want.II.Project Managers RoleObjectives IDENTIFY:What a project manager is Why a project manager is needed How to perform the role of a project manager When a project manager will play a key role in the project Project manager-Definition A project manager is an individual responsible for:Planning and organizing Controlling and directing the day-to-day activities of a project(s)Delivering the project objectives to Sponsor and Steering CommitteeA.Planning and Organizing 1 Planning 1)The technical activities of the project that will produce the projects objectives:(1)team members activities;(2)schedule of the project deliverables.2)The financial objectives of the project is based on the business case:(1)revenue from deliverables delivered to the client;(2)cost of team members labor;(3)cost of deliverables from suppliers;(4)all other project related cost 2.Organizing 1)The project team,roles and responsibilities for all team members 2)The project documentation:(1)contract file;(2)project plans;(3)project procedures;(4)financial documentation:invoices to clients;invoices from suppliers;(5)correspondenceB.Controlling Managing the risk factors of the project Managing the changes to the project Managing the issues and problems during the project Tracking the technical performance of the project-schedule,quality Tracking the financial performance of the project Tracking the suppliers performance against their contract Tracking the client satisfaction Managing the morale of the project teamWhy have a project manager Project managers value-enhance the probability of a project:-with quality products-that is on schedule-that completes within budget-with a satisfied client-that leads to follow-on businessHow do you do it 1.Follow defined processes that enable you to PLAN and MANAGE the project 2.Identify the SKILLS required for a good project manager:match those with the ones you possess;develop missing skills 3.GAIN EXPERIENCE,do it in small steps:go from a small project to a larger one and so on until you are managing large multi-year complex projects.1.Follow defined processes that enable you to PLAN and MANAGE the project 1).Planning Processes Develop a Work Breakdown Structure(WBS)-include items to contain risk Develop the network Estimate cost&effort Create a schedule Repeat as necessary 2)Managing Processes Risk management process Exception management process Conduct project review(s)Project tracking process 3)Fits the planning and managing processes together 2.Skills Requirement A very good understanding and awareness of the business Experience managing projects through the project implementation life cycle Fluent communicator Ability to manage people and motivate them to deliver according to rigorous,often punishing,timetables An understanding and solid appreciation of business planning and strategy techniques Ability to understand and implement change management programs Be IT literate and fully conversant with the advantages that IT might bring to a planned program of change Understand concepts of risk management and be able to execute it Ability to manage client expectations while retaining alignment over evolving business needsCharacteristics of a good manager Communicator Organized Planner Takes responsibility Manage expectation Problem analyzer Recognized leader Confident Aggressive Creative problem solver Consistent Flexible Cheer leader Psychiatrist Leadership Team builder Coordinator Facilitator People oriented MotivatorCharacteristics of a good manager Sense of humor Understands user Proven track record Skills assessor Goal oriented Empathetic Risk taker Realistic Good business person Profit drivenWhen does it Start When does a project manager get involved?When an opportunity to do business with a customer is identified This is during the Customer Relationship Management(CRM),Solution Design processCRM Solution Design The business process that manages an opportunity to do business with a customer During this process a solution for the identified opportunity is developed This process starts when the opportunity is identified and is carried on until the customer signs a contract or rejects the proposal for the solutionPhases of the CMR solution Design The following are the phases of the CMR Solution Design:Reviewing the opportunity Defining the solution Creating a proposal Obtaining customer approvalCMR Solution Design Project During this project there is a need for an individual who will be responsible for:-Planing the Solution Design project -Organizing the team and resources for the project -Directing and managing the day-to-day activities -Delivering the project objectives and proposal to the customer This individual is a project managerSolution Delivery Project Once the customer signs the contract the Solution Delivery project will start During this project there is a need for an individual who will be responsible for:-Planning the Solution Delivery project -Directing and managing the day-to-day activities -Organizing the team and resources -Delivering the project objectives and solution This individual is a project managerProject Management Starts?Project management starts at the beginning and stops at the end startup manage closecautionstopBaseline The Solution Design and Solution Delivery have one other thing in common-A Baseline A Baseline is a position or statement from which change is identifiedBaseline(continue)In Solution Design the starting baseline is the identified customer requirements-This baseline will grow and change as the requirements and solution are refined In Solution Delivery the starting baseline consists of the contract,proposal,etc.-This baseline will also change and grow throughout the life cycle of the projectBaseline:business case One of the key documents of that is a baseline at the start of the Solution Delivery is a business case:Business case is:a document justifying the project in financial term;The document usually contains the projected costs(to develop and run),and the business benefit that the sponsor is delivering to the sponsoring org.Summary A project manager is a full time job The job has many responsibilities:.With the many responsibilities also comes many rewards The role of project manager is the key to the success of a project Most projects fail not because of technical reasons but because of a lack of project management III.Roles of the Project TeamObjectives Describe the project organization Identify project team members and their responsibilities Identify project management responsibilitiesInformation Services (IS)Management Oversee the progress of the project Schedule Cost User satisfaction Project management support groupsIS Management-Support Groups Project Assurance Legal User organizations Technical Product Safety Other internal organizations Other external organizationsUser Project ManagerProvides information,data,decisions and approvals to the project teamMonitors and reports on progress to upper user managementHelps resolve project issuesParticipates in project teamMonitors and reports on progress to upper user managementHelps resolve project issuesParticipates in project status meetingsWith the Project Manager,administers the project change control procedureHelps resolves deviations from project plansProject Manager Overall project responsibility Establishes project work plans,estimates and schedules Establishes project staffing requirements Establishes project training requirements Conducts project planning and project status meetings Tracks and reports project progress,including schedules and work products Takes corrective action when neededProject Manager Prepares and delivers project status reports Establishes and administers the change control procedure Prepares and makes presentations at project reviews Interfaces with the User Project Manager and obtains agreement when necessarySystem Architect Assists the Project Manager in defining,estimating and planning tasks Coordinates development of interfaces between other teams,applications,systems,etc.Participates in data base design and technical reviews Prepares project procedures Provides technical guidance to team membersSystem Architect Establishes guidelines,standards and procedures for format and content of work products (e.g.,reviews work products produced by team members)Coordinates walk-through and user review meetings Evaluates and develops estimates for project change requestsSystem architect Participates in status meetings and project reviews Resolves technical issues Participates in technical design reviews Provides inputs to test plan Reviews system test cases for completeness and accuracy Selectively reviews test results to ensure the quality of testingProject librarian Maintains the project documents library and logs Maintains the correspondence files May assist with the entry of weekly input into the project tracking system Assists with clerical support Key participant within project control office(PCO)Test coordinator Prepares the test plan,including guidelines for preparation of:function list test scripts test cases test data Establishes the system test software environment and procedures Monitors the running and review of test casesTest coordinator Monitors the development of the system test function list for accuracy and completeness Coordinates and provides guidance to the User Analysts in the preparation of:test scripts test cases test data expected test results Maintains problem reports and problem logTest coordinator Follows up on problems reported to ensure that problems are being fixed within the established time period Communicates major problems and solutions to all project team members Maintains the system test progress report,tracks and reports test statusTeam leader(1)Assists the project manager and system architect in defining and estimating tasks for project plan Defines,estimates and assigns tasks to team members Plans,tracks and reports the teams progress against schedules Provides technical leadership to team member Participates in user review meetingsTeam leader(2)With the system architect,evaluates project change request Has primary responsibility for the problem and issues process Participates in project reviews Act as the primary contact with technical support personnel Reviews the team members work products,and participates in walkthroughsTeam member(1)Assists the team leader in defining and estimating tasks Documents requirements and prepares assigned parts of the Requirements,External and internal design reports according to established guidelines Prepares test cases,scripts and data according to the test plan Conducts system test according the test planTeam member(2)Reviews system test results according to the test plan Prepares assigned portions of the user manual according to the User Manual guidelines Prepares user training materials and“training the trainer”according to the User Training guideline Plans,schedules and conducts walkthrus of other team members work products Team members(3)Notifies the team leader of all apparent changes which might require change control Reports progress against the plan on a weekly basis:hours estimate to complete each task other key factors that may effect the schedule Codes of software products Installs software products Team member(4)Install hardware products Tests software and hardware products according to the established guidelinesProject executive Same general responsibilities as Project manager,but at a much higher level High level business managerUser VP Same general responsibilities as the User Project Manager,but at a much higher level Interface to the Project ExecutiveProject Control office Maintains key project documentation library and logs Enters the weekly input into the project tracking system Assists/maintains he overall project plans Assists with project review preparation tracks/controls all documentation necessary for the project Summary Define the project organization during the project objectives definition phase Document the user responsibilities during the project objective definition phase Complete a Position Description for each individual on the projectIV.Team buildingTeam building How do you select project members?What do you look for in a prospective project member?How do you make members of different org.into a project team?Selection of project team Specification of skills required Resource pool:your department,user,subcontractor available?Qualified?Assessment process Your personnel User personnel Subcontractor personnelTeam introduction Lead positions Task assignments individual groupUser personnel Selection process responsibility assistance Tracking productivity Perception of assignment User organization department head executiveTeam building factors Education/orientation total team your people user people Facilities smoking/non-smoking terminals telephones travel/parkingProject people Stakeholders:see fig.Your team interviews Skills Independent Self-reliant Goal oriented Positive attitudeTeam selection Experience Capability Availability Also:personality group interaction desires and goalsMaintaining morale Morale boosters:luncheons,activities Morale problems personnel conflicts travel/parking unusual working conditions technical incompetency expectationDeveloping skills Formal education-schedule it O-J-T opportunities-make them.Summary A project team consists of many people of varying background with varying goals with varying skill levels with a common goal/objective You must manage EXPECTATION by understanding by negotiating by providing opportunities by communicating from the beginning agreement with all partiesV.Project Initiation:meeting/orientationObjectives Describe the purpose of the project Kick-off meeting Identify typical meeting agenda and participantsActivities prior to Project Kick-off Meeting Review project documentation Hold initial meeting with user project manger-identify key issues/areas of concern Establish project work plan Develop staffing plan and project team org.Develop project teams work environment Prepare team orientation packagesProject kick-off meeting Prepared and presented by PM Within 2-3weeks of project start Attendees:executive sponsor of the project user project manager user department head I/S manager project teamKick-off meeting objectives Initiate communications Develop understanding Gain agreement Establish your role as a professional manager and business personTopics covered Development/implementation process to be used System to be developed Project resources and schedule Project management system to be used Upcoming development activitiesDevelopment process to be used A phase approach measurable units tasks and products are planned in detail deliverables:conform to standards,serve as baseline,basis for estimating joint development effort:executive management,set objectives,provide direction,demonstrates support,participates in status reviewsJoint development effort(1)Project team knowledgeable in application development combined staffing full-time assignments goals:quality product;delivered on time;within budget;with user satisfactionJoint development effort(2)User knowledgeable in business processes and needs best suited to decide business issues I/S management knowledgeable in I/S standards&procedures identify any hardware and software constraintsSystem to be developed Main objectives as identified by the user any priorities,tradeoff issues clarify conflicts Major functions within scope outside scope deliverable products Interfaces other systems to be interfaced level of interfaces Complete criteria/Major assumptions Project resources&schedule Resources required Project team:staffing schedule;skills required;assumed utilization productivity Project manager:responsibilities;authority Facilities:hardware and software;word processing;tracking system Project schedule:estimate complete date;interim milestones;turnaround time for questions,reviews and approvalsProject management system Management activities Report:verbal/written(monthly)Project reviews:purpose,frequency,procedure Change control:procedure,tracking system Deliverables:samples of format and content,signoffs required,turnaround time for reviewsUpcoming development activities Discuss near term project team tasks Discuss user involvement/tasks Focus critical path tasks/issues Any questions/any problems/any changes?9、静夜四无邻,荒居旧业贫。2022-8-222022-8-22Monday,August 22,202210、雨中黄叶树,灯下白头人。2022-8-222022-8-222022-8-228/22/2022 4:19:00 PM11、以我独沈久,愧君相见频。2022-8-222022-8-222022-8-22Aug-2222-Aug-2212、故人江海别,几度隔山川。2022-8-222022-8-222022-8-22Monday,August 22,202213、乍见翻疑梦,相悲各问年。2022-8-222022-8-222022-8-222022-8-228/22/202214、他乡生白发,旧国见青山。2022年8月22日星期一2022-8-222022-8-222022-8-2215、比不了得就不比,得不到的就不要。2022年8月2022-8-222022-8-222022-8-228/22/202216、行动出成果,工作出财富。2022-8-222022-8-22August 22,202217、做前,能够环视四周;做时,你只能或者最好沿着以脚为起点的射线向前。2022-8-222022-8-222022-8-222022-8-229、没有失败,只有暂时停止成功!。2022-8-222022-8-22Monday,August 22,202210、很多事情努力了未必有结果,但是不努力却什么改变也没有。2022-8-222022-8-222022-8-228/22/2022 4:19:00 PM11、成功就是日复一日那一点点小小努力的积累。2022-8-222022-8-222022-8-22Aug-2222-Aug-2212、世间成事,不求其绝对圆满,留一份不足,可得无限完美。2022-8-222022-8-222022-8-22Monday,August 22,202213、不知香积寺,数里入云峰。2022-8-222022-8-222022-8-222022-8-228/22/202214、意志坚强的人能把世界放在手中像泥块一样任意揉捏。2022年8月22日星期一2022-8-222022-8-222022-8-2215、楚塞三湘接,荆门九派通。2022年8月2022-8-222022-8-22202


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