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特殊句式 专题复习 学习目标:1 掌握强调句型结构用于强调各种不同句式及其与各种从句的混合考查,尤其要注意强调结构在从句中的语序问题。2 掌握完全倒装、部分倒装各种句式和结构及常考的几个固定句型。3 掌握省略的不同类型,如主语的、谓语或谓语的一部分的、宾语的、不定式的、从句的和虚拟语气条件句中if的省略。 自主学习优化方案P251-P254并完成相关练习。 知识点归纳:.强调句型的基本句型是“It is/ was 被强调的部分(通常是主语、宾语或状语)that/ who 其他部分”。在强调主语时,that后的谓语动词要与被强调者的人称和数保持一致。 It is I who am a teacher.在强调地点、原因、时间或方式状语时,不能用where、why、when或how,一律只用that. It was because her mother was ill that she didnt go with us.特殊疑问句中只有特殊疑问词可以强调,其强调结构是,“疑问代词或疑问副词is/was it that/who 其他部分 ”.Eg: Where were you born? Where was it that you were born? What is it that you want me to do? 含有情态动词的强调句的疑问句结构。 一般疑问句的基本强调句型:情态动词或助动词it be 被强调部分that/who/whom句子其他成分。 Might she leave her keys in the office? Might it be in the office that she left her keys?特殊疑问句的基本在强调notuntil结构中由until 短语或从句表示的时间状语时,要用固定的句型,且that从句中的谓语动词要用肯定式。It is/was not until . that Eg: My father didnt come home until 12 oclock last night. It was not until 12 oclock last night that my father came home. not until 句型要么用强调句型,要么用倒装句型,不能既强调又倒装。Not until 12 oclock last night did my father come home.强调句的特殊疑问句用于名词性从句中,要用陈述句语序。 I have no idea when it was that I lost my wallet. I dont know what it was in the novel that made him burst into tears.强调句型注意与几种易混淆的区别:与it 作形式主语的主语从句的区别 It was a pity that you didnt attend the party then.(你那时没有参加晚会是个遗憾)主从 It is true that he once went to Canada.(他曾经去过加拿大是真的)主从与状语从句的区别 It was late afternoon when we got there.(当我们到达那儿的时候时是傍晚了)状从 It was late in the afternoon that we got there.(我们是傍晚到达那儿的)强调句型 与定语从句的区别 It was in the lab that was set up by Mr. Smith that they finished the experiment.就是在史密斯先生创建的那个实验室里他们完成了这个实验。强调句型 It was Tang Ling who came from Hunan that won the first prize in the contest.赢得比赛一等奖的是来自湖南的唐凌。主语从句.倒装 部分倒装:(1)否定词或半否定词+助动词/情态动词/系动词+主语+谓语动词其他部分+其它(2)only+副词/介词短语/状从+助动词/情态动词/系动词+主语+谓语动词其他部分+其它Hardly/ No sooner/ Not only+助动词/情态动词/系动词+主语+谓语动词其他部分+when/than/but(also)从句 So/ neither/nor+助动词/情态动词/系动词+主语结果、目的状语从句的倒装:a.So+adj./adv. +助动词/情态动词/系动词+主语+谓语动词其他部分+that从句b.Such+a/an+adj. +单数名词+助动词/情态动词/系动词+主语+谓语其他部分+that从句让步状语从句的倒装: 状语/ 表语/ 动词+though/as+主谓结构 if引导的虚拟条件句的倒装; Had/ Were/Should +主语+谓语其他部分+主句全部倒装:副词(out,in,up,down,next,away.)+谓语+主语副词(then,now,here,there.)+谓语+主语 表地点的状语/介词短语+谓语+主语作表语的现在分词/过去分词/形容词+系动词+主语 温馨提示 1.there,here, now, up, in, off, out 等副词置于句首,当主语为人称代词时,不用倒装。Here you are. Then he left.2. Only 虽在句首,但不修饰状语时用正常语序。Only soldiers can enter the room.3.So 表示“是的,确实”时,主谓语不倒装。-It is cold day.- So it is.省略介词(in/from)的省略; 2.并列句的省略: 如果后面的分句中有与前面相同的部分,常可省略后面分句中相同的部分; 3.主从复合句的省略:宾语从句的省略:a. 由which, when, where, how 或why 引导的宾语从句中与主句重复的主语及谓语,可全部或部分省略,只保留一个连接代词或连接副词。He will come back, but he doesnt know when(he will come back).b. 引导宾语从句的从属连词that可省略。但要注意,及物动词后跟两个或两个以上that 引导的宾语从句时,只有第一个连词that 可省。He told me (that)she was a beautiful girl and that she was clever.c. Im afraid, I think, I believe, I hope, I guess等作答语时,后面的so 与not分别等于肯定和否定,宾语从句可省略。- Do you think it will rain? - I hope not (that it will not rain). 2. 定语从句的省略:a.在限制性定语从句中,作宾语的关系代词that, which, whom等可省略。b.当先行词为way 且在定语从句中作状语时,用that/ in which 引导定语从句,亦可都省略;当先行词是time, reason, place 时,作状语的关系副词when, why, where也可以省去。I dont like the way (that/ in which)you treat your mother.This is the first time (that)Ive acted on the stage.3. 状语从句的省略:a.当状语从句的主语和主句的主语一致或从句的主语为it且从句中有be动词时,可以省略状语从句中的主语和be动词。b.在as, than, however, whatever, no matter what 等引导的从句中常省略某些成分。I can only do it the way as (I was)told to (do it that way)我只能按照你的吩咐去做。4. 不定式符号“to”的省略:a.在感官动词和使役动词(feel, see, hear, notice, make, let have)后接不定式作宾语补足语时,常省略to;但在变为被动语态时,不定式符号to 保留。Did you notice her enter the room ? Was she noticed to enter the room?b.作介词but, expect, besides的宾语,前面有实义的动词 do的各种形式时,常 to.Tom had nothing to do besides answer letters this morning.c.当两个或多个不定式并列时,保留第一个to,后面的to可省略,但有对比关系则不能省略Im really puzzled what to think of and say. 我真的不知道该怎么想,怎么说才好。It is easier to make a plan than to carry it out. 制定计划比执行计划容易。d.主语部分有do的各种形式,系动词是is或was时,作表语的不定式通常省略to.The only thing you have to do is (to)press the button. 你要做的唯一事情就是按按钮。不定式省略动词,只使用不定式符号to. 为避免重复,would like/be going to/ be to/ have to/ ought to/ used to后的动词可省略。- Do you live here? 你在这里住吗?- No, but I used to. 不,不过我过去住在这儿。 动词不定式在like, love, care, want, hope, wish, expect. Prefer, refuse, mean, try, promise等动词后作宾语时,为避免重复,常可省略动词而保留不定式符号to.I have asked her to come, but she doesnt want to. 我已清她来, 但她不想来。 动词不定式在happy, glad, eager, anxious, willing, really 等形容词后作宾语时,常可省略动词而保留不定式符号to. - Will you join us in a walk? 跟我们一块散步好吗?- Ill be happy to. 非常愿意。 动词不定式在ask, warn, tell, advise, force, wish, expect, allow, permit等动词后作主语补足语或宾语补足语时,常可省略动词,保留不定式符号to.She wants to come, but her parents wont allow her to (come). 承前省略的不定式中如果有助动词have或be,则要保留have或be.- Are you a teacher? 你是老师吗? - No,but I used to be .不,但我以前是。- Why didnt you attend the meeting? 为什么没有去开会?- Id like to have, but I had an unexpected visitor. 我本想去,但是来了个不速之客。 真题再现1.(2013湖北,76)so fast_ that we can hardly imagine its speed.(travel) 光传播的速度快到我们难以想象。2.(2013湖南,35)Not once_ to Michael that he could one day become a top student in his class.(occur) 对迈克来说,不止一次出现他有朝一日成为班里的尖子生的情形。3.(2013江西,25)Only when he apologizes for his rudeness_ to him again.(speak) 只有当他为他的粗鲁道歉时,我才会再跟他说话。4.(2013辽宁,26)At no time_ of the game. It was unfair to punish them.(break) 事实上他们绝对没有违反游戏规则。惩罚他们是不公平的。5.(2013全国大纲,32)Only by increasing the number of doctors by 50 percent_ Properly in this hospital.(treat) 只有增加百分之五十的医生,病人在这家医院才能得到合适的治疗。6.(2013天津,11)It was not until near the end of the letter_ .(mention) 直到信的末尾她才提及她自己的计划。7.(2013重庆,27)It was with the help of the local guide_ .(rescue) 在当地导游的帮助下,登山者才得以获救。8.(2012江西,32)Never before_ who can play tennis as well as Robert.(see) 她从未见过有人打网球打球打得像Robert 一样好。9.(2012重庆,33)The headmaster will not permit the change in the course, nor_ it a thought.(give) 校长不会允许课程的变化,他甚至不会去考虑。10.(2012湖北,74)Little_ what she looks like; all she cares about is her job performance.(care) 她不在乎外表,她在乎的是自己的工作表现。11.(2011湖北,73)I dont know _ in the novel that made him burst into tears. (what) 我不知道是小说中的什么东西使他突然泪如泉涌。12.(2012天津,6)Only after Mary read her composition the second time_ the spelling mistake.(notice)只有当玛丽把她的论文看了第二遍之后,她才发现那个拼写错误。13.(2011湖北,71)Not until two days after the earthquake_ her mother alive.(find) 直到地震两天后,她才发现她母亲还活着。14.(2011全国,22)Try_, Sue couldnt get the door open.(as) 不管苏怎么尝试,但还是没能把门打开。15.(2011湖南,32)Only after they had discussed the matter for a few hours_ a decision.(reach) 直到他们讨论了那个问题几个小时之后做出决定。16.(2010四川,9)We laugh at jokes, but seldom_ how they work.(think) 我们因笑话而笑,但很少去思考笑话是怎样让我们笑的。17.(2010重庆,33)At the meeting place of the Yangtze River and the JiaLing River_, one of the ten largest cities in China.(lie) 中国十大城市之一的重庆位于扬子江和嘉陵江两江交汇的地方。18.(2009上海,38)Hearing the dog barking fiercely, away_.(flee) 听到狗的狂叫声,小偷就逃掉了。19(2009福建,25)For a moment nothing happened. Then_ all shouting together. (care) 一时间,什么都没有发生。之后大家一起大叫起来。20.(2009 山东,27)So sudden_ that the enemy had no time to escape.(attack) 这次袭击非常突然以至于敌人没有有时间逃跑。21.(2011全国,13)Jane wont join us for dinner tonight and_.(either) 简今晚不会和我们一起吃饭,汤姆也不会。22.(2010浙江,8)The experiment shows that proper amounts of exercise, if_ Regularly, can improve our health.(carry) 这项实验表明:适当的运动,如果有规律地进行的话,能够提高我们的健康水平。23.(2011陕西,23)It is not how much we do but how much love we put into what we do_. (benefit) 对我们的工作最有益的不是我们做了多少而是我们对所做的事情倾注了多少爱。24.(2010湖南,25)- Have you seen the film Under the Hawthorn Tree? - Of course, I have. It was in our village_. (make) 你看过电影山楂树之恋吗? 我当然看过。那部电影就是在我们村拍摄的。25.(2010四川,19)If you have a job, _ yourself to it and finally youll succeed.若果你有了一份工作,务必付出努力去做它,最后你定能成功。(devote) 巩固提升训练1. By no means_ before your parents.(tell)你绝对不能在父母面前撒谎。2. I finally got the job I dreamed about. Never in my life_.(feel) 我终于得到了我梦寐以求得工作。平生我从未如此高兴过。3. Seldom_ since they got married.(quarrel)自结婚以来他们很少吵架。4. _ die he realize that he was wrong. (explain)直到我向他解释了所有的事情他才意识到他错了。5. Such_ that he was praised it .(make) 他取得了如此大的进步以致收到了表扬。6. Not only_ the disabled to find the jobs, but also medical treatment will be provided for those who need it.不仅要帮助残疾人找工作,而且还要为那些需要医务治疗的人提供治疗。7. Hardly/ scarcely_ when everybody burst into laughing.(turn)他刚一转身大伙就哄堂大笑。8. _, I wont buy it.(as) 尽管我很喜欢它,但是我不会买下。9. Neither has he called on her, _.(nor)他没有拜访过他,将来他也不会那样做。10. The more you explain, _.(confuse) 你愈解释,我愈糊涂。11. _, his mother would wait for him to have dinner together.(late) 无论他多么晚,他妈妈都会等他一起就餐。12. Greatly loved in Chinese adolescence_ Korean TV plays.(romantic)浪漫的韩剧极受中国青少年的欢迎。13.In the dark forests_, some large enough to hold several English towns.(lie)密林里分布着许多湖泊,有些大得足以装下几个英国市镇。14. All of a sudden the door opened and_ a troop of children in all sorts of fancy dresses.(come) 突然门开了,走进了一群穿着各种各样的奇装异服的孩子。15.In my opinion, it is his measures rather than his ability_.(blame)依我看,是他的措施而不是他的能力应受到责备。16. It was_ that he began to prepare the test papers. It is typical of him to do so. (approach) 直到限期临近,他才开始准备试题,这是他一贯的做法。17._ you wanted to tell her?(be) 你想告诉她的究竟是什么?18. I really dont know_ he bought the cell phone. (be) 我真的不知道他到底在哪儿买的手机。19.It was in this very lab that was in the charge of John_.(experiment) 就是在John 负责的那个实验室里他们做了实验。20. a It was at ten oclock sharp_ there.(arrive) 我们是正十点到达那儿的。 B It was ten oclock sharp_ there.(arrive)正十点时我们到达那儿的。21. Such knowledge is still useful_ to similar situations in other count(apply)(2009 湖北高考) 在其他国家里当应用于类似的情形时,此类知识任然有用。22._ red, the building stands out among the rest and looks very attractive.(paint)(2010 湖北高考) 油漆成红色时,这栋楼在其他房子中很显眼且看上去很有吸引力。23. The experiment shows that proper amount of exercise, if_ regularly, can improve our health.(carry)这项实验表明:适当的运动,如果有规律地进行的话,能够提高我们的健康水平。24. Every evening after dinner, if not_ I will spend some time walking my dog.(tired)每天晚上晚餐后,如果上班不累,我都会花些时间遛狗。25.Her parents wouldnt allow her to go to the party, which makes her sad, but she _. (hope) 她的父母不愿意她去参加舞会,使她很难过,但她很想去。


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