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Unit 6 At a PE lesson (第一课时)教学内容:B Look,read and learn; H Sing a song 教学目标:1.四会单词及词组:shoulder, finger, knee, toe, neck, arm, hand, leg, foot2.四会句型:Touch with . Put on . All right. 教学重、难点: 让学生掌握Put on . Touch with .等祈使句及其答语。 教学准备:小图片,图片,录音机和磁带教学过程:A、 Greetings 1.放录音。2. Play a game: Listen and actTouch your ear/eye/head/hand/. 听歌曲跟读并做动作 B、 Look,read and learn 1.继续刚才的游戏Touch your neck.Teach: neck2.同法教:shoulder, finger, knee, toe, arm, leg, foot(feet跟读,个别读,齐读C、 Practise 1.Play a gameTouch your neck/ shoulders/ arm/ knee/ toes/ feet/ legs/ .2.Have a race请四名学生上讲台,由老师发令,学生跟着做动作。Touch your .Touch your with your .Show me your .Put on . (1).跟读并做动作(2).部分学生比赛,其余学生做评判。 D、 Sing a song 放录音 听歌曲,并跟着歌曲做相应的动作。 E、作业设计1 抄写四会单词 Unit 6 At a PE lesson (第二课时)教学内容: A Read and say 教学目标:1 能正确地理解、掌握对话内容,并能朗读、初步表演对话。2 四会单词:time, left, right, touch, stop,3 能正确地运用对话中的日常交际用语和词组:Put on Touch with . All right.4 能正确理解并运用句型: Stand in a line. Lets do some exercise. Now, listen carefully. Jump up and down. Do this times. Now, stand up everybody. 教学重、难点:1能正确地理解对话内容并能朗读和初步表演对话。2. 能正确理解并运用Put on. Touch with. 等祈使句及其答语。 教学准备:图片,录音机和磁带。教学过程:A、Free talkT:Touch your arm/hand/.Touch your toes with your fingers.S: All right./ Yes, Miss Xu. B、Revision: Play a gameTouch your .Show me your .Put on . 跟着命令做动作。 C、Read and say 1 继续刚才的游戏Boys and girls. Lets do some exercise. (请几名学生上讲台)Stand in a line. Put your feet together. Jump up and down ten times.Teach: Stand in a line.Up and down. Time2 Now , listen carefully. Put your hands on your head and turn left and right. Do this ten times.Teach: left, right, turnTurn left. Turn right.3 Boys and girls, lie on your back. Put your knees together. Bend your knees. Move your legs to the left, then move them to the right.Teach: lie, lie on ones back, move, 4 Now, lift up your left leg and touch it with your right hand. Then lift up your right leg and touch it with your left hand. Do this ten times.Teach: lift up 做动作跟读,齐读。跟做动作。跟读,齐读并做动作。跟读,齐读并做动作。跟读,齐读并做动作。 D、Practise 1 放录音2 放录音3 领读4 听5 指导并评价 听录音请一名学生发令,其余学生做动作。 E、 作业设计1朗读并表演对话。2. 根据所学的对话内容自编或改编小对话。Unit 6 At a PE lesson (第三课时)教学内容:C Work in pairs; D Look, read and complete教学目标:1. 复习巩固第六单元的A部分内容,要求学生能熟练运用课文中的句型,并能进行表演。2. 复习巩固B部分的单词,并能熟练背诵。3. 四会句型:Put on . Touch with .教学重、难点:1. 要求学生能熟练运用课文中的句型,并能进行表演。2. 四会句型:Put on . Touch with . 教学准备:录音机,磁带,图片。教学过程:A、Free talk What day is it today?What lessons do we have in the morning?What subject do you like?Today Im your PE teacher.Lets have a PE lesson. OK? Its .We have . I like Great! B、Revision 1指导2知道3出示图片4(请4到5位学生上讲台) Stand in a line. Put your feet together. Jump up and down ten times. Now put your hands on your head and turn left and right. Lie on your back. Bend your knees. Put your knees together.Move them to the left. Then move them to the right. Touch your left foot with your right hand and then touch your right foot with your left hand.5 给学生分成八组,其中一人当组长发命令,其余学生根据命令做动作。 齐读课文分角色朗读复习朗读B部分单词根据老师的命令做动作。 C、Work in pairs 1Touch your arms. .2出示本部分图片3指导4引导学生做扩展练习 根据命令做动作。看图,理解图意。说句子,做动作。边说边做动作。 D Look,read and complete 1Put the book on your head. He/She is putting the book on his/her head.2指导3指导学生模仿操练。仔细看图,根据图意填入所缺单词。展示所填内容,读出完整句子。 E、 作业设计完成练习册上本课练习的听力部分。Unit 6 At a PE lesson(第四课时)教学内容:E Look and read,F Listen and draw; G Listen and repeat教学目标:1 能熟练运用本单元的四会句型及日常交际用语。2 了解字母组合ai, ay在单词中的读音。3 完成并讲解练习册上的听力及其他部分的内容。 教学重、难点:了解字母组合ai, ay在单词中的读音。教学准备:录音机,磁带和单词卡片。教学过程:A 、 Free talk What day is it today?How do you feel now?Can you put on ? Its I feel Yes, I can. No, I cant. B、Revision Give orders. 根据命令做动作。 C、Look and read 1进行问答练习:Can you ?Where is ?2 通过图片和演示复习单词:a pineapple, a grape, an egg, a head, a mouth3 指导4 指导 在熟练朗读的基础上进行表演,并鼓励他们根据自己所带物品自编自演对话。 D、Listen and draw 1 It has four legs,two big ears and a long nose. What is it? Guess.2 进行描述3 评价 Its an elephant. 让学生根据老师的描述进行听音画画。比一比看谁画得好。小组比赛。 E、Listen and repeat 1出示单词: waiter, waitress, day, say 示范读2指导 3.放录音 跟读 找出并试着读其它含有ai, ay 字母组合的单词。听录音并朗读句子。 F、 作业设计 完成练习册上本单元的部分。教学反思:


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