冀教版 四年级英语下册 期末练习题(英语)

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四年级英语下册 期末练习题班级 姓名 分数 一、把所给单词分类。sock , black , restaurant, yellow, park ,brown, blouse , movie theather, shoes,school二、在横线上按要求写出下列单词。1. 把shirt 的第二个字母变成另一个字母组成新词_.2. cab的同义词_.3. write变成一个字母成为一个表示颜色的词_.4. 可以戴在head上的是_.5. near 的反义词_.6. 一句话中间意思发生转折,用_连接.7. we对应的形容词形式_.8. they对应的形容词形式_. 9. too的否定形式同义词_.10. In the morning ,We have _. 三、圈出不同类的词。1. apple chair grapes orange2. skirt pants marker hat3. yellow brown pink monkey 4. soup cookies donut cake5. noodle dumplings basketball rice四、把下列单词按顺序组成句子。1. are , wearing , you , what. _?2. far , school , from , it ,is _.3. address, 903, Ninth, my ,is , Avenue _ .4. walk ,do ,to ,you , school _?5. are , two , these ,skirts ,blue _.6.a ,white , is, this ,cat _?7.the , same , we , like , colour _.8.are , favourite ,clothes ,pants ,our _.9.desserts , the same ,their ,are _.10.like ,to , I,with ,play, my , doll _.五、选词填空。1._are you ?I am 1.3 metres tall. ( How tall. How old )2.When is your birthday? My birthday is June _.(six , sixth)3.What are you wearing ?I am wearing a pair of _( blouse, socks )4.Kim walks to school . It is only 5 minuutes .Her home is _( near ,far from )5.Can you play with me today? I _ .I must ask my mum.(know,dont know)6. Whats your favourite colour ?I like _(blue, blouse)7. I like pink .You like green .We like _colour.(different , same )8. It is twelve at noon .I t is _time!( supper , lunch)9. You dont like socks . I dont like socks _(either, too )10. We like to play games ,_she likes to read books.(and ,but)六、选择题。1.( )What is your address?a.I live in a house . b.I live in a house ninth Avenue .2.( )We like skirt,换一句说法是a.Our favourite clothes is skirt. B.Their favourite clothes is skirt.3.( )I like purple but you like orange .这句话可理解为a.We like the same colour . b.we like different colour .4.( )My favourite dessert is ice cream.下列说法发生转折的是a. Their favourite dessert is ice cream,too.b. But Their favourite dessert is cake.


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