2013年秋七年级英语上册 Unit 2 Is this your pencil教案2 (新版)人教新目标版

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2013年秋七年级英语上册 Unit 2 Is this your pencil教案2 (新版)人教新目标版_第1页
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Unit 2Isthis your pencil?(Thefirstperiod) Teachingaims:A. Learn to use the drills of this lesson and make full use of it in daily conversations.1.-Is this your pencil? -Yes, it is. Its my pencil.2.-Is that your backpack? -No, it isnt. Its his backpack.B. Learn the following words and phrases:Backpack; ruler; pencil sharpener; thank you; baseball; computer; key; notebook; ringC. Practise the conversations.Teaching methods:Discussion;A short playTeaching aids:Cards and real objectsTeaching process:Step1. GreetingsStep2.Presentation1. Let the Ss write a few words they know about school things 2. Learn the words with the help of the cards.3. Listen and number the conversations.4. Discuss in groups:- Is this /that?- Yes, it is. /No, it isnt.Step3.Group workIdentify ownership by giving the Ss a real scene and make up a dialogue.Step4. ExercisesHand out a piece of test paper.Step5.HomeworkWrite a dialogue of 60 words or so according to the drills in this lesson.第二课时一、任务设计展示 1 能准确听出所学学习用具的单词。2 能正确应用和拼写所学的单词。3 能口头应用以下句型:(1)Is this ? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. (2) Whats this in English? (3)How do you spell.?二.教学难.重点1. 一般疑问句Is this .?及其肯定, 否定回答。2. 特殊疑问句Whats this in English ? 和How do you spell ?的运用。三.教具录音机, 单词卡片, 尺子等学习用品 . 四.教学过程1. 复习教师手拿一些实物,如尺子等,用Whats this ? Its a .? 来复习学过的单词ruler, pencil, backpack等. 同时出示单词卡片让学生来拼读, 为后面练习新句型做好准备.2. 给学生放录音,让学生做课本的2a. 找学生回答,集体订正,然后集体朗读这几个单词.3. 在练习2b之前,可以先让学生仿照着自己编一组对话.找几组起来练习,然后听录音,学生填写答案.最后,全班分成两组,多读几遍,以起到巩固的作用.4. Pairwork(1)老师拿出一些相关的学习用品问同学们:Whats this in English? 帮助同学们回答:Its a/an(2)同学们根据老师的演示进行问和答(同桌之间或小组之间),大约进行五分中时间.(3)找几组同学把他们的对话表演出来.(4)最后,全班分两组问答进行巩固.五. 游戏(1) 让同学们放一些学习用品到老师的书包里,并且一定要记住自己的东西.(2) 老师从书包里拿出一些学习用品用Is this your?句型来寻找物主,学生只有两次猜的机会. (3) 让同学们自己做这个游戏.六.家庭作业(1) 识记单词: pencilsharpener book eraser ruler backpack dictionary(2) 做游戏Find the owner(3) 造一段对话用Is this your?Whats this in English? How do you spell? (4) 用本课所学单词及句型分组编对话. 第三课时一、 学习目标1、能够使用目标语言询问东西的所属2、能够使用目标语言寻找物主3、能够熟练运用目标语言写出拾物招领和寻物启示二、 学习内容目标分类学习内容词汇baseball computer game key notebook watch ID card gold ring pen 语法句型 Find the owner1. Is this your watch ?Yes, it is.2 Is that her ring?No, it isnt. Its my ring.3 Is this your notebook? Please call Johnat 357-6012.4 How do you spell your watch?W-A-T-C-H.功 能寻找物主 Find the owner三 教学过程 (一) Master the words above1. Match the words with the things in the picture 2. Guess the words using body language The teacher or the students do some actions in the front and let the others guess the words (二)Master the language structure 2. Pairwork Students use the things that they have collected from the students around and talk A: Whats this?B: Its a watch.A: How do you spell it?B: W-A-T-C-H. A: Is this your watch? B: Yes, it is. GroupworkA: Whats this?B: Its a notebook.A: How do you spell it?B: N-O-T-E-B-O-O-K A: Is this your notebook? B: No, it isnt. Its her notebook. A to C: Is this your notebook? C: Yes, it is.(三) Using the language 任务示范与讲解 In your daily life, you must have lost something or found something that doesnt belong to you. Have you got it back or found the owner?1. Sample FOUNDIs this your watch? (draw a picture)Call John at 357- 1245.LOSTMy key My name is StevePlease call 456-14782 Write your own bulletin board message FOUND LOST四 Homework 1 Listening Section B 2a 2b 2 Finish 3a 3b3 Use a photo to talk1) A: Is this your uncle? B: Yes, he is. 2) A: Is this your brother? B: Yes, he is. 3) A: Is this your mother? B: No, she isnt. (Thefourthperiod)Teaching aims:1. Learn to ask for something by using “Is this your ?”2. Try to master such pronouns as myyourherhis3. Learn to write an easy “Lost & Found” passage.Teaching difficult and important points:Develop the ability to make full use of the drills in daily conversations.Teaching method:Task-teaching; Discussion-teaching Teaching aids:Cards; CAI; Real objectsTeaching period: OneTeaching process:Step 1.Self check1. The Ss are required to remember the words of unit7 as quickly as they can in one minute. 2. Check the words they know in Part 1 on page 46 and write out their Chinese meanings.Step 2.New words1. tennis; 2. bookcase; 3. soccer ; 4. club ; 5. star ; 6. lunch; 7. T-shirt; 8. pants ; 9. plaza ; 10.dollar ; Step 3.ChoiceChoose five new words you like and write them down in Part 2 on Page 46.Step 4.Oral exerciseLook at the picture in Part 3 and make up conversationsAccording to the following drills:-Is this that? -Yes, it is. No, it isnt.Step5. Written workRead the bulletin board notices on Page 45 and try to write an easy “Lost & Found” passage.Answers:1. Lost:My watch.My name is Kate.Please call 222-0909.Found:A watch.Is this your watch?Please call Peter.Phone number: 666-0808.Step 6.AssignmentRead the drills and finish the exercise-book. 5


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