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副词() 1. 2010 河北石家庄市二模 Mr. Brown layawake all night wondering whether toleave or stay.A.wide B.well C.much D.very1A 此题考查副词词义辨析。解题关键是:熟记短语to be wide awake=fully awake “毫无睡意”。() 2. 2010 甘肃省第二次联考Did you have a good sleep last night? Yes, never sleep _A badlyB betterC worseD best2B考查副词的比较级的用法。此处否定+比较级 =最高级,句意:我从来没睡怎么好过。() 3. 2010 海南五校联考-Does Rita feel better today?-Her condition hasimproved, but it will be some time before she returns to schoolA sooner or laterB more or lessCnow and thenD once in a while3B 考查副词短语的用法。根据句意可知用more or less,“她的病情多少有所好转,但仍需一段时间之后才能回到学校。”sooner or later 迟早; more or less 或多或少; now and then时而;once in a while 偶尔。( ) 4.2010 江 苏 省 高 考 一 模 Weve publishedlargequantitiesofbooks .Thisyear_we ve published threemillion copiesA onlyB justC aloneD simply4C 考查副词。 alone 意思是 “单单、仅 ” alone此用法一般不用于名词后。()5. 2010 陕西西工大附中6 次训练 Bush, 59, looked fresh and _ as he _ of thesunny weather to enjoy one of his favorite pastimes.A. energetic; took advantageB. cautious; took chargeC. outgoing; took controlD. curious; took notice5A考查形容词及短语的含义。句意:59 岁的布什看起来清新而有活力当他利用晴朗的天气享受生活。短语took advantage of 利用。() 6. 2010 陕西西工大附中6 次训练 - This book by Tony Garrison is of great use for ourcourse.- But I think his latest one is _ worth reading.A. betterB. moreC. mostD. very6A 考查副词的用法。解题关键是:掌握短语be well worth doing sth.,此处 better 为 well 的比较级。故选A 。()7. 2010 陕西西工大附中4 次训练 He speaks English well indeed, but of course not _a native speaker.A. as fluent asC. so fluently asB. more fluent thanD. much fluently than7C 考查副词比较句型的用法。句意:他的英语的确讲得好,但当然比不上英语本土人。在否定句中用 so。 as。() 8. 2010 河北正定中学高三下学期第二次考试Susan started toclean the room;_Lily was preparing lunch.A. howeverB. butC. meanwhileD. when8C 考查副词词义辨析。此处meanwhile 意为“在此期间” ,表对比。() 9. 2010 全国大联考(新课标)-Was the test hard?-The test was so hard that he _ failed A almostB mostC mostlyD hardly9A 考查副词almost 的用法。 almost 常用于肯定句,表示“几乎 ”的意思;在否定句中常用hardly 。()10. 2010 高考冲刺预测卷 (全国卷I)In order to support the big family, he worked so hardthathe made himself ill.A. occasionallyB. purposefullyC. normallyD. eventually10D 考查副词词义辨析。Occasionally 偶尔;purposefully故意地; . normally正常地;eventually 最终。句意:为了养活一个大家庭,他工作非常辛苦,最终生病了。故选D 。() 11. 2010长沙雅礼中学9 次月考 I shall certainly not tell him the news. _, it willgo to his ears sooner or later.A. BesidesB. MoreoverC. NeverthelessD. Meanwhile11 C. 此题考查副词的用法. nevertheless 然而 .() 12. 2010 江西九江六校联考 How do you like the essays written by the students?_.A. Amazing satisfactoryB. Amazingly satisfactoryC. Amazing satisfactorilyD. Amazingly satisfactorily12B 考查副词的用法。副词修饰形容词,此处amazingly为副词, satisfactory 为形容词。() 13.2010 全国 100 校模拟 8Putting a bleeding wound under a tap makes it bleed more._, pushing on the wound may help stop bleeding quickly.A. BesidesB. OtherwiseC. InsteadD. Therefore13C 考查副词的用法。此处instead 意为:相反。()14. 2010 全国 100 校模拟 9 _the fire broke out, three fire-engines were rushed to thespot.A. HardlyB. QuicklyC. ImmediatelyD. Gradually14C 考查副词用作连词。此处immediately 意为:一。 。就。() 15. 2010 苏北四市第三次调研 Do you mean to play the hero in the play?_ . But it should be a character I like.A.Not surprisinglyB.Not necessarilyC.Not importantlyD.Not absolutely15B 考查副词的用法。此处not necessarily 意为:不一定。() 16. 2010郑州市三模-Ourwomen athletes achieved great success in the VancouverOlympic Winter Games.-Yes. Few could perform _, I think.A. betterB. wellC. bestD. the best16A考查副词的比较级。句意:没有多少人能完成的这么好。否定+比较级表示最高级。() 17. 2010 湖北黄冈中学一模The hotel was nice; the weather was hot; the beaches werebeautiful. _ Id say it was a great vacation.A. AnyhowB. AltogetherC. SomehowD. Nevertheless17B 考查副词的用法。句意:旅馆好,天气热,海滩美。总之,那是一个愉快的假期。此处altogether 总之。() 18. 2010 浙江宁波十校联考The officials said the downward trend of A/H1N1 flu activitydid not_ mean the worst was over. Flu activity might pick up next year.A. greatlyB. necessarilyC. fullyD. nearly18B 考查副词的用法。句意:政府官员称A/H1N1 流感活动有下降的趋向,但不一定意味着最严重的已经过去。明年流感活动可能会再起。Greatly 非常地; necessarily 一定地, 必然地;fully全面地;nearly差不多地。


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