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高级休闲英语试题Section I. Reading (40 Points)Information for examineesQuestions 1-10:20points, 2 point for each; Questions 11-30: 20 points, 1 point for each)Part 1: Questions 1-10.The History of Saint Valentines Day Valentines Day started in the time of the Roman Empire. Some experts state that it originated from St. Valentine, a Roman who was martyred for refusing to give up Christianity and for secretly officiating at Christian marriages. He died on February 14, in about the year 270 A. D. One legend says that St. Valentine left a farewell note for the jailers daughter, who had become his friend, and signed it From Your Valentine. However we need to know more of the story to know why St. Valentine is now the patron saint of lovers.In ancient Rome, February 14h was a holiday to honor Juno. Juno was the Queen of the Roman Gods and Goddesses. The Romans also knew her as the Goddess of women and marriage. The following day, February 15h, began the Feast of Lupercalia. The lives of young Roman boys and girls were usually strictly separate, but on the eve of the festival of Lupercalia the names of Roman girls were written on slips of paper and placed into jars. Each young man would draw a girls name from the jar, then the young man and woman would become partners for the duration of the festival. Sometimes the pairing of the children lasted an entire year, and often, they would fall in love and would later marry. Under the rule of Emperor Claudius , Rome was involved in many bloody and unpopular campaigns. Claudius was having a difficult time getting soldiers to join his military leagues. He believed that the reason was that Roman men did not want to leave their loves or families. As a result, Claudius cancelled all marriages and engagements in Rome. Saint Valentine and Saint Marius secretly married couples, and for this Saint Valentine was apprehended and dragged before the Prefect of Rome, who condemned him to be beaten to death with clubs and to have his head cut off. He suffered martyrdom on the 14th day of February, about the year 270 A. D. In 496 A. D. Pope Gelasius set aside February 14th to honor St. Valentine. The pastors of the early Christian Church in Rome endeavored to do away with the pagan element in the Roman feasts of this period by substituting the names of saints for those of maidens. As the Lupercalia began about the middle of February the pastors, following Gelasius decision, appear to have chosen Saint Valentines Day for the celebration of this new feast. So it seems that the custom of young men choosing maidens for valentines, or saints as patrons for the coming year arose in this way. Gradually, February 14th became the date for exchanging love messages and St. Valentine became the patron saint of lovers. The date was marked by sending poems and simple gifts such as flowers and candy. There was often a social gathering or a ball to celebrate the patron saint of lovers. In the United States, Miss Esther Howland is given credit for sending the first valentine cards. Commercial valentines were introduced in the 1800s and now the date is much commercialized. The town of Loveland, Colorado, does a large post office business around February 14th. Nevertheless even though the advertising industry focuses on Valentines Day as just another way for us to spend our money, the spirit of good continues as valentines are sent out with messages of love, however sentimentalized, and children and sweethearts exchange valentine cards at school , at work and even within the family.Question 1-10: Complete the following statements by choosing the best from the answers a, b, c, or d. Write a, b, c or d on your Answer Sheet.1. Valentines Day is celebrated a) on the day of St. Valentines birth. b) on the Feast of Lupercalia. c) only by Christmas. d) on the day of St. Valentines death.2. At the feast of Lupercalia in ancient Rome a) young girls and boys were kept strictly separate. b) young girls and boys would get married. c) young girls and boys would be partnered for the festival. d) young people were baptized into Christianity.3. According to this article Claudius of Rome banned marriages because a) he could not get soldiers to join his army. b) he believed girls and boys should be kept separate. c) he did not believe in Christianity. d) he wanted to control the birth rate.4. The official who condemned St. Valentine to death was a) the Prefect of Rome b) Emperor Claudius c) Pope Gelasius d) a member of Christian community5. Who tried to do away with the pagan element in the Roman feasts? a) Lupercalia b) The pastors of the early Christian Church in Rome c) Juno, the Queen of the Roman Gods and Goddesses d) Miss Esther Howland6. The pastors of the early Christian Church in Rome a) encouraged paganism on Valentines Day. b) encouraged young men to choose maidens as partners on Valentines Day. c) encouraged emperor to become a Christian.d) encouraged people to choose saints as patrons on Valentines Day.7. We have been able to buy valentine cards a) for over 300 years. b) since Miss Esther Howland sent the first valentine card. c) for over 200 years. d) since the post office in Loveland was opened.8. Before 1800 a) many people exchanged valentine greetings and gifts. b) there were often annual valentines balls. c) the post office in Loveland was kept busy on Valentines Day. d) Valentine was not yet a saint.9. Within the context of the article, people like to post cards from a certain town in Colorado because a) that is where the first Valentines card was posted. b) it is Valentines birthplace. c) the post office there is large and efficient. d) of the sentimental meaning attached to sending a card from Loveland.10. Within the context of the article, the commercialization of St. Valentines Day means that a) children now exchange valentine cards at schools. b) the day has become a very sentimental occasion. c) people are encouraged to spend money to celebrate the day. d) the day has lost its Christian connections.Part 2: Questions 11-25 Welcome in the year 2000 by joining us at theCrossheys InnOne of Irelands Oldest PubsProprietors Colm and Vincent Hurl.BACKGROUND The Crosskeys Inn is one of Irelands most famous Irish Traditional Music Pubs. Musicians from all over Ireland have at one time or another played within (and outside) its walls. In the old times, it is a thatched stone-built cottage with whitewashed walls and was once a coaching stop on the old Belfast to Derry road. It was also a shop which sold everything for a rural community (see some of the receipts on the walls), a post office and of course a bar. Nobody knows for sure when it was built but it is thought to have been around 1740.MUSIC Traditional Irish music sessions are held every Saturday night 8. OO till late (all musicians welcome). Impromptu sessions some Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays (again all musicians welcome).OLD WORLD CHARM Come in and rest your bones in front of the blazing turf fire in the kitchen and en30v the craic (the talking) and music, or go into the big room, play the piano, sing a song or two, or maybe listen to a storyteller. Tell a Yarn or three yourself.HOW TO FIND US The Crosskeys Inn is situated at the junction of the Grange Road & Crosskeys Road, which is halfway along the main Randalstown-Portglenone Road B52. From Belfast take the M2 & turn off for Randalstown & Portglenone, straight through Randalstown towards Port-glenone B5Z for five miles, signpost on left side for Crosskeys. We are at the end of the road. We can provide maps of the area to help you find your way.CONTACT INFORMATION If you would like to find out more about The Crosskeys Inn then why not contact us directly. Details for reaching us by post and telephone are given below:40 Grange Road,Ardnaglass,Toonle,Co. Antrim, BT41 3QB,Northern. IrelandTel, +44 (O)28 79650694Name of HotelCrosskeys InnProprietorsColm and Vincent(11)Country (12)Type of BuildingThatched and built of(13)HistoryOnce used as a coaching stop, a(14) a post office and a bar. Probably about(15) years old (when the advertisement was written).Special attractions of the HotelAn Irish traditional music session regularly held once a(16) on Saturday with occasional impromptu sessions on other evenings.Guests can sit around the(17) fires in the kitchen.LocationThe hotel is at the junction of Grange Road & and (18). When traveling from(19) use the M2 and the B52 roads.Contact informationBy(20) and telephone 40 Grange Road,Ardnaglass,Toome,Co. Antrim, BT41 3QB,N. IrelandTel, +44 (0)28 79650694Questions 21-25 : Now read the advertisement again and look at the boldfaced words in the text to find out their correct meanings through the context, then choose the closest option in meaning from the lists below by writing a, b, c or d on your Answer Sheet.21. Pub a) public theatre b) public convenience c) hotel or inn d) public music hall22. Impromptu sessions a) sessions played by amateur musicians b) immoderately loud sessions c) Irish music sessions d) sessions that are not planned in advance23. Rest your bones a) make yourself comfortable b) bring your musical instruments with you c) have a sleep d) visit the cemetery24. Craic a) listening to the music b) gossiping with the other customers c) joining in the singing d) cracking open a bottle of wine25. A Yarn or three a) a few drinks b) a number of stories c) some travel directions d) spinning a talePart 3: Questions 26-30Verbal skills in another culture can generally be mastered if one studies hard enough. But nonverbal skills are much more difficult to learn. Nonverbal behaviors mainly include eye contact, facial expression, posture, gestures, and the use of time, space, and territory. The messages sent by body language and the way we arrange time and space have always been open to interpretation. When cultures differ, it becomes very difficult to understand nonverbal behaviors.In western culture, for example ,people perceive silence as a negative trait(品质). It suggests rejection, unhappiness, depression, regret, embarrassment, or ignorance. However, the Japanese proverb says, “Those who know do not speak; those who speaks do not know.”Silence is equated with wisdom.Gestures can also create different reactions in different cultures and thus one must be careful in using and interpreting them .In some societies it is extremely bad pointing ones finger as in giving directions .Other hand gestures can also cause trouble .The thumbs up symbol may be used to indicate approval in many countries ,but in Iran and Ghana it is a vulgar (粗俗的)gesture.As businesspeople increasingly interact with their their counterparts from other cultures, they will become more aware of these differences. Some behaviors are easy to warn against, such as touching people from the Middle East with the left hand. However, learning all of them is impossible, and such lists are merely the tip of the cultural iceberg.26. Non-verbal behaviors dont include_.a) posture b) facial expressions c) making an address d) the use of space 27. Differences in _will lead to differences in communications a) cultures b) languages c) verbal skills d) habits 28. The Japanese agree that silence is associated with _.a) good manner b) unhappiness c) depression d) little knowledge 29. It can not be inferred from the passage that _a) different culture have different interpretations of similar gestures b) it is good for the businesspeople to know of the different meanings of similar gestures c) western cultures are distinctively different from oriental cultures d) nonverbal behaviors are more complicated than verbal behaviors 30. We may not find _in the cultural iceberg.a) those verbal skills people may use b) the cultural dos and dont c) those nonverbal skills used by people d) the good hygienic habits people haveSection II. Reading (40 points, 2 points for each)Part 1 Questions 31-35 Information for Tourists to Malaysia Getting the visa. Travelers can come to Malaysia individually or with a tour group. The travel agencies which organize the tour will go through all the necessary formalities for the group members, while individual travelers should find out if they need a visa to enter Malaysia. For nationals of most countries of the world, a visa is granted at the port of entry, but nationals of some countries have to apply for a visa before their arrival. You should check with the Malaysian embassy in your country whether or not you need a visa to enter Malaysia. You should apply for it well ahead of time if you do need one. It usually takes at least two weeks to process the visa application.Physical Check-up. Tourists should go to their doctors before leaving for Malaysia and get some vaccinations or medication according to their doctors advice. Malaysia has many well-equipped hospitals, and many clinics operated by doctors in private practice, but the fees charged can vary greatly from hospital to hospital, and from clinic to clinic. In Malaysia, all doctors speak Malay. It is also easy to find doctors who speak English, Chinese, or Tamil. Doctors who speak other languages are more difficult to find. If you do not speak any of the four languages, there may be a problem in communication when you seek medical help in Malaysia.Money Matters. All hard currencies, for example, US dollars, German marks, French francs, Japanese yen and sterling pounds, are accepted in Malaysia. Tourists can use cash, travelers checks and credit cards according to their own needs. Foreign currencies and travelers checks can be changed to Malaysian ringits at the exchange desk of most hotels, the major banks, and authorized money changers. Dont change money with any unauthorized money vendors, it is illegal and not safe. The major credit cards, such as Visa, Master Card, American Express, Million, JCB and Diners Club, are accepted in most of the big hotels and department stores. Hotel Reservation. There are plenty of hotels in the big cities of Malaysia, most of them are rated one-to-five star hotels. Most hotels are equipped with air-conditioners, single or double beds, and private bathrooms. Hotel guests can get fax, laundry and wake-up services. In hotels above the three-star level, there are also business centers, beauty salons, health centers and discos. Buffet breakfasts with both Western and Southeast Asian food are served. Hot and cold drinks are provided in most hotels, and the tap water is drinkable in Kuala Lampur, but elsewhere tourists should be more cautious.The prices of the hotels vary according to their categories and the season. Tourists should reserve their hotels before they come especially during high season. Reservations can be made through a travel agency, an overseas branch of the hotel, or by fax. If you arrive without a reservation, you can telephone the hotel upon arriving at the airport. There are also hotel reservation desks operated by the Malaysian Tourism Association at all the major airports of the country.Questions 31-35. Find out if the following statements are true or false according to the text. Mark T on your answer sheet if it is true, F if it is false. Then write your answers on your answer sheet.31. You can find out whether you need a visa or not by asking at the Malaysian embassy in your country.32. When you apply for a visa at the embassy, you can expect that you will receive it within two weeks.33. All doctors in Malaysia speak four languages.34. Credit cards may not be accepted in some smaller hotels.35. Reservation for hotels during the high season is highly recommended.Part 2 Questions 36-40 Off Slope New York offers more than just great fun on the slopes. Youll find endless ways to fill your off-slope time, too. In the western part of the state, take a quick trip from Ski Tamarack or Kissing Bridge to Buffalo, home of the Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra and 15 theatres ranging from traditional to avant-garde. From there its a short drive to Niagara Falls and its Brilliant light festival. Enjoy accommodation at the top-rated Inn at Holiday Valley, then plan an evening in the delightful resort village of Ellicottville. Ski the Adirondacks, then surround yourself with rustic charm or lavish splendor. After a day on the slopes at Gore, pamper yourself in the spa at The Sagamore on Lake George. The ultimate winter town, Lake Placid, a mere five minutes from Whiteface, offers an amazing selection of shops with unique clothing, outdoor gear, rustic furniture, art, jewelry and so much more. Saratoga Springs, with its Victorian splendor and charm, is a short hop from West Mountain in Glens Falls. Spend a few days in the Finger Lakes region. Ski at Greek Peak or Song Mountain, and then visit the fun-filled town of Ithaca. Enjoy the nightlife in pubs and restaurants in Collegetown, just off the Cornell University campus. Visit Canadaigua, with its amazing boutiques and galleries, and take in the magnificent Sonnenberg Gardens holiday season Festival of Lights celebration, which dates back to 1899. Its the perfect ending to a superb day of skiing at Bristol. Rochester and Syracuse offer evening entertainment, great museums and shops ranging from small boutiques to large shopping malls. Catskill skiing is enhanced with a visit to Caskill Corners in Mount Tremper, featuring the Festival Marketplace; entertainment; dining; and, the main attraction, a fantasy of lights, music and magic in the worlds largest kaleidoscope. Margaretville, close to Ski Plattekill, bobcat and Belleayre, is brimming with antique ships. Near Hunter Mountain, the towns of Tannersville and Hunter are alive with nightlife. On the other side of the mountain, the town of Windham, in the shadow of Ski Windham, in the shadow of Ski Windham, is picture-perfect with snow blanketing the Victorian wrap-around porches of its many inns and lodges. Just a short drive from Manhattan, you can ski all day at Mt. Peter, Sterling Forest, Holiday Mountain or Thunder Ridge, then return for an exciting evening in the city. Or stay in the nearby village of Nyak on the Hudson, with its quaint shops, or, to the north, the magnificent Mohonk Mountain House in New Paltz. This National Historic Landmark, founded in 1869, offers themed weekends, cross-country skiing and spa services. Day or night, on or off slopes, winter hears up across New York State.Questions 36-40. Complete the following statements by choosing the best from the answers a, b, c, and d and write the letter on your answer sheet.36. The place names mentioned in the text does not include _.a. Manhattan b. Buffalo c. New York d. New Jersey37. The text does not mention _.a. mountains b. oceans c. towns d. villages38. Lake Placid is _.a. home of the Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestrab. close to Whiteface c. noted for its nightlife d. Lake George39. The worlds largest kaleidoscope _.a. was built in 1899 b. is close to Ski Tamarack c was built in 1869d. is not the National Histori


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