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第一单元达标测验题(100分60分钟)第卷笔试部分四、词汇(15分)(一)根据图画提示填写出交通方式(分)1.My English teacher goes to work_.答案:by bike或on a bike点拨:都为“骑自行车”的意思。2.Mr.Black goes to work_.答案:by train点拨:为“坐火车”的意思。3.I want to go shopping_.答案:by car点拨:为“坐小汽车”的意思。4.Most people_ to Shanghai from America. N答案:take a plane点拨:意思为“坐飞机”。(二)用所给词的适当形式填空(分)5.Look!The cat is_(sit)on your chair.6.My family_(be)a big one. N7.Li Ming often_(do)homework at 7:00 in the evening.8.I think you have too many_(cloth).9.Lily often_(have)breakfast at 6:00 in the morning.10.Look at this picture.I am_(eat)an apple.答案:5.sitting点拨:be doing构成现在进行时,sit的现在分词应双写t,再加-ing。6.is点拨:当family为集体名词时,将其看为一个整体,谓语动词用单数;若指代成员,谓语动词用复数。7.does点拨:主谓保持一致。8.clothes点拨:many接可数名词复数,clothes为衣服统称。9.has点拨:主谓保持一致。10.eating点拨:eating为eat的现在分词。(三)根据句意及首字母完成句子(分)11.I go to bed at a nine oclock.12.Lily works very h at school.13.They are on their t to Beijing.14.Beijing is f from Shijiazhuang.15.When will you a in Tangshan?答案:11.about点拨:意思为“大约”。12.hard 点拨:work hard为固定词组,意思为“学习或工作努力”。13.trip点拨:意思为“旅行”。14.far点拨:far from.为固定词组,意思为“离远”。15.arrive点拨:意思为“到达”。五、单项选择(10分)1.They arrive_Beijing _nine_the evening.A.in;in;inB.at;at;atC.in;at;inD.at;at;in答案:C点拨:arrive in+大地方,arrive at+小地方;在几点用at,在早晨、中午、晚上用in,在某天的早晨、中午、晚上用on。2.Mr.Smith is going on a trip_Qingdao.A.at B.forC.toD.of答案:C点拨:go on a trip to为固定搭配,意思为“到旅行”。3.- _I use your bike?-Yes,you may.A.Do B.MayC.AmD.Shall答案:B点拨:此题考查情态动词的用法。may用于表示征求对方的同意,意为“可以”。而shall常表示建泌。4.The girl is_young_go to school.A.to;tooB.too;toC.so;toD.too;so答案:B点拨:tooto为固定搭配,表示“太而不能”。5.Danny, _play in the rain.A.dont B.doesnt C.arentD.isnt答案:A点拨:此句是由dont引导的否定祈使句,表示警告、禁止或建议不要做某事。6.How many_socks do you need?A.pairB.PairsC.pairs ofD.a pair of答案:C点拨:pairs of为固定短语,意为“双”;how many后接可数名词复数。7.- _is the computer?-Five thousand yuan.A.How manyB.How muchC.How longD.How far答案:B点拨:对价格进行提问时用how much。8.A plane is faster_a car.A.moreB.thanC.asD.to答案:B点拨:比较级句式的构成是“A+动词+形容词或副词的比较级形式thanB”,than是连词,意为“比”。9.-Can you say the number 4868 in English?-Sure!Its_.A.four thousand and eight hundred and sixty-eightB.four thousand eight hundred and sixty eightC.four thousand eight hundred and sixty-eightD.four thousand and eight hundred sixty-eight答案:C点拨:表达数字时百位与十位之间用and连接,十位与个位之间用“”连接。10.Beijing is the capital city_China.A.inB.ofC.withD.to答案:B点拨:of为介词表示“(所属)的”。六、补全对话(15分)B:Yes, 1 A:All right.To where?B: 2 So we want to buy the tickets to the nearest station(最近的车站)on Saturday evening.A:OK.Starts at 10:50P.m.and arrives at 11:00 a.m. to Lushan Railway Station,Jiangxi Province(江西省)。B:Thats nice. 3 A:100yuan for the hard seat and 180yuan for the soft seat. 4 B:I want the hard seat.A:All right.10 hard seat tickets.Ana your name?B: 5 Thank you!A.Im Wang Lin.B.Which one do you want?C.We want to climb Lushan(爬庐山).D.How much is it?E.I want to buy some tickets.1._2. _3. _4. _5. _答案:1.E点拨:上句问“我可以帮忙吗?”,下句回答“我想要买车票”。2.C点拨:说明原因我们想去庐山。3.D点拨:根据下面回答。可知问价钱。4.B点拨:根据下面回答,可知问要什么座位。5.A点拨:根据上面问句可知。七、句型转换(10分)1.The girl is so short that she cant reach the table.(改为同义句)The girl is _short_reach the table.答案:too;to 点拨:tOOto为固定结构,意为“太而不能”。2.My home is near school.(改为同义句)My home is not _ _school.答案:far from 点拨:far from意为“离远”,前加not就为 “离不远”,相当于near。3.Its about 500 kilometres from my home to her home.(对画线部分提问)_is it from your home to her home?答案:How far点拨:how far是对“距离”提问。4.I go to school by bus.(对画线部分提问)_go to school?答案:How do you点拨:在此how是对“乘坐交通工具”进行提问的。5.This is a bag.(改为复数句)_.答案:These are bags点拨:this的复数为these;is的复数为are;bag的复数为bags;去掉a。八、完形填空(10分)Today is Saturday.I want to 1 shopping,and my mom says,“Okay,we may go to Carrefour Supermar-ket(家乐福超市).”I am so 2 .But the supermarket is far 3 my house.Its about 6 kilometres.So we are going 4 the supermarket 5 bus.Then we come to the bus station and take a bus.We leave 6 Carre-four Supermarket 7 8:00,and we arrive there at books 8 .They are my favourite books.I want to buy some 9 need it now.”We go home 10 the aftenoon.We have a good time today.1.A.goingB.wentC.goD.goes2.A.excitedB.exciteC.excitingD.sad3.A.toB.withC.fromD.for4.A.withB.toC.forD.at5.A.takeB.onC.withD.by6.A.atB.forC.inD.with7.A.onB.inC.atD.with8.A.toB.tooC.either D.same9.A.doesnt B.noC.notD.dont10.A.inB.onC.atD.for答案:整体把握:此短文主要讲的是今天是星期六,我和妈妈一块儿去超市买东西。阅读时注意个别词组和介词的用法。1.C点拨:go shopping是固定词组,意为“购物,买东西”。2.A点拨:excited是形容人;而exciting是形容事或物。3.C点拨:far from为固定词组,意为“离远”。4.B点拨:go to the supermarket去超市。5.D点拨:by bus为固定搭配,意为“乘公共汽车”,若用take或on其后必须加“a”。6.B点拨:leave for为固定搭配。意为“动身前往”。7.C点拨:在几点用“at”。8.B点拨:too表示“也”用于句末。9.D点拨:此句用否定式,主谓应保持一致。10。A点拨:在早晨、中午、晚上用in。九、任务型阅读(10分)A French woman goes to London to see her son.She knows a little English,but cannot speak it very well.One day she goes to a shop.She wants to buy a hen (母鸡)for supper.But she cannot remember the English word for “hen”.Just then the shop waiter asks her,”Can I help you?”“I want the eggs mother,”the woman answers.The shop waiter does not understand (明白)her and says,“Sorry,we have not any bigger eggs.”Sudenly the woman remembers(记起)the word“cock”.She says,“I want the cocks wife!”This time the shop waiter laughs.根据以上内容,完成短文A French woman goes to 1 to 2 her son.She cant speak 3 very well.One day,she goes to a 4 and wants to buy a 5 for supper.But she cant remember the English word for “ 6 ”.She says she wants the 7 mother.The shop waiter doesnt 8 .Then she says she wants the 9 wife.The shop waiter 10 .答案:整体把握:此短文讲一位法国妇女去英国看望儿子,想要买只鸡,但忘了母鸡用英语怎么说,但她用巧妙的方法使售货员知道。1.London 2.see 3.English 4.shop 5.hen 6.Hen7.eggs 8.understand 9.cockS 10.1aughs十、书面表达(12分)李明的业余时间是怎样度过的?下面这幅图是李明下周业余时间的安排,试叙述他下周怎样利用业余时间。(50词左右)SunMonTueThurFriSat荣德基CETC循环学习之第一单元达标测验题错题反思录题号错解关键错解分析正确解法规律总结答案:范文:Plan ofNext Week 点评:Sunday:I play the guitar with my friends. 弹吉他Monday:I teach my sister to play the piano.弹钢琴Tuesday:I play ping-pong.with my friends. 打乒乓球Thursday:I go to the square to fly kites. 放风筝Friday:I draw pictures.at home. 画画Saturday:I go outside to play with my dog. 去外面总评:运用一般现在时态,将下周安排


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