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英语人教七年级上综合测评Unit 3(分数:100分时间:90分钟)第I卷听力部分(15分)I听句子,选择与其意思相符的图片(有两幅多余图片)(5分)1.Is that your computer?2.This is my key.3.Whats your teleph one nu mber?4.It is his watch.5.Is this your backpack?BCD1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._n听句子,选择正确答语(5分)6.A.Im Joy.B.Its 555-7523.C.Thats a map.Whats her teleph one number?7.A.No.Whats your n ame?B.Im MaryC.Its red.&A.Its a pencil.Whats that in English?B.Yes.C.Tha nk you.Is this your watch?9.A.Its a key.B.Yes,it is.C.No,it is.How do you spell“?ase10.A.Yes.B.Its a case.C.C-A-S-E.川.听对话,判断正(T)误(F)(5分)WGood after noon!MGood after noon!1 lost my hat.WWhat color is it?MIts black.WOK.Whats your name?MMy n ame is Lim Hunt.WHow do you spell it?ML-I-M,Lim.H-U-N-T,Hunt.WHow old are you?M14.FGW:Whats your teleph one nu mber?M:2886342.W:OK.11.The boys first name is Lim.12.The boys last name is Hunt.13.His hat is white.14.He is 15.15.His teleph one number is 2886342.第n卷笔试部分(85分)IV.单项选择(10分)16.Whats this in En glish?19.This is Janes telephone number.You can_her.A.callB.meetC.thank20.This is a_.His ruler and pens are in it.A.watchB.ringC.baseballA.It is sharpe ner C.Yes,its a pencilB.D.Its a pen No,its a pen17.This is an.The color is white.A.bookB.pen cilC.UFO18.Is that your quilt?ts her quilt.A.Yes,it isB.Yes,that isC.No,it isntD.eraserD.No,that isntA.atB.ofC.in22.How do you spell your n ame?A.My name is BillB.rm BillC.Bill23.This ispen cil and that iseraser.A.a;aB.an;anC.a;an24.PleaseMr.Brown495-3539.A.call;toB.teleph one;toC.call;at25.一.Do you know his n ame?一I dont know.A.Sorry;Excuse meB.Hello;YesC.Excuse me;SorryD.Hi;Er21.Is this your baseball_the lost and found box?D.toD.an;aD.teleph one;forV.完形填空(10分)D.B-l-L-LD.spellD.pencil case28.And I lost a29of30must write(写)a no tice.If(如果)keys,please 32me33555-6741.34n ame is Maggie White_35_ you!26.A.WhatBItsC.WhatsD.This27.A.theBaC.anD./28.A.caseBeraserC.keysD.quilt29.A.goldBsetC.niceD.good30.A.eraserBcasesC.keysD.quilt31.A.IByouC.heD.she32.A.callBmeetC.foundD.see33.A.inBonC.atD.to34.A.MyBHisC.HerD.Your35.A.SeeBTha nkC.MeetD.ThanksW.阅读理解(20分)ALook at the lost and found case._26_ that?Its _27_ eraserthink(想)its hisfind theFou nd Thing:Watch Color:Black Name:CindyTelephone number:359-5934Lostrm Lin da.I lost a yellow ring.Please call Bill or me.My phone number is 485-3982.Billstelephone number is 683-5912Fou ndIs this your jacket?Its a red jacket.A nd an ID card is in it.My name is Mike.My telephone number is 239-5178.36.Cindy found a(n)_A.watchB.ringC.jacketD.ID card37.lost a ring.A.Ci ndyB.LindaC.BillD.Mike38.Whats Mikes telepho ne number?A.359-5934.B485-3982.C.239-5178.D.683-591239.What color is the jacket?A.Black.B.White.C.Yellow.D.Red.40.Which of the following is TRUE?A.Bill lost an ID card.C.Mike found a jacket and an ID card.B.The watch is yellow.D.Cin dys teleph one number is 683-5912.B读下面的寻物启事和招领启事,回答下列问题。LostMy school ID card.My name is Mike.Please call 266-8990.Fou ndNew watch.Is this your red watch?Please call Ann Reed at 653-7866.41.1s Mike a stude nt?42.Whats Mikes telephone number?43.Is Ann the own er(主人)of the watch?44.What color is the watch?45.Whats Anns family name?vn.词汇(5分)根据句意及汉语提示,完成句子。46._ Look!Thats her(电子游戏机).47._ Tony found(串钥匙)48._Please(给玛丽打电话)at 145-7098.49._(劳驾),whats this in En glish?50._ That is(我的学生证).vrn.句型转换(10分)51.It is my watch.(改为一般疑问句)_ this_ watch?52.N-O-T-E-B-O-O-K.(根据答语写出问句)_ you spell it?53.Is that your baseball?(作出否定回答)No,_.54.It is my_pencil.(对画线部分提问)_ is_?55.Whats the English for this?(改为同义句)Whats this_?IX.补全对话(10分)A.Spell it,pleaseF.How are youB.And youG.Sorry,I cantC.Excuse meH.Can you spell itD.Good afternoonI.Whats this in EnglishE.OK.Ill spell it.B-O-O-K J.Whats your nameA:Good afternoon,Mr.Black.B:56._57._,please?A:My name is Zhang Fang.B:58._?A:Yes,I can.Z-H-A-N-G,Zhang,F-A-N-G,Fang.59._,Mr.Black?B:Im fine,thank you.60._?A:rm fine,too.61._,Mr.Black.62._?B:Its a map.A:63._.B:OK.M-A-P,map.A:Thank you.B:Can you spell“book?”A:64._.B:65._.X.书面表达(20分)简(Jane)拾到一个黑色的电子游戏机,她想贴一张告示,希望失主尽快来认领。她的 电话号码是546-8973。请你帮简写一份不少于4句话的失物招领启事。要求:1.句子通顺、语意连贯;2.启事要包括说明中提示的所有信息;3.开头已给出,不计入总词数。Fou ndHello!_I.1.G2.B3.C4.D5.En.6-10BBABC川.11-15TTFFTIV.16-25BDCADCDCCCV.26-35CCBBCBACABW.36-40 ABCDC41.Yes,he is.42.2668990.43.No,she isnt.44.Red.45.Reed.W.46 computer game47a set of keys48call Mary49Excuse me50my school ID card忸.51 Is;your 52 How do 53 it isnt54What;this/that 55in EnglishIX.56.D57.J 58.H59.F60.B61.C62.I63.A64.G65.EX.参考范文:FoundHello!I am Jane.l found a computer game.I ts black.Is it your computer gameme.My telepho ne number is 5468973.参考答案?Please call


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